《The Enigmas: First Crusades》Meeting The Hacker


Attention Special Broadcast: everyone in the Clampton region the identity of the vigilante has been confirmed as 27 year old scientist Karl Blanch. Police say from several witness reports that Karl Blanch was seen having a nervous breakdown in Harb university where he worked and decided to kidnap fellow professor Amanda Starnes. His nervous breakdown also apparently led to him going to a Warehouse wounding and even killing some workers trying to renovate some of the buildings, so they can be made operational in the future. All residents of the Clampton area are hereby asked to be on the lookout for Amanda Starnes and Karl Blanch. He should be considered armed and very dangerous. Call police as soon as you see him. This is has been Walter Crum with your Special Broadcast Report.

Jackie and Karl are looking through anime message forums on a computer when they find something very interesting.

Karl: Look there the guy who keeps talking about lollies. He is starting to brag about starting to hack a television network.

Jackie: You sure it’s him.

Karl: I am sure, I only met him once at a conference about two years ago, but he was always acting like the biggest braggart when it came to hacking into things.

Jackie: That file said he was a hacker, but you say you met him at a conference is he also a professor.

Karl: Yeah, In fact he has been a professor since he was sixteen, although he only does consulting work for Universities right now. I had heard rumors he had been making most of his money doing professional hacking and considering what I had heard about him I believed it.

Jackie: Is there anything that indicates where he is going to be.

Karl: Yes, there is. He is posting that he plans to visit the comic convention in Tampa Bay.

Jackie: That is no good they are going to pick him up where he is staying or somewhere else.

Karl: Why is that? They picked Amanda up at the University with no problem.

Jackie: The University had plenty of areas where they could grab her privately, and they really only had to hack into the universities security system to erase what they did. The comic convention is a chaotic place where everyone is filming meaning there is more of a chance they get discovered. Making it harder to cover up. So they are going to grab where he is stating or on the way there somehow..


Karl: Okay, yeah that makes perfect sense. How have you gotten this good at this.

Jackie: I have had my fair share of practice.

Karl: Yeah I guess being a wanted vigilante over the past few months will do that to you. I always thought you were just some crazy guy beating people randomly in the streets. Yeah now I know you just beat up people who have it coming in the street.

Jackie: That is one way of putting it. Now let’s stay focused we need to figure out where he is staying so we can grab him before they do.

Karl: Listen I know I just think we should keep a positive attitude.

Jackie: Well don't get to positive. If that happens when you get real down it'll only hurt more.

Karl: Listen I know what my situation is and I know that Amanda needs me, but the second I let them take away my hope they have one.

Jackie: They got your face on the news as vigilante psychopath and you still think you can have hope. (He grabs his head squeezin the bandages) Hope makes you weak it only brings you closer to failure you have to leave that if you ever want to survive or win.

Karl: (pushing Jackie against a wall) Listen I know it's hard but you never would have started doing this if you didn’t have hope, so knock it off have some god damn compassion.(he punches him to the ground)

Jackie gets up filled with rage ready to attack,but a voice stops him from doing it.

???: No Jackie you need him, Calm down just relax.

(Jackie relaxes, and the voice fades away.)

Jackie: I am sorry let’s just find out where Issac Wells is staying and go get him.

Karl: Listen Jackie I'm...

Jackie: It's okay you are right I lost sight in why I was doing this Thank you. (He takes off the bandages revealing his face) Now let’s get to work.

Karl: Alright. Issac is probably going to be staying at a Hotel close to the event, so let’s just head over and check the three closest hotels to the event. The closest is The parkington, next is The Wellington, then there is the Defarge.


Jackie: Okay let's get ready I would charge that suit of yours if your going.

Karl: This suit as you call it is used to be a way point for the objects and it is also the guidance system for their travel. Anyway it is going to take around three hours to charge it. Then I am going to have about thirty minutes worth of power.

Jackie: That is not going to work here. ( He tosses a strange object at Karl)

Karl: What is this?

Jackie: It is small but powerful electrochemical battery I use it to charge my weapons on the go.

Karl: I doubt this has enough power output, but thank you.

Jackie: Is there any way you can add improvements to that suit of yours.

Karl: Yeah, If I have some time, Why do you ask?

Jackie: If you are going to work with me your going to need to get a lot stronger.

Karl: I guess this makes us partners.

Jackie Shut up, I am going to give Amanda some tranquilizer before we leave.

Karl: I wish there was a better way to do this. How many memories has she lost now.

Jackie: I would say about two years now.

Karl: We really need to hurry. There is not much time before...

Jackie: Calm down the older the memories the longer it takes to remove them. So relax.

Karl: Thanks

Jackie: Okay let's gear up. Do you want a gun.

Karl: No I am a poor shot. I think I'll just stick to using a suit

Jackie: Then here take this and put on this.

Karl: What's all this?

Jackie: That is a smoke bomb for an emergency, the rest is a wig and foundation to change your appearance. Your a wanted man you can't walk around like you normally do. (He grabs his equipment bag slipping over his trench coat on his back. All while applying the foundation and a wig)

Karl: You seem way to get at this.

Jackie: I'm not I just have had a bit of practice lets go get a car.

Karl: What do you mean.

Jackie: It's two hours away I am not walking.

Two Hours Later-

Karl: Did you really have to torch the car at the outskirts of town.

Jackie: Yes, Now come on let’s head to The Parkington.

Karl: I hope he's here everywhere else was a bust.

(They walk into the The Parkington Hotel approaching the front desk.)

Front Desk Man: How may I help you?

Karl: We are looking for Issac Wells' room

Front Desk Man: Well Yes he is staying in room 317 have a nice day.

Karl: You too.

(Jackie notices the front desk make a call and men suddenly move in behind them.)

(Jackie takes a pill and pushes the elevator button as soon as they get in pulling Karl in.)

Karl: What is wrong.

Jackie: Stay alert.

(Elevator door opens they approach the room.)

Karl: Knocks on the door.

Issac: I'm coming are those my ladies.

Jackie:Yes( in a womanly voice)

(Issac opens the door Jackie pushes himself and Karl in when a blast of gun fire is heard.)

Issac: What the Hell is going on? Who are you guys?

Karl: Were they expecting us or did we just cut in just in time.

Jackie: Doesn’t matter we just have to get out of here.

Issac: Seriously who are you guys is this some kind of Joke.

Karl: Issac I am Karl Blanch and this is..the Vigilante and we are here to save you.

Issac: How the hell did this happen?

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