《The Matriarch》The Second Player.


2025, Earth.

Simon yawned as he walked through the back streets that night, brushing the dust off his jeans he paused to stretch his back before continuing. The night was completely silent save the trod of his steel toed boots on the cement.

Double shifts suck.

Although he disliked working so late the reality was that a laborer’s wages were simply inadequate for city life. Throwing in some extra overtime helped make ends meet.

Hopefully I can get on with one of the permanent crews, first thing ill do is buy a damn car or something.

His thoughts wandered to his sore feet, the steel toed boots added a few pounds that wore down on him over the day. If they hadn’t been working on industrial way he could have at least found a bus stop, but so far out of the way of normal foot traffic left him with little options.

If only the damn cabbies didn’t charge so much… Ah here it is.

Walking along the road would take him in a long loop around the industrial section of town before returning to his subdivision, however a dirt road still under construction cut through the area, following it would reduce the length of his walk considerably. Hopping over a small dividing barrier he began to trek his way down the path, enjoying the silence now provided in the late evening.

What is that feeling in the air?

He couldn’t quite put his finger on the sensation, it felt like the air was vibrant with energy, like a thunderstorm was brewing in the area, looking up at the clear starry sky he quickly pushed the thoughts aside.

Just tired is all…

A loud buzzing noise snapped out in the night air causing him to jump slightly. Spinning around to face the noise he could make out a red arc floating vertical some 30 paces away, like electricity flowing between two unseen points.

“What the fuck…” He spoke aloud, trying to ease himself.

Are there...electrical lines buried here?


Stepping back his thoughts shifted through several possibilities as to what exactly he was looking at before settling on a plausible cause.

Buried electrical lines arcing? Could be frayed….probably has exposed wires that can't be seen well in the dark…

Although he felt this could be a sufficient explanation, his uneasiness only grew, being close to whatever this was still left him with a sense of urgency to leave as quickly as possible. Backing up slowly he began distancing himself, the arc seemed to hum as noise began to drone out from it.

“Who’s there!?” He called out, trying his best to keep from panicking.

I swear I just heard a voice…or voices?

A faint voice seemed to call out from the arc, unable to clearly hear it he could sense an urgency to it, despite his curiosity growing he continued to slowly back away from the arc, increasing the distance between himself and it.

This shits messed up, I'm out.

Turning to leave he came to an abrupt halt.

Is it…growing?

The Arc crackled loudly as it thickened, a distortion began to appear at its midpoint, allowing his curiosity to get the better of him he simply stood and watched, the distortion swirled before a pair of hands tore out from within it, gripping the arc, they slowly began to peel back the arc open like a window broadening it.

Whats going on!?!?

As the Arc opened, a distorted image began to form in its center, within seconds it had opened wider than Simon was tall, moments later the image seemed to focus.

A dark figure grasped the edges of this window, arms spread wide as if forcing it open, the arc seemed to thrash and hum aggressively, as if seeking to close itself around the being.

Whoever this person was they seemed to struggle as their arms shook violently holding the arc apart, the dim light and distorted image made the shadow figure look like one’s reflection in dark waters. Simon stood motionless, unsure of what he should do, watching closely he could feel the hairs of his body stand on end, as the distorted image began to focus a pair of glowing red eyes appeared on the figure's face, seeming to pierce into his thoughts.


Oh hell no.

The urge to run overtook his curiosity as he willed his legs to turn and flee, only to find them not moving at all.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. MOVE.

Fear had now overtaken his senses as he tried to force any part of his body to move, only to be met with a complete indifference to his wishes from his limbs. As if his body had turned to stone, only his eyes would follow his command as he frantically looked around hoping to see someone or something to aid him.

With another loud crackle a second being appeared next to the first and began to press itself forward, it’s body seemed to ripple as it bulged against an invisible film, reality seemed to warp around it, it’s texture distorting the air before a bang vibrated around the arc, the sheer force of the sound wave caused Simon to reflexively close his eyes, seeking to shield himself in some way. Save for the ringing in his ears and the light crackle of the arc the world seemed to quiet down, slowly he opened his eyes instantly regretting his decision to do so.

The boney figure looked like someone had taken a hacksaw to the flesh of a human, chunks of exposed muscle clung to a small frame, in many areas the flesh appeared to be completely removed, revealing the whitened bones beneath, whatever this thing was, it had fallen through the window the arc had created, and simply lay unmoving in a heap on the ground. Simon felt a surge of disgust overtake his fear as he looked over the lifeless heap, the crackle of the arc singing to him ever louder as the original shadow being began to shake, although he did not know exactly how it was keeping this window open, he could tell that the strain of doing so was becoming more than it could sustain, already it’s arms had began to shift as the window started slowly closing.

“Uuurrrrr” A light moan brought Simon’s attention away from the window and back to the heap now laying in front of it

You’ve got to be shitting me.

The once lifeless body began to slowly stir as its flesh began to bubble ever so slightly, swelling up to cover the exposed bones, slowly layers of muscle and fat began growing from within it as it began to rise off the ground, its motions slow and strained. What had started out as a nearly meatless corpse now resembled a skinless woman, the empty eye sockets filling as two bloody eyes formed, quickly focusing in on him, seeing the body stand the thing holding the window open seemed to revitalize, with a mighty heave it forced its arms outwards, opening the window wide.

Move legs…MOVE.

Patches of skin began growing over the woman's flesh as she shook her head slightly before suddenly appearing inches from his face.


The rush of air flowing over his body and the burst of dust behind the thing confirmed what he had feared.

It moved so fast I couldn’t see it…

The smell of blood filled the air as the partially skinned women simply reached over and effortlessly picked him up, flinging him over her shoulder, she turned around as another blast of wind rushed past Simon as he found himself at the strange window, his panic had turned into full on desperation at this point as he frantically tried to tell his limbs to do something, all to no avail.

God please no, I swear I'll start going to church every Sunday and donate half my pay from now on PLEASE!

With an ungraceful toss he felt himself pass through the window into whatever was beyond.

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