《Deviant Rule》Chapter 18 - From Three to Two


“So, octuplets?” Alius asked.

Three nodded. “Yep! It can be pretty hard to tell between us, so I go by Three.”

“Ah.” Alius pointed to his forehead. “So that’s what the markings are for.”

On Three’s forehead where three diamonds fanned out between his eyebrows. The outer two were faded blue, blending in nicely with the center’s deep violet.

“Yeah! Pretty useful, considering we all look nearly identical. Actually, very useful! Also a pain to get. But what they offer is worth it.”

“Really?” Alius stared up at the marks, trying to get them to reveal their secrets. Charles kept talking, but Alius wasn’t listening anymore. His vision had blurred for a brief second, before snapping a familiar golden box into place.

[Red Dress]

[The blood of your greatest enemy completes you. The blood of your closest companion empties you. Hate burns eternal, and peace is short-lived.]


[Two Lives]: While [Red Dress] is inactive, users can channel energy into its markings, storing it for future use.

[Enemy]: Channel stored energy into attacks. Every infused attack that lands replenishes energy. If user’s opponent is not killed, power is doubled in exchange for lifespan. While active, drains lifespan. Once active, it cannot be withdrawn until you or your opponent is dead.

[Protector]: Channel stored energy into barriers that passively absorb energy from their surroundings, which can be used to strengthen them or be fed back to the user.

“-so after I obtained the elemental’s heart, I killed that guy and also that guy and then his entire family- before traveling to this neighboring kingdom and, accidentally, mind you, committed several war crimes and now I’m wanted over multiple continents!”

What the hell did I just hear?

“Wow that’s, uh, great! You said your name was Charles?”


“Yes, but I go by Three, which-”

Alius shook his head, stopping Three from continuing. “I know, but which one of you has rocks?”

Three raised a single eyebrow at this question. “Pardon? We’ve all worked with some type of rock at some point.”

“It looks like a triangle and is glowy.” Alius held his hands in the air, making a triangle with his fingers.

“Hmm. Sounds like you need to go talk to Charles.”

Alius nodded thanks, but suddenly stopped. “You’re a real pain Three, you know that? What happened to you being Charles?”

“Well, all of the boys are named Charles. After all, we three have to stick together against my five sisters.”

“Uh huh. So your parents named all three of you Charles?”

“Actually, no. Our mother and father gave us normal octuplet names. Sure, they all rhymed, but normal. Later on in life, us three agreed to change our names to Charles.” Three spread his hands as if the matter was resolved.


“Funny. Still is.”

“That- well yes. Okay, who do I go to?”

Three leaned over a table, resting his chin in his hand. “Just make it to Two’s place. You can’t miss it. You really can’t miss it. It’s the one with all the paper scraps and crumpled scrolls. If it isn’t covered in trash, then it’ll be on fire. You really can’t miss it.”

“Okay!” Alius backpedaled past the tables, ducking under the occasional ceiling ornament. “Bye Three! Thanks!”

Leaving and easing the door shut behind him, Alius saw the prone form of Ditus rolling over. He then hopped up and walked over to a green mace, sliding a knife out of it.

Alius popped his head back into the doorway. “Hey Three, could you do me a favor?”


“Least I can do after nearly blowing your head off with my experiment. Which I should get back to soon.”

“There's this guy chasing me. Would you mind messing him up?”

“Oh yeah, sure. I love messing with people.”

“Just slow him down. Get in his way, trip him up, all that. You got this!” Alius eased the door back closed before walking further into the shabby circle of buildings.

Well, Three seems like a competent enough person. Those shields should stop Ditus for long enough.


I wonder who I’m pissing off today.

Three sent a thread of his mana to his eyes, letting them sink into a state where distance and time warped for him. His vision poked through the holes in the door, allowing him to see a black-cloaked figure, but the figure’s face stayed hidden. While he could enhance his eyes further, Three instead tried to use his still unfamiliar qi pool to sense the identity of the stranger. His qi spread out in a ripple, carrying with it a trace of his spirit. It was all very confusing, not logical like his mana usage, but more instinctual. He was sure he would be able to familiarize himself with it in time.

Hmmmm, looks like it’s- HOLY FUCK I’M DONE

As Three watched Ditus in dread, a pair of piercing eyes locked onto his own.

Three gave Ditus a nervous smile. “Please don’t make my lab disappear?”

Through his enhanced vision, Three saw Ditus give a nod, letting him sigh in relief. That was his first mistake. His second one, right after the first, was blinking. In an instant, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Three turned his senses backwards, seeing Ditus standing in a swirling cloud of dust. Three turned, sadly noting the neat, rectangular hole in his wall, as well as the pile of very finely-sliced wood settling to the ground.

“Oh Three, you know I couldn’t make your lab disappear if I wanted to.” Ditus smirked. “Luckily, I don’t have to. After I finish here, you’ll stop lazing, leave your lab, and go do something or kill someone. Or the other way around. I don’t care, so long as you get some exercise.”

“Well, I figured as much.” Three turned to a table and started sweeping all the scraps and papers off. “By the way, is our old deal still on?”

“Why, yes it is. Beat me, obtain one free get-out-of-hellish-training pass.” Ditus slowly shook his head. “It’s a shame you won’t get one. I have some absolutely brutal trips planned.”

“You know I know I can’t beat you. Why do this?” Three clenched his hand around what he was looking for, and thanked his past self for leaving it lying around.

“It gives you a clear goal to work towards. Puts you in a constant state of self-improvement.”

“I’m not your match.”

Ditus shrugged. “Physically? Probably never, but you’re far smarter than anybody I know. Excluding your siblings.”

Three exhaled, calming himself while trying desperately not to alert Ditus. “That’s what I’m counting on.”

From casually leaning on the table, his left hand pounded the bottom of his most recent prototype, smashing a spirit crystal and setting the weapon off.

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