《Pokemon - The Epic Tale Of Adventure》Chapter 16 – Cinnabar Gym Duel Evolution
As they left the Abandoned Laboratory and went towards the Pokemon center a plane landed near the Laboratory and a man with a Cross scar came out and went inside the lab.
Brock “Ash do you know where the Cinnabar Gym is”
Ash “It must some type of fiery Building”
Misty chuckled “It is more than a building”
Ash “Okay You won tell me”
Brock Pointed.
Ash “On the Volcano”
Misty “Nope it’s the Volcano”
Ash gasps.
Brock “Scared”
Ash shook his head “Nope I am wondering what will happen if I destroy it”
Brock “A volcano will collapse”
Misty “The Heatran inside the volcano has died a long time ago so it has been extinct”
Ash “I think I will pass the destroying thing and I am using Squirtle and Charmander”
Brock “Depends on the gym leader he decides the number of pokemon on his mood”
Ash “Ivysaur is out and Dexter will be battling in Celadon, Kabuto will watch”
Dexter “Ash Kabuto is stronger than you think”
Ash “Means”
Dexter “Pokemon when fossilized lose their strength over time but his had remained”
Ash “Kabuto”
“Yes Ash I also don’t know why but I still have half of my full strength”
Dexter “Means this was not your full strength”
“Then why didn’t you evolve”
“You don’t know the law of the jungle”
Brock spoke “Means the strong will always battle and weak will be kicked out or sometimes not even bother”
Ash “AH means just like Appear weak to defeat the strong”
Kabuto “You are right Ash I was at the so called C rank”
Dexter “Means now you are D+”
Ash “So you are battling”
Kabuto “Yup but after those two”
Brock “Then let’s go”
Ash and friends arrived at the bottom of the volcano in front of two Heatran statues.
Ash “How to go inside”
Brock “Three methods 1. Solve the Question 2.use Electricity 3. Destroy”
Ash “Question”
Brock “On the door”
Misty suddenly laughed “Ash from now on you need to wear a hood and a mask”
Ash “Why”
Brock “Read the Question”
Ash read loudly “Name of the Gym Destroyer”
And the door opened.
Brock was startled “Err what happened can Blaine speak Pokemon”
Then a bald Man came from inside “Hello you must be the trainer who Professor Oak gave the Pokedex right”
Ash “Yes”
“Good let’s see what have you improved in a Month of training”
Ash “Okay I was on the Island so I decided to challenge the Gym”
Blaine “Good so let’s go to the battle field”
Ash “Okay”
Misty was snickering while following the two and Brock had a smug expression on his face.
Ash gulped when he saw the Battlefield and asked “Hey Pikachu what will happen if we fall down”
Blaine “So how About four on four”
Ash “Okay”
Blaine “So if you could defeat me then you can have the badge but I don’t think you have reached C rank”
Ash “Okay Go Charmander”
Charmander appeared on the field and took a deep breath “This is relaxing”
Blaine “Oh Charmander Go Magmar”
Ash versus Blaine
“Charmander Flamethrower”
Blaine “Magmar Use your own flamethrower to deflect it”
Charmander’s flamethrower was easily deflected but it did not stopped there and hit Charmander.
“Charmander Are okay”
“Yes Ash”
“Good now close in and Use Dragon Claw”
Charmander Started to run towards Magmar with his Claws glowing purple because of draconic energy.
Blaine “Dragon bloodline good Magmar use Flamethrower to throw him back”
Magmar then launched a flame thrower in Charmander’s path.
Ash “Charmander Dodge and recall how to use extreme speed”
“I will try ash” He said while jumping to the side.
Then he recalled all the things Pikachu and Ash said of extreme speed and there was a thin but it was there film of green coat on Charmander and his speed increased and arrived in front of Magmar.
Blaine was surprised but it did not deter him. “Block him and then Fire blast”
Magmar just lifted his hand blocked Charmander’s Dragon claw.
Ash “Escape from there”
Charmander tried to run but his arm was caught by Magmar.
Magmar “You are good for D+ Rank” then he launched a fire blast and blasted him towards the wall.
Ash “Charmander are you okay”
No voice came from the dust.
Blaine “Ash you have done well in just a month now next”
Kabuto said form Ash’s head “Ash he is evolving”
Ash “No we are not done yet right Charmeleon”
Blaine “huh Charmeleon” as he said that a fire pillar five to six feet thick hit Magmar and blasted him towards the wall.
Magmar stood up and looked cautiously at the dust opposite of him and a red lizard like figure with a red hot fire on its tail came out.
Blaine said with a shocked expression “I have seen many evolutions but they do not increase the strength this much”
Dexter “Congratulations Charmeleon reached C rank”
Kabuto said “Peak of C rank”
Ash “Good Charmeleon now let’s start the second half”
Charmeleon “Right” [How did my strength increased so much if Blaze was activated then Pikachu and Pidgeot will too have a tough fight]
Ash “Now Extreme Speed and then Dragon Claw”
Charmeleon surrounded himself in a cloak of green energy and reached Magmar in a second and used Dragon Claw.
Blaine “Oh no Magmar Dodge”
Magmar “It’s late” And then he was hit by series of Dragon claw.
Ash “Lets end this Flame thrower” Charmeleon spewed flames at point blank range and blasted Magmar into the wall Bang where he fainted but then Charmeleon to kneel down and panted.
Ash ran towards Charmeleon and first hugged him “Good one Charmeleon”
“Thanks Ash I want to see Squirtle’s Battle”
“Okay let’s go at the side”
Misty “Sometimes I just forget that he is just Ten years old”
Brock “He has matured early but still has the hot blooded youth in him”
Blaine returned Magmar “Ash that was a Shock to me to train a C rank pokemon in a month very few has achevied it”
Ash “Thanks”
Blaine “Now Go Rapidash”
Ash “Squirtle you are on”
Blaine “Two Kanto starters”
Ash “I have Ivysaur too”
Blaine “Hum did Professor Oak gave you all three”
Ash “Nope Pikachu is my starter”
Blaine “You are lucky the Kanto starters are rare to get and will leave once they think that their trainer is not good”
Ash “Oh thanks for the advice”
Squirtle thought [I did like to see your face when you see Pikachu and Pidgeot]
Charmeleon [To get a trainer like Ash that was a gift to me I will never leave him]
Kabuto [Ash is better than Aaron that guys was just a serious faced]
Pikachu [Ash he is not just my trainer he is a best friend I could get]
Pidgeot’s and Ivysaur’s Poke ball to shook.
Blaine “Let me see how much you have still got”
Ash “Okay then Squirtle Aqua Jet”
Squirtle surrounded himself in water and launched towards Rapidash
Blaine [Did Red kept him some Tm’s]
“Rapidash bounce”
As Squirtle neared her she jumped up in the air.
Ash “Follow”
Blaine smiled [Still inexperienced]
Kabuto “Ash I think you have fallen into a trap”
Ash “Huh why”
Blaine “Now Rapidash Giga impact”
Ash “Oh no Squirtle dodge”
Squirtle “Cannot Ash I am in air”
Ash “Use Water gun then”
“Oh yeah”
Blaine “No use” as Squirtle was preparing to launch a water gun Rapidash quickly came down and blasted him into the ground.
Ash “Squirtle noooo”
Blaine “Now only if a Miracle happen like last time” as he said that white light came out from the dust and three foot wide double water pillars hit Rapidash in flank.
Blaine “I have got Black Tongue”
Ash “Okay now Wartortle Hydro pump”
Blaine “Rapidash overheat”
Rapidash evaporated the water by heating the surroundings.
Ash “Scald” [Good use of Porygon]
Blaine “What”
Superheated water landed on Rapidash and she wailed in pain.
Ash “Now let’s end this Aqua Jet”
Wartortle dashed towards Rapidash.
Blaine “Rapidash bounce”
Ash “Too late use hydro pump to increase the speed”
Two jets of water increased the speed of Wartortle and he hit Rapidash at the right flank and she was thrown towards the walls of volcano.
Brock “Misty I am getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen”
Misty “Will the Volcano explode”
Rapidash fainted.
Charmeleon then ran towards Wartortle and two bumped in each other’s chest.
Charmeleon “Now we are equal”
Wartortle “Next is Kabuto”
“Ok I want to wait to see Pikachu or Pidgeot”
Charmeleon “Ok this is a volcano”
Wartortle “Ash the Destroyer of Volcano”
Charmeleon “That’s not a Problem But I am feeling that the heat is rising”
“Oh right”
“Need to ready any time”
Ash “Are going to do Picnic over there we are in middle of a battle”
Blaine was silent.
Ash “Kabuto want to go next”
Kabuto “I will pass the battles are different then the past we had team battles there and I don’t think I have any attack other than hail now”
Ash “Okay”
Blaine “Ok Ash now what you will again use a Pokemon which is ready to evolve”
Ash “Nope Go Pidgeot”
Blaine “What a fully evolved Pokemon and that Pidgeot and Pikachu are you the GYM DESTROYER”
Ash “Yes you got it correct”
Blaine “Ash I admit I underestimate you too much or I should say that you are too powerful for your age”
Ash “That’s the case with everyone I am used to it”
Dexter came out “Ash get out of the volcano”
Ash “Why” suddenly the volcano vibrated.
Blaine “Oh no the volcano has got Active we need to escort the citizens”
Ash “Dexter can you predict the Time remaining for volcano to erupt”
Dexter “Five minutes”
Blaine “That’s to less if the debris from the Air can go as far as the half of the Island”
Ash “Let’s Get down and warn the citizens First”
Blaine “We can’t warn the Alarm system have been damaged”
Brock “Ash use Pidgeot to warn the citizens”
Ash “Can we send emergency mission to the nearby trainers”
Blaine “I am on it”
Misty “But why did it suddenly got active”
Everyone looked at Ash.
Ash “What”
Blaine “You first heated the ground then cooled it”
Ash “Oh Great it means I destroyed an another Gym”
Misty “Ash go and Warn the Civilians”
Ash “On it Pidgeot”
“Yes let’s go”
Ash “Dexter can you shout the warnings”
Dexter “I can control all the electronic equipment connect by radio signals in an 100 meters range”
Ash “Good” and he flew down the volcano with a boom.
Blaine sighed “I cannot defeat him”
Brock “No Problem he special and the only one and even his father can’t achieve it”
Misty “now can we go down”
Blaine “Go Arcanine take is down”
Pidgeot was flying through the skies of Cinnabar and Dexter connected to nearest radio tower and sent a message.
“Everyone Quickly Evacuate The volcano is going to Erupt go to the outer Parts of the Island”
And Trainers got a message.
“Emergency Mission Help the citizens Evacuate and fend of the debris”
Pidgeot spoke to Ash “So Ash now you have got five monsters who have the capacity to destroy villages”
Ash “But we are still weak”
“I know but we are close right Pikachu”
Pikachu “Yup we just need time”
Ash “That is what we don’t have and I have to get a Ghost Pokemon”
Pikachu “You are over reacting Ash remember a controlled pokemon is weaker than a trainer’s pokemon”
Pidgeot “Pikachu’s Right Ash the tin can which is covering him has removed his instincts”
Ash “Fine” Then he looked at the volcano which was spewing out gas and then at the Panicked Crowd.
Ash “I don’t think they will escape in time we need to delay the Explosion Pidgeot how much time do you need to make a circle around the volcano”
Pidgeot “Half a minute”
Ash “Find Tall buildings”
East of the Volcano on top of a food building.
Ash released Charmeleon “Charmeleon Handle all the debris coming here.
Charmeleon “We need to correct our own mistake”
Ash “good be safe “
“I will”
North on top of a Hotel
Ivysaur was there.
Ash “You are the most vulnerable be safe”
“Yes Ash”
Ash “Be safe”
Dexter and Kabuto
“You two be safe and Dexter keep light screen Active”
Kabuto “Ash what about you”
Dexter “Ash don’t do anything dangerous”
Ash smiled “You do your job and record”
Ash then removed a black hoodie and wore it and a Black Mask”
Ash “How’s it”
Dexter “Only your Deep black eyes are discernable”
Ash “Good now Pidgeot keep making Circles around the volcano”
Pidgeot “Ash I think I got it you are trying to control the Smoke and ash by using hurricane”
Ash “Yes”
Pikachu “What I need to do”
Ash “Explode the Top of Volcano so that it does not throw the materials far away”
Pikachu “like opening a pressure cooker”
Ash “Yup”
Pikachu “It will need be used at the right opportunity”
Ash “Right Pidgeot how for how much time can you sustain hurricane?”
Pidgeot “Ten to fifteen minutes”
Ash “I hope that will be enough Go near dexter”
Pidgeot “Okay” and she flew towards south.
Dexter saw her approach and floated towards her.
Ash “Dexter call Misty or Brock”
Dexter “Both”
Ash “Okay”
As they picked up the call Brock spoke “What’s up Ash”
Ash “I can sustain the Ash cloud and Small debris for ten to fifteen minutes is that enough to move out of five to ten kilometer form the volcano for citizens”
Misty spoke suddenly “Ash this volcano can throw up to half of the island and that’s twenty kilometers”
Ash “It will not”
Brock suddenly shivered “What are you planning”
Ash “Simple Blast it open”
Misty “oh right the pressure will be less and debris will not travel that far then”
But Brock didn’t agree “What about you and you need perfect timing”
Ash “I will handle it”
Misty “Ash listen Safety comes first”
Ash “For me My friends and family are more important bye”
Brock “Ash wait” but the call was disconnected.
Misty “I will teach him a lesson after this is over”
Brock “He will be safe”
Misty “Right he still has Pidgeot”
Brock “And most important All his pokemon are with him”
Then suddenly a helicopter flew in the sky.
Misty “Now Ash will be exposed”
Brock looked up and saw Pidgeot flying circles around the volcano and a Masked Ash on top of her.
Then he asked “When did he bought a mask and hood”
Misty “Yesterday he was roaming in the cloth shop for something”
Brock “Don’t know for how much time he can hide his Identity”
Misty “We’ll See”
Reporter “Now we are showing you the live footage of the Cinnabar volcano”
“And we have got the news that it will explode in less than three minutes form now err why are there some pokemons on buildings”
Then the pilot said “There is a person riding a Pidgeot who is circling the volcano and there is Pikachu on his shoulder”
Reporter “His Face”
“He is wearing a mask”
“And can you tell the other Pokemons “
Then camera man first pointed at Ash then at his other Pokemons who are on the building.
“There is a Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Wartortle and two pokemons which I haven’t seen”
Reporter “So here we have a Trainer who is circling the volcano with his Pidgeot and other Pokemon on all the four direction and his two Pokemons match the one and only ‘The Gym Destroyer’ I think he is trying to destroy the debris to give more time to the people below but to move twenty kilometers away and with the panicked crowd how much time could he get”
“Sit watching and we will live broad cast the Volcano Explosion only on Kanto TV”
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