《Pokemon - The Epic Tale Of Adventure》Chapter 5 – Team Rocket
Ash was walking with Pikachu on his shoulder as he had recovered some strength then he caught a sight of the city and ran towards it.
He did not saw a big Balloon was also going in the same direction.
Jenny “ *Yawns* Today was a lazy day”
As she said this she saw a boy with Pikachu on his shoulder running towards the City gate.
Jenny “Hey you wait”
Ash “Huh Yes Officer what happened ?”
“Why is that Pikachu on your shoulder and why is he so injured”
“Officer Pikachu is my partner and we were chased by a spearow flock”
Jenny thinks [ These spearows]
“Ok show me your Identity Card”
“Oh you mean pokedex”
Ash removes his pokedex and gives it to Jenny .
She presses some buttons on it and the pokedex spoke.
“Ash Ketchum D – rank trainer .
Current pokemon team
Pikachu D+ – Class
Pidgey D – Class”
Jenny “Oh Your Pikachu is strong”
“Well let me drop you at pokemon center”
“Oh thank you officer”
“My name is Officer Jenny”
“Ok Officer Jenny”
Then Ash saw the poster of a woman and man with “R” On their shirts and read [Pokemon thiefs] and it also caught Pikachu’s attention. Both got angry and Ash vowed that he will punish these nasty criminals.
“Hold on tightly”
Ash was sitting in the side car and the bike sped up rapidly.
But they don’t know a Orange haired girl was following them.
Misty “You will pay for blowing my bike” then she smirked
“And I know where are you going”
Then she started walking towards the pokemon center with a destroyed bike on her back.
Then a hook came down and pulled the poster of the criminal board.
Then the woman with long purple hair till her waist said “Ugh They cant even take a good picture of my beautiful face”
Then a man with blue hair with a rose in his hands said “What will happen if they saw my face “
Then a freaking talking Meowth spoke “Hey we are the bad guys its good that they didn’t got our picture now lets go towards the pokemon centre”
“Thank you Officer Jenny”
“No problem”
Ash then went inside the pokemon center. And walked towards the counter where a beautiful lady twenty years old asked.
“Welcome to the pokemon center how may I help you.”
Ash knew her name as Officer Jenny told him that she was her friend.
“Nurse joy can you please take care of my pokemon”
“Yes please place them here “
Ash placed Pikachu and Pidgey’s poke ball on the tray and said “Please take Good care of them”
Ash then went to the bench and recalled the mysterious connection he felt with Pikachu. After a while still not getting to anything he called Professor Oak.
As he called Professor Oak the screen lit up and a man facing the opposite side appeared.
“Hello Ash”
“Towards your back professor” Ash Laughed.
“Oh sorry wrong camera”
“Ah now its okay so why did you called and of course you have reached Viridian City”
“Ah yes Professor I called you because I felt a mysterious connection with Pikachu and I could feel and see what he feel and see’s”
Professor was shocked but his expression did not change.
[Bo-ond Strength, But so Early But only King class and above had grasped it at some level. Looks like we have got a talent . But it is not good to tell him now he must find it]
Oak lied “Oh this is also first time I heard it I will consult some of my friends then will come back to you so for now how many pokemons did you capture”
Ash did no kept thinking more and said while grinning “I caught a Pidgey”
“Oh at least better than your father but Gary had caught nine pokemons till now”
“Whaat “ Ash was first shocked then said “I don’t want too many pokemons those pokemons who want to come with me I will only capture them”
“Oh as you wish”
As Ash was thinking he recalled about the rainbow pokemon and he asked
“And today I saw a Pokemon with Rainbow feathers flying across the sky”
Professor Oak fell down from his chair.[Oh my God so he saw him he had gone missing for years]
“Professor what happened”
“Nothing it is that The pokemon you saw Has never been seen for years and to find it many people have failed till now. According to your description there is only one pokemon who matches it but you will need to find its name on your own or else if you get every thing from me then your journey has no meaning.”
Ash was disappointed first but then his face become determined “Yes professor I will become the best there ever was”
Oak chuckled “Good now you are at the pokemon centre go and sign up for the league.”
“Yes Okay bye Professor”
“Yes bye”
Oak [hmm Red said something of aura talent but at that time I didn’t think any thing because to become SS – rank you need to be able to control aura but ash controlled it till it affected a pokemon with no aura practice]
[Hmmm So many mysteries of the world got buried with the last Saint – Rank trainer. About A millennium has passed. Aaron could have also reached it but he died early no one knows why and his Lucario also disappeared]
[Okay got things to research]
Ash then went and registered himself in the league and then the light went off and Pikachu came running.
“Hey buddy are you good”
“Pika pi”
Then Ash took Pidgey’s poke ball . Then a loud shout came which scared everyone.
“Finally found you “
Ash looked back saw the girl with orange hair.
“Hey you what happened “
Misty pointed towards the bike and said “This happened”
Ash saw and said “Who did it “
As Misty was going to speak a loud crash came and smoke fill the room and she jumped towards Ash .
Ash blushed “Hey get up “
Misty also blushed “Ah sorry “
“What happened “
“I cant see anything”
“Ok Pidgey blow the the smoke out” Ash said as he released Pidgey.
“Pidgeee” She flapped her wings and the smoke went out and they saw a cat , a man and a woman stack on each other they were about in their twenties.
Ash asked “Hey mister and miss what happened why are you sleeping here”
The cat mumbled something but it was not discernable.
Misty “They are tried or what”
Ash “lets find out” , “Pikachu thunder shock”
“Pika chuuuuuuu”
Then three high pitched screams came “AHhHHHHHHHHH”
Misty said while shivering “Hey you always wake someone like this?”
Ash smirked “Nah You don’t Know them I Saw their poster on the board named as “Pokemon thieves”
Nurse Joy “We must block them”
Misty too got angry when she heard this.
Then Jessie got up “Hey you brats don’t you have some manners”
James “You could have burned my handsome face”
Meowth “Hey you fool he knows that we are criminals”
Ash and Misty were Both shocked
Ash “A talking Meowth”
Jessie “Yeah whatever. Brat you are sullying our reputation by calling us mere Pokemon thieves”
“Do you want to know who we are”
Misty and ash didn’t care who they were and Misty released Staryu.
“Staryu Water gun”
Staryu released a Water gun and blew the trio towards the exit
Ash again smirked “Water conduct electricity”
Pikachu also smirked and launched a thunder bolt towards them .
Bang. An explosion occurred and they got blasted away.
Ash was startled “Hey Pikachu you learned Thunderbolt “
“Pii Kachu”.
Now crowd was gathered around them and they started to clap.
Ash looked around in confusion then his pokedex rang.
“Trainer Ash Ketchum Helped in Driving Away Pokemon Thieves and Got a reward of 5000
Poke dollar”
Ash Eyes Were wide open . He spoke “Hey Pikachu we got our money for journey”
Pikachu Thinks about only Ketchup.
Misty sighed at the boys antics.
Nurse Joy “Thank you Ash and miss”
Ash “No problem Nurse Joy”
After few minutes The crowd disappeared and Misty came to Ash .
“Hi Ash I am Misty”
“Hi Misty And ahh I forgot What were you saying about the bike”
Misty got angry again when she remembered “Oh You Are GOING TO GIVE ME A NEW BIKE”
“Whyyy “
Ash gulped As he Knew that a bike was a luxury in today’s era.
“Ahh I Will give it when I will have Enough money”
“Hmph till then I am Following you”
Ash started to sweat “O Okay”
“Good Now I think you should Think about your journey and Gym battle “
First Ash went to the supermarket to buy can food ,Pokemon food and especially Ketchup for two weeks.
He had 4000 poke dollar left now so he thought that he will send some of it to
“Hello this is Ketchum Residence”
“Hi Mom this is Ash”
“Oh hi Ash You have reached Viridian City Good. Your father took four days to reach there”
“Mom I Am sending some money which I earned “
Then Ash sent 3000 pokedollars
“WHAT. How did you got so much money”
“I Helped the League”
“Oh But be careful on the things to do”
“Yes mom Now I will Close the call”
“Okay bye and are you changing your underwear daily right”
Ash’s face got red as he heard laughter from Misty.
“Yes Mom”
And Then he closed the call.
“Yes Laugh for now”
“HA hA Ash “
After the call Ash started to think About the gym battle and then removed his Pokedex and searched for next Gym.
“Pewter City Pewter Gym Boulder badge
Type – Rock”
[Hmm rock type weak against water, grass, ground, fighting and steel. Now I cant Catch any pokemon which has type advantage in Viridian forest. So what can we do]
Then Ash went throw the moves he knew [Pikachu can learn dig, and yes iron tail and Pidgey could Also learn Steel wing.]
“Okay Guys we are moving tomorrow”
“Pi” “Geey”
Next morning Ash was very eager to go to the Viridian Forest.
But Misty was not so eager “Hey Ash Why do you want to go throw this forest”
“Huh This is the only route which goes towards Pewter city Why are you scared”
“No Who is scared “
“Okay then lets go”
After few minutes they entered the forest and it was about noon and according to the map it takes three days to cross the forest.
Ash said looking at the sun “Okay lets wait here for training”
Misty “Which training”
“For Pewter Gym”
“But you only have Pikachu And Pidgey what are you going to do with them “
“Just wait and watch “ He then released Pidgey and said “Okay Both of you now we need to learn Iron tail for Pikachu and Steel wing for pidgey”
Both of them noded.
“Now first we have to make your tail and wings stronger , So Pikachu you will fight with Pidgey And Pikachu no attacks only use your tail and Pidgey same to you only use your wings”
“Pi” “Pidgeee”
“Okay Do as I said Till then I will find Materials for further training”
And they started to fight at first Pidgey was getting and upper hand due to two wings but after sometime they both got equal due to Pikachu getting more stability because of its four paws.
As they were practicing Ash was searching pebbles and some big rocks. Then he brought them back to the temporary camp. He looked at his pokemon and smiled and then he removed two cans of pokemon food and ketchup for them. As time passed both of them were getting tired but there also was a reward as their tail ands wings started to glow and the sound changed from muffles to clanks. Ash grinned “Okay Stop. You have the basics good now have your food and take rest.
Both pokemon were happy and they started to gobble up food greedily.
All the time Misty was just looking the pokemon training and Ash trying to think what he could do made her think that was he just a newbie trainer . But she didn’t know that a small little bug had crawled up to her and while she was thinking he got to her leg and started to purr.
When Misty looked at it at first her face turned pale then an extremely high – tone screech came out of her throat .
Ash and his pokemon shivered and Ash spoke “Who just used screech”
And then the atmosphere changed as a figure which looked like was riding wind raced pass him.
“And Now who used Extreme speed”
Then he turned and saw Misty on top of a tree.
“and climb . Hey Misty when did you learn pokemon moves”
“Ash stop joking and drive away that FREAKING BUG”
Then Ash looked at the direction Misty was pointing and saw a caterpie who was disappointed in himself. But then suddenly a young man came form the bush and picked the Caterpie and said
“No problem Caterpie she must be scared of bugs” He then turned toward Ash and spoke
“Hi I am Marvin and I am a Bug – Catcher “
“Hi I am Ash Ketchum “ Ash replied
Then a freaking shriek came and again everyone was stunned .
Then Ash spoke “Misty we are not in a battle to use screech”
“Ahhhhh These bugs are bugging me” then she kicked the poor weddle away.
Ash sighed then he tured towards Marvin “So you only catch Bud Types”
“Yes “
Ash’s eyes then glowed “I would like to challenge you to a battle”
“Hmm Two on two”
Ash Vs Marvin
Marvin then released Beedrill
Ash scanned the pokemon.
“Beedrill Bug\Poison tye…………………….
Ash then looked at Pikachu then at Pidgey .
“Pikachu wait for now Go Pidgey”
Then Pidgey flew and stood in front of Beedrill and calmed down as this was her first battle.
“Okay Pidgey focus on your surroundings and your opponent”
“Let’s start Beedrill fury swipes”
Beedrill rushed toward Pidgey.
“Fly up and then wing attack”
Due being in constant practice with Pikachu she had got some close combat experience.
As Beedrill came close she flew up and the attack missed but she did back roll and rushed towards him with wings glowing white and it hit straight on beedrill’s back.
Marvin was startled but then again regained his calmness. “Beedrill use long range attacks”
Beedrill then used pin missile and it hit Pidgey.
Ash started to think [I was trying to train them for long range attacks but now …]
Then he looked the trees and smiled . “Pidgey hide behind the trees and keep using gust “
Misty who was watching from the side was startled [He . he is using the terrain for advantage ]
But they didn’t know that a blue feline beast was also watching this [Ah advantages of a trainer to have eyes everywhere. And I know who will be the best for me ] Then she looked at Ash and smirked [But Ash you need to grow first] And then she went away.
As Pidgey flew from tree to tree she released a gust towards the Beedrill in the center After few direct hits Beedrill was tried because Marvin was so startled that he failed to think anything And pin missile his only long range attack cannot do anything .
Ash smirked “Pidgey use Quick Attack to move closer and then slam him using Steel wing.”
Marvin suddenly said “Wait I admit defeat” And then he returned Beedrill “You did well Beedrill I think I still have much to learn”
Then he looked towards Ash and said “No need for next round”
Ash and Misty smiled by looking at him.
Then both their pokedex rang “Battle between D – rank Marvin and D – Ash Victroy goes to Ash …………………………….”
After parting ways Ash then called both his pokemon and spoke “Ok so lets train to counter Long distance attacks”
But as Ash was going to start Misty called him “Hey Ash I will also train with you”
“Ok Misty”
Then picked some small stones he gave one to Pikachu and Pidgey and one to Staryu and Starmie.
“You both will use iron tail and steel wing to throw the stone towards each other and you will use water gun got it” The pokemon nodded.
Misty was amazed by the training method and stared at Ash . Ash felt a gaze and when he saw Misty gazing at him blanky his face turned red “Misty you are giving me creeps”
“Ah Sorry “
They trained till dusk and then stopped . Then they decided to rest for today and then move on tomorrow.
Near to them The rocket trio were walking with sticks in their hands with ghostly expressions on their face.
James spoke “Hey Meowth do you think this is the right way”
“I don’t know if it is right or wrong because I can only see food”
James sighed [Am I the only one caring about getting out of this forest]
Pidgey was moving through the forest with Pikachu challenging all the pokemon on the way then she suddenly saw the Rocket trio and she got angry first but then smirked and went down towards Pikachu.
“Hey Pikachu those three rocket Idiots are ahead should we do some pranks”
Pikachu’s ears perk up when he thought about pranks and a mischevious grin crept on his face.
“Good finally some fun after training”
Somewhere near
Misty asked “Hey where are your pokemon”
Ash replied “Pidgey is challenging the other pokemons of the forest”
“Ah she is competitive”
Then Ash’s Pokedex beeped “Congratulations Ash Your Pikachu leveled up to C – class “
“Huh Hey Misty there are classes for pokemon too”
“Yes It is releted to their Aura the stronger the higher “
“Hmm So the classes are D, C , B , A and S”
“Yes these are the ranks known to common trainers there are ranks higher than that”
“Hmmm You said these ranks are not known to common trainers so how do you know them”
Misty was startled [He is not an Idiot It seems I should tell him . NO]
“I got it form the Cerulean Gym leader when I got my Pokemon”
“OH So what are they”
“You should find it “
With Pikachu and Pidgey .
Pidgey “Here three Oran berries”
Pikachu ”Good now weedle please put some poison into it”
After weedle’s work was done he went away satisfied with the reward and Pidgey kept the three berries near The rocket trio and went into hiding.
Meowth perked up at the smell of the food and rushed towards it. Then both Jessie and James also ran after him when they saw the berries each one took one and ate in one gulp.
In the Hiding spot Pikachu was snickering.
James “Finally Some…………Wha” He tumbled and clenched his stomach and it was same for the others .
Then a pidgey landed on Jessie head and looked at her and pecked “Yeooooooeeeeeee”
A scream came And the Pidgey flew .
Nearby Pikachu was laughing while rolling and then he released a thunderbolt and blasted the trio up and by Pidgey’s Gust they flew away and landed in beedrill’s nest
Then Three high pitched screams came.
Misty “What was that noise”
“Don’t know”
After some time both pokemon’s came back.
This training continued for three days and form Pidgey’s point of view the city was close and they just have to move north . {Ash in the anime is just too idiot cant use his Pidgeotto for finding way and same goes for Misty . Same continued for more than 15 years }
- In Serial43 Chapters
A Forgotten Hero
(author: This is gonna be a long synopsis I apologise. This should be a prolouge but as you will see I have a seperate prolouge, please forgive me. This fiction as a warning beforehand is as basic as it comes, prettymuch following all story conventions of both the mecha and school life genres. I am mostly writing this to figure out my writing style before I begin something truly creative and uique. I dont wanna ruin something I worked hard on by being illiterate. Also illustrations are at a minimum because all I have access to is MS paint.) In the year 2028 humanity (accidentally) created the means to travel great distances through space in a short period of time. This has led humanity down the road of great technological advancement and also led to the spread of humanity across their home system and just begiining first steps upon other solar systems planets. In the year 2033 the human colonies in space broke from the chains of their old countries creating hyper advanced societies disregarding nationality and any other defining factor. Two space societies formed the Solar Empire a monarchic society with its capitol on the moon Titan which controeld the entire human home system aside from Earth which still remained divided into seperate contries. The other was the Extra-solar Leauge. A mysterious society outside of easy contact range with any other humans besides themselves. To help with construction and other work outside of sealed and breatheable atmospheres of their cities and ships the Solar Empire and Extra-Solar Leauge created what became known as Advanced Movement Shells(AMS). These machines are best described as huge exoskeletons or "mechs", and they aided greatly in getting things done by increasing strength, durability, and the amount of tools able to be used. They also aided in quelling rebellions among extremist groups forming in these new societies. Finally in the year 2050 the Solar Empire having divinated their emperor, and now beliving themselves to be their religions chosen people, the Solar Empire declared a holy war of conquest against all the nations of Earth in order to conquer it under the idea that all humanity was required to bend to their divine emperors rule. The first month of the war whent badly for earth as the divided nations fell one by one due to the Empires superior weaponry among other technologies which made their forces nearly invincible. The AMS were used to great effect due to their almost "magical" level of technological advancement. Some nations able to put up some kind of defense created their own versions of these technological terrors. From there the war became a brutal stalemate and suddenly was won by the forces of earth. Why this is still hasn't come to the light of the common man, but one thing is for certain it took a heroic effort from one, or many people to win it for humanity...
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Through All Our Faults
One denies the pain that lurks in their mind. Another has let themselves be molded into someone unrecognizable. The third seeks a life that lies beyond their reach, forever an unattainable dream. The fourth has given up, drowning within their thoughts. Four individuals, each so unlike the other, brought together against a force greater than themselves. Each carries weight on their backs, unable to find relief from their burdens. As threats and dangers continue to gather, the outcome will fall to them, whether that leads to tragedy or success. As they face beasts and foes, they'll have to confront their inner demons and survive. If they can't rely on each other, the end will come.
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Blank Card - Destroyer X Destroyer (Volume 1)
Inspired by light novel Highschool DxD, a 17 years old boy recognises Issei Hyoudou as his Master and aims to be a Harem king. But he is nothing. He is unsociable, isolated, boring and as soon as something gets hard, he gives up. He have no hope in this world until one day his fate changes when he bumps in some people who try to kill him as he is considered a threat to the world due to his powers. What saves him is a team that he can never forget for the rest of his life.
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Alexithymia: (n.) the inability to express your feelingsOr in which a 15-year-old boy finds himself only capable of expressing his feelings through acts of violenceSeasons 1-?
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It's Just As Cold Outside -[ Sonic Reader Insert ]
MAIN STORY COMPLETE - BONUS CHAPTERS【 JOIN SONIC and other members of IDW Comics to stop the Metal Virus! 】You're paying for your past crimes, but your old enemies wouldn't leave you alone for long. You thought your prison was hell, but it soon began to shield you from the new wave of terror reigning outside.The Freedom Fighters have elected you, despite your crimes of the past, to help them save the world. The good doctor you all though was once gone has come back with a new, out of control super weapon that's plaguing the world.[[===================]][ OVERVIEW ]This story will follow the plot of the Metal Virus Saga. This versions of the story has a Female Reader!- Story is SFW! As the Franchise is SFW. ⚠️ HOWEVER There will be topic mentions of Death. ⚠️- MAIN STORY COMPLETE 6/11/22 - Because I love to draw, I will be making art pieces for certain scenes. I will be drawing my OC for these scenes, but I will offer the chance to readers as well!- TITLE COVER CREDIT to IDW Comics!! For the MVS. I made small edits to include the reader's spot.[ CREDITORS ] - SONIC the Hedgehog is a franchise owned by SEGA, almost all characters in this fanfiction are owned by SEGA other than the reader and a OC they befriend. SEGA also owns the rights to the canon plot of the Metal Virus Saga.[ TAG ACHIEVEMENTS?? ]- 🥇#sonicoc 04/05/22 - 🥇 #sonicfandom 03/30/22- 🥇 #sonicfanfiction 6/10/22- 🥇 #sonic 6/18/22
8 140 - In Serial51 Chapters
Kidnapped by the Alpha
This is back up! I never got around to editing it because I didn't have the time like I thought I would. Enjoy this and the sequel.Isabelle was jolted awake out of her nightmare quite suddenly. Dazed, she tried to look around but found that her head was held firmly to the pillow under her. Cloth covered her mouth and nose, a sickly sweet smell enveloping her senses. Her mind began getting hazy. Chloroform, her mind whispered almost silently. Her vision began tunneling, and she weakly looked up into a pair of icy blue eyes. She stared into those eyes as she was pulled deeply and forcefully into oblivion. Isabelle is a smart girl and not really the girly type unless going out. You would usually see her wearing sweats around the house or outside in her backyard on the beach since she lives on the ocean. So when she suddenly gets kidnapped one day, she wonders what she had ever done to deserve this. She hadn't done anything wrong, at least she didn't think she did. But she learns that there is something about her that is special and that she is not only human. Meet Jared Gray, the person that kidnapped Isabelle because of her being his mate. He's been waiting since he was 16 to find his mate and now he's 22, about to give up on ever finding his mate. But when he smells her in a mall one day, he follows her home and decides to take what's his. Isabelle's life will never be the same again. Will she be able to escape or will she fall in love with her hot and charming kidnapper that she wants nothing to do with? Or will she stay with him and eventually fall in love? --- THIS IS A DRAFT. And I was 15 when I first started writing it so there are many mistakes. Please don't judge too harshly. WARNING: CONTAINS SOME SCENES OF SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENTALSO, MANY MISTAKES! SOME THINGS I'VE WRITTEN I FORGOT TO PUT BACK IN THE STORY SO THIS NEEDS TO BE HEAVILY EDITED. Sequel is called Unwinding Fate
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