《Fire Magician.》Lone Survivor#Chapter I


Cesar founded it silly, ¿Since when fictions stopped being fictions?

But he found no reasonable answer as he had to quickly bring forth the new ability that just mere minutes ago he seemingly learned.

"Fireball!" he shouted out loud, not necessary, but certainly it brought him a sense of confidence and valor shouting it out loud.

As stupid as it appeared.

Even though the gymnasium resounded with horrible noises coming from different sources, some more horrible than the others, he couldn't help but flinch and feel pity for his enemies, as they screamed in pain and agony while getting burned to death. It wasn't a nice death, much less a painless one, that's for granted. Unknowingly letting out a small smile He continued on with his fireballs, draining his newfound Mana to bare levels, bringing it dangerously close to zero. But fortunately, he, along with his classmates, managed to kill every one of those little bastards, critters that rushed towards them mere minutes after the message had come along. Finally, he managed to clear his mind out of the battle frenzy state he was previously in, and couldn't help but puke after realizing what he had done. Not only had he burned to death those little green bastards, but some classmates too. He hadn't noticed, too focused on those that were in front of him and not on those that were beneath, but still, in the range of fire. He panted with rapid and ragged breathings, he felt a sense of despair and hollow many times had he felt before, he knew what to do in these situations, but still, it wasn't easy to calm it down. And just when he thought that they were in control, someone had to annoy him. Someone had hit him on the face, he heard what he was saying, but his mind couldn't make coherent thoughts out of it, just getting the basic setting of, bastard, Idiot, dickhead. He wasn't appreciated, he was disdained, that's for sure. He was getting repeatedly insulted by one mere man, Henry, a black classmate that was generally liked by everyone and in turn, liked everyone, they were friends before, not that close, but well... In good terms, it may be said. But now, the black classmate everyone liked, was mad, mad at him. ¿Why? With his luck, he must have killed his best friend, Nail. Yes, Nail, as a nail. A silly name, some even thought it was his nickname, but his Id showed otherwise, something everyone made fun of, but that guy seemed as he didn't care a shit about it. Anyways, that guy is now dead, and Henry is mad. That's all it matters now. No one came to aid him, to busy in their personal dilemma, or straight off, didn't care. He didn't have many friends to start off, much less, a 'best friend' that would come to his aid. Even though he wasn't in his best state of mind, and that he would love releasing all his fury towards Henry, someone that didn't seem to care to display all his fury on him, he didn't. Not now, not with everyone watching. His lack of friends, even, a general dislike for him, wasn't because of nothing. It was mostly because of his short-temper, he's easily enraged, but he's not like idiots that lash out at the mere injury towards their person, oh no, he's worse, much worse. He plans, plans for almost a week, and when he's sure that the plan is going to work, he doesn't hesitate and do his best in accomplishing it and bringing his enemy into the misery. Now he wouldn't have to be so subtle, not with this new... System. All his frustration, his confusion, his... fog, vanished, just like that, turning into anger and a desire for revenge ¿Was it supposed to be that easy?. It was almost therapeutic. He chuckled. But it didn't seem to be a good idea as that indicated another beating coming from Henry, this time, his words getting more coherent and clear. "-YOU BASTARD! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING EH!? DOES THIS LOOK LIKE FUN?!" The black teen sounded enraged, full of fury towards his person, fury, and in pain. Henry normally wasn't like that, he disdained violence and generally looked for diplomacy rather than violence.


Regardless, he didn't care a shit about that. He wanted to fight back, punch that bastard in the face and trash him around as he's doing it right now with him, but he didn't, he knew that in a close combat fight, Henry is surely going to win. A close combat Henry is surely going to win, but now, he has fireballs and he's pretty sure Henry wouldn't be able to dodge it from such a close distance. But he closed his eyes and endured the trashing, he wanted to burn that idiot, roasting him as he should be doing in Africa along with his kin, but he retained that fury. If he does so, he would be surely abandoned by everyone, not only that but trashed, beat around for killing someone as liked as Henry. They may even kill him, most were simple students, but a phew of them weren't that 'normal'. And no, there was no crazy idiot that wants to kill everyone and everything, its just as simple as that some people don't care that much about killing somebody else. They may later regret it, but at the moment, it will look like a brilliant idea. He mentally sighed and endured the beating. Finally, someone arrived at his aid, talking to Henry, convincing him to stop, not physically trying to stop the beating, but doing small talk, trying to convince Henry. Finally, the beating stopped after three minutes. Between hard, and jarred breaths, Henry said in a deep voice, unnatural to his person, to start doing a small funeral for everyone that had died in the assault. The talker guy, Oscar, just nodded and told the others what to do, the positions already clear, Henry the leader, Oscar the second hand used for the jerks, and finally him, the boxing bag. He stayed beaten, laying on the ground ¿Would the fire be useful in stopping his bleeding? Painful for sure, but would it even work? Something he didn't want to test but would have to, someday, he would have to. Though, ¿Could he even manipulate his Fireball in such a way? Luckily, today wasn't the day of reckless testing. Vanessa, the girl everyone has hots in, like an angel, healed him with her godlike ability, a skill related to healing for sure. His bleeding stopped and his open wounds started mending, his face feeling like deep in warm, and comfortable water. He sighed in pleasure. Today wouldn't be the day of suturing wounds with fire. At least, something good happened that day. And Vanessa ragged P.E shorts was a nice plus.


Black panties.

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