《Fire Magician.》Lone Survivor#Chapter VIII


How many times has he told himself, the same phrase, yet, he still doesn't understand.

No plan ever goes as planned.

So many times his plans have been ruined, or altered, by A or X factors, people or actions that weren't predicted nor thought of. And yet, he still doesn't understand fully the lesson.

Henry's current plan, a clear example of it, as to how his whole plan got disrupted by an external force.

Just after opening the Metal door, they were welcomed with a barrage of arrows. Oscar managing to barely save Henry after pushing him out the way.

But still, a hundred of other arrows were coming their way.

"Alan! Block the entrance with your barrier!" he shouted out loud, loud enough for Alan to hear his message. Henry couldn't die, not yet.

And less by someone else actions.

Luckily Alan reacted fast enough to create a barrier blocking every arrow coming their way.

It didn't take long for Alan to shout "I WON'T BE ABLE TO HOLD LONG!" sweat rolling down his forehead. Clearly, it cost quite a bit maintaining that barrier under the arrows siege.

"EVERYONE MOVE AND SHUT THE DOORS!" Henry quickly shouted standing up along Oscar, quickly, they started closing both doors.

But it was already too late. The barrage of arrows stopped, only to be followed by a pack of Werewolves that easily barraged, and destroyed the thin barrier, entering the Gym.

Everyone had already backed off quite a bit from the Metal door. Some, already dead due to some lucky arrow that found their way into their head. More and more arrows were still coming killing many students.

In less than 10 seconds, already more than a dozen students were dead due to the arrows.

Henry angrily shut off one of the doors with a powerful Sparta like kick.

After doing so, quickly finding himself a lone Werewolf to beat. Seeing the fight between the two beasts proceed, it was clear that it was 1 less, a dozen or so Werewolfs lets to kill.

No more arrows were fired anymore because of the Wolves that covered the door with their bodies, probably the unseen archers to afraid of hitting their own Allies. The identity of those archers a mystery itself.

Were the archers ¿Werewolves? It didn't seem so, considering their too feral attitude and that their claws wouldn't be able to hold a string without breaking it first.

So who were those archers? A sub-wolf race? Were they Kobolds or some race like that? What race is able to manipulate bows and ally with those over-developed wolfs?

Or were Werewolves originally able to manipulate bows? As surprising as it may be.

The worst possible case being in which the wolves know how to use bows. Or in which those allies are more powerful than the wolves, in which case, he doubts it.

He believes them being faster and more skillfully, more powerful, no.

Regardless, none of those options sounded good and there was no way of knowing. Except going personally to them, which basically meant death.

Maybe Fredo could tell with his enhanced senses...- Actually, Fredo is already dead, an arrow sticking out from his forehead.

Oh well, there goes his sensor.

The massacre went on as those powerful and fierce's beast easily ripped to shreds his fellow students. Generally, one swipe of their claws meant one less unit from their group.

Observing the battlefield from his safe back position, he couldn't help but get surprised at Oscar display of skills.

Oscar was able to hold off one of those Werewolves, skillfully avoiding its claws as if foresighted. Countering them with light punches to the nose, unfortunately, Oscar couldn't deal much damage due to his lack of appropriate skill.


Seeing this... He couldn't help but let out an evil smile, it seemed like one of his friends needed help.

¿Don't he?

The agglomeration of Werewolf at the main entrance blocked any chance of getting shot.

He positioned himself behind the fight between Oscar and the Wolf, both individuals a bit apart from the main fight. He aimed with his hand positioned at the front of his body, his aim locked mainly on the wolf, but another portion locking into Oscar, he couldn't make it look like intentional, just an accident.

If anyone was busy looking that its.

Cesar spent more and more mana on the spell, consuming more mana than normally usen when firing a normal Fireball, and... retrieving it. Spending more, and retrieving the mana.

Well, now he knew that he could retrieve the mana during the summoning ¿Useful information? Maybe, or maybe not. Regardless, he knew it now.

No experimenting anymore, Cesar spent a large portion of his mana on the creating of this new Fireball, a 40%, when normally it required a mere 15%.

Big Fireball Active Skill Learned!

Big Fireball


(Fireball Variation)

The grand Fireball was 3 times bigger than a normal one, not only that but normally, he doesn't feel the heat coming from his own Fireball, ¿Why? Who knows, magic is the best guess.

Regardless, as saying, the heat coming from the Fireball was intense, scorch marks forming below on the concrete floor of the Gym.

He watched in delight as it was getting closer and closer between both fighters, the Werewolf seemed to notice, but Oscar didn't because his back facing the Fireball direction.

Only mere meters now.

Unfortunately for him, Oscar, in the last moment gave one last punch on the Werwolf nose, making him dizzy and then rushing to the side avoiding the grand Fireball.

Not a single burn on him.

The Werewolf wasn't that lucky, his fur rapidly catching on fire, all his body burning in an instant letting out a desperate howl out of pain and fury. Trashing around trying to set off the fire on him.

But it was too late for it.

He watched how the Werewolf howled in pain. Steam rising from it and how his skin started to rip and break. His muscles convulsing and it's eyes setting ablaze, looking desperately for anything, anything that could alleviate the pain it was feeling.

Finally, it knelt over, spinning on the floor, as time passed it moved slower, each time slower until finally, it stopped moving, it died.

A horrifying death.

Level 2 (<1) 5Sp Granted!

¿So why was he so amused?


Yes, I do want to kill you. he thought amused but didn't let show on his face. Oscar was angry and with all reason ¿Won't you get angry with the one that was about to kill you? Yes right?

Smiling would only add fuel to the fire.

Or something like that.

"Don't sweat it. I knew you could avoid it, ¡And you did it!"

Responded Cesar with a slight smile. Oscar looked taken back, something he noted. Reigning himself Oscar glared at him and turn back on the fight, this time, helping some struggling students who were facing a fierce Werewolf.

It was curious.

¿How did Oscar notice the Fireball?

The time in which Oscar could have felt the heat wouldn't have been enough time to react properly. Not only that but Oscar didn't turn back once to see the impending Grand Fireball, which meant he somehow knew that the Fireball was coming his way.


¿Maybe he also lied about his skill?

It was the most likely conclusion. It was that, or Oscar had somewhat like 20(x2) points in DEX, the attribute that allowed to react faster and have a better awareness of the surroundings.

The most likely was having a skill that allowed him to predict harm, considering that Oscar capabilities didn't seem that great. THAT, if Oscar wasn't faking his speed, strenght, and durability.

Oh well, it's just something else he is going to consider when killing Henry.

He sighed, now not only Igor, but it seemed as Oscar is a problem as well. Not such a big problem like Igor but still... Basically, it sucked.

Now he could be assured that more than 20 students were killed. Half of their forces remained while 5 Werewolves lasted, they were fairly matched.

But considering that still, those hidden on the passage remained, he couldn't be sure of the real numbers.

Arrows flew as the entrance wasn't blocked anymore by those Wolfs. Now each Werewolf fighting against their own opponent, it seemed as they didn't like cooperating with each other during fights. The arrows killed those distracted students, if it went on as it was, then it wouldn't take long for them to get massacred.

The hallway between the Gym and the rest of the school building is narrow, not only that, but there's a double door that separated the Gym hallway with the School hallway.

¿Who won't take free Exp when presented to them?

Not him, that's for certain.

Cesar positioned aimed at the entrance, only to besieged by a ton of arrows that he barely avoided, except for one that made its way into his left shoulder.


He swore getting out of the archers range.

¿Since when was he such an idiot? Not only he received physical damage but also received a type of recoil after stopping so abruptly the Fire summoning, he felt as if, somehow someway, his Mana was strained.

And it hurt.

A lot.

Each mere movement he tried on his left arm hurt hella lot. Also, it felt weird, very weird.

And wrong, obviously a bad idea trying to move your arm when an arrow is lodged in your shoulder.

Now it's time to decide ¿Remove the arrow? Or just let it stay.

Considering that he couldn't move his left arm anymore because of the arrow and letting it stay could possibly make it a permanent injury, removing it is.

It could make more harm in the long run, but oh well, whatever, he's not a medic.

He grabbed the arrow, gritted his teeth, and...


Swore and let the arrow stay. Just holding the arrow hurt, moving it a bit hurt a shit of tons, removing it, sure, right, yeah.


Why is he such a pussy? Something he'd love to remove from his person but its difficult, his pain tolerance is as shitty as it is.

But unfortunately, he knew that he'll have to use his arm to summon his Fireball, he had tested it before and it doesn't work if he doesn't place his arms in front of him. Actually, it's kind of an instinct as he did it instinctively once against those Goblins.

He sighed and made his way towards Alan and Root dude, a Mage with a Tier I skill called Root strike. His name? Who cares, just some other student he probably won't know ever never.

Both of them looked impotent as they glared at those Werewolves as they massacred their friends. Their Mana pool already ran off, at their 10% at most.


He simply said taking him out by surprise along the Root user. Both looked at him and paled at his injury.


"Stick it out. Root dude, hold me, please."

He finished and sat along them, closed his eyes, and prepared.


Alan responded smartly watching him, undecided with what to do.

"Do it"






Shouted Root dude angrily at him.

Temperamental, he noted. Still, good that it was finally removed. At least Root dude had enough guts to remove the arrow from his shoulder, not like stupid 'Huh...' Alan.

"Ah... Shit, dat shitty shit hurt hella lot!" he cursed once again grabbing his bleeding shoulder. Should he try using Small Fireball on it? Even though he's not a medic, he knew that it was a bad idea.

It simply doesn't work like that.

2 Point VIT and 3 points DEX.





- VIT -

14 (<2)


- AGI -



- STR -



- DEX -

14 (X2) (<3)


- INT -



- WIL -



- WIS -



- DEX -

14 (X2)


Maybe if he had reacted faster, he would have been able to avoid that arrow. Unfortunately, he hadn't. Spending points on VIT was to find out if the pain alleviated a bit, and oh sure it did.

Not much, but it certainly alleviated the pain.

Anyways, now not the time to think useless things, he've gotta get revenge against those fuckers archers.

"Alan, how many arrows you think you can stop?"

"Huh... A dozen or so?"

"Okay. Just cover me while I charge my Fireball, ill deal with those fuckers archers" he said walking towards the spot in which he was shot "They're gonna pay" Cesar finished with malice in his words.

Alan 'Huh' nodded and quickly formed the barrier in front of Cesar, protecting him from the incoming arrows. It didn't take much time for more and more archers to notice Cesar and start shooting him with their iron arrows, the barrier barely holding a mere ten second.

Enough time to charge his Fireball.

It hurt, every moment he was carrying that great ball of fire, he felt how his entire body burned. No, not his body, his Mana, his Mana was burning, and it hurt, he just hoped it wasn't something permanent.

"ALAN DEACTIVATE IT!" Cesar shouted angrily, gritting his teeth. Holding that Grand Fireball felt like holding a dumbbell extended hands position.

"SURE?!" Alan asked unsure as dozens of arrows were still incoming Cesar way.


Alan didn't argue anymore and just did as told, releasing a sigh after liberating that barrier, the Mana he managed to replenish while staying idle already entirely wasted on that move.

The enormous Fireball in front of Cesar was blocking his vision, also, it burned those incoming arrows, stopping their momentum, and burning them in the process, they couldn't stop him, not now.

"Burn assholes" he whispered launching the Fireball toward the dark passage.

It burned the next bunch of incoming arrows and illuminating the hallway, finally, seeing the creatures in the dark, which were...


Lanky creatures with sharp eyes and, sharp, pointy ears. Usually, they wore arrogant smirks, now, those smirks replaced with fear and desperation.

Screaming came next, cries, pleads of helps. But nothing nor anyone came to help them, he watched as they trashed around covered in fire.

Satisfaction rose to his chest, feeling some sort of warmth.

And the system rewarded him.

Level 3 (<2) 5Sp Granted! Level 4 (<3) 5Sp Granted! He grinned from ear to ear, delighted, but quickly shut it down. He couldn't be looked like a psycho, no, not now, maybe later. But not now. Never had he thought that killing would be so fun, it was a pleasant experience, those screams, cries, trashing, all of it amused him. He quickly assumed that by basic Human standards, he wasn't completely sane, but he was fine with it, that's just how he is, that's how he's going to be. His Mana, once again on the same day, dropped to the bare minimum, a sensation pretty similar to when you're mentally tired after a long session of complicated equations. He felt like an idiot. His mind heavy, numb, and the amused suppression, quickly, lifted. Maniac laugh quickly filled the Gym perturbing those that weren't that busy fighting, they looked for the source, only to see a blonde dude with a maniac smile laughing, ¿Why? Who knew. At the very least, probably, it wasn't an enemy, so their resumed their own fights, trying to ignore that crazy student. "Hum... Alan, what's up with your friend?" Jacob, or best known as Root dude, asked a bit perturbed after Cesar maniac laughing. "...-II, don't know. Let's just get him to the benches, so he can rest" "-...Agreed"

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