《Invincible all eons》Chapter 9 : toward the zhai family


Chapter 9 : toward the zhai family

Sparks of the flame were flying with the asunder of human body. The cold and chilling sensitisation was still around , like a hell , magma were all around on the ground. Those magma were left behind by the power of qi flame.

[ firmament flame : almighty asunder : nirvana phoenix , rebirth ]

This technique was very powerful , to be able to leave the fire marks along with lava , it was no less than a human made disaster.

In the uproar , nanashi had disappeared with his group.

"DAMN !! I , YOUR FATHER WILL PEEL YOU ALIVE BASTARD " the leader of gaurd that nearly managed to survive the attack screamed in pain and anger.

"Lead…leader , what should we do now ? " one guard that also merely survived asked while hesitating. Gritting his own teeth , the leader shouted " hurry up , hurry up , report this to high authority "

Quickly the news of the destruction in huang family territory was spread around yan city. By than , the family head of huang family , huang kenkai , also heard it. But when he heard the news he just said " if I were to go around and keep on throwing rocks on the people just because they were the first one to throw rocks at me , than I would get exhausted and die just like that "

With that ,huang family didn't took action against nanashi and his group.

While the news went every corner of the city , everyone managed to know one organisation that has newly formed. And they are called " firmament assailants flame ". The member in this organisation were one great monk with the strange sturdy physic and powerful buddhist arts and this monk even eats meat like a werewolf and drinks wines like a water.

And the most important thing was that this monk doesn't reads Buddha script but learns the way to insult people's.

It is said that he is incarnation of devil in monk's skin. His skin is so thick that he even dares to insult others like he is not insulting but praying the gods.

While the leader of this organisation is a young man that is only a late stage warrior and his combat prowess is too terrifying. He can already cripple masters with one fist and kill them with few fists ,his physic is just too sturdy than the fake monk that eats meat.

The leader can even use a fire art that can not be easily stopped. While he can even use some sort of escaping art and escape with his partner . And the thing is that , he is more arrogant than the fake monk.

He , in a brazen way , declared that he was gonna kill every guards from huang family. And according to him his name is assailant nanashi or assailant nameless.

Soon the monk Ann ri was given the title , nasty monk while nanashi was given the title , arrogant assailant.

In the shepherd mountain that is located in the south side of the yan city. This road was the way to zhai family. Now that firmament assailants flame has damaged the property of huangs, they were now moving toward south for protection.


"Amitabha , I am hungry after the extreme battle. Brother na, I want something to eat. As a leader , you need to take care of your members " the monk Ann ri was climbing the mountain , exhaustion and tiredness , were written on his face. Even immortals would get tired after battling against hundreds of immortals ,let alone this Ann ri the immortal cultivators.

Walking tirelessly , nanashi sighed. When he was walking , his shaking legs gave up and he fell down. Using those technique [ first gear ] and [ firmament flame ] , his whole body was empty and only few spiritual qi were left.

Watching those two that were no less than " a dogs that has lost their masters" , su bai had already expected this.

Taking something out from his [ storage halo ] , nanashi took something in his mouth and started chewing it. Than with a satisfaction smile , he nodded.

Watching him happy , monk Ann ri asked in great curiosity " brother na , what are you happy about ?"

Looking at him , nanashi extended his hand forward and opened his right palm widely. There were some few red like soft things "want some ?"

watching those red like something , monk Ann ri turned to look at nanashi and gave a solid lethal kick and send him flying away.

"Mk !! I your father has been walking in this scorching sun from the morning with nothing to eat and here you , the god f'ker is telling me to eat these strawberries now ? Did you plan on taking it out after I had died from hunger ? Fk !! Get here " the monk Ann ri couldn't take it so he cried in anger.

His anger was like volcano has exploded but there were no lava because when he realised something , he had already send nanashi rolling on the ground , nanashi was rolling and rolling down the mountain. He splashed in the water / river .


Getting splash in the river , nanashi stood up in rage and said " I , your granddaddy , will teach you a merciful buddha about ,how to fk your mother ? Get here , you stupid a*s face monk "

Ann ri stood high and mighty and walked to him than got close , they were so close that they could even fell their breathes that were huffing like a mad bull.



"Huff" Ann ri cried " you mk !! Telling your daddy that you would teach him how to fk his wife ? You retard , buddha is merciful but doesn't means that I am too." With that he threw a solid right fist toward nanashi.

Nanashi was hit on his chest and send flying like a football. Than he crash landed on the Creek side of the river.

"Cough" standing on the ground , nanashi lip twisted. There was a blood on the corner of his lips so he licked it. Than ran toward Ann ri while crying out loud " you suck my di*k " with that he gave 360 degree round kick on Ann ri's right side of the shoulder and below the neck.



Ann was send flying away like a volleyball and got crashed on the huge cliff that was near the waterfall side. The mountain was high so the waters were falling down from countless sides , so there were many water falls streams but not that huge.


"Fk my life !! " cursing out loud ,.Ann ri again crossed his fists against nanashi while nanashi did the same.

Watching them fight , su bai couldn't come up with anything. Were they really fighting or was they only messing around ?

But soon without their intension , because of the whirlpools that were created through the gales from their clashing , huge numbers of fishes were caught in those small but strong whirlpools.

One by one , in a row , those fishes were starting to get pulled out on the land through those small whirlpools.


Watching this scene , su bai couldn't help but smile bitterly. This is such a….. headache.

"Stop you two " hearing her , both stopped their clashes , and looked toward su bai. Than they saw her point her beautiful finger toward the ground , than their heads also lowered to see what was going on ?

There they saw market of fishes , at least 20 or so fishes were there.

To tell the truth , nanashi had lots of good supplies but it just that ….. He had forgotten about it. After only focusing in training himself , he has forgetten about those things.

If Ann ri were to know this than he would say " Amitabha, buddha is merciful…. F'ker, that doesn't mean he will forgave you. You as* licking BASTARD , take this , the retribution of heaven " than he would kick on nanashi's two heaven and earth balls.

Burning fire and roasting it , they ate them but still their spiritual qi were not fully recovered. Ann ri only recovered to peak stage true warrior / holy domain high monk. He was only one stage stronger than su bai.

While nanashi had recovered his energy at the level of late stage warrior and his combat strength was still the same as before because of his [ diamond bone ].

While su bai wasn't the one of those to engage on battle so she felt nothing , she was already a mid stage true warrior and she has the combat prowess of true warrior.

After eating those fishes , they kept on moving forward and arrived at the land of zhai family. The area of zhai family was not that bad and was rich , walking around they saw many things.

When they were walking on the street , monk Ann ri , who was still with the nanashi's group felt something. This feeling was holy and sacred , no one would be able to resist this treasure.

This was non other than meatballs. Walking toward the stall that was selling meatballs , monk Ann ri took long breath and breathed out. Inhaling the breath in , he smiled and licked his lips. And released the breath , than he said " amitabha, mister , can I have five balls of meatballs ? "

"……?" Watching the monk , everyone had their tongue tied.

What the fk !! Did I just heard something wrong here ?

Did this monk that seem to be sacred asked for meat just now ??

If I am not wrong than … he did .

The people that were around the stall were all dumbfounded. Did I just hear something wrong ? If so than please …

"Sorry , but can you repeat it again ? I think I heard it wrong " the shopkeeper smiled and felt like his world has gone upside down.

"Fk !! I said , give me 20 pieces of meatballs or else I will destroy your stall " than Ann ri again acted in a holy manner " cough * cough * amitabha, amitabha, I asked that can you give this meatballs to me so I can deliver this to my benefactors ? " than he pointed his finger at nanashi and su bai.

No mistake , they just heard those vulgar words from him. Does he thinks that we are idiots ?

But still , he was an immortal , so how can they retaliate their words ?

( note : here 'immortal' is being referred to daoist, taoist, cultivator , immortal cultivator , martial artist and so on )

Packing 30 pieces of meatballs , the shopkeeper gave it to Ann ri. Than Ann ri payed up and walked toward the nanashi.

Watching him walked while eating meatballs and licking it like it was a lollipop , not only nanashi and su bai but entire area were silence.

The meatball was decorated just like a lollipops. Ann ri , while eating meatballs , he said " what are you looking at ? If it's about my meatballs than don't even think about …hey , hey , stop…mk !! What do you take your father as ?

Hey you , Damn. .…that's mine , don't snatch it away from me , you f'ker ….. curse your hundred generations for stealing my meatball."

The words from Ann ri shocked everyone in the area. Was this still the world ?

Nanashi couldn't help but smile. Indeed , the member of firmament assailants flame was unique.

While walking on the street , nanashi asked Ann ri why was he attending the academy of daoist ? After all he , wasn't he taoist ?

It turn out to be that he wanted to learn both dao and tao than create his own law. Truly magnificent dream he got…

Yup ! Only dream of a fool…haha

After a few minutes or so , they arrived in front of hidden dragon academy of zhai family.the academy had three buildings , one for classes , one for library and one for training.

When they went inside the academy , they found countless disciples hanging around with each others.

There was also one small building other than those three , it was made of woods and was crafted in ancient time ways.

The three if them walked inside the room and saw an old man wearing round glasses with low power Lench.

They first greeted the Oldman and sat down on the chair that was in front of the table.

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