《The Matriarch》Making Friends (2/2)
Minutes earlier.
Mariana sighed as she looked over her last report, her drowsy eyes willing her to stop her work and turn in for the night.
“Anything?” Her partner questioned her from across the desk.
Looking up towards her she shook her head slightly “Nothing.”
The two women had decided to forgo the festival and instead go over reports from the last 3 months, hoping to glimpse any signs of wildlife that could explain the disappearance of the two girls that had been scouting near the white woods.
As she let forth a yawn Mariana couldn’t help but long for sleep, her partner Mika also had noticeable bags under her eyes, dark rings that stood out in contrast from her vibrant brown pupils.
“Well, I don’t see anything that explains some kind of beast capable of taking both those girls.” Mika shook her head lazily as she spoke, Mariana couldn’t help but watch as her creamy brown hair swung side to side, mesmerizing her even more so at the thought of snuggling up to it in bed.
“Yea…I suppose so. We can continue looking tomorrow Yea? When I’m tired I don’t pick up on little details.” Catching her partners hint she brought up calling it quits for the evening. “Time for a terrible sleep…” She had made the villagers promise to abstain from their spiritual forms while the man was here, the risk of such information leaving this place was too great.
“Well…I mean, it doesn’t have to be.” Mika slowly stood from her chair making her way towards her. “I sleep better when your big arms are wrapped around me you know.”
“Big! That’s not what a girl wants to hear!” Mariana let out a chuckle “Say strong or sexy next time instead!”
Mika smiled at her, gently running her fingers through her hair. “You get used to being snuggled up and kept safe, I don’t think that guy has magical eyes to see through our walls across the village yea know? It can be our secret, besides, I might not be blessed, but I know you gals feel more comfortable in your forms than when not. You need a good night’s sleep more than anyone I know.” As she spoke she gently tugged at her, pulling her from the desk and towards the door, only stopping when they had crossed the hallway and entered their bedroom.
As the women stripped off their clothes Mariana let out a light snarl as dark fur began covering her body, her limbs thickened and stretched as her height grew until she towered above her companion. She maintained a human like appearance despite the fur and elongated canines, though if she needed too she could push her spirit form to take on a more beastly appearance, she was one of the few members of their village that had the spirit of demi-beast within her. The lycan. As such synchronizing its spirit with her own was easier than most, allowing for far greater compatibility.
Picking Mika up in a princess carry she lightly tossed her into bed, following her as Mika’s joyful giggle rang out. Wrapping her arms around her partner she squeezed her lightly burrowing her face into her brown locks, inhaling deeply.
“I love your smell an---What the???” She paused, as another scent flooded her nostrils, something different, alien in nature
Something is wrong.
“What is it?” Picking up on her sudden stiffness, Mika turned to face her, raising her brow as she questioned the sudden change of mood.
Rolling out of bed she merged more with her spirit, becoming more like the beast of legend as her face elongated, taking on a full snout. Her ears extended as more fur packed on around her body. Inhaling deeply, she snarled as she picked up a wretched sense of corruption.
“What’s going on??! You’re scaring me…That form..” Mika’s eyes widened as her lover became more and more beast-like, within moments nearly every human characteristic had left her. Her body had thickened with muscles as claws protruded from her long fingertips. Even her pearly white teeth had grown, until nothing but razor-sharp fangs remained.
“Stay here.” The voice that escaped her lips was heavy and rugged, nothing like the light beautiful voice she had while in a more human form. Mika only slowly nodded her head at the remark, staring motionless in bed.
Turning around she reached for the door, firmly grasping the handle she flung it open, accidentally shattering the wood around the hinges as she forced her much larger frame through the opening. Not pausing to think of the damage she had done to her home she tore down the hallway, bursting through the front door is a shower of splintered wood.
As she entered the night the smell of thick corruption smothered the air around her, glancing around she willed mana into her eyes, causing them to flare up in a brilliant yellow glow. As her vision merged with power she could see the mana thick in the air. Looking for its source she followed the flowing mana, spotting a thick ominous cloud of it in the center of the village, it plumed out from the man's cage, like smoke from a fire.
Tilting her head back she screamed in rage as she realized who was responsible for this.
A man dares?!
Rushing towards his enclosure she paused mid stride, most of the villagers were standing around his cage in some sort of daze, as she neared them they began throwing her crude, unapproving looks, as if judging her actions poorly. Sniffing the air, she could sense the corruption thick on them.
What’s he doing to them!?!
“GET AWAY FROM HERE!!” Crying out towards the villagers she motioned them to leave, only to stop in astonishment as they made hardly any movement at all. Shuffling slowly the crowd moved a short distance away from the enclosure, staying within sight of it.
Seeing that the women would neither listen nor disobey her commands fully, she realized the corruption must be having some kind of effect on their minds.
In such a short time? I’ll rend his flesh…
Although she could manipulate mana to an extent, cleansing was far beyond her abilities. That left only one course of action, removal of its source to prevent further contamination.
Approaching the cage, she eyed her prey closely, what she had assumed was nothing but a runaway slave was now a considerable threat to the village.
Was he sent here on purpose? What other tricks does this monster have?
Now standing mere feet away from his enclosure she watched as he slowly rose, the tether still firmly attached to his wrists.
“Good evening, Mariana I presume?” His composure was relaxed as he smirked towards her. “The girls had mentioned you could be a real beast when it counts, I see they were not mistaken.” His last remark caused her blood to boil as she realized its meaning.
Luna and Shoji!!!
“I’LL RIP YOU APART YOU MONSTER!” lunging forward she swiped at the wood bars, shredding through them with ease. Forcing her way past the broken logs she lunged forward, ready to take the head off her prey in a single blow.
Her eyes opened in surprise as he flexed his arms, the muscles bulging momentarily as the ropes binding him snapped away like string, twisting his body back he bent at the waist, avoiding the strike by mere inches.
I won't let you!
Driving forward she pierced her left arm towards his chest, looking to skewer his torso on her claws. The sting of failure again striked out towards her as he sidestepped the blow, throwing her a sneer as he did so.
“And here I thought I had to be worried!” His arrogant, mocking tone ignited a fury within her.
Throwing a series of slashes, she aimed to split him open, only to become infuriated as he weaved between her blows, almost showing a boredom at her attempts.
Lunging her left arm forward she feigned a strike to his chest, only to swing a quick slash with her other arm as he began to sidestep the first strike.
She sneered as his eyes opened wide, realizing he would be unable to avoid the blow.
Her joy soon turned to shock as her arm abruptly stopped on something hard, as if she had swung it into a boulder. Instead of avoiding the blow, he had simply grasped her palm firmly, stopping it dead in its tracks.
“What?” His eyes met with hers as he spoke, “Did you think I could only move quickly?”
Feeling her blood boil as he smirked towards her, she violently tried ripping her hand from his grasp, only to find that she was unable to break his grip.
“Now that we’re holding hands, I don’t think I’m quite ready to let go just yet.” As he spoke, she could feel mana swelling in her palm, pushing its way into her.
Extending her claws out she flexed her hand, closing it around his and digging into his flesh, seeing him wince she threw a solid kick towards his groan, pulling back on her arm simultaneously. As he flexed his midsection back to avoid the groin shot, she slashed towards his wrist with free hand. Being overextended and partially airborne from his jump back he was powerless to pull the limb to safety, the satisfying grate of claws meeting bone met her ears as her strike landed, severing through his flesh and bone.
With his wrist now hanging onto him by just a sliver of flesh, she snapped her hand back, taking delight in the light groan that escaped his lips as the hand detached. Leaping back to gain some distance she triumphantly held her prize up for him to see.
“Had to get cocky? All that strength and speed won’t help you if you're bleeding out like a stuck pig” She tossed the severed hand on the ground in front of him. “I’ll take your head next.”
Looking up towards him she furrowed her brows slightly.
Still fucking smiling with that stupid grin.
His facial expression hadn’t changed throughout the engagement.
“What a shame, that was my favorite hand too.” He began circling around to her side as he spoke, bending his knees slightly to lower himself as he walked.
Now it starts.
Melding herself deeper with her spirit she felt her muscles flex and swell as her appearance became closer and closer to that of a lycan, she would have to be careful, if she pushed herself too far her mind would begin to slip from her grasp, until nothing but the beast remained.
“Bring…grrrr…it…on.” Her voice cracked slightly as she found speaking becoming difficult, her mind only began repeating one thing.
Leaping forward she threw another slash towards him, her speed had nearly doubled causing his eyes to widen in surprise as he leapt back from the blow.
Not fast.
A light splatter of blood shot through the air as she grazed his chest, cutting through his clothing and leaving a shallow wound. His surprised look quickly mellowed out, being replaced with a joyful smile once again as he landed.
“We should take this outside Yea?” leaping back again as he spoke he drove himself through the back of the enclosure, wood easily giving way in a shower of splintered boards as he leapt out into the night, his adversary dashing after him.
Slashing at him, she began pushing forward showering him in a flurry of strikes, every one of which he parried with his own claws. On both hands.
Her eyes wandered over his hands, both were completely fine as he parried blow after blow, grating his own razor-sharp claws against hers.
She knew something was wrong with the situation, but her mind had fallen to such a point where she couldn’t tell exactly what it was.
Kill…. Make better.
Continuing her advance, she steadily increased her pace, until the blows she rained down began to blur together, but try as she might nothing seemed to land, multiple times she could have sworn her claws dig into his flesh, but after the next swing no damage could be seen.
Amid her blows she gathered mana within her mouth, holding it in until it compressed into a burning ball. Mid swing she screamed out, releasing it in an ear shattering cry towards him, the taste of iron filled her mouth as her tongue ripped apart from the force of the shout. He momentarily flexed his chest as the blast slammed into him, taking his feet out from under him and driving him onto his back. Realizing the opportunity, she leapt forward, aiming to drive her claws into his exposed body.
Rolling to his side, he avoided one of the strikes, only to have her plunge her free arm into his exposed side. Reaching deep into his flesh she clawed at his innards, aiming to cause as much damage as possible.
Gritting his teeth he twisted himself over, firmly grasping her arm with both hands and tearing it out of himself. Swiftly bringing his leg up he delivered a powerful heel kick to her midsection, throwing her off him.
Springing to her feet she again lunged towards him, aiming to stop him from regaining himself. Driving her hand into the ground she snarled as he had rolled away, springing to his feet. Clutching at his side, it was obvious her attack had caused significant damage, a fist sized hole now gaped from underneath his hand, pouring blood out at an alarming rate.
Leaping forward again she sent a flurry of strikes towards her prey, his movements now greatly slowed, she quickly overpowered his own strikes as he tried to deflect her attacks, landing a solid blow along his chest and shoulder.
Stumbling back from her attack he desperately held his arms up, looking to cover himself as she pressed on. Her claws rending through his forearms and exposing the bone beneath. With her constant assault taking its toll he eventually dropped his guard, unable to hold the mangled limbs up anymore.
With one last powerful swing she lashed out towards him, the heavy blow landing on his jawbone. Claws tore into bone, tearing his lower jaw clean off, her lower digits severing the soft flesh of his throat in the same strike.
He weakly tried to raise his mangled arm to grasp his throat, his eyes bulging wide as he futilely moved to stop the blood now pouring from his veins.
She stood and watched as his struggles slowed, falling to his knees first before collapsing into the dirt. She felt the burning sensation in her muscles as they pleaded for rest, hanging her arms by her side she turned to face the crowd. Many had begun slowly approaching the scene, the looks of sadness and anger evident.
Willing her form back partially she began to remove her transformation, slowly regaining her mind as she reverted. Seeing several of the women begin smiling she felt relieved.
They were probably spooked seeing me like that.
It was only when she followed their eyes and felt the firm grasp of arms wrap around her neck from behind that she realized exactly who they had been smiling for.
“Even dogs should know better than to turn their back on a man before he’s dead” The deep voice hissed into her ear as he lifted her off the ground.
Panicking she tried to merge back into her lycan form, only to find his grip tightening around her as she grew, the larger she became the tighter his grip was around her throat. With little options she transformed just enough to give herself some additional strength, but still allow room to breathe.
How?!? I split his throat open. He shouldn't be walking….He shouldn’t even be talking!
Flailing her legs, she kicked wildly at him, trying to get him to release her.
“How?” Gasping for air, she could only get out one word between her ragged breaths.
“Do you think I'd just let you kill me? Though you sure did better than I thought, I’m gonna enjoy taking my time with you.” His voice softened as he spoke. “I think I’ll start off by making you eat that hand you took off, only fitting.”
Snarling, she tried to merge completely with her spirit form, only to feel him clamp heavily down on her throat, cutting off her airway completely. Even as her physical size grew, her strength quickly faded, with a final lunge she threw herself forward, hoping to upset his footing. His iron grip never faltered as he muscled her back from her desperate attempt to throw his balance off, now lacking the strength to continue fighting, she could feel her arms going limp as her vision began to fade. What started out as a defiant snarl turned into a choked whimper as her consciousness fled, eventually fading to darkness.
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