《Worldview》Chapter 28, The Worm Hole I


Every time I took a step, goblins tore to pieces. The goblins seemed to have developed a sense of sentience because as soon as they saw the massacre of their brothers, they huddled up together and started speaking in an alien language.

They spoke in a low voice but I could hear their distinct murmurs.

"Kuak shabibi batta."

"Geradyu ji nashatu, umulumida ta reiyna!"


They all shouted that last word in unison then rushed at me. Whatever their pep talk was about, it didn't matter. I was leagues above them.

[Exclusive Skill, Capture Lv. 7 has been activated!]

They were all quickly cut down by my precise swordsmanship. Their cries and groans came seconds after I slashed each of them to bits. The remaining goblins trembled and stepped back with enormous fear.

It was unfortunate, but I didn't feel as much as this was just a video game. My Dojigiri burned up and the fire extended with a roar of glory, slashing them all in one go. I watched as the remaining goblins turned into pixelated dust.

I quickly sheathed my Dojigiri and panted lightly. Since I pretty much became this 'brawler' character, Magic would be pretty hard to use and I would not be able to keep it up for long. I had to adjust and become accustom to my new stats and perks. I had to change my way of fighting temporarily.

I stood back and watched the game's system messages pop up.

{You have completed Dungeon of the Goblins!}

{You have gained experience.}

{You have obtained 'Courteous Man Leather's Jacket'.}

{Do you wish to equip?}

I clicked on the deny button was this game system taking me for a joke? Unless they didn't register my SS-grade Coat then that was the only explanation.

I jolted as the outlandish doors suddenly opened. That quickly prompted me to think about Erich. There would be no communication between me and him until a couple dungeon rooms down. I hoped he'd be safe.

I flew down the hallway at haste, there were some monsters in between but I slaughtered them without second thought.

{You have killed 5 monsters.}

{You have levelled up 2.}

{You have reached Level 3.}

It wasn’t long before I reached the next door. My Dojigiri’s tip held the head of a grotesque goblin before I slipped it inside the keyhole that needed the head in order to unlock the next dungeon. The hole sucked in the head and after, a few moments of rumbling could be heard.

I stood back and watched as the next ancient door slowly rise in the air. If I recalled correctly, the next batch of monsters were a vicious type. They weren’t smart but that’s what made them deadly. My first encounter of the beast came swiftly.


I quickly dragged my right foot back in evasion of the claw that leapt at me. The overgrown nails swept the air rapidly, trying to grab a feel of what was behind the door. The slow opening door had finally revealed the beast's head, finally giving it a look of what was behind the door. The head of the monster then suddenly tumbled along the ground and it had its last look at its own body.

I quickly advanced forward and watched as multiple rat-like creatures called Hymerians began to pounce onto me.

{You have encountered the Lair of the Hymerians!}

I was aware of my strength right now and the debug that I had gotten when I was transported to this game. I kept my distance and slowly overcame the rats approaching me. But that debuff really hit me a lot.

My movement became sloppier and my sword efficiency became sloppy too. As I was about to pierce the heart of a Hymerian, it swung its claw to deflect my blade and rapidly swung its other consequently. I staggered back to avoid it and the Hymerian attempted to pierce my vantablack coat. Luckily, the grade of the coat lived up to its name as it received no slash marks. Before the Hymerian could throw a claw again, a thrashing blow was met to its body. The sword didn’t swing as swiftly and powerful as I’d have liked it to but it did the job and blood sprayed from the Hymerian’s body.

I was slowly running out of breath from dealing continuous blows. I weren’t going to last long keeping this up. I swished a Hymerians throat and quickly retreated into a corner.

There were only about 8 Hymerians now, each one as ferocious as the other. I began to sheath my Dojigiri, this absurd action of mine halted the Hymerians temporarily. Shifting my feet into a stance, I brought up my two fists, my veins popped out due to my muscular build. I had used up my magic power and so this was my only option.

I bit my tongue and hoped this would make a difference when a Hymerian leapt at me with a screeching cry. I moved my body post-haste, used my momentum and swung my fist into the Hymerian’s jaw. The Hymerian’s crooked teeth flew out as he too flew onto the other side of the dungeon.

There was no time to watch that scene in awe as multiple rushed at me, it wasn’t rare for the Hymerians to attack in packs.

My foot bounced off the ground and I smashed a Hymerian’s face in. Another raised its jaws to rip off my arm and I slapped it straight into the ground. The ground shook as the Hymerian’s head disintegrated due to the excessive force. The pixels drifted and faded into the air, along with its body.


{Your mastery of ‘Fists’ has increased!}

{Your mastery of ‘Fists’ has increased!}

[The Constellation ‘Greatest Louisville Motormouth’ commends your fighting spirit!]

The rest of the Hymerians, who were previously distracted by something else, darted toward me. I clenched my fists a few times before striking an uppercut on a beast’s torso and my whole arm went through, the Hymerian disintegrated in the process. Before an approaching Hymerian could retrace their steps after seeing their kin get demolished, I threw multiple punches in its face. It seemed that my brawler role increased my punching speed and made them more explosive.

The last of the Hymerians came to meet their end quite suddenly. I approached the last, unsheathing my Dojigiri, and pointed it at the Hymerian who cowered in the corner. I could see the reflection of the beast on my sword.

“I hated you guys the most, to be honest.”

Fire could be seen in my eyes as my sword went ablaze.

{You have completed the ‘Lair of the Hymerians’!}

{You have gained experience.}

{You have levelled up to 7.}

The rest of the unconscious beasts disintegrated whilst my achievement messages popped up.

“Wow. There really isn't any good items this early on...” I mumbled under my breath.

A second after, a loud rumble could be heard and I quickly turned upon hearing the sound, my sword was quick and aimed at the source. A door was seen to be manifesting inside the wall.

{You have 4 hours to complete the dungeon.}

This absurd message rose in the air. 4 hours? Never in my time playing Dungeon Mayhem was there a time limit for the completion of the game. Another sound could be heard but this time it was behind me. I looked back and saw that the entrance of the lair was glitching, pixels moved erratically like they were corrupted.

The message that there was 4 hours burst in my face again, as if it was warning me to proceed through the dungeon.

I sheathed my sword and quickly made my way, I turned the handle and moved in haste.

I sliced through the monsters that stood in my way as I advanced through the dungeon. Every step I took, I realised something was off with the dungeon, like the content of the game had been reduced. I sheathed my sword once more and used my fists, my magic power was low and if my hunch was right, that the game had been reduced, we’d face a tough adversary.

I turned the corner and walked a few before halting. There was a buzzing sound, it was faint but audible. I slowly hugged the wall whilst moving forward, conscious of the sound. I looked ahead and spotted that there was a gap in the hole, as if I was walking along a fork in a road.

I decided to continue on, fists clenched, to confront this thing.

[The Constellation ‘Heroic Lion Heart’ is watching intently.]

I reached the end of the wall, jolted forward and gazed at the other side. A young figure was walking toward me, with what looked like 4 disfigured, otherworldly bees following behind.

“Wait… Aksel?”

The young figure was Erich, and he ran towards me. My neutral face now exhibited a slight smile. I was happy to see Erich, I thought that this dungeon wasn’t capable for a small boy like him but it seemed I had nothing to worry about.

Erich dropped his icy blue trident and hugged me, the impact made me retract a step. I peered down at Erich who now donned a small, brown pointy hat that was made for wizards. I guess he really got into this mage thing.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the buzzing sound again. I looked up and directly opposite me and saw the bee staring at my soul. If it wasn’t for Erich, who had just pushed me away and talk to the bees, I would have been dead.

“Sorry about that Aksel, they just haven’t seen you before. They’re friendly though, I promise!” Erich stated ecstatically. Well that sure was reassuring.

“Definitely…” I uttered sarcastically.

From his pocket, Erich pulled out a pieces of rotten flesh and threw it on the ground. The 4 bees flew down and devoured the meat.

“That’s our break done. We don’t really want to waste any more time.” I pointed to the horizon and Erich turned his head back.

The pixels started to slowly approach our destination, absolutely obliterating all the artifices and structure in its path.

Erich looked up at me and nodded. We turned and made way to the next dungeon.

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