《Pokemon - The Epic Tale Of Adventure》Chapter 12 – A Ship A Gang and A Pokemon Part – I
Ash and friends were already out and saw the gym crash.
Brock “Better”
Misty “But still scary”
Ash “Pidgeotto blow the dust away”
Pidgeotto “So Ash One More” said while blowing the dust
Ash “Yup”
Pidgeotto then saw Dexter “Hey how was it”
Dexter “Overloadthatwastoamazingyoushouldhaveseenit”
Ash “He got too excited after using lightning rod”
Then they saw the battlefield and saw Pikachu standing proudly in circle clear of destruction then they saw Lt. Surge, Raichu and his two subordinates fainted.
Pikachu went towards Surge and pulled something and came back to Ash.
“Ash take it and run before crowd comes”
Ash then spoke nervously “Guys Let’s go”
Misty “I don’t want to get stuck in the crowd again like the cerulean”
Brock “If the field reporter is a beautiful lady then Ash I can take your YEooooow Place”
Misty “Let’s first escape then talk about your girlfriend”
And they ran towards the Pokemon center before the crowd could gather.
In the pokemon center Ash went to the desk.
“Hey Nurse Joy do you have some Oran berry”
“Yes We have did you also challenged the gym”
“Good that you withdrew before your pokemon got hurt”
Ash [Oh no one will believe me yes but wait for the news]
Ash “Yes we did something and Pikachu only got some bruises and got tired”
“Good take this”
“Thanks” and he went away.
Nurse Joy [Today the number Patients are far too less did Surge pitied them or is he on half day and since half an hour no one came. Anyway that’s a rest for now]
Ash “Hey guys how much time has passed”
Misty “If you are so excited then go and look at the gym”
Ash “No”
Brock “It started”
Reporter “Good afternoon people today the gym destroyer acted again and the Vermillion gym was destroyed”
“And we have some neighbors let’s ask them as they were the first to react”
A neighbor “Yes I was on the roof of my house and then a sudden Explosion occurred like that of which happened at the cerulean but it was controlled”
Reporter shivered “If that degree Explosion have had happened here then half square kilometer will be off the map”
“Yes but I think that the trainer must have controlled it and only the gym was destroyed”
Reporter “Yes we have got the news from previous gym leaders that he was a good natured and what do you think the reason for the destruction of this gym might be the same like last two”
“I don’t think so why would he only train the same pokemon I think he must have been done this because the current gym leader bullies the new trainers and is harsh on the opponent”
“Oh that must be the reason as we have the info that his two pokemon are of C rank and one is flying and other electric. And we will get more form the gym leader as he is currently unconscious.”
Reporter “So People the GYM DESTROYER has one more destroyed gym to his name and you could guess which would be the next”
The Trio laughed.
Brock “I think Ash you are going to be find out soon”
Ash “No problem but it is to too early”
Nurse Joy [Oh Electric Pokemon then only the last boy came out without any damage is he the Gym destroyer but he is what 10 or 11. No way. But at least Surge will be more lenient form now on]
Misty “So tomorrow we leave for Cinnabar”
Brock “Yes I think some ship must be going we will take the pass tomorrow”
Just before sunset
In the corner of Pokemon area Ash’s Pokemon were watching the fight between Pikachu and Raichu no we can say Pikachu bullying Raichu.
Pidgeotto “Pikachu he is your uncle I can’t believe it”
Charmander “Who will he is weaker than you”
Bulbasaur “He didn’t even saw what hit him”
Dexter “Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur train harder as you are on the verge of breaking through and Charmander you are nearly there but I am far away *sigh*”
Charmander “What far away you were born just three days ago”
Pikachu “Take it easy guys we still have time till the Pokemon league and I think the Ship has battle system”
Bulbasaur “You both will not battle”
Charmander “You sink the ship”
Pikachu “I got my full”
Pidgeotto “I will do Aerial battle”
Dexter “No hurricane”
“Okay no hurricane”
Charmander “It has some fire element in it”
Pidgeotto “I too feel it but cannot control it”
Dexter “Practice makes one perfect”
Charmander “Okay Dexter can you shoot some practice targets”
Dexter “Okay”
Bulbasaur “I will try leach seed and what about you two”
Pidgeotto “Pikachu Coming for a ride”
Pikachu “Or bullying some spearows”
Everyone laughed.
Pidgeotto and Pikachu Went for a ride and rest of them practiced
Pikachu “So do you have some grievances like me”
Pidgeotto “Nope”
Pikachu “Wish”
Pidgeotto “Try to reach S class and become stronger than my father”
Pikachu “We will become stronger than that”
Pidgeotto “I didn’t have that kind of request first but with Ash I feel I can means we all can so what is your wish”
Pikachu “To find some good friends and adventure together”
Pidgeotto “Right now tight your seat belt”
Pikachu “How about an Airshow”
Pidgeotto “Good Lets start”
And She dived down and broke the sound barrier and a cocoon of compressed air was formed.
Pikachu then let out a lightning bolt behind continuously and the Pidgeotto started spinning.
A young girl said “Mamma look at the sky”
“What is there dear”
“Look at the sky there something like lightning spiral cone coming down and Whoose and boom”
The woman ran out and saw the spiral lightning .
“Is it an air show”
Many People came out and looked at the sky and started recording.
Pikachu “Let’s try the Hurricane lightning”
Pidgeotto “Control the power”
“Same to you”
Then Pikachu jumped and Pidgeotto used hurricane to send him in the sky with Flames in it.
Pikachu then used discharge and controlled the direction and Made it in star shape and Moved Up with it.
Many people took a gasp and blurted out “Wow”
A young boy said “Wow pokemon are so amazing”
Pikachu then left the star up and fell down but was caught by Pidgeotto and then they both dived down after safe distance Pikachu Shot a Thunder bolt at the star and it burst like fire crackers as there was fire, Lightning and wind in it.
The video was recorded by many and they started clapping.
Pikachu “We have got a reputation”
Pidgeotto “And there is the helicopter”
Pikachu “Ash is going to get exposed”
Pidgeotto “Okay Plan B”
Pikachu “Yup run”
And they darted away at subsonic speeds.
Ash and friends were talking in the pokemon area with their pokemon the suddenly with a gust of wind Pidgeotto and Pikachu crashed in front of them.
Ash “Huh what happened to you two”
Pikachu mumbled “Whatthenews”
Brock “What”
Pidgeotto “The news”
Misty “Guys see the Television”
Reporter “So we have Got an explosion and an Air show today and we can guarantee that the both was done by same Person”
And then the video played .
“So we have the identities of his two pokemons a Pikachu and Pidgeotto”
“And we will have more clues afterward and we will find this mysterious trainer”
Dexter “Ash wear a mask”
Misty “And You to Pikachu”
Brock “Pidgeotto stay in the sky high or in pokeball”
Ash “Now who is afraid of media”
Everyone laughed.
Brock “But that was a good show without practice”
Misty “So monsters to have some good points”
Pikachu and Pidgeotto “Hey”
Ash chuckled “Guys let’s sleep tomorrow we are gotta go on a ship towards Cinnabar”
“Yup Goodnight”
“Good night”
In a room of a certain hotel.
The rocket Trio were planning something.
James “Okay Got the Tickets”
Meowth “Yes”
Jessie “Guys see this”
James “An air show”
Meowth “Show off “
Meowth “Ouch”
Jessie “I have got a way to earn money we should capture this pokemons and do shows”
James “Right”
Meowth “Hope they come on the ship to Cinnabar tomorrow”
Next morning
Ash “okay guys toward the beach first as the port opens at eleven”
Misty “Finally a place to relax”
Brock was drooling “And Beautiful girls”
Misty “Your ear”
“Now lets go”
On the beach Ash went for surfing with Pikachu and Misty played with her water Pokemon and Brock just looked at girls outside.
Ash “Hey Pikachu Use extreme speed to pull me”
Pikachu “Fine but that will be eye catching”
Ash sighed “I need a water Pokemon”
Pikachu “You will find one and Kabuto is a water pokemon”
Ash “Right there comes a wave”
Misty “Huh finally that’s better than last time” said to girl.
Girl “Thank you sister”
Misty “No problem”
Brock “Who should I find”
Then two girls in their twenties approached him.
Jessie “Hello Handsome”
James “Yeaah Hii” In girl’s voice.
Brock “Hello ladies how may I help you”
Jessie “You can help us by coming to SS Anne which is going to Cinnabar for vacation”
Brock “The ticket is expensive we can’t afford it”
James “yeeeea you have given the right answer”
Brock “Means”
Jessie gave three tickets to him and said “We were searching for trainers and asking them some riddles and giving free tickets for those who won”
Brock “Oh thank you”
Jessie “No Problem and Please come”
As the duo left Brock called Ash and Misty
“Hey guys I got something”
Ash “What”
“SS Anne Tickets”
Misty “Really”
Brock “I just won a lottery”
Ash “You are cool Brock”
Misty “But it looks fishy”
Brock “Why”
Misty “Because this is the first time someone gave SS Anne’s Passes for free”
Dexter “You didn’t notice but they were the rocket trio”
Ash “What now we must go”
Misty “Should we inform the league”
Brock “No we must first confirm it”
Ash “I got it they must be capsizing the ship to steal pokemon”
Brock “Yup the trio are weak but we don’t know how many goons they have brought so we must make a plan”
Ash “Let’s keep our C rank pokemon hidden and use the others and then surprise them”
Dexter “I can hack into the system and obtain information”
Brock “Good we have to act properly and not get them suspicious”
Ash “Right Ok let’s go to SS Anne”
Ash and Friends were on board SS Anne and were roaming.
Misty “Wow so many People”
Brock “Yup”
Ash “Hey guys I think we should enjoy first”
Brock “Yup that way we can hide our intentions”
Misty “Lets separate”
Brock “Huh so let go girls”
Then he started to roam and look and girls.
While he was roaming a bark shouted and a Growlithe dashed towards him and knocked him down.
“Hey” Brock shouted.
And he started to run after him.
“Hey Growlithe wait”
“Growww” he barked and dashed towards Brock Again and knocked him down and started to lick his face.
“Ha Ha ha wait Growlithe stop”
Brock then decided “Want to come with me”
“Groww” he nodded excitedly.
“Okay then lets go”
Clerk “003 report”
003 “003 Reporting no Suspicious activities near me”
Clerk “Good”
Misty “Oh wow someone is selling Pokemon Eggs”
The shopkeeper “Oh lady you want to raise a pokemon only 500 poke dollars”
Misty “Fine”
“Which Type do you want”
“Oh you are missing a Water type”
“Nope I want to be a water type trainer”
“Oh I see there are four of them Pick one and their identity is secret”
Misty looked at the four eggs and Picked the one with Light blue and white color.
“I will take this”
“Okay” [Azurill has got a gym leader as a trainer]
And Misty Walked away with the egg in the incubator”
Clerk “002 report”
002 “002 reporting no suspicious people”
Clerk “Good”
Ash was having a battle between Raticate and Bulbasaur .
“Bulbasaur dodge and the leach seed”
“Okay” He dodge the Hyper fang and used leach seed on the Raticate which sucked most of its energy.
“Raticate Use bite to break from it”
Ash “No you don’t Energy Bomb”
“Go energy Bomb” and Bulbasaur launched a ball full of energy and it blasted on Raticate.
Raticate fainted.
Bulbasaur was happy and he was covered in white light and evolved.
Ash “Good you evolved”
“Thanks Ash”
Man “That was a good battle”
Ash “Thanks your Raticate was good too”
Man “Do you want to trade”
Ash “Nope Ivysaur is my friend”
Ivysaur [I really appreciate you Ash]
Man “okay no problem” and he went away.
Ash “Hey dexter scan Ivysaur”
Dexter “Ivysaur has broken through Ash now you have one more card”
Ash “Yup”
In a corner a certain Pokemon was watching Ash with Glowing Ash.
[Ash I finally found you after my previous trainer left me hmph Richard I will show you that I am not weak] and he looked at Ash.]
[You promised me that you will take me when you start your journey]
“Hey what are you doing”
[oh no run]
“Hey wait”
Clerk “001 report”
001 “001 Reporting we have an powerful Ivysaur and Raticate on board”
“Oh strength”
“D+ they just battled now”
“Good DO their trainers know about our plan”
“Nope one is a 10 year old brat and other is a rich ass”
“oh any suspicions”
“Nope only a Squirtle who is running away without a trainer”
“Good now we have two of the Kanto starters”
“Ok over”
Clerk “Boss”
James “Yes”
“We are clear to take Action”
James “At 1300 hrs be ready and we are leaving the port”
Clerk “okay”
James “Over”
Clerk “Division 1, 2 and 3 Report”
“Division 1 leader reporting”
“Division 2 leader reporting”
“Division 3 leader reporting”
Clerk “Good Carry out mission at 1300 hrs”
Dexter “Ash I am detecting in ship communications”
Ash “oh can to hack them”
Dexter “Wait for few seconds”
Ash “Okay the let’s come back together”
Dexter “Good”
So guys this was the end of part 1
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