《Worldview》Chapter 25, Rise of the Disasters II
My whole world became dark as I entered the Plyembrian Drakon. I quickly lit up my Dojigiri. I needed some light or something bad would occur.
[The constellation 'Lady with the Lamp' is igniting her own light.]
[Several constellations are anxiously waiting for your next move.]
My Dojigiri obeyed and emitted light. It seemed I went much deeper inside the Drakon than I expected since I could see the various intestines inside its body moving like a steampunk train's engine.
A sea of poison quickly entered the vicinity and I conjured up Whispering Zephyr. Air manifested in my palms and I struck my hands out; the sea was sucked back down where it came from. I had to move fast or I'd die here from the fumes. I rushed forward, Whispering Zephyr protecting me from the poisonous gas. I quickly made my way through the Plyembrian Drakon, vaulting over obstacles and hacking off annoyances.
At the heart of the beast, I came across a purple core that was shining brightly. Looks like my intuition was correct, this was probably what kept it going. The Plyembrian Drakon had got more agitated, it was moving more frequently and recklessly after I had gotten eaten. I wrapped my hand around the nucleus and ripped it out from its restraints.
[You have acquired the nucleus of the 6th grade serpent species, 'The Pylembrian Drakon'!]
I stuffed the nucelus into the depths of my pocket, it was time to get out of here.
I took a deep breath and drew my Dojigiri. It was best to rupture the beast's insides before exiting its mouth. I couldn't penetrate through the scales so through the mouth was the only option.
I sprinted back, retracting my countless steps through the Plyembrian Drakon. I could hear a surge of poison rising through the beast's body. I pushed myself more as the ocean of poison slowly gained speed.
The ocean seemed to speed up much more now because of its insides being ruptured. I quickly reached the end of the chase, the mouth of the Drakon could be seen. As the poison tried to overtake me, I glanced up at the mouth and shot up with immense speed, my Dojigiri broke through the confines of the beast and I could finally breathe fresh air.
[A few constellations are recommending your scenario!]
I landed onto the ground but quickly leapt back as the remains of the poison quickly followed. I looked back at the young girl behind me, who's jaw was dropped. She had the head of the blinded Drakon next to her. I sent her a brief wave with a bright smile.
"Look out!" She screamed at me.
I quickly glanced up and saw the tail descending, I rapidly swerved out of the way. The Drakon was moving arhythmically now, it became mad and unpredictable. It spurt out gallons of poison, some fully developed and some not. The Plyembrian Drakon backed me into a corner with its continuous storm.
"A barrier would be good now!" I yelled over to the girl.
"You left me to fend for myself you old man! I don't have any magic power left! Why don't you just use your wind thing and blow it away!"
"I don't have any magic power left, besides do you really think I can blow that thing away!"
I bit my lip. We needed a miracle right now.
Suddenly, a blur flew past from the side and the last Drakon head flew off smoothly. The blur came back and it turned out to be the Meganisoptera from earlier. He feasted on the Drakon's head ravenously, this must mean he was awake too. I turned and saw Erich Caine running toward us, simultaneously wiping the blood that ran down his nose.
The dragonfly stopped feasting on the Drakon's head and stared at me with its beady eyes. It stared at me for a few moments then flew away, I was glad, I was afraid that I would have to fight again.
[Countless constellations have eagerly enjoyed your scenario.]
[The constellation 'Immutable Fortification Lord' is greatly pleased with your actions.]
[The constellation 'Gracious Judge of Thunder' applauds your scenario.]
[The constellation 'Legendary Tachi Myth' nods his head in agreement.]
[17,000 coins have been sponsored.]
I watched as the messages poured in like a waterfall, so this was how the rich and famous felt huh? Erich Caine stood beside me and I patted his head. His skill really came in handy.
[You have won against a 'disaster' for the first time in the scenario!]
[Contributor: Hyerin Jeon, Aksel Liebert, Erich Caine.]
[You have earned 40,000 coins as an achievement reward.]
[A new item will be added to your story.]
[The narrative 'One who Triumphs against the Serpent' has been added.]
Hyerin Jeon..? That must be the young girl. I glanced down at her and she caught my eye instantly, giving me a nasty look. My eyes darted away and I looked at my surroundings.
The whole area was a wasteland. Various buildings were collapsed to the ground and I could see people watching us with fearful eyes. It must be scary watching someone random coming here and give a show of such great strength. I decided not to give them too much thought.
[The sub-scenario – Defeat the serpent species, 'The Plyembrian Drakon' has ended.]
[The compensation settlement will begin.]
[You have obtained 50,000 coins as compensation.]
From beside me, I could hear light labored breathing. I peered down to see Hyerin clutching her chest. She tried covering it all but I could see faint purple colour expanding on her shirt.
"What?" She snarled at me.
"You don't have to play the tough guy."
"It's none of your business, old man."
I took out the Ellain's Forest Essence, twirled it around my fingers then took a deep breath.
"I guess you won't be needing this then." I spoke, sarcastically.
She quickly grabbed it from my hands and started munching on it.
"I guess you're indebted to me again?"
"I didn't ask for it. I don't owe you anything."
"You took it out of my hands?"
"That's what you get for being sloppy. Do better."
I shook my head, this girl needed to learn some manners. Although I basically gave it to her, I was a bit bummed from losing such a useful healing item. My thoughts were halted as another figure interrupted.
[That was an impressive scenario, incarnations.]
About time. Three Dokkaebis slowly descended toward us, Giryu was in the middle. He seemed to have ranked up within the dokkaebis. He was now wearing a black suit with a dark red tie.
[The constellations have been watching you all intently.]
His gaze was fixated on me, he was talking to the crowd but seemed only to be talking to me.
[Bildang, the constellations have been satisfied with this scenario. Prepare the extra compensation.]
The dokkaebi to Giryu's right summoned a blue window and started tapping intensely.
[Additional compensation settlement will begin.]
[You have acquired Protection Symbol of the Strudilae as a basic reward.]
[An additional selection reward exists.]
[You are the largest contributor to this scenario.]
[You have the first choice of additional compensation.]
A translucent screen suddenly appeared in front of me and I was given a list of 3 items to choose from. The grades were all outstanding, I didn't know what to choose from.
[Infinite Dimension Space Coat] – SSS-grade
[Grail of Resistance] – SSS-grade
[Trident of Trembling Frost] – SSS-grade
Before I could even speak, Hyerin Jeon rose up and shouted eagerly.
"I want that one!"
She pointed to the Infinite Dimension Space Coat, the colour shown was white. It was a good pick and the description seemed promising.
"I've already got a coat anyway, I won't pick that one."
"Good! I knew that, I was just saying because... y'know... Whatever."
Giryu nodded then looked to his left.
[Yunap? Have you forgotten what you're supposed to be doing right now?]
Yunap looked around then quickly remembered.
He started explaining to the constellations what these items did and their usefulness. Giryu really changed a lot, I remember when he was just about the size of a football, now he's 2 times bigger.
I then scanned my other options. The Trident was good, stunning enemies for a brief period of time could do significant damage, especially with a team. I had decided not to pick that one, because, although it was good it didn't match the other in my opinion.
Grail of Resistance. The name swiftly caught my attention. This grail allows the user to be resurrected, but it can only be used once. Even though it was a one time use, it was still a no brainer for me.
"I choose the Grail of Resistance."
[Interesting choice.]
Giryu clapped and the item appeared in my pocket. Before I could pick it up, a message was played in my head.
–Incarnation Aksel Liebert. Let's make a deal, shall we?
I jolted at the sudden surprise of the message and gazed up. A menacing smirk was planted on Giryu's countenance.
–You've impressed a lot of us. Constellations and Dokkaebis alike. And it's okay to talk, I'm using a special dokkaebi communication line, no one knows about this conversation but us.
'So what exactly do you want then?'
Yunap shifted around in the air anxiously talking to the constellations while this conversation was at hand.
–I want you to make a contract with me.
A contract? My mind started to rummage thoughts and possibilities around instantly. How could he possibly benefit from a contract with me? Unless...
–You must have figured it out already. The constellations love seeing a scenario like yours. But some also stay because you have no sponsor.
Giryu's true cunning identity slowly began to reveal.
–Therefore, I would like to make a deal with you. If you sign this contract with me, it will prohibit you from picking a constellation until the scenarios are over or until your death. This benefits us both as you can still continue to earn coins from constellations and I get more constellations joining the channel for you. Sounds good right? I'll arrange the contract right awa-.
'Hold on. Is that all you have for me?'
Giryu's face changed at once.
–W-what do you mean?
'Isn't there anything special you can get me?'
Sweat started to form on his face now.
–Special... Ah yes. Possibly the Dokkaebi bag? It grants you the ability to purchase various items with coins and also sell items. It's usually only accessible with incarnations that have sponsors but exceptions can be made.
'I see. I don't think that's enough though.'
If there's anything I've learned about these scenarios, is that these dokkaebis were like hosts that entertain the constellations. Each of these dokkaebis have their own channels and they can gather donations from constellations, just like how constellations donate to incarnations.
'You've probably made a lot of money from me being in your channel. Won't there be a pay ratio in this contract? If so, 10:0'
I held up ten fingers with a delightful smirk.
'You will only get the commission. I won't pay you a single penny.'
Giryu didn't find it as funny as I did.
He was about to inflict his rage but the dokkaebi kept his composure and straightened his tie.
–I'm afraid that won't do. Incarnation, you are in no position to make demands here.
I shrugged. Giryu tried to make it sound as if he didn't want me, but that obviously wasn't the case if he felt the need to approach me.
'Fine. Maybe I'll move to a different channel. I'm sure some of the other dokkaebis would like me on their channel instead right?'
Erich called out to me, holding his new trident of frost in his hand. This promoted Giryu to act quickly, there would only be a few minutes left before things looked suspicious.
Giryu finally let in.
–Dammit. Fine. But 10:0 is too much. 6:4.
'Nope. 10:0.'
'You can find another incarnation if you're going to pay me that low. I'm just going to make a contract with another dokkaebi.'
I turned away from Giryu but I could tell he was furious. I approached Erich who was waving the trident around aimlessly.
–Fine. 10:0.
I stopped walking and generated a light grin.
'I'm hooked. Now the contract?'
Giryu quickly moved to Yunap and told him a few words. Yunap nodded and hurriedly spoke to the constellations.
[The constellation 'Victorious Lion Heart' is enraged by this sudden advertisement!]
After that message, a large window unfolded in front of me.
[Stream Contract Agreement]
1. Incarnation Aksel Liebert will sign an exclusive contract with Dokkaebi Giryu until all scenarios are completed or until his permanent death.
2. Incarnation Aksel Liebert will never choose a sponsor until all scenarios have ended or until his permanent death.
3. Incarnation Aksel Liebert should only be active on the channel of Dokkaebi Giryu.
4. Incarnation Aksel Liebert and Dokkaebi Giryu will distribute the revenue from stream contracts, and this ratio will be determined through mutual consultation.
10. Incarnation Aksel Liebert and Dokkaebi Giryu will be subject to destruction in accordance with the laws of Star Stream if they break this contract.
I repeatedly scanned the whole contract, these dokkaebis were cunning creatures so there was most likely bound to be something that benefitted him more.
[The constellation 'She Who Brings Victory' is rioting at the prolonged advertisement!]
It seems this dokkaebi wasn't playing tricks on me.
'Seems good. 10:0 right? Where do I sign?'
He grumbled before answering.
–Right, yes...10:0... The stream contract is a soul pledge so you just have to say you agree.
[The stream contract has concluded.]
I looked at the message then glanced up at the dokkaebi.
'Pleasure doing business with you.'
The dokkaebi had a scowl look on his face but it quickly subsided and he turned away.
–Your cockiness will catch up to you one day.
Giryu started quickly apologising to the constellations about the advertisement. I finished my stroll over to Eric.
"We should get going right away. We need to prevent some other disasters."
Erich nodded eagerly and lifted his trident in the air. It was a little too big for him but he seemed to manage. As we were about to set foot, a voice yelled out to me.
"Hey! Are you really leaving without me?!"
Hyerin walked toward me with her white coat swaying in the cool breeze.
"Who said we needed to wait for you? Last time I checked you could handle yourself."
Hyerin Jeon blushed for a moment in embarrassment before exclaiming.
"That was only because you destroyed the throne!"
She proceeded to calm herself before casually stating.
"Ugh... If only I had got a few more flags, I'd be on that throne already. Why did you destroy the throne anyway? Weren't you listening to that dokkaebi? You could've become a god!"
Hyerin met my cold gaze then suddenly stopped talking.
"Whoever sat on that throne would never reach the end of the scenarios. That's why I had to destroy it."
She seemed stunned for a moment but retaliated instantly.
"How would you even know that?! You're not a dokkaebi or anything!"
"You don't need to believe me. The past is the past, you can't change it. The throne is gone. Let's go, Erich."
We turned and headed the opposite direction. Hyerin made a deep, exasperated sigh before following us. To maintain her pride, she hastily blurted out.
"I'm only going the same way as you guys because that's where the disaster is! I'm not following you, don't get ahead of yourself."
Erich looked up at me with a jovial expression.
"I think she's lying, Aksel."
"I think so too."
Hyerin quickly butt herself into our conversation.
"Don't get ahead of yourself! I already said it's nothing like that."
"We aren't oblivious, tag along if you want to. I know you need us."
I grinned as she started shouting out incoherencies and obscenities.
[The constellation 'Duke of Firmness and Compassion' howls joyfully at the prideful incarnation 'Hyerin Jeon'.]
It was good she tagged along anyway. Her ability was quite useful when dealing in the later scenarios. I glanced down at Erich Caine who was dying of laughter and smiled. Maybe this would be good for us all.
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