《The Diamonds》Trouble at the Hospital



I had to admit I was pretty pumped up now that I get to go on a mission with the famous DA Abigail aka Agent Black. It's kind of funny because I doubt Abigail knows that she's famous in the Diamond Division. I mean she single handedly stopped a war just by how much power she has. Now that I've seen her transformed as her original self, man she's awesome. I keep having to remind myself that Abigail has a boyfriend and I have the cutest girlfriend ever.

After we got changed and started to head out, I caught up with Abigail because I didn't like the disturbed look on her and I wanted to see if she was okay. Since we were officially on a mission now, I had to use her codename only this time, which was still Agent Black unless she uses her key to transform into her original self.

"Are you okay Agent Black?" I asked.

"I'm fine Agent Dawn," Abigail answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you look disturbed about something," I said.

Ron and Asher both paused, it seemed like they were curious as to what Abigail was going to say.

"As I said before," said Abigail, "I'm fine, that's my story and I'm sticking to it."

I shrugged. "Okay then. I was just asking."

We were now standing on top of a rooftop that was in the direction of one of Dr. Crow's lairs that he has disguised as a hospital that actually deals in illegal drugs. Abigail looked down at her watch and pressed a button on it. Out of her watch came a small holographic screen that showed a lot of red dots marking the locations of where we needed to go next. That made sense because Abigail was assigned to be the leader of the mission.

"Hmm," said Abigail, "it looks like if we hop over these two rooftops over here and here this should be a good shortcut to the 'hospital'. Let's go."

Once we got to Dr. Crow's lair and we were off the rooftop, I had to stop and catch my breath when the others with me weren't breaking a sweat. I had to admit I haven't been doing rooftop traveling for some time, not even when I was sent to rescue Abigail.

"I do say we use our brooches to change into our regular clothes so we can blend in," Abigail suggested. "I wonder how many people Dr. Crow's paid to act like they need a hospital?"

"I also wonder if Dr. Crow thought of DA's coming into the hospital to get uniforms so they can sneak into the back room?" Ron asked.

Abigail chuckled, "Oh yeah that's right, Agent Shadow told me about that bright idea of yours. Good job getting caught by the way."

"Yeah, yeah I'm not making that same mistake again," Ron said.

We changed into our regular clothes and went inside. I was very surprised to see that the hospital looked like a normal hospital. There were Doctors and Nurses running around taking care of different patients, that didn't look well. Everything looked legit, if you asked me I could walk there be treated for a problem and walk back out not even be the wiser.

"Okay," said Abigail, "exactly how is this an evil lair again? It looks like a regular hospital."

"Yeah looks can be deceiving," Ron said. "Just like the mattress store. At least we don't have to put this place to rest."


I snorted. I can't believe how cheesy Patty's jokes can be sometimes. "I wonder if the cafeteria here sells cheese?"

Ron snickered. "Yeah I'm not hungry."

"So how do we even go about finding the lair?" I asked.

"I think if we split up, we'll have more chances of finding it." Abigail said. "I think our best bet is the stairs. There's probably at least two or three sets of stairs around here. So, Agent Dawn come with me to the north side of the building. Agent Silver and Agent Purple, you two go to the south side of the building. Once you find it, send me a signal from your earpieces as to where you are. We'll meet up once we take care of things. I'm not sure if we should go about freeing the patients, doctors and nurses, but if they're working for Dr. Crow they're probably his agents. So the sooner we find his lair the sooner we can destroy this building."

We nodded and split up. Abigail and I went towards the north side of the building and just like Abigail thought, there was a doorway that led to a flight of stairs. Abigail paused when we got to the door and gave a hand signal for me to stay back. I raised an eyebrow at her at first but then I realized what she might have been thinking. She probably thought that Dr. Crow might have his goons standing guard on the other side of the door.

Abigail poked her head in the door and nodded that it was okay to enter. Once we entered we looked around to see that we had found Dr. Crow's lair. He had quite the impressive setup too. His lair looked a lot like a factory. There were boxes stacked up on one side of the factory with a label above them marked: Shipping. I looked around at the other side of the factory and saw boxes stacked to the ceiling with a label marked: Dealers.

Now one would think judging by the labels that maybe this factory was dealing with car parts. But Abigail and I knew different.

"If it isn't two DA's that just walked right in ready to be captured." We heard someone say.

We turned around and saw one of Dr. Crow's agents sneering at us.

"Who says we're going to be captured?" Abigail said.

I rolled my eyes. Oh boy, I hope Agent Black knows what she's doing. I don't think taunting Dr. Crow's agent's is a good way not to draw attention to us. Oh wait I take that back. They already knew about us when we walked in here.

Abigail made the first move by landing a kick to one of the agents stomach. There was a lot of power behind the kick. Abigail's kick sent the agent flying up against a nearby wall with a loud thud. That drew a lot more attention to us, more agents surrounded us like a pack of wolves.

As the fight continued I was trying my best to get a look at how Abigail was fighting. I must say she is quite the fighter and it's no wonder why she's at the top of her class when it comes down to being a DA. She did a couple of jab strike punches and a couple of roundhouse kicks as she did the jab strike punches. From what I know of, that's almost impossible. I can barely manage a roundhouse kick myself. But Abigail's style of fighting is one of a kind for sure.


A couple of the agents managed to grab both of Abigail's hands. Abigail broke free of them by swinging both agents in front of her and making them headbutt each other.

My style of fighting was very simple karate. Honestly, I loved to snap the necks of my enemies. This move gives them an instant death. Right when I thought we were in the clear, I looked to see Abigail's muscles tense up and then she fell over. I had no idea what happened. It seemed that Dr. Crow's agents were only interested in Abigail. Once they dragged her away, they caught me off guard by not fighting me any more. Okay what the hell dude? They wanted Agent Black? I need to send out a distress signal to Agent Silver and Agent Purple. This isn't good.

After Dr. Crow's agents left with Abigail. I got to some place where I wouldn't be seen and sent out a distress signal to Ron and Asher.

* * *

Once I met up with Ron and Asher, I told them about what happened. Ron seemed to be the most distressed about what happened to Abigail. I don't blame him because he's Abigail's boyfriend.

"Okay so how did Agent Black get captured again?" Ron inquired.

"Well we were fighting Dr. Crow's agents and then I don't know how but Agent Black's muscles suddenly tensed up and she fell over," I answered. "It seems they were only after Agent Black for whatever the reason."

Asher nodded. "I think we need to head back to HQ and figure out what to do next."

"But why don't we go save her?" I asked. "Wouldn't it be best if we did that now?"

"Honestly, I agree with Agent Purple for a change," Ron said. "I rarely ever agree with him on anything."

"You can say that again," Asher said.

"It's mostly because we don't know where Dr. Crow's holding his prisoners at this location," Ron said.

I nodded. "Let's send out an SOS to HQ and then head back there."

Ron agreed, "Let's do that, I just hope Agent Black will be okay until we come to save her." He paused. "Oh shit! More than likely if Dr. Crow's hell bent on getting Agent Black, he might put her under the Fog that Patty told us about."

My eyes went wide as I realized what Ron said was possibly correct. "Fuck! If that happens then Agent Black's done for until we can save her and give her the antidote."

Ron had a grim look on his face. "There's one more thing I need to tell you guys."

"What?" Asher asked.

"Agent Black and I have been having flashbacks lately and it seems that all of us that were handed those keys were working for Dr. Crow at one point of time." Ron replied. "Well… Um… He… Well he only did it to me and Agent Black, but um…"

"Come on spit it out Agent Silver, what did Dr. Crow do to you?" I asked.

Ron gulped. "He sexually assaulted me along with Agent Black."

I gasped along with Asher.

"Seriously?" Asher said. "He did that?"

For some reason, Ron's face turned red and he turned his back to us so we wouldn't see it.

Asher sighed and put a hand on Ron's shoulder. "Listen Agent Silver, there's no need to be embarrassed about something like this that happened to you. It wasn't your fault. It is never the victim's fault. Although some people with a really sick and twisted mindset might disagree."

"I guess so," said Ron. "There's a chance that Dr. Crow might do something like that again to Agent Black especially if he puts her underneath the Fog and gets control of her."

Ron shuddered and he began to cry. After a moment or two, he composed himself. "Let's send out that distress signal and see what Patty wants us to do next."

I nodded. I sent out the distress signal telling Patty that a DA has been captured and that it was Abigail that got captured. As we headed back to HQ I swore if Dr. Crow even laid a hand on Abigail, and knowing him, he probably would, I was going to kill him despite whatever order was handed down from the higher up's.

* * *

When we got back to HQ, and told Patty what happened, she was not happy.

"Why am I not surprised that Dr. Crow would be after Abigail?" Patty growled. "She's the strongest DA ever! I mean she single handedly stopped the battle at Shaw Castle!"

"Um Patty?" Ron said. "Can I talk to you about something? Out of earshot from Asher and Wrinkler?"

I'm going to assume that Patty wasn't too happy about what she heard, "Great, I'm sorry you're remembering this Ron. But I can't tell you why you remember this and what it's for. You have to figure that out on your own. It's classified information."

"Classified information!" I heard Ron shout. "You mean to tell me that remembering getting sexually assaulted by that sicko is classified information? What are the higher up's trying to pull anyway? They're sicko's just like Dr. Crow! Maybe we should blow up their building next? You know what, if something isn't done about Dr. Crow I'm going to quit and I'll make sure Abigail quits too!"

"Listen I understand-" Patty said.

"Don't fucking tell me you understand because you don't!" Ron shouted. "And my name isn't Silver, it's Ron you stupid bitch!"

"Don't-" Patty started.

"Call you that?" Ron shouted. "I have every right to, you want to know why? Because you did nothing to stop it! You were right there before it even happened. You did nothing about it!"

I flinched when I heard that. How could Abigail's mom be so careless about her and Ron getting assaulted by Dr. Crow and not do anything about it?

"Oh yeah, and one more thing," Ron shouted again, "you let the same thing happen to Abigail as a matter of fact you sent Abigail to be assaulted after he assaulted me! How dare you?"

I heard silence for a little bit when I heard Patty sobbing.

"I'm sorry Ron," Patty cried, "I didn't know what to do. I was-"

"Afraid of the bastard?" Ron snarled. "Let me tell you something, I was more terrified than you were. You stood by and did nothing. You let it happen! At least I tried to defend myself. But no small vs big, the bigger person always wins and you know that!"

Patty sighed, "I know, and you didn't have your magic developed then."

I heard Ron pause. "Magic? What do you mean by that?"

"I can't tell you about that either," said Patty, "I've said too much as it is. Hopefully with those keys I gave you and the others will unlock your powers. But I think you should rest for the rest of the day. After you rest, I'll let you know what we're going to do regarding Abigail."

"Good." Ron snarled. "You better give an order to go rescue her. If not, I'm going after her myself. Fuck what the higher up's say! Fuck you too! I hope you get what's coming to you! If you do, then you brought it on yourself!"

Next I heard angry footsteps go down the hallway and I don't blame him. Honestly I was just as angry with Patty as Ron was. Asher's jaw dropped. "Wow, I had no idea it was that bad for Ron and Abigail. I totally agree with Ron, they better give us an order to rescue Abigail if not I'm going with him to rescue her myself. No one deserves to be treated that way."

"No kidding," I said.

When Patty came back into the room, Asher was practically glaring at her.

Patty exhaled slowly, "I get it, I'm a bitch for letting Dr. Crow assault Abigail and Ron. But you know what? I'm not even going to tell the higher up's about Abigail getting captured."

Asher and I gasped.

"What?!" I said. "Why?"

"Because if they know about this, more than likely they won't give us the order to go rescue her this time." Patty said. "Knowing Dr. Crow, he's probably already moved her to another location. So with that being said, you guys will go and rescue her. Find out what location she could possibly be at. Hopefully she hasn't been moved outside of the country. Although I doubt that, because if he knows more DA's like you and Asher keep popping up then he'll put Abigail underneath the Fog and send her after the others. He'll probably want as many of the DA's that have those keys under his belt because he'll have stronger agents and no one will be able to stop him."

"Good," said Asher. "Because if you didn't send an order to after Abigail probably every single one of the DA's that have those stupid keys would've gone after her anyway."

"I know," said Patty, "which is exactly why I'm not reporting this to the higher up's. Take a breather for the moment and we'll figure out a plan to go rescue Abigail."

Asher and I left the room. I felt just as pissed off at Patty as Ron was. Patty practically handed her daughter over to Dr. Crow as she was some slave or something like that. I don't know about Asher, but I'm going to do everything in my power to save Abigail if it's the last thing I do.

* * *

I went back home to try and rest and wait until Patty called me to tell me to get back to HQ. It surprised me that I could even sleep. I was so worried sick about Abigail and what Dr. Crow could be doing to her now. I was sleeping next to Remi when I heard my cell phone ring at 12am in the morning.

Remi woke up and yawned, "Who is it calling you at this hour in the night?"

I shook my head. "I don't know but it might be my job calling me. I was supposed to wait by the phone for an important call from them anyway. I'm going to take this in another room."

Remi nodded. "Sure I'm going to go back to sleep anyway."

She rolled over and went back to sleep. I could tell she was sleeping because she started to snore. I went to another room and answered the phone.

I was startled when I heard Dr. Crow's voice, "Well it's about damn time somebody answered the phone!"

"What the heck?" I said. Even though I knew who it was, "Who are you?"

Dr. Crow laughed a wicked laugh, "You know who I am, Agent Dawn. But I'll tell you anyway, my name is Dr. Crow and it's so nice to finally speak to you and hear your lovely voice."

"What do you want from me, you bastard?" I snarled.

"Oh don't be like that Agent Dawn," said Dr. Crow. "I just called to say hi. But okay fine, I want to make a deal with you."

I was taken aback by this, "Me? Why me? If this is a ransom call then shouldn't you be calling Agent Black's family?"

"Oh no Agent Dawn," Dr. Crow said with a belly laugh, "this isn't a ransom call. It's more like a warning shot call."

"Uh, warning shot call?" I said. "I've never heard of an enemy doing that before."

"Really? You don't know who you're talking to, do you?" Dr. Crow snickered. "Anyway, the warning shot is this. I know for a fact that DA's are going to be sent out to find Agent Black but you're too late I've moved her to another location. The less DA's you send after Agent Black, the less her torture will be. So what do you say?"

I bit the inside of my cheek. But I stopped doing that because I knew Dr. Crow was bluffing. I knew this because of how much of a sicko he is.

"No deal." I replied. "You want to know why I'm not taking your deal you sicko?"

"Why might that be?" Dr. Crow said.

"Because you're bluffing!" I snarled. "I know for a fact you won't hold up to your end of the bargain. Knowing this information, there will be a lot of DA's going after her anyway. You won't be able to stop them just by sending this warning shot you have a bullseye on your back. Of course you're probably already used to having a bullseye on your back anyway."

Dr. Crow gave a long drawn out sigh, "Fine then, I had a feeling this was going to happen. Let the games begin! I'll be seeing you soon when you come to rescue Agent Black, Agent Dawn. I look forward to it."

Dr. Crow's line went dead and I hung up the phone. This phone call made me even more angry.

"Uh, Remi?" I said after I hung up the phone.

She rolled over and yawned, "What's up Wrinkler?"

"Looks like I need to go to work," I said. "This is really important. So I'll see you when I get off."

"When will you be getting off?" Remi asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. This might be a 24 hour shift at the moment. This is a very important project we're working on."

Remi nodded. "Okay then I understand."

I gave Remi a nice long passionate kiss. After I broke the kiss, I got dressed and went to HQ to report what happened. I knew for a fact that Patty wasn't going to be happy about this. Which to me would be a good thing. Let her be pissed off, it's about time she started caring about her daughter for a change.

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