《Worldview》Chapter 10, Territorial Conflict I


[The second scenario has ended.]

The message rung into my ears as I burst through Derlith Station's shutters. I could see the surprised faces of people I had never seen before.

[You have succeeded in completing the scenario.]

[200 coins have been acquired as a clearance reward.]

[A number of of Constellations are pleased with your scenario.]

[2,000 coins have been sponsored.]

[A number of Constellations show a faint hostility towards you.]

I guess that was to be expected. I could still see the people shocked at my entry. I bet that explosive energy was something they've never seen before.

[The Constellation 'Warrior's Delightness' is smirking.]

[Your temporary stats have reverted back to normal.]

[Physique Lv. 13 -> Physique Lv. 3]

[Strength Lv. 13 -> Strength Lv. 3]

[Agility Lv. 15 -> Agility Lv. 5]

[Magic Power Lv. 10 -> Magic Power Lv. 1]

[The vitality in your body has fallen.]

[The potential of your muscles have decreased.]

[You have stopped moving more agilely than before.]

[Your heart has stopped seething with an unknown energy.]

I gave a quick frown after receiving those messages. I now could really notice the different in stats now that it was removed.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?! Do you know where you are right now, huh punk?!"

I turned my head and gazed upon a man, his appearance seemed like a gangster's. I was about to reply when suddenly the man moved out the way and another passed through. This man seemed to be the leader of the bunch, he had broad shoulders and held his body upright. He seemed to be the same physique as Cassion's but more intimidating. The man slowly made his way through and shone his flashlight onto my face.

"Hey. Who are you?" He spoke in a rather husky voice. I wondered what to say but just gave a straightforward answer. Mia and Leo were still out there so I needed to regroup with them. I hoped they had not landed themselves into any trouble.

"My name is Aksel."

"Did I ask for your name, punk? What are you doing here?"

I took a brief glimpse behind me. The shutter was ripped open by my sheer brute force and the outside could be seen.


"I was just clearing the scenario."

One of the leader's goons broke into the conversation.

"B-boss! Look over there!"

The flashlight descended from my face and illuminated the items of food beside me.

"He's got a lot of food there for us!"

The boss smirked and sparked a cigarette.

"Hey, kid. You can leave those bags here and we'll act like you were never here."

"What if I don't?"

The boss gave me a frightening stare before dropping his cigarette.

"It seems we'll have a little bit of a problem, won't it?"

[Constellations of the Absolute Good system frown at his declaration.]

[The Constellation 'Victorious Lion Heart' shows dislike for the gangsters.]

[A Constellation from the Absolute Good system has revealed its modifier!]

[The Constellation 'Gracious Supplier of Hope' is longing for a revolt!]

[Bounty Scenario – Remove the Interference]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: F

Clear Conditions: The constellations feel great anger at the disruptors who are obstructing your rapid movements. Neutralize them within the time limit.

Time Limit: 8 minutes.

Compensation: ???

Failure: ???

The goons had time to process the new sub scenario message then rushed at me. I tried moving with proficiency then it dawned on me that I had lost Warrior's Delightnesses' stigma. Due to my blunder, I stumbled.

[The Constellation 'Warrior's Delightness' is covering his face in embarrassment.]


One of the goons raised his metal pipe to strike me down. I quickly reacted, forcing my knife to clash with the metal pipe.

"Get 'Im!"

Whilst I was occupied with the goon, another couple started rushing towards me with a variety of weapons. I forced myself to overcome the metal pipe with the knife and swiped at the goon. Four goons surrounded me, one afraid and the others gleaming with ecstacy.

"He's only one person, we've got numbers!"

And with that announcement, the goons started rushing towards me. In truth, they were right, I was only one person. My stats weren't also so good either, it barely exceeded double digits. But I could make up for that with some currency, of course.

[Physique Lv. 3 -> Physique Lv. 8.]

[Strength Lv. 3 -> Strength Lv. 8.]

[Agility Lv. 5 -> Agility Lv. 11.]


[Magic Power Lv. 1 -> Magic Power Lv. 4.]

The goons faces became slowly disturbed as they saw my knife extended in length. One of the unlucky goons who had already made it so far screamed in agony as his arm was swiftly cut off. I was careful not to kill them as the scenario conditions were to just 'neutralize'. Even with such a small toy with this, I could make gangsters cower with fear. The gangsters slowly approached me apphrensively and then charged forward. I rushed and sent one's weaponry flying before penetrating his arm. Another gangster flew his weapon with such weird trajectory and struck my shoulder.

[Your durability has increased!]

The goon looked at me with a stunned look before being knocked out by my vicious punch. He was out cold.

"That's enough. I'll stop you here now."

The leader of the small gang walked forward at a slow pace, pulling up his sleeves. My senses became alert, this guy wasn't someone to be taken lightly. His stats may match mine, or even surpassed mine. I watched as he equipped his brass knuckles and rushed forward. He came with immense speed and his punch grazed me. I barely managed to dodge out the way.

"Huh." He said after striking the wall. His explosive power was great, did this guy only invest his stats into strength? For such a big guy, he was also quite quick as well. He pulled his hand out of the broken wall and shook his hand a bit. This guy was dangerous, I needed to stop him unless I wanted trouble later on.

I took in a deep breath and dashed forward. The huge guy slowly waited for me and that was his mistake. I threw the knife straight forward and pierced his abdomen.

"You little-"

I didn't give him time to speak and uppercutted him. He looked stunned for a moment before looking down at me.

"Do you really think you can take me on a physical fight?"

He grinned before smacking me. I went flying and struck the wall.


Dammit, even with the strength increased, I still suffered a lot of damage. The goons cheered their leader on, sending him some morale.

[The Constellation 'Gracious Judge of Thunder' is displeased with the situation.]

[A number of Constellations are rooting for the leader.]

The leader taunted a bit, showing and displaying his huge muscles. It was honestly impressive. After a while, he remembered the situation and got ready. He charged at me. If I wanted any chance of winning, I had to activate that skill now.

[Exclusive Skill, Magnification Lv. 1 has activated!]

Magnification? What the hell was-

Name: Daniel Green

Age: 26 years old.

Sponsor: None (Two constellations are currently showing interest in this person).

Exclusive Attributes: Violent Gangster (General)

Exclusive Skills: Scruffle Lv. 3, Hard Shell Lv. 4

Stigma: None

Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 10, Strength Lv. 12, Agility Lv. 7, Magic Power Lv. 5.

All these statistics appeared in front of me as Daniel came charging. I rolled out of the way and Daniel came crashing into another wall. I started panting whilst simultaneously anticipating Daniel's next move. But Magnification? Was this a new skill that I had earned?

[Your understanding of the person 'Daniel Green' has increased.]

I suddenly clocked it, understanding? I realized that my Exclusive Skills were directly linked with my previous occupation. I had no more time to think as Daniel had recovered. It was time to finish him off. I dashed forward and appeared before Daniel's stunned face. I changed direction instantaneously and sliced Daniel's side open.


Daniel fell onto one knee and I appeared behind him. I then crushed his head into the ground with my foot and he fainted. I watched as all the gangsters became dazed and started scattering away like scaredy cats.

[You have met the conditions to clear the sub scenario.]

[You have earned 300 coins.]

[The Constellation 'Gracious Judge of Thunder' is pleased with your judgement.]

[The Constellation 'Gracious Judge of Thunder' has sponsored you 500 coins.]

Hm? It seems this constellation has taken a bit of a liking to me. I retraced my steps and picked up the grocery bags. Now it was time to see where the others were.

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