《The Diamonds》Being with Asher



The next time I woke up was later in the day. I had just eaten lunch and Asher had tried to convince me to stay outside of my room at least for the rest of the day. I agreed and decided to at least walk around headquarters to get some fresh air.

I walked past a mirror at point and I opened my mouth ever so slightly and I was disgusted to see those stupid fangs I have now. Stupid fangs, stupid keys that Patty gave Abigail and I! Stupid Dr. Crow! This is just plain stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!

I closed my mouth when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, it was Kari.

"Hey, Kari." I mumbled. I really didn't feel like talking to my ex-girlfriend today, not with everything that's been going on lately. I didn't want to have a discussion about why she's better than Abigail at the moment. Nope I didn't want to.

Kari had a look of concern on her face. "What's wrong Ron?"

"Nothing's wrong Kari," I lied, "I'm fine."

Kari rolled her eyes. "I know when you're upset Ron and you're not a very good liar! So what's wrong?"

"As if I have to tell you," I growled, "and I don't feel like arguing about Abigail today!"

"Actually I was wondering why she hasn't returned from her mission yet," Kari said. "No one that's a high rank DA has been out on a mission for longer than at least a couple of weeks! She's been out on her mission for almost a month now! Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong!" I snapped.

"Okay," said Kari, "I just figured since you're Abigail's boy-"

"Uh, Kari," said Asher, "you might want to quit while you're still ahead. Ron isn't in the mood to talk about Abigail today obviously. You know good and well that even if two DA's are dating unless they are on a mission together then they don't know about each other's mission's! So what, Abigail's been gone for almost a month now. You really shouldn't be sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong."

"That's another thing," said Kari, "you two have been spending a lot of time with each other lately, ever since you got back from your mission. Don't you two hate each other?"

"You know it's called changing your mind about someone," I snapped. "And I really don't feel like talking about personal issues today! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm walking the other direction and please don't follow me!"

I stormed off in anger and ran as fast as I could away from her. I stopped running when I saw a bench that was in range where Abigail would be doing her substitute assignment if she were on call. I instantly regretted it when I saw a group of girls come out of the class. It was the same group of girls that would chase after me when I would be in there sparring with Abigail. They stopped talking when they saw me.

"Hey, it's Ron!" One of the girls cheered.

Before I could react, the group of girls surrounded me and started to gawk over me like they usually do. Great! Why me? Do I have to run into everything that reminds me of Abigail today? I blame Asher for this, he just had to convince me that going out of my room was a good idea today.

"Hey guys!" I heard Asher say. "How's it going?"


"Hey look!" The same girl in the group that cheered for me said. "It's Asher!"

I breathed a sigh of relief when the girls chased after Asher when they saw him. I walked past the training area. I kept walking until I got Abigail's room. Once we had started dating, she gave me an extra key to get into her room and I gave her an extra key for her to get into mine. I took out my extra key, opened the door and entered.

I sat down on the bed and looked around. The room seemed simple enough but I knew better. The walls were painted white and the sheets and blankets on her bed were black and gray. In the far left corner of the room was a display case that was covered up with a black cloth. I smiled as I knew that Abigail had won a couple of medals from some of her missions. But what the medals were for, I had no idea. I also had a feeling that she probably won a medal for single handedly stopping the Battle for Shaw Castle.

I went over the display case and gently lifted the cloth off it. I gasped when I saw the medals she had stored in it. There were two silver medals that looked like the type of medals a person would win in the Olympics. There was one purple medal that was in the shape of a heart with a silver ribbon underneath it. In the center of the display case was the biggest medal I'd ever seen. I'm going to assume this one was for single handedly stopping the Battle for Shaw Castle. The medal had two red stripes with a silver and gold eagle in the middle of them. Underneath the red stripes and the eagle was a huge silver star, everything was put together with a copper plate backing.

I whistled when I saw the medal and I said to myself, "Wow Abigail! It's no wonder why you're considered the best DA ever! I wish you were here right now. I guess you met your match with Dr. Crow and that stupid Fog! I just want to hold and make sure you're safe."

"Wow! I knew Abigail was the best DA," said Asher, "but I didn't realize she was that good!"

I sighed, "Yeah, Abigail's not one to brag about her achievements though."

I took the black cloth and covered the display case with it. I sat back down on the bed and took out that key that Patty gave me to transform into Silver Wind Diamond, yeah like that was going to happen anytime soon. I stared at the key that was on a necklace around my neck. "I wonder…"

Asher came and sat down on the bed next to me. "You wonder what?"

"If… If I had transformed into him," I said, "Abigail would be here, where she's safe?"

Asher shrugged and when I looked at him, he actually had tears in his eyes. Now I've never known Asher to be sensitive about anything really. But to see Asher cry like this, that just told me he's not as big of a jerk as I thought he was. But then again, he was using the fact that he was chasing after Abigail as I cover for his feelings for me.

I smiled at him and he raised an eyebrow after he wiped the tears from his eyes. "What's that look for?"

I chuckled, "I didn't know you had a sensitive side."


"I wasn't crying," Asher said. He kind of sniffled and there's no way he could hide his tears from me at the moment.

I snorted. "Uh-huh then why did you just sniffle?"

"I uh.." Asher said. He pretended to sneeze and scratched his nose. "Allergies, you know it's that time of year."

Before I could respond to that, my stomach growled. "Great, I really don't feel like eating right now. But if I told Abigail she needs to eat, then I should probably do the same thing."

"Yeah I'm glad I don't have to eat raw meat," Asher gagged, "but it doesn't really look like you're eating raw meat."

"That's because they barely cook it and make it look like it's not raw meat," I said. "It's not that bad. I just wish I could have fruits and vegetables. But nope, they're my enemy for the time being. I know Abigail doesn't like it. She said she felt like she needed a bath after her first meal."

Asher laughed, "Yeah that's Abigail for you."

"And I these stupid fangs too!" I scowled. "I still don't know why I feel horny after I bite you. But I'm still not sure about having sex with you yet. I bet Abigail's already had sex with Shinjin and knowing her, she's hating every second of it."

"You know something," said Asher, "it would probably be best if you don't come in here until Abigail gets back. You'll be torturing yourself if you do. How'd you get in here anyway?"

I smiled. "Soon after Abigail and I started dating we gave each other a set of keys to our rooms. Don't ask why but we did."

There was a short silence between us and I stood up. "I'm going to get some food and I'll eat in my room like I've been doing lately."

Asher nodded. "Sure. I'm going to eat in the cafeteria."

* * *

After I finished my meal, Asher came into my room and sat down on the bed next to me.

"How are you feeling?" Asher asked.

I sighed, "I'm about as well as I could be feeling."

"Oh." Asher said. He stared thoughtfully up at the ceiling. Then he gave me a flirting smile.

"What?" I said.

He leaned over and pulled me onto his lap. When he started to kiss me, I wasn't sure about going any further than that. But I thought about it and Abigail did give me permission to have sex with the guy. I knew that if I did my relationship with Asher would never be the same as it once was.

I finally made up my mind when I allowed Asher to unzip my pants.

"Are you sure about this?" Asher panted in my ear.

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied, "if I wasn't I wouldn't have let you unzip my pants."

Asher paused. "Maybe we should close the door and lock it so no one walks in on us?"

I nodded. I got off Asher's lap and he went to close the door and he locked it. Asher sat down on the bed next to me. I pulled Asher close to me and started kissing him again. I took my time taking his clothes off. However, Asher couldn't wait to have my clothes off because I was out of them while I was still in the process of taking his clothes off.

But the sex with Asher wasn't exactly what I expected. I guess because of what happened when I was with Dr. Crow.

Asher was different, because I thought for sure he would want to enter me but he didn't prefer to do that.

"Okay," I said, "what-"

"Ssssh!" Asher said. "I don't like penetration, let's just say I had a bad experience with it and I was having sex with a woman at the time."

"Did she-" I started to say.

"R**e me?" Asher said. He shook his head. "No, I just didn't like the way it felt. I did do the same thing with a guy after that and I didn't like the way that felt either."

"So exactly what do you prefer to do?" I asked.

"Hmm, mostly oral or I just play with you down there for a bit," Asher answered. "It would be the same way if I had gotten a chance to be with Abigail. I've been with mostly women and I haven't been with a man in a few years now. Hardly anyone knows about me being attracted to men at all. And I intend to keep it that way."

Asher used the opportunity with his conversation with me that kept me distracted by grabbing my dick and started stroking it. I moaned as I felt myself get hard. Asher wasn't kidding about playing with me. He moved my dick back and forth while he rubbed it between his index finger and thumb.

I called out Abigail's name when I climaxed. When I opened my eyes, Asher smiled at me. "That's not all I can do. I know you might want to return the favor but no, it's fine. Right now, I just want to see you feel nothing but pleasure."

"You sure about that?" I said.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure," Asher replied. "It's okay dude, everything's fine. Honestly, I like it when you call out Abigail's name, because I know that's who you're thinking of. From what I gathered, a lot of the pleasure you're going to get while I play with you is going to be from you thinking about Abigail at the same time. I'm not offended by that at all."

I paused. "Wait, what? You mean you're not offended by that?"

"Nope, not one little bit," Asher replied.

"Oh, okay."



"Can you… Can you bite me again?"

"You seriously want me to do that?"

"Yes, I do because I don't know why but I really like it when you bite me."

"Really? Okay sure." I bite Asher on the neck and instead of screaming, he let out a small moan of pleasure. He kept begging me to bite him over and over again. I did keep biting him and every time I bit him for whatever the reason, I liked hearing him moan. Eventually, when we were done having sex and were both satisfied we just laid there in bed holding each other.

"Wow, that felt good!" Asher said with a contented sigh. "I never thought I would get to do this with you! I'm glad I did."

"I do wonder something," I said.

"What?" Asher asked.

"If I hadn't gotten fangs and Abigail wasn't captured by Dr. Crow," I said, "would you have even come forward about your feelings for me?"

"I don't know," Asher answered, "I kept trying to figure out ways to avoid this by saying I'm competing for Abigail. That's why I made you team captain of the other team during laser tag. It made me nervous to just be around you especially since you were with Abigail. I probably would've tried talking to Abigail about it first and then you." He chuckled. "You know I did try to play hero in the laser tag game. Abigail didn't take too kindly to that."

I snorted. "Yeah I saw that. Of course Abigail would think to do friendly fire on someone she doesn't like. At least her jokes are actually funny."

"Yeah I know." Asher said. "So what do you want to do now?"

I shrugged. "I don't know about you but I really don't feel like coming across anything else that reminds me of Abigail today, so I think I'll just stay in my room for now."

"You know what? We pretty much have all day." Asher said. "I think I'll stay with you. Right now you need someone to support you. Although some people might think this is a little too much support. But at the moment, I don't care what people think."

"Okay." I said. I didn't do much after that except lay there and cuddle with Asher.

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