《Anna's Dream》Chapter 16
“It’s huge,” Anna said looking at the city from a distance. “It’s about half the size of Oldforge,” Voekeer said. Anna looked curiously. “Oh, that’s right, we never told you. That’s the name of the city that the adventure’s guild is headquartered in. It’s an old dwarven fortress. No one is sure why they abandoned it,” Voekeer added. Anna looked at Thokri, and he just shrugged. The city had tall walls and a large gate on the road leading in. It was open at the moment, and there was a line to get in. Guards inspected the wagons and travelers as they passed through. “Why is the base of the wall different from the top?” Anna asked. “Looks like they build this place on some ruins. I can’t tell what race made the foundation, but the rebuilt parts are human craftsmanship," Thokri replied.
Looking in front gate, she noticed that the road cut a path straight through the city and right out a gate on the other side as if the city had been built around the road. The side streets were perfectly straight as well, cutting the city into neat squares. Signs were placed at each intersection. Although she couldn’t read, she guessed that the signs were used to navigate the city. “You there! The woman with rainbow hair and the one with tattoos on her face. Come here!” a guard shouted. They had been next in line for inspection. The party didn’t want any trouble with the city guard, so they complied. The two women were led to a small room nestled in the wall between the inner and outer gate. “What’s this about?” Elaine asked. “Lord Ender sent a courier pigeon informing us of a criminal that may try to enter our city,” he said with a sneer. “You two make the description he made to us about persons of interest,” he continued. “But he told me that she was sentenced to my service,” Anna said. “That may be so, but that scum needs to be registered with the magistrate, and after that is done, YOU WILL carry the papers with you at all times and keep a tight leash on that person. One of my men will escort you.”
“We will be at the magistrate!” Anna shouted to the others as they were led way. “I hope they don’t steal my stuff,” she thought, not trusting the guards anymore. They followed the guard to the magistrate office. It was as easy to navigate the city as she had hoped. The building appeared to be of human construction looking like the rebuilt wall and not the old stonework. They were brought to the magistrate. He was on older man, fat, and bald on the top with some wispy hairs remaining on the side of his head. He looked at Elaine. “Strip,” he said leering at the women. “What?” she squeaked. “I said strip, you whor...” he didn’t finish. Anna slammed her fist into the wall causing the room to shake. Part of wall shattered, cracks appearing throughout. “ENOUGH!” she shouted at such a volume it stunned the men. “She is not your plaything. Go find a willing woman if you want to see tits, or pay one. I don’t care, but she’s not taking anything off,” she said in a cold voice.
“Be we need an accurate description,” he whined having lost all his nerve. “The tattoos cover her entire body. They are in the same pattern as her face. As for the rest, if you have ever seen a woman nude, you can describe it just fine. If you haven’t, I’ll describe it to you,” she answered. “No, that will be fine,” he said. He finished the paper quickly, asking the rest of the questions politely. He then sealed it by pressing a bronze stamp on some wax. All of it sparked. She couldn’t guess what the enchantment was. It was then rolled up and tied with a red ribbon. They met the rest of the party outside. They had been kept outside, having no business with the magistrate themselves. “I ought to strip them all and horse whip them, trying to take advantage of a lass like that,” Thokri said, his arm making a whipping motion.
“Well, it’s over with. I’ll send a letter to the guild master letting him know of our trouble with Lord Ender and the local authorities. Maybe the guild will be able to smooth things over. They found an inn as far from the magistrate as possible and rented rooms for a week. Anna groaned. She had to share a room. According to the paperwork, Elaine couldn’t be in a room that she could lock by herself. “What’s going on lass?” Thokri asked. They were sitting at a table in the common room waiting for a barmaid. There weren’t many in the place. “I have to wear clothes all the time now. Even when I sleep,” she whined. “Why?” Elaine asked. She seemed puzzled. “Because people are weird when I take them off. They either stare or turn red, except for these four,” she waved her arm at her companions. “It comes with the job, Anna. Adventurers can’t be shy. Bad things happen when you don’t tell the healer that a poisonous snake bit you on dick,” Voekeer said.
“He speaks the truth. I think I remember hearing about that one,” Barika said. “I can’t remember what happened,” Lyreen replied. “It fell off from what I heard,” Barika said. “Poor bastard,” Voekeer said. “Aye,” Thokri replied. “What’s a dick?” Anna asked. “Another name for penis,” Barika answered. “Why are there so many names for one thing?” Anna asked. “Men are proud of them,” Barika answered. “That make sense I guess,” Anna said. She thought for a moment. “Are there other names for a woman’s slit?” she asked. “Oh, yes,” Barika said. The adventurers gave an impressive list of names, crude and otherwise, for said part of a woman’s anatomy, some for breasts, a few more for penis, and even some for butts. “I think I need to write this down. You people are creative,” Elaine said.
“Na, just been everywhere with all kinds of folk,” Thokri said. The others agreed. “Anna, you can wear as many or as little clothes as you want around me. I’m starting to feel like some maiden from some bad storybook with how often you rescue me, except I’m not a maiden, and you’d be a terrible knight in shining armor,” Elaine said. “What? Why?” Anna asked. “Well, for one thing, your too short, and your tits are way too big. Your armor would look funny,” Elaine answered. “Aye, the chest piece would look like a dammed doorknob,” Thokri said, moving is hand in a manner to show a very large top and a narrow middle. “You’re probably right, but I’d just fight the dragon naked. I’m tired of ruining dresses,” she said. “I’d hate to see the cover of that storybook,” Lyreen said. “I could see it now. The dragon dies of envy in the end,” she continued the conversation, ending in fits of laughter.
They did eventually get their food and then headed off to their rooms. Anna promptly stripped and sat on her bed. Elaine looked her over. “I like men, but you are a sight,” she said. “I wonder why we aren’t surrounded by Fae children if they all look like you?” Elaine asked. “I can’t have children,” Anna answered. “Why?” “Barika told me I don’t have any eggs. I’m still not sure what that really means, and I would crush a man if we did,” Anna answered. “Crush, but you’re so tiny. I don’t see how,” Elaine answered. “Remember the wall,” Anna said. “Oh, I see,” Elaine replied. “That still doesn’t explain why there aren’t more Fae children,” Elaine said. Anna didn’t think it was actually a question so she just shrugged.
Elaine sat on her bed. Soon she began to fidget, then she stripped off her dress. Anna just looked at her. “I felt awkward wearing clothes looking at you naked, like some kind of pervert,” she said. “A peeper,” Anna replied. “Yes, exactly,” she said. “I guess I’ll get used to sleeping like this. Do we have to sleep like this in the tent?” she asked. “Not if you don’t want too,” Anna replied. “Well, if we do, I know what I’m using as a pillow,” Elaine teased. “They are really soft,” Anna replied and squeezed said parts. Elaine snorted and laid down to sleep. Anna laid down as well, falling asleep quickly. Breakfast was simple but plentiful. “I thought the food would be better in a city,” Anna thought glumly, remembering the breakfast at the lord’s manor.
“I’m going to head to the forge. That troll knocked my armor out of shape. Blasted thing,” Thokri said. “I think he got the worst of it,” Voekeer said. “Aye, you’re right there, lad,” Thokri replied. “I heard there is a shrine to the goddess here. I’m going to visit,” Barika said. “I’m going to look for a bookstore. I doubt they have one, but you never know,” Lyreen said. Everyone knew where Voekeer was going. He followed her around like a puppy. Anna sighed. “You alright lass?” Thokri asked. “I want to get Elaine some more clothes and traveling equipment, but I’m almost out of coin,” Anna replied. She had the full round, but it was being kept in a strong box that Thokri had in his pack. The strongbox also contained their contract, a guild seal, and a small amount of coin the guild had given them only for use in emergencies. “How much do you have lass?” he asked. She dumped her coin purse on the table. Only a few coins came out. “I think I need that full round,” she said.
“Lass, you could buy this place with that,” he replied, gesturing his arm around at the inn. He dumped his own coin purse and separated the coins into two even piles, pushing one of them in her direction. “I owe you that much for saving me from being a troll turd,” he said. She jumped up and hugged him, pressing his face into her chest. “Thank you so much,” she said. He started waving his arm, and she let him go. He sat upright again and took a deep breath. “Lass, you got to be careful with those,” he said, poking her in the chest. The rest of them laughed. She sat back down and pushed the coins into her purse. Anna wasn’t sure where to go and began to wander, hoping to find the market. “This way,” Elaine said. “How do you know that?” Anna asked. “That’s what the sign says,” Elaine replied. “Oh,” Anna replied. “You can read?” Anna asked. “Yes, of course. Wait, can you?” Elaine asked. “No, can you teach me?” Anna replied. “Yes, but it will be difficult. I don’t think we will find any books out here, but I’ll do my best,” Elaine said.
Following the road signs, they made their way to the market. “Hey ladies, you up for a wild ride?” a man called. “I want to stick my face in those tits,” another yelled. “Hey honey, can I see how far those tattoos go?” yet another one said. “These guys are lame. The sailors in Fishport were cleverer.” She turned, wanting to ask the woman the best ones she had heard. Elaine had scooted closer to her and sort of scrunched up as if trying to hide herself. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Doesn’t it bother you?” Elaine replied. “Why would it bother me?” Anna asked. “It’s like they want to grab you and pull you in some dark alley,” she answered. “No one could pull me anywhere I didn’t want to go. I go where I want and do what I want,” Anna answered. “I wish I could be like that,” Elaine said sadly. “As long as you’re with me, no one will make you do anything you don’t want too,” Anna replied. Suddenly Elaine hugged her. “Never change, Anna. Never change,” Elaine said.
They made it to the market. It was the largest she had ever seen. The city was huge, so it made sense. What didn’t make sense was the lack of goods. Sure, there was lots of everything, but not much selection. Still, she found all of the equipment Elaine would need, and they headed off to the seamstress. “Why do you want such a long dress? It will get in the way when you run,” Anna said. Elaine thought about it for a moment. “I’m just not comfortable wearing a short dress,” she said. “How about pants? Lyreen wears them,” Anna said. “I couldn’t,” Elaine answered. “Why not?” Anna asked. “Because pants are men’s clothing. I just couldn't,” Elaine replied. “Lyreen’s not a man. I’ve looked,” Anna said confused. “I didn’t say she was. It’s just the way I grew up. Men wear pants and tunics, and women wear dresses,” she answered. Anna thought about it for a moment. “What if they make the bottom wider to give you space to run?” she asked. “That will work,” Elaine replied. In addition to the dresses and traveling equipment, they bought a belt with pouches like Anna’s, a long plain wooden staff, and candy. “Why are we carrying this?” Elaine asked pointing at the candy. “It’s important. Trust me,” Anna replied.
They explored the rest of the market. She even found a stall selling baked goods. There were cupcakes. She only bought two. Elaine looked at her strangely when she suggested they buy more. They arrived at the inn a few hours later. Barika was already there. “How was the shrine?” Anna asked. “Lovely, you should come with me tomorrow,” Barika said. “I’d like that,” Anna replied. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Elaine said. “Why not?” Anna asked. Elaine held up her hand and pointed at the tattoo. “Yes, perhaps it’s better if you stayed away,” Barika said. “Why?” Anna asked. “The goddess doesn’t approve of death magic. Necromancers are unwelcome at the temple. Normally she would go unnoticed, but with the tattoos, she can’t enter,” Barika said. “I wonder what the goddess would think of the Dreamer?” Anna thought. The elves arrived next. They quickly went to their room. Both seemed quite happy. Thokri showed up later in the evening. He was covered in soot, drenched in sweat, and had a huge smile on his face. “Have a good time?” Anna asked.
“Aye, lass. The forge is almost passible here,” he replied. Lyreen and Voekeer came back down for dinner. The group ate together, telling each other about their respective days. The rest of the group went out after breakfast the next morning to do this or that, leaving Anna and Elaine behind. Elaine decided to teach Anna to read. Anna thought she just didn’t want to walk around because of what happened at the magistrate’s office and with the men yesterday. Anna learned quickly. Held back by the lack of reading materials they were limited to, she could only practice reading by the amount of paper available for Elaine to write lessons on. After a few days, she was able to read the signposts with ease and the documents she had gotten from the magistrate. She was not pleased with its contents.
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