《Pokemon - The Epic Tale Of Adventure》A mysterious creature
Melemele Island, Alola
After a half day flight from Kanto to Alola Red and Blue reached Prof. Kukui’s lab.
Kukui , “Alola Red and Blue.”
Red\Blue “Alola Professor”
“You must be tired take a day rest and we will do our work tomorrow”
They both nodded and kept their belongings in the room and went outside to the beach.
Red, “Hey Blue we didn’t had a battle since a year so what about a bout.”
Blue grinned “I was thinking the same thing.”
A passer by heard this and said , “Ok so I will be the judge”
Both of them turned and looked at him and then at each other and grinned and nodded.
“Ok A One on One battle.”
A crowd was starting to gather near both trainers as a pokemon battle was an entertainment. But they
Did not know that they we going to see a hell of life.
As if decided before both Red and Blue sent their pokemon together.
Red\Blue, “Go Charizard\Blastoise”
A 10 foot tall dragon and a turtle landed heavily on the ground and roared.
“Rizaaarrrrddd” “Blassstoiiiiise”
The Roar deafened the nearby crowd and many fall on their butts. The nearby pokemon were scared shitless
Some of them went into their pokeballs and others ran away.
The judge pissed in his pants.
He spoke weakly “ What , what are your Ra-ranks.”
They both spoke “S-rank”
Hearing this the judge fainted and the crowd exclaimed “Whaaat, S-Rank Champions”
“This is going to be a hell like battle”
“Yeah It is freaking awesome”
Seeing the reaction of the crowd both the trainers were stunned and then they remembered that Alola only had two A+ rank Pokemon trainers.
“Charizard Flame Charge” Red ordered. Charizard surrounded himself in and envelop of flame and rushed towards Blastoise.
“Blastoise Withdraw and then rapid spin with hydro pump”
Blastoise went into its shell and suffered only slight injuries and then started to spin rapidly with water coming like spiral out of its four sides forming a shield against fire attacks.
“Sunny Day then Flame Thrower towards the ground below him”
Suddenly the Sun started to shine brightly and Blastoise’s Shield Weakened.A massive flame thrower landed on the sand and the temperature rose suddenly. The water from the shield Evaporated and Blastoise got a massive damage from below due to heat and silicate like surface which was sharp as blade.
“Blastoise are you ok.” Blastoise nodded.
“Good now Rain dance then Hydro Cannon”
The cloulds started to gather in the sky and massive downpour started then a Overpowered hydrocanon hurled towards the flying dragon.
“Charizard dodge then Flame Burst”
But it was a Little late and Hydro cannon smashed onto charizard and blasted it away.
After few seconds the cannon stopped and a heavily injured charizard was flying unsteadily in the sky.
“Are you okay” Charizard nodded weakly.
“Good now lets finish this Blast burn”
Blue “Whaaaaat!! when did he learned it? Blastiose Water sprout and then withdraw.”
Charizard took in a deep breath and then glowing hot compressed hydrogen blasted towards Blastoise.
Blastoise reacted quickly and water surrounded him until it was ten meters thick and in withdrew into its shell.
As the blue-hot ball reached above Blastoise it Exploded silently and a Forty meter crater with a shell at the center was created.
The crowd were scared shitless by seeing this massive attack and some even pissed in there pants. But everyone was waiting for the out come.As the Fire dragon landed on the edge of the crater he started to pant.
After few seconds the dust settled and an unconscious turtle came on the sight seeing this charizard grinned and then fainted.
It was A Double KO.
“Red you surprised me with that blast burn of yours” He said as he returned his blastoise. “Now take a rest Blastoise you did well”
“You also defeated my charizard Good It Was fun.” Red grinned and returned charizard And said “Good we can finally execute it. Take a good rest.”
There pokedexes rang “Battle with Red\Blue finished in a draw. Both trainers are S-Ranked Using S-Ranked Pokemon. Both get Equal points.”
They both then saw the destruction of the beach and then at the crowd which was some scared but many angry they both ran away from the crowd before the crowd could say anything.
“These bastards destroyed the beach and ran away.”
“Hey they disturbed my beauty sleep”
“On no now I am all wet then cooked”
Many voice of dissatisfaction came. But most of them wondered why such trainers came to Alola.
After few minutes of dissatisfaction the crowd dispersed. Then only the main characters of the incident came out.
“Hey Blue Next time we will our battle at battle grounds or else we will suffer”
Suddenly their pokegear rang.
“Hello this Professor Kukui, You both come back to the lab at this moment.”
“Yes Professor”
They both looked at each other and sighed.
At the lab both trainers were standing in front of Kukui like a spoilt child who was getting scolded.
Suddenly Professor laughed “That was hell a like battle. Tomorrow get ready for news reporters.”
Both of them sweat dropped No one should underestimate the power of media.
Red “Hey professor we are going to go to work tomorrow right?”
Kukui chuckled “S-rank trainer afraid of media”
“he he he he”
“Yes we are going to Aether Founndation tomorrow to research ultra beasts and wormholes”
“Thanks Professor”
Next Day
Blue Asks “So Professor what info do we have about Ultra Beasts.”
“Ultra beasts are like normal pokemon but due to living in other worlds only the strongest of them could survive wormhole”
“Hmm, So they must be either attacking or just getting startled”
“Yes you are right”
After some more conversation they arrived at Ather Foundation.
“Welcome Professor Kukui, S- rank trainers Red And Blue”
Kukui “Alola”
“The Association head has requested you to meet her as soon as possible”
“What happened”
“An Ultra Wormhole has been spotted near the facility an its size is twice as big of the recent spottings”
“okay Red, Blue get ready your work is going to start”
“Good” Red grinned.
As they arrived at the top floor of the facility a Woman in her late twenties greeted them.
“Thank goodness you are here the wormhole has started to open and the energy ratings are S-class”
“Oh It is a very serious matter ok, both of your go and stay within a kilometer of the worm hole”
“Go Pidgeot/Charizard” Blue and Red cried out simultaneously.
An eight foot bird of prey and a dragon appeared and released there S-rank Aura.
“Pigeeoot ppiggee”
“Chaa rii zaaard”
Both of them climbed on their pokemon and flew towards the worm hole.
After a minute a multicolor hole in space appeared in front of them they started to go circles around it.
Red “If it was not a serious task then I would have thought about it as a fire cracker”
“hmm the scene is beautiful”
“This Energy is similar to aura”
“Yeah I was Going to say that”
“Mysteries of the world”
In the wormhole a dark black creature was moving at fast speeds towards the end of the wormhole.
“He he he new planet new toys.”
This creature has destroyed many planets but they were all weaker ones its strength currently only is at SSS-class but still it will make hell out of our trainers.
As Red was observing the worm hole he felt a massive energy of destruction.
“Hey Blue this aura is not S-class it is higher”
Blue also felt this and removed his pokedex and pointed towards the wormhole.
“beep Energy rating SS+ - class it is increasing”
Hearing this their faces got serious and they both sent all their pokemons out.
Red “Tyranitar ,Umbreon, Electrivire , Gyarados, Gengar come out.”
Blue “Blastoise, Arcanine, Dragonite, Magnezone, Houndoom come out.”
The pokemon roared as they came out and after judging the situation they all turned serious.
In the lab after reading the Energy levels the workers Sweat dropped.
Burnet “On no this Aura is of at least SS+ - class “
Kukui “Yes But we can’t do anything now. Now we can only hope that they can block it”
Burnet “We can only hope”
Soon the Wormhole got wider and A Dark Black Creature With A multi colored crystal on its head.
It Roared “HAAA Haaa Finally A new world and new toys”
Hearing this Red spoke “Who are You and Why have you come on our planet”
“You are not qualified puny human to learn my name and I have came to destroy this world”
Seeing this both Red and Blue got angry. Blue roared “We will show that who is qualified”
Red “ Charizard Flame thrower , Tyranitar Dark Pulse , Gyarados Hyper beam”
Blue “Blastoise Hydro cannon ,Magnezone Thunder , Dragonite Dragon breath”
AS the creature was laughing arrogantly six attacks of various type hit home and he was blasted away.
Seeing this Both Red and Blue sighed in relief. The black creature was in shock seeing this because in the past no attacks ever did any damage to him. Because of this he got angry and launched a dark attack like dark pulse.
“Oh nooo Everyone dodge” Red\Blue cried
An attack 10 meter wide hit straight on Tyanitar as he was late to avoid And massive amount of dust was lifted at the location of attack.
As the dust settled a heaviliy injured pokemon stood up with sheer willpower and roared
“Ty rani taarrrrrrrrrrrr” and launched a massive hyper beam at the foe.
The creature was hit in the right flank but was only slightly injured.
“Haaa Good You attacked me in surprise but that’s it”
Hearing this arrogant laughter both of their faces turned ugly.
Blue “As expected An SSS-Ranked Beast”
Red “We can’t let it run havoc or else it will be huge scale destruction”
Blue nodded.
“Charizard\Blastoise Blast Burn\Water sprout”
A dense blue hot Hydrogen ball and a mass Tsunami like water pillar hit the creature on both flanks due to its arrogance.
A massive explosion occurred in the sky due to both heat and water combined.
“AHHHHHHHH” The creature roared
“You puny humans take this “
Twelve White colored ball move towards the twelve pokemon.
“Destroy it”
Many attacks tried to hit the balls but nothing happened.
“Oh no Dodge ittt!!!”
Everyone tried to dodge it but no avail it directly hit everyone of them.
Tyranitar fainted and rest were injured
“Tyranitar return,Take a good Rest”
Red “Eletrivire Thunder ,Umbreon Dark pulse, Gengar Shadow claw Gyarados Dragon pulse,Charizard Dragon claw”
Blue “Magnezone Zen Headbutt, Arcanine Flame charge, Houndoom Flame thrower,Pidgeot Hurricane,Dragonite Dragon Rage,Blastoise Ice beam”
As numerous Attacks were Called the creature Started to dodge
The thunder strike missed and a hyper beam landed on Electrivire As Magenezone Tried to interfere he was sent Flying by Giga impact.
Both fainted .A dark pulse was dodge by a inch and a the creature used earth quake. Arcanine’s Flame charge was stopped A flame thrower was missed and Umbreon was stucked inside a fault line.
But due to previous damage the creature was injured and paralysis took place and he was stuck.
A ghostly claw a dragon pulse hit home and the creature was injured. But the attacks didn’t stop a massive hurricane sent him flying and two dragon closed in and attacked the crystal and finally it broke. But it was not over they were sent flying by explosion. By this time the creature was panting heavily and a dragon pulse hit him and he was inside a crater then and ice beam froze him.
All the pokemon were tired and the heavily injure pokemon were returned.
Red “Finally”
As he said this the ice exploded and an angry roar sounded.
“Humans I underestimated you but I will return” and he went inside the wormhole.
Blue sighed and both of them were returning the pokemon but were suddenly pulled by a massive suction and they went inside the wormhole.
Kukui “What happened”
Burnet “They were pulled inside the wormhole”
Kukui “Oh no we need to save them”
And then the wormhole disappeared .
“NOooooooo”He shouted and ran outside but no avail the hole was completely vanished.
“Professor we can’t do anything But they could survive if they reach a habitable planet”
“What are the chances we can’t afford to lose S- rank trainers”
“It’s too low We need to contact professor Oak”
And they then looked at the devasted land with crater and cracks filled.
“This will fill the news We need to block the info or else the people will start to riot”
As they went to their Respective work Professor KuKui called Professor Oak.
“Hello This is Oak Speaking”
A happy old man appeared on the screen seeing this Kukui face turned ugly.
“Professor a big problem has occurred”
Seeing this look Professor Oak turned serious.
“What happened”
“A SSS-Class Beast appeared”
“What!! Are both Red And Blue Fine and What Happened to the beast was it deafeated”
“The … Beast was defeated but…………”
“What but?”
“Both Red and Blue Were Pulled inside the wormhole with there pokemon”
“Whaaaaaaaaat!!!!” The Shocked professor slammed the table and stood up.
“Sorry Professor But We can’t do anything we have just started to research Ultra holes, But the both can survive if they landed on a habitable planet”
The Professor clamed down and asked “What are the chances and how much time is needed to control the Wormhole?”
“10% and We need at least Seven years”
“I hope they survive I am coming there after I inform Red’s Family”
“Okay” and Kukui sighed he was afraid that the angry professor will run havoc then it would be dangerous then the beast as the one of few King-Ranked trainers.
Delia “ This is Ketchum residence”
“Delia this is Oak speaking”
“Oh Good morning professor”
“This is a serious matter Delia”
“What happened??”
“Red and Blue Were Pulled into the Wormhole”
“Whaaaat Profess..or .. Please tell this is not true”
“Yes Delia Its true but their surviving chances are low “
And she started crying .Seeing this the experienced professor also had tears in his eyes as he also lost his son.
Hearing the cries Ash came “Mom What happened Why are you crying”
Delia “………………………”
Seeing her not replying he looked at the screen and ask Prof. Oak
“What happened”
“…………..Ash Your Father Was Pulled into a Wormhole and His surviving chances are low”
“Whaaaat “ Ash cried out He may not have much feelings for his father but he was still his father.
His eyes turned red and He cried out “HE WILL SURVIVE”
“Or else I will rescue him”
Professor Oak sighed
“Ash you will but first you must grow up and become a strong trainer”
“Yess…………….”and he also started crying.
After few months Still there was no news of Red And Blue but both families have recovered and had lost hope but Ash still believed his father was alive and he started to learn whole heartedly and he vowed that he will become strong and protect his family and friends.
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