《Pokemon - The Epic Tale Of Adventure》Chapter 9 – The 100’th Challenge
Ash “Thunderbolt”
“Pikachuuuu” A lightining streaked across the field and it hit Chinchou but it just got absorbed into it.
Ash “Oh no Lighning Rod”
Daisy “A Perfect match for Electric Type”
Ash “No Problem we will do some thing “
Daisy “Fine Water gun”
A water jet came towards Pikachu “
“Hit it back with iron tail” [Just touch it lets try if it works Please evaporate]
Pikachu used iron tail and slammed towards the water and it spread out in all direction.
Daisy “No use”
“Thunder shock”
A lightning passed through the water and some of it evaporated.
Ash [At least we have just go close]
Daisy [what are you planning]
“Now Pikachu Discharge all your electricity in the water”
“Pi Pikachu” he said and focused then massive amounts of electricity not only poured into the pool but it went in the roof and walls and cracks appeared which no one noticed Everyone’s attention was on Ash and Pikachu.
Steam started to rise.
Misty “What is he Planning”
Brock smiled “Change the battlefield “
“He is evaporating the water”
“What is his Brain made of strategy discs”
“Ask him”
Soon the Pool water evaporated.
Daisy was shocked [C – rank Pokemon did he really just started and teaching move in middle of a battle]
Ash said “Now our turn Quick attack then Iron tail”
Daisy “Water gun”
Pikachu easily dodged the water gun and slammed his steel like tail on Chichou’s head.
Ash “Don’t stop blast him into the wall”
“Pikach chu” And he blasted Chinchou into the wall.
Daisy sighed “You win”
Lily “What was that”
Brock and Misty “Oh no Not again”
Ash “Run”
Violet “Why”
Misty “The Building is falling”
All three sisters “Whatt run”
Everyone ran outside and
Crassshhhhhhhh .
Misty “Oh good now you destroyed my Gym as well Mr. Ask Ketchum”
Ash felt a cold stare at him “Misty it.. it happens”
Misty “Oh You have destroyed Two gym simultaneously “
Daisy “Means Brock Your Gym too”
Brock nodded.
Lily smirked “Ash you have got a reputation “
Violet “Anyway take this badge and never ever step in my gym”
Ash “Thanks and Sorry And BYE “
He ran away with Brock and Misty following him because a crowd was starting to gather.
In the pokemon center Ash gave his pokemon to nurse Joy while they were talking.
Brock was watching the News channel and suddenly he called out
“Ash you have got a reputation without name”
Ash “Huh Let me see”
Reporter “Today the main news Cerulean City is that the Cerulean gym was destroyed as we cannot obtain the trainer info because league forbids it unless the trainer wants. It is said that the mysterious trainer is getting revenge on the sensational sisters as it is know that the forth sister is short tempered and may have enraged the trainer”
Misty “What who said this”
Ash “Misty’s got a reputation”
Misty “Oh ya Ash Ketchum you are responsible for this”
Reporter “Wait We have also got his news that the Pewter gym was also destroyed few days ago and we have here the gym leaders of Cerulean City”
“Miss Daisy so what happened “
Daisy “The Trainer we battled had very strong Pokemon and its electric attack evaporated the water and the trainer’s Rank must at least be C Rank”
Reporter “So we have got to know that the trainer uses an electric pokemon at least stay tune and we will search and give you all the news of the Gym ‘DESTROYER’”
Brock “Ash the Gym Destroyer”
Ash “Huh very funny”
Misty “But Ash your pokemon are really overpowered leaving your Bulbasaur”
Ash “He will also be in a month”
Brock “Okay so we should go meet this guy who has won 99 battles in a row”
Misty “Interesting”
Ash “Means the Underground Arena”
Brock “Yes”
Ash “Here they come”
“pikapi “ Pikachu said and lept into Ash’s arms .
“Hey Pikachu everything good”
“Good now lets go and find this Man who won 99 times in a row”
Misty “Follow me”
In Pallet town.
Oak “The gym destroyer who would it be “
[Electric Pokemon … Ash nah he has just started ]
A stadium below People’s feat.
Ash “Wow so many People”
Brock “Gym does not have many seats so People come here to enjoy “
Suddenly and announcement came “Ladies and gentlemen D+ - Rank trainer Chad has won 99 Matches anyone up for challenge please register”
Misty “You should go Ash”
Ash “Yes” He nodded and walked towards the registration point.
“Hey I am going to challenge him”
The man looked at him and spoke “Lad go and play don’t come here of you don’t want to lose you are too weak”
Ash “But I have two gym badges”
Man looked at him again and said “One on one go on the stage”
Announcer “Here we have a challenge form D Rank trainer with two main gym badges ASH KETCHUM”
Ash versus Chad
Chad looked at Ash and said “You are weak”
Ash got angry “We will see”
Chad “Whatever go Sandshrew”
“Sandshrewww” it said and released its aura.
Ash [D+ rank a good challenge for bulbasaur”
Ash “Go Bulbasaur”
“Bulbasaur” It was exited for its first match”
Chad “Weak”
Ash was losing his sanity.
Brock “Ash is losing his focus”
Misty “Yeah we need to tell him”
Brock shouted “Focus Ash “
Ash looked at him. Then Pikachu said “Pi Pikachu”
Ash nodded and calmed down “Lets begin”
Chad “Dig”
Ash “Feel the vibrations”
Bulbasaur focused and he felt the ground and then jumped up.
Ash “Good now razor leaf”
“Rapid spin deflect them”
Sandshrew Started to spin and razor leaves were deflected by him.
Ash “Okay bite”
“Bulba saur” Dark energy gathered like a jaw and smacked on the spinning Sandshrew which sent him of trajectory.
“NO sandshrew stop and rollout”
“Bulbasaur Use vine whip and make an obstacle in his way then catch and slam him”
“Sandshrew dodge” But he can’t as he started to roll before the order was sent and his leg got entangled in the vine and he fell just as he stood up again he was caught by it and was smashed down.
Ash was looking at Chad who was shivering and he sighed.
Ash “Stop Bulbasaur and return”
“Bulba” He nodded and understood his trainer”
Ash “Said we admit defeat”
Chad was startled and he ran towards the injured sandshrew.
Ash walked down the way back towards his friends.
Brock looked and him and nodded “Good Ash you have matured at least”
Ash nodded “But it feels better than a victory”
Misty “Okay guys its late We have a trip tomorrow”
Both nodded and were about to walk “Wait”
Ash saw Chad running towards him “Yes”
“Thank you”
“No Problem”
“Take this”
“What no need “
“Take it I can’t use It”
“Okay thanks”
And he started walking and stopped as clapping sound came.
Ash [What]
Ash stopped bowed and ran Away.
Misty “He is afraid of Reputation”
Brock “Who wants to be tracked down by people everyday and if someone recognizes him as the gym destroyer “
Misty “Whatever follow him”.
At the Pokemon center.
Ash “Guys What is this” showed the ball
Brock took the ball and just gave it to Pikachu.
“Pikachu “ It chirped happily and absorbed the ball into it.
Ash “Huh A light ball”
Brock “Yes”
Misty found something out of the box “Hey guys why did Pikachu’s cheeks turned orange”
Ash “Huh It’s just like Raichu’s”
Brock “It is not first time I have seen this but light ball did not change the color of the electric sacks”
Misty “Half evolved Pikachu”
Ash “So we have now more Electric Power”
“Pika” It nodded.
“Good we can use Discharge more now”
Misty “Don’t take the name of it That move is not normal it is to Over Powered and You used all the stored Electricity”
Brock “It can be used as one hit KO for same level”
Ash “It fine we have other moves too”
Misty “Yeah A Pikachu using Earthquake”
Ash “It is a mini version”
Then the Alarm rang.
“All Pokemon Trainers are requested to be at the east of cerulean to fend of the Pokemon wave”
Brock “Those Spearows are going to create ruckus “
Misty “That is more than thousand”
Ash “There must be a Fearow in them”
Brock “Any way Lets hurry there are not many trainers with C rank Pokemon”
At the East region of the city.
Ash “Look that’s Daisy and Sisters”
Misty “Yes”
Violet looked over “Good you three came”
Brock “How big is the wave”
Violet “It’s not wave it is waves”
Misty “What Any Pokemon of C rank”
Violet “No but there are Six Fearows with D+ Rank and estimated About two thousand Spearows”
Ash “It is worse than that happened in my town”
Brock “How many trainers are gathered”
Then Daisy said “Counting us 5 C – rank and this Overpowered Ash as sixth, 11 D+ and 25 D rank”
Misty “It is going to be hard.”
Then a voice came “Hey Ash”
Ash “Huh Leaf”
Leaf “Yes So you too came”
“Yes So how is Your collection of Pokemon”
“What !!”
“That many I only Have 3”
Brock “You don’t need too much pokemon at once just keep less and train them”
Leaf “Yes so how is your Gym challenge”
“Two wins”
Misty blurted “Two destroyed Gyms”
Leaf’s eyes widen “You are the Gym Destroyer”
Ash said while Glaring at Misty who giggled “Yes”
Leaf “You must be better than Gary he has won two badges but all were hard victory”
Brock “Hmm Gary yes he used Squirtle against me and won by a fluke”
Ash “It is fine he has not yet found his talent he is a researcher”
Leaf “How do you know”
“I saw that he is very curious and observing”
Leaf “Oh”
Then Lily intervened “Guys get ready”
Then they looked at the sky and saw about five to six hundred Spearows with a Fearow leading the Charge.
Ash “Hear they come go Pidgeotto and Pikachu”
Brock “Geodude Onix go”
Misty “Staryu Starmie”
Everyone released there pokemon who were not weak to flying types.
Ash “Pigdeotto Fight with Fearow Pikachu don’t let them cross the border.
“Pidgeoottttoo” “Chu Pika chu”
Brock “Use Rock throw to deter them”
Misty “Water gun”
Attacks and attacks blasted towards the sky but the main battle was going in the clearing above.
Fearow versus Pidgeotto.
Pidegottto “Why have you come here”
Fearow “None of your business food”
Pidgeotto “Humph Wing attack” {Fearow is bad with girls}
Pidgeotto moved at high speed due to current speed training and Fearow was baffled. He got struck on his left flank .
“Hmph It’s not over steel wingS”
She than Attack Fearow like bullying. {The hardest thing to understand is women in this world}
The Spearows and trainers attack stopped and they looked in bafflement at the bullying going above.
One spoke “That’s too harsh man”
“It’s at least D+ rank fearow and he is bullied like this what rank is that Pidgeotto”
“Man If my Pokemon ever becomes that strong I will live a happy life”
“Dream on it must be One of the C – Rank trainers Pokemon”
“Nah There are only Gym leaders as C - Rank Trainers here”
Misty “You have got a Reputation”
Brock “Yeah but that’s too harsh like getting hit by iron like a time per second”
Ash “That fearow must have angered her Right Pikachu”
As they were speaking the Fearow fainted form pain and Pidgeotto Flew and sat on Ash head.
Ash “Good one But that was too harsh”
“Okay Let the trainers finish the others …… hey they are going back”
Brock “Humm their leader was defeated”
Suddenly a Pokeball landed on fearow and he got captured.
Leaf “Thanks Ash now I have got 30 Pokemon”
Violet “He will not listen to you Fearows are violent”
“No problem he is going to Professor Oak”
Violet “That man it is Okay for that Old man”
The crowd was staring at the Pidgeotto on Ash’s head.
One said “That boy is what 10 or Eleven years old”
“Who is he”
“I can’t identify him any D+ rank trainer can try please”
A D+ rank trainer scanned the boy with he Pokedex.
Ash’s Pokedex vibrated “You are being scanned do you want to give your identity”
Before Ash could say anything Misty clicked on okay.
Ash “Hey noo”
Misty stuck a tongue out “Now you are famous”
The D+ rank trainers Pokedex rang “D Rank trainer Ash Ketchum”
There was an uproar
“Started Journey 12 days Ago”
There was an uproar again
“Current Pokemon
C – Rank Pikachu (Starter)
C – Rank Pidgeotto (Caught as Pidgey)
D – rank Bulbasaur”
Everyone “What He has two C rank Pokemon”
“Current Gym badges
Boulder Badge
Cascade Badge”
One trainer “At least some thing is normal of him”
As they were in shock
Cries of many Spearows came and they were lead by 5 Fearows.
Violet “Oh no all at once”
Misty “Ash Can you handle the Five fearows”
Ash “Pidgeotto and Pikachu can if they work together”
Brock “Good”
Ash “Pidgeotto Fly with Pikachu”
Violet shouted “Everyone get ready do not hold back the city inside is too vulnerable”
“Yes” Everyone shouted
Trainers “Hmm he is fighting all five of them”
“That’s easy with both of them”
“Guys he , he is not catching them we can have a chance to get a free pokemon”
“Right” Many of the trainers were excited .
Five Fearows versus Pidgeotto and Pikachu
Pikachu said to Pidgeotto “Again bully them”
Pidgeotto smirked “It is fun and I am able to vent my anger as I was chased by them and this is possible because of him” and looked at Ash.
Pikachu “Yeah he is different from other People. Okay now let’s fight no bully Just make sure they do not fall down”
As they were talking one of the fearows said “You are the Pidgeotto who bullied my brother”
Pidgeotto “so what”
“Let’s see how you can cope up with numbers”
“I am not alone”
“Hmph what can a mouse do”
Pidgeotto was taken aback [ Fool he is having it now. Fighting Pikachu Dream on]
Pikachu “What did you said”
“What can a mouse could do”
“Oh then take this Thunder bolt” Lightning streaked across the sky and hit all five of the Fearows and they all wailed in pain. They started to fall as they were paralyzed but Pidgeotto kept them up.
“Again Thunder bolt” Wails of pain came again and again.
Trainers below.
“What this is too much”
One D+ rank trainer spoke “That’s good”
“My Abra translated the talk between them”
“So what happened”
“The fearow call Pikachu a mouse with no Power”
“Oh then it is fine”
Ash “Oh no”
Misty “Pikachu’s got a temper”
Brock “Yup who could handle such thing”
Violet “Guys that’s aside the Spearows are too much”
Everyone saw that and frowned
Misty eyes lit up “Right Ash Your Discharge”
Brock “Yes it can handle all of them”
Violet “But is will harm other pokemon also”
Daisy “Call them back”
Violet “Ash Ask your Pikachu to get ready”
Ash “Okay” then he shouted “Hey Pikachu and Pidgeotto come here”
They nodded and flew towards him.
“Pikachu You have to use discharge”
Brock “Ash he needs to be in the center”
Ash nodded “Pidgeotto Take him to the sky and Drop him in the center and Escape the discharge then catch him again you okay with this”
“Pi” and “Geee”
Misty “Its dangerous Ash”
Ash said “I believe in them”
Brock “Good now start”
Violet nodded and watched them fly in the center of the flock and then shouted “Everyone return your Pokemon”
Trainers were puzzeled “Why”
Violet “I said so and then see the show”
The trainers nodded and returned the Pokemon.
Ash shouted “Now”
Every Trainer was perked up and they saw Pidgeotto and Pikachu in the center of the flock
Pidgeotto “Ready for the electric dive”
Pikachu “I am you be fast to escape”
“Hmph and thank you for concern”
Pidgeotto then dropped him and flew up at near sound speed.
A trainer “What are they planning”
“Will he not be hurt if he fall from such height”
Then Ash’s voice sounded “Discharge”
Trainers again were stunned
One said “But they are too many”
“Let’s see what happens”
Then they saw massive amount of electricity coming out form Pikachu and Flew in all directions and it was growing.
Pidgeotto “Phew finally out of that scary attack range”
And then she got serious and stored her power to catch him”
The attack covered almost every Spearow and it was shining like a star and even The Sun was out shined.
In the city.
A person “What was that”
“An electric attack”
“Who used it”
“Don’t know”
“This is not a discharge”
“It is but it is too Over Powered”
Violet “The Attack in Gym was directed or else it would have been a shocking battle”
All of them nodded”
Wails of Pain came form the lightning sphere and some spearows fell down. After half a minute lighting dispersed and everyone saw that there was only a clear sky with a Pikachu in the center falling slowly down and suddenly a Boom sounded and Pidgeotto came down at super sonic speed and Caught Pikachu.
Pidgeotto said “Hey Buddy are you fine”
Pikachu “Yup just little tired”
“Good lets go back”
“That attack can destroy a village”
Everyone nodded and dreaded the power of pokemon.
Ash caught Pikachu “Hey buddy all okay”
“pi Pikachu”
“And Pidgeotto we should try to learn hurricane or twister”
“Good return” he recalled Pidgeotto.
Misty suddenly spoke “Ash You are not escaping this time”
Ash asked with a confused face “From whom”
Brock “Media “
As he said this helicopters sounded
Ash “Guys I am not ready for this”
Leaf “What you have a Pokemon who can destroy a village and you are afraid of Media”
Misty “You can run if you want too”
Ash “Okay bye and see you later”
Author : So Ash is afraid of something that’s ‘MEDIA’
- In Serial39 Chapters
Mana. Magic. These two words have wrought countless stories and legends into existence. From mighty Dragons and world shaking mages, to heroes and holy swords. But there is always a dark side to everything. This is a tale of Gods, sinners, terror and the dark side of even the most holy of things. This world of magic and fantasy isn’t as bright and forgiving as one might hope from the stories of old. I am writing this story as I am in hospital and it is just a hobby but constructive help is always welcome! Oh I am posting on wattpad as well though the chapters on RRL will be updated much more frequently. Also if anyone can make a good cover picture please let me know this picture is so lame I am literally hating yself for using it....
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Kovu x reader
this story is not original its just you and Kovu. and I'm not a original person. this story will fallow the movie the cover isn't mine its from Disney and the story isn't mine also i just changed Kiara to (Y/N
8 142