《The Enigmas: First Crusades》A Battle on Two Fronts
(Alexander Davidson sits alone in a office watching a screen full of fighting heads being riped off, men and women being shot up, and bodies parts burning and flying everywhere.)
Alexander Davidson: Oh the world is such a vile and horrid place. It is filled with so many fulls trying to take it all. There are plenty of them here on capital hill trying to take it all for themselves. It seems that it doesn't matter what time I live in there will always be those striving forglobal domination. I can't completly judge their misguided ways because not so long ago I attempted the same thing, but I was young I have since learned the area of my ways. I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion. Dominating the world is such a bore. It's not worth it if it means people have to be treated like animals and we keep people from the sweet elixir which is a good and dignified life. We cannot simply stop all that what we hate in the world for it shall always return. We instead must forge a world were all the evil and misgivings are controlled, and I will be the grand architect of that geat world. The world once new me as Alexander The Great a great conquerer and leader. Soon they will know me as their savior, as their God. I will bring the Balance the world needs.
(The scene cuts to Toria in the middle of a huge horde of soldiers ripping them to shreds with her claws and teeth, the bullets are just bounching off of her hard skin.)
Toria: Come on you bastards! You Wanted a fight now you got one!
(Toria and her were-warriors are pushing Dante's men back when Dante fires a flare in the air.)
Dante: It's time men pull back!
Random Were-warrior: Their pulling back lets end them!
(A bunch of Were-Warriors begin to run in the direction of the retreating soldiers when a the group is met by three people just standing there)
Random Were warrior: Yo got balls but you should of started running like the rest of your friends.
(The biggest of them just swats his hand and in an instant the random were-warrior's bottom section is gone.)
Knight(A large thirty something year old man wearing a well made suit he has black hair, white skin and green eyes): Well it seems you don't have any balls or legs do you smart ass. Crimson take care of the rest of these weaklings.
Crimson(a beautiful woman with flowing black hair and real dark eyes, and skin as pale as pearls, with a ver sadistic smile on her face.) With pleasure Knight. Infinite edge.
(A bunch of were-warriors are cut into pieces instantly limbs and blood are flowing everywhere, Toria and the others stand there angry and heart broken at what they just saw)
Toria: Who the hell are these guys. Everyone keep your composure.
Terror(A fat, tanned balding man): We arethe blessed miss Toria, and we are here to grant you salvation.
(Everyone is suddenly struck with horrible images everyone except Toria and a few others are knocked to their knees)
Crimson: I wish I coud make this more fun, but goodbye.
(Crimson extends here hand and infinite edge gets everyone in the group except Toria who rolls and dodges the hit)
Toria: You bitch.!
Crimson: A fiesty one!
Random were-warrior: Toria no run away you need to go find the rest of our kind and warn them! They need you! Go!
(Hesitant Toria uses a smoke bomb from her bag and escapes the detection of all the soldiers.
Crimson: Oh I wanted some more fun!
Knight: Calm down their seems to be people in the neighborhood near by taking notice. Shall we dispose of them sir.
Crimson: That could be some real fun.
(Dante appears)
Dante: No, focus on finding Toria. The normal men can handle the citizens.
Crimson: I want to have some fun.
Terror: Steady now crimson.
Dante: Feel free to play with Miss Toria the demon traitor as soon as you find her, but you must keep to the saviors message. Nothing to gruesome. Understood!
Crimson: Yes, sir.
( The blessed go hunting for Toria, while Dante's men go to handle the citizen)
Dante: Sweet Toria, I hope you can find peace in your death.
(The scene goes to Jackie Jones's secret hideout under ground.)
Jackie: Let's see It's time to put this into action. I think it's been through enough test's, and the way it's looking out their in Clampton their going to need some help taking them down.
Jackie: Damn what's wrong with me I need to stay focused I need to find out as much about Heaven's sword as I, but Karl ans the other's are going to need help.
(He hit the wall)
Jackie: Damn it no.
???: Completing your goals in away that makes you sastified Jackie is why I am here. NOw calm down their is a way you can do it and be happy.
(They converse)
Jackie: Okay, Okay I understand.
(Jackie suits up puts on his bandage and mask grabs his gear, paints the bike changes the tags and heads out.)
(The scene switches to Issac and Karl fighting a group of men a few blocks away from the warehouse, The focus switches to Issac a short man with blackhair and glasses fireing energy blasts from his mech suit at the men who are surronding him)
Issac: Come on you bastard youmay have the same gear but my software is a whole lot better
(Issac is easily out manuevering the other mech suits, while karl is taking care of the soldiers with guns)
(Karl is wearing a new up greated suit covered by a oversized leather jacket and pants. Karls suit is now controling flying objects shaped like boomerreangs, and the suit now can transport any piece of matter that Karl touches and scans with the sensors on the gloves byb usin ght e boomerang as waypoints.)
Karl: Take this!
( He flings the boomerangs at the soldiers at the men taking alot of the men out, he begins to get peged down behind a tree by the rising numbr of troops, he starts grabing the tree and the ground)
Karl: Eat tree!
(He launches boomerangs at the men at high speed also transporting pieces of the tree at them.)
Karl: I think i go them all. How about you Issac?
Issac: Just a second.
( He blast a mech suit in the face)
Issac: All right I am done. That was not so bad so what now.
Karl: We should probably check to see if any one is hurt and see if any of those guys know anything important before we go back.
Issac: Sounds goo..(Issac suddenly gets flung into the woods)
Karl : What the hell?
(One man and one woman approach. The woman has completly red hair and eyes with dark skin, while the man is very slim wearing glasses he has white hair and pale skin)
Vine(woman): huh. You missed one push.
Push(man):Yeah, I know it took a lot just to push that big one away.
Vine: Quit it. You could have sent him flying to you lazy bum. You just wanted to conserve energy. Okay Mr. Vigilante looks like yourfighting me. TIme to die.
(She waves her hand and the tree behind Karl and it picks him off the ground strangling him around the neck and his chest)
( A energy blast is fired hitting right beside them)
Issac: I'm coming Karl. You little bastards. (He is thrown high into the air by push's power)
(Issac's mech suit lands hard on the ground with slight superfical damage push approaches issac ready to kill him)
(Karl grabs the the branches choking focusing giving a verbal command for the sensors to map the hole tree, the entire tree then launches at push who blasts it away at the last second, Issac is then able to fire a blast at push, but vine blocks it from deep tree root s from under ground, then she proceeds to wrap Issac up then wrap Karl up keeping his hands from touching anything)
(A dark figure approaches with what looks like an old repeater rifle)
VIne: Sorry boys but it looks like we are better. Push take them out.
Push: By boys.
(a quick burst of firing erupts vine and push get hit by the rapid blasts and are forced to repeat back Issac and Karl are let go and fall to the ground)
Jackie: Well don't just sit their get up and hit em
Karl: Jackie!
Issac: Well damn never thought I'd be glad to see you pycho.
Jackie: We can talk later just hit them.
(Jackie puts the repeater upand grabs his two harmonic pistols while runing, while issac began firing energy blasts from the suit rapidly, and karl began throwing boomerangs at them. The groups effort eventually overwhelmed the two of them knocking both of the out.)
Karl: It's been a while it's great to see you.
(Karl sticks out his hand to shake and takes off his mask to talk. Jackie suprisngly shakes his hand and allows his bandages to be seen)
Issac: Damn crazy you seem much more hospitable then the last time I saw you.
Jackie: Yeah well the reuinions going to have to wait you are going to need to grab Amanda and get out of the warehouse download all the data to usb drives ad burn everything in there you can't carry.
Karl: Jackie why would we do that.
Issac: Yeah, crazy this better not be some more of your crazy shit.
Karl: Issac be nice. Now Jackie why sould we do this?
Jackie: They sent these guys to come out and search for you guys they new you were at a warehouse, but they weren't sure wich one. So they burned every single warehouse in the clampon area making it look like mass vandalism in order to find ya'll.
Karl: Really damn then we really need to go.
Issac: Wait if you new they were doing all that why did'nt you give us a heads up.
Jackie: I could'nt risk bringing unnesscary attention to the warehouse by showing up just in case they had scouts watching people go near the warehosues. In fact its a good thing you were playing hermits the last couple of days.
Issac: How the hell you know that?
Karl: He had his reasons, Issac I mean he saved us so he obviously was'nt planning on killing us.
Issac: Yeah, I guess your right. His a pycho, but his a caring pycho. aren't ya.
(Jackie is approaching Push wakes him up and stabs him with a syringe)
Issac: Oh shit, karl he is at his fucking experiments again.
Karl: Jackie what are you...
(Jackie signals to give him a moment, he aks Push some questions then orders him to sleep)
Karl: Was that the same syrum? Jackie you know what happens if they don't constantly get that or get a cure.
Jackie: It okat this is a different syrum its not as strong as the syrum they used so there are no side effects to memory. No need for a cure.
Karl: That is a relief, but still this is wrong.
Issac: Damn every time I see you. You do something borderline mad scientist, At least your constant.
Jackie: We need to get to the Warehouse immediatly. ya'll seem to have gottten better then the last time, but you still need work.
Issac: Damn every time he acts like he is better than us.
Karl:No, Issac he just wants us to be better. That man seems like he does'nt think he's better than anybody. Trust me he really cares.
(They all head to the warehouse, they find it completly destoyed with Amanda missing)
Issac: What the hell happened here?
Karl: Damn wheres Amanda? Amanda!
Jackie: THey took herand you current research notes while we were fighting they could'nt let such valuable info go to waste.
Issac: What are we going to do?
Karl: We have got to find Amanda!
Jackie: Calm down Karl, I got a good idea where they are keeping her.
Karl: Okay, Okay tell us where we have got to go.
Jackie:No, you to have to do me a favor.
Issac: You manipulative fuck. (He grabs jackie slamming him to the ground.)
Karl: Issac I understand but you can't do this.
Issac: Why the hell not this suck fuck probably knew they were going to take her and let them so we would help him.
Karl: No, I doubt that's it. Let him speak.
Issac: Why do you keep defending this guy. (He lets him go) Fine do what you want with him but remember Amanda is on the line.
Karl: I know Issac. Now Jackie explain what you mean.
Jackie: I meant that you two need to go to Georgia to save someone else, while I go to save Amanda.
Issac: No if someones saving the sexy doctor it is going to be me. No way we ae going to let you the pych handle it.
Karl: Jackie, why do we have to save this person while you save Amanda.
Jackie: Because I know the base their keeping her in front and back. I know how to get around without attracting anyone. You two would only slow me down plus the hacker over their can track these guys better than I ever could. (He throws a paper fulll of files titled the blessed to Kar)
Issac: Who the hell are these guys?
Jackie: They are the blessed. Individuals augmented or born with special abilities that Heaven's sword uses for special missions.
Karl: They have people like this working for them. Issac you should track these guys.
Issac: Okay I guess the freak makes sense. Those two we fought definetly were'nt normal people.
(Karl throws Issac the document)
Jackie scan the ones circled in read they are the ones they sent to kill her.
Karl: Kill who?
Jackie: Toria.
Issac: Okay lets go.
(Issac flips through it scanning the peoples images through the software he put in his suit )
Issac: Okay I got a hit. All three of the people circled have been caught by security cameras near the Atlanta area. Well now we know where they are but what now ?
Jackie: Track their movements back to Toria grab her and escape with her before they strike.
Karl: Okay Jackie I understand, but how willl we know who Toria is.
(Jackie hands karl a picture of her. Issac looks over Karls shoulder.)
Issac: Damn okay I can see why you would want to save her. Wait why can't I just rack her face.
Jackie: A little hard to track a Chameleons hybrid.
Issac: A Chameleon girl.
Karl: Interesting so their reports on cross species people are true.
Issac: I have got to say I am living every fan boys dreams right now. All right lets go to Atlanta.
Karl: Jackie be sure to save Amanda. Okay.
Jackie: I understand. (He puts his mask)
Karl: I trust you Jackie. Alright Issac lets go in the van we stole from that lab a few days ago.(Amanda please be safe)
Issac: Let's roll. I know if Karl can trust you with her then you must be serious about saving her.
(Issac and Karl leave to head for the van while Jackie gets on top of his bike putting a helmet on)
Jackie: Is this right this is going against the plan. Should I help them.
???: It is part of the plan now you wanted to help them so we took the course of action to lead to a path where you could do both.
Jackie: Is balance being overturned by my selfishness. Is it!
???: Calm down the best road to your goal is to stay strong by having strong ties to people who can fight for it.
Jackie: Thats right. I can't have any reason to waver. They are means to my end. Nothing more, nothing less. Now to save Dr. Starnes if I'm correct they are taking her to the lab to. To Mr. Fetcher
To Be continued
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''before we get out of that door, there are some rules that should be followed,'' Lucas said crossing his hands over his chest.''1.do not talk to Noah Knights,'' Logan said with a serious expression plastered on his face. who is even that?''2.do not glance at Noah Knights,'' Lucas carried on.''3.do not interfere with Noah Knights,'' Logan continued making me place both hands over my hip. what the hell is wrong with my brothers?!xxxlittle did Emma know that she is going to break these 3 deadly rules, and get pretty much interfered with that Noah Knights-her brothers' enemy.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX#3 in jealousy#4 in parties#2 in laugh
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The Thing About Apholie: A Wolfwalkers Fanfiction
14 year-old Abigail Rosmere is afraid. Afraid of the wild. Which would make being friends with Apholie Lilliput, a wild girl from the nearby woods, sound very ironic. She's the only wild thing Abigail isn't afraid of. But when Apholie accidentally turns her into her species, far unlike any human, Abigail's world is turned upside down. And when Apholie is in danger, will Abigail run and save herself or stay and fight to protect the only thing she has left to call her own? (This is my first story on Wattpad and it is inspired by Wolfwalkers. I do not own the movie, it's characters, plot or any part of it at all. Credit goes to the original creators, Cartoon Saloon. I do own this sh*tty fanfic however, lol)*WATCH WOLFWALKERS FIRST BEFORE READING THIS FANFIC, IT WILL MAKE MORE SENSE, JUST TRUST ME!!!!*Additional stuff, (lol):Updates will most likely be very slow, mainly either due to school or lack of motivation. Also, I do not take requests. I do, however, take constructive criticism. My writing will most likely get better with the more books I compose, cus honestly I'm not too proud of this, but I'm too lazy to change it so I'm sticking with it. This was made with no planning whatsoever, so be prepared for some parts that may not make any sense. Lack of self confidence aside, I do hope you enjoy!(Thx for the 107 views, by the way!)
8 136