《Chosen Shine》II.7 The Volcano
Chapter 7
The Volcano
“Send our souls to the goddess?” Terrill said with a scoff. He held his own sword up to match the Fiend’s, tossing his bag to the ground. “What do you think you are? Some twisted sort of monk?”
Blaise enjoyed that question, as his face split with a grin. He raised his flaming blade overhead, and with a mighty plunge, drove it into the platform. There was no cracking or breaking, but Terrill could see the wicked red glow race underneath the ground to bloom beneath their feet. He pushed Krysta out of the way, and rolled to the side as a pillar of flame erupted from that spot. The Fiend was already on him, which Terrill guarded with a swift strike.
Now that he was up close, he could see the true face of this Blaise. Short orange hair, blazing with his internal fire, and a smile that belied his true intentions. He was not some pious believer in the ways of the goddess, but a violent man who reveled in the despair of others. His very eyes bored into Terrill, trying to burn him with his very presence. Terrill pushed back.
“Have you decided to offer yours?”
“We’ll offer none!” Terrill finished following through, his knee bending to push Blaise off of him before he swung around, striking the man to the side. He, lamentably, did not fall off the platform. “So, is that what they were trying to do? Urge us on to the Lifeblood to be slaughtered by you? I know you’re the one responsible for the devastation at the resort!”
Blaise’s blade came back for him, and Terrill parried the blow, sparks of flame firing off. Another swipe came for his head and Terrill ducked under. He slapped a hand to the ground, bringing his magic to a point where a pillar shot up and snapped into Blaise’s chin. It broke upon impact, not leaving even the slightest trace of blood behind. His burning sword was descending again.
“Light Shard!” Krysta’s timely attack allowed Terrill to roll out of the way and come out swinging towards Blaise’s side. It attacked straight on, and bounced off, sending Terrill backpedaling towards the edge of the platform where they fought. His eye twitched; he knew for a fact that he had made contact, yet Blaise remained unharmed. The same was not said for his clothing, but Terrill failed to get a good look at what was beneath. The Fiend slashed and sent a crescent arc of flame in Terrill’s direction.
“Stone Shield!” Terrill cried as fast as his mouth could form the words. From the platform, the barrier of earth was formed, and Blaise’s fury struck against it, holding in place. From the other side, Terrill could see the stone begin to melt, breaking in half at the center. Knowing the attack would come out the other side, Terrill launched himself atop his barrier and came flying down while Krysta’s rapier shined with light from behind.
“Such a disappointment as a hero. I’m not sure why you were ever backed. You have no hope of saving anyone as you are!” He rent the air with his blade to meet Terrill’s, while a free hand caught Krysta’s rapier before it could jab itself into him. Both battlers were held in place, though Krysta was in the worse position, the intense heat coming from Blaise’s body beginning to make her rapier malleable. So, she let go. “Yet I am to purify and cleanse you through shadow. To decide if you are indeed worthy of the mantle as the world’s flow dictates.”
Terrill had no witty remark, nor counter to his mad ravings. He just tried to break free, shutting his eyes at the spluttering sparks that threatened to burn him. His mind stretched back to the broken stones left behind from their colliding attacks, and with what focus he had, Terrill sent them hurtling at Blaise. They struck his body. Like before, they broke without injury, but the distraction was what Terrill took, breaking off and sliding back along the floor, to find it was glowing orange beneath him.
“Purgatory Flame.” Terrill braced himself as the ground broke and burned, shooting upwards with orange flames hotter than any Terrill had felt before. He felt like his entire self was going to melt, stopped only by the familiar honeycomb barrier that prevented the worst of the attack. Through the flickering flames, their red dancing in his vision, Terrill could see Krysta, glowing with light as she shielded him. Blaise noticed. “You would forestall me passing my judgment on worthiness?”
“Krysta!” Terrill shouted, but his voice was lost in the flames. The Fiend turned his sights towards her. Terrill struggled, knowing she was stuck between protecting him and protecting herself. He kicked at her barrier, hoping to break it in two, but she was unwilling to let it go.
“I won’t…let your kind be the judge.”
“It is not my kind that judges, but I alone. That is my role as the Destroyer. It is the reason for which you’ve been led here, One Made of Li-” He swung his sword down in a searing arc of black flame that intended to break her in half.
Terrill acted, mustering what he could to send a stone spike through Krysta’s shield. It shattered, providing Terrill passage through the flames. He slid down the angled spike, dashing across the burning rock to insert himself between Krysta and the Fiend. His block was broken, and the sword cut into flesh, scorching it as it did so. Terrill screamed, the dark fire erupting from the wound. Blaise raised an eyebrow at that.
“Terrill, you idiot!” Krysta shouted, on the verge of tears. “Don’t throw yourself in the way when I’m trying to protect you!”
“Then don’t let him try to kill you!” Krysta gripped Terrill’s back, her hands visible on both sides of his head. She created a greater barrier, pushing the sword out of Terrill’s left arm and sending its owner backwards. Terrill coughed and dropped his now useless arm off his hilt.
Blaise looked particularly feral now.
“I already promised, Krysta. We all get home together, remember?”
“That should include you¸ Terrill!”
“Burn together!” Blaise lifted off from the ground, his fire having become a propulsion device that sent him hurtling through the air. His entire body was wreathed in flames, and Terrill felt his throat dry, growing parched from how much the heat had ratcheted since their battle had begun. Blaise slashed upwards and Terrill sent his own hand soaring up to create a stone column that was melted and split in half. “You’ve entered the other side, Hero! There is no going home! You will either die, proving what you never were, or you will live here and go on to clash with him until humanity breaks its-”
“Shut the hell up!” Terrill and Krysta cried simultaneously. As Terrill lifted his broken stone, Krysta blinded the air with light, making each cluster into a miniature bomb that exploded. They were protected by their foreknowledge, but Blaise was taken unawares, the stones striking at his face and eyes. Terrill pressed his advantage, striking with his right hand, but lacking the strength. His blade bounced off, and the collision pushed he and Krysta back. The Lifeblood glowed a sickening orange as they separated, and near to their entrance, Torry was supporting a struggling Floyd. Krysta dug her fingers into Terrill’s uninjured shoulder. “I can take care of myself. We all can. You don’t need to protect everyone.”
“I’m aware of that,” Terrill huffed out. The heat was making his brain and body sluggish, and his new wound was beginning to feel numbing. Blaise showed no signs of tiring, while the very air of Tarkinder threatened to suffocate them. The Lifeblood waned ominously. “But they won’t give a choice. They already tried to destroy the resort and plunge Serotin into war. Now they’re setting things up to drag every nation into pointing fingers, and for what? Some lame prophecy? It’s bullshit, and if I need to step in to prevent another massacre like the one fifteen years ago, I’ll do it.”
“Fifteen years, was it? How I remember fondly...” Blaise’s arms rose, and the look of contentment upon his face sickened Terrill. “The day the world’s flow was interrupted. The day many souls and bodies returned to the goddess. Yet even that was not enough. This time, we will not fail. This time, there will be a result of clashes.”
“Screw your clashes!” Terrill had no further regard for his own safety. All he saw was red, just as he had with Atrum on the boat. How little the Fiends cared for life or causing war, especially the one that killed his parents, fueled him with rage. He swung out, clashing with the fiery blade before whirling around in a dance of strikes that pushed Blaise back. The man didn’t break a sweat, but Terrill was, and his body moved slower from it.
“A King and Chosen One, fated to clash. In their clash, they create strife. At the end of strife, prosperity.” Blaise sidestepped, and his blade aimed for Terrill’s exposed back, only for an arrow to intercept his course and dive into the lava below. He stumbled back, and saw Torry, her bow out and her hands shaking as she faced the Fiend down. He turned away from Terrill, beginning to stalk forward while his mouth rambled on. “Born to die, the Chosen One is. Born to survive, the great king is. Clash, clash, the world demands its flow. Clash, clash, the gathering of souls. So says the scriptures. So says the goddess.”
“St-stay back!” Torry shouted, firing off arrow after arrow, but none pierced the man. They each reflected off, clattering on the stone floor. Terrill tried to run, tried to intercept, but the pain of his arm caused him to stagger, and he could not reach Torry. She tried a different tack, creating a surge of water. The fountain collided, pushing her away and deterring Blaise for a moment, but just a moment. He continued on, steam rolling off his body.
Then, he reached her, and with one hand, grabbed her by the face, holding her high. “What a sinning soul you have, deviating from the path, and yet not being punished for it.”
“Mmgh! Let…go!” Torry tried to attack back, forming a spear of ice, but it sublimated upon touching his robes. Blaise’s mouth opened wide, and Terrill could see his pointed, unnatural teeth. The Guardian tried to stand, pulling himself up by his sword. Blaise’s wicked laughter rang in his ears, as did his words, leading to an uncomfortable resolution.
“Those words… Is that this…prophecy…?”
“No one knows if the prophecy is real. Not even Her Most Devout,” Blaise admitted. He enjoyed watching Torry squirm, waiting for the moment to snuff her life out as crimson fire burned up his arms. “Yet I have no time for prophecies.”
“Yeah? Good, because I’m no Chosen One!” Terrill yanked his blade up, running headlong towards Blaise and charging straight into his side. It burned against him, but Terrill didn’t relent, buying Torry the time she needed. This time, she took a page from his book.
“Water Kick!” Her leg rippled with whirling currents, and Torry sent her kick into Blaise’s side. It was the first time he happened to gasp, damaged by one of their attacks. Blaise let go of Torry, allowing Terrill to drag her into safety. The pain Blaise displayed lasted only a moment. Behind him, Krysta inched closer to the Lifeblood, as if she would ask for its help like she did in the mines.
“Chosen One. Hero. We do not know if these terms are the same. But we will have those answers,” Blaise said. His sword now raised upwards, and Terrill’s body shook when he saw them multiplying, each flaming saber turning in their direction with an angry red and black glow. Blaise’s body pulsed with a murky fire. Torry held her hands out, discarding the bow at her feet. “We do, however, only need one of you, and I’m afraid I will purify yours. You’ve proven too troublesome. Now, let your souls be immolated, that both body and soul trouble us no longer. Purgatory Prominence!”
One of us…? Terrill questioned, not daring to ask it aloud as the blades began to fall. Still, the inevitable conclusion lay there, if the wording was anything to take into account. Lumen. They want to find Lumen. That’s why.
Terrill would have laughed upon figuring it out, but there was no time. He and Torry had to act in concert, and with Krysta preoccupied by the Lifeblood, they were on their own. All he could spare was a second to mentally share his plan with his eyes, and the two touched palms together, whirring up a spell as fast as they could to give them focus on their weakest aspects.
“Raise the mountain high and provide protection. Give us a ward to repel attacks. Monolithic Shield!” Their combined magics joined, arcing along the ground with sparks as the platform shuddered and shook. From in front of them, the shield arose, greater than anything Terrill could have produced alone. The swords impaled it, sticking through the other side, but not yet breaking. Not knowing how long it would hold, Terrill pushed Torry behind him, struggling to keep his sword held in front of him. Each crack was the second hand ticking closer to doom. If the wall didn’t hold…
It has to hold. I won’t let them go after Lumen and make him out to be some martyr or Hero. I’ll be the Hero instead, if it means a chance to protect them, and stop the Fiends. He stomped, attempting to create just one more layer before Blaise’s swords could run them through.
It did just that, the tip of the last blade barely making it through the extra protection.
Sadly, that wasn’t all.
While the attack was now stuck in place, they began to glow a greater red, producing a high-pitched whirring that vibrated their shield. It began to melt, some of the swords expanding, and Terrill knew what was coming next. He couldn’t yell to Krysta, and nor did he try. He just turned around, hoping to shield he and Torry from the worst.
The inferno ripped forth, each of the swords exploding with their utmost fury. Terrill expected it to char them down to their very bones, or at the very least debilitate them with its searing potential.
None of that, however, happened, and before the explosion had finished, Terrill looked back to see someone standing between them and the blaze, his daggers out and his entire body wreathed in flame. He was groaning, too.
“Grgh! Next time…Terrill…make a better…shield…” Floyd’s speech was strained, but the explosion wasn’t harming him. Instead, he was pushing back against it, his own flames burning brighter than ever and counteracting the explosion. Each individual burst could be seen slowing, and with it, Floyd would throw his heat out, until they vanished, leaving naught but the rubble behind. Well, that and a stupefied, irate Blaise. “Guess your fire’s no match for mine, huh?”
“Floyd… I… Since when were you able to…?” Torry peeked her head out, her fingers daring to clasp for her bow while she stared at the redhead.
“Since just now. It’s like my fire is stronger than ever. Pure fire. And these formulas and memories and…”
“A blessing.” Blaise’s words increased the heat, amplifying them to the point that Terrill wasn’t sure if the base protection of the Lifeblood would continue to hold. Floyd was fairly unfettered, like the fire inside him was making him impervious. “So, another candidate, and yet not. You are useless to us. I shall immolate your soul and cast your corpse into ashes!”
“Bring it, Fire Freak!”
“As if a sinner such as you has room to talk!” The pious veneer that Blaise had attempted to wear melted away, replaced with his fanged visage. He was a man who enjoyed the battlefield, or perhaps just the punishments of his so-called “sinners”. His blade expanded with heat, becoming a great sword that he brought crashing to the ground. Terrill and Torry dodged to opposite sides, while Floyd disappeared.
“Gonna have to move faster than that!” Floyd had shown up behind Blaise, and before the man could turn his sword, the redhead had kicked him in the back. It did little, but Floyd was quick to zip away, appearing next to Torry. From where Terrill stood, he could see the steam pouring from his body, the spell making him move faster than ever.
This, Terrill realized, was Floyd’s truest potential, or a very glimpse of it. Something he was holding back. With Blaise turning his incinerating gaze upon him and Torry, however, for the first time Terrill saw him stop playing around. He vanished again, and this time he got close, his daggers aimed for Blaise’s chest.
Terrill’s arm twinged with pain, but he hefted his sword up, and ran straight for the battle. “Torry, Krysta, let’s back him up!”
“Right!” Krysta continued to look distracted, but she tore herself away from the Lifeblood to create a storm of light shards in the air. They looked like pieces of her barrier broken up and soon she sent them raining down. Blaise ignored them to take a slash at Floyd, which he blocked. The flames didn’t burn him the way they had Terrill, but he was knocked back, his growling showing that the effects of his spell were still there on his body.
“My daggers couldn’t…hit him…”
“Yeah, he’s a tough one to crack!” Terrill said, dashing past. His sword dragged along the ground, but Terrill lifted it, and with that, sent a line of stones racing towards the Fiend. They didn’t aim to hurt, and did exactly the job he had intended, putting Blaise off balance. The light shards finished their descent, peppering the Fiend and causing him to hunker down against the onslaught. It was enough for Torry to get close, her arrow aimed point blank at Blaise’s face.
“Aqua Shot!” Terrill grinned, and he could see Krysta doing the same. Torry lived up to her moniker, already having discerned Blaise’s weakness to his endurable skin. Her arrow flashed with torrents of water, the stream of scalding liquid traveling behind her as she fired. It hit dead on, exploding into steam. Terrill wasn’t sure if it had neutralized Blaise, but the question was answered as the blade of fire screamed out. He closed the gap, his one arm trying to defend Torry with his sword.
A rush of air behind him indicated to Terrill that Floyd had moved, his speed helping him in grabbing Torry and pushing her to safety. Terrill was pushed back, the wound on his arm making him grit his teeth. He cocked his head towards the couple. “Torry, I told you that close combat was your weak point. And Floyd…”
“Hah…” Terrill’s criticism couldn’t leave his mouth. Floyd stumbled, suffering the effects of his spell, his energy giving out from the exertion. Or, perhaps, Terrill began to think he just didn’t want to try now that Torry was safe. Still the same as always…
“Aha!” Blaise’s sudden, booming laugh put Terrill on edge. Krysta, as well. Her fingers were glowing as the steam around the Fiend was dispelled. “Ahahaha! So, that is the power of one who has joined body and soul…or perhaps not. Blessed, but not yet complete.”
“What’re you prattling on about?!” Terrill yelled. He moved just slightly to cover the recovering Torry and Floyd, though his sword hand was quavering. His vision was getting blurry, and Terrill realized that every pore of his body was beginning to sweat. Below the platform, the lava bubbled and rose, threatening to overtake them.
“When his shadows burn your soul, boy, both it and your body can ascend to the goddess. But worry not, I will free you from that torment. I will free all of Ardoris from their sins!” A burst of lava exploded from below, raining magma upon the shield that was protecting them. Terrill flinched, and Blaise was on him. Both of their blades struck, but Terrill’s was slower, just managing to nick the man on the side, doing nothing, before Blaise’s sword burned into his shoulder with its malevolent edge.
Terrill screamed. The light of the Lifeblood seemed to recede, and between them, Terrill’s delirious vision began to see strings of black. A shadow that wanted to invade his pores.
“Stay back!” A shot of light interceded, cutting the strings between Terrill, Blaise and the Lifeblood, allowing the former to stumble back. Blaise hissed, right as another attack from Krysta flew into his chest, driving him backwards. Another column erupted, but Terrill dropped to a knee, his breath haggard. “You will not.”
“Ha! Ha ha, you have no choice! I will burn it all! Purify them! Surely you know that is to be the will of the goddess!”
“The goddess… She’d…”
“And why protect them? These people, they’re nothing but et-”
Whatever Blaise was going to say, whatever truth he was going to reveal, he never did. His body, cackling with glee, had begun to change as he spoke, and where Torry had struck him upon the face, it looked like skin was cracking away to reveal scales, akin to those of mythical dragons. Yet just like his words, they were interrupted by the same thing: a lance of wind that pierced his breast.
The volcano quieted, and Blaise gagged. Krysta, who was holding a broken rapier and her glowing fingers high, looked horrified. There was blood, dripping like embers from where Blaise stood, and his blade fell to the floor, smoldering on its surface while he clasped to his wound.
All Terrill needed to know was where, his vision clarifying itself as he glanced towards one of the vents. That was where Winifred sat, her lips set in a grim line while her own fingers indicated the source of her attack. Blaise creaked his head in her direction.
“Winifred… I…”
“Do be quiet, Blaise,” the other Fiend said. Terrill shivered in place, his hands and sword falling to the floor while he watched this woman stare down at her comrade with little pity. “Your role was to test him, not go running your mouth off and trying to melt an entire continent. We don’t need lives taken en masse. Not like that, dumbass. Or did you forget how that didn’t work last time?”
“And your…role…was not to be executioner. You’re not Clay.” Terrill restrained his gasp, pulling himself up as his sword clattered in his hand. Krysta came closer, her eyes flashing with a warning that told him to stop. “You were to find the candidate, and show the path, not to-agh!”
Winifred had fired another shot, another through the chest, and her eyes narrowed. “Don’t speak to me of executions, Blaise.”
“You harlot!” Blaise had no sword, but Terrill remained terrified as his mouth opened, like the maw of a beast. From it, a jet of flame was sent rolling up towards Winifred, its intent to burn her to a crisp. She showed no fear.
“Oh, do calm down, Blaise, and stop giving the game away. Maybe some time to cool off will let you reflect on how you can best serve your king.” A gust of wind roared out, knocking Krysta back into Floyd and Torry while Terrill was forced to cut into the stone with his blade to keep from being thrown off the edge. The flames were dispelled, slicing across Blaise’s figure and tearing at his robes until, with a single, callous word, Winifred ended it. “Goodbye.”
One more snap. One more lance.
Then Terrill watched in horror as Blaise was impaled. He lifted a hand, betrayal scrawled across his face.
And then he fell off the edge, his body disintegrating into ashes before he could hit the lava below. The Lifeblood pulsed.
“What…what the hell…?” Terrill gasped out. He struggled to stand, but his eyes never left Winifred. She paid him no mind, seeming content with obliterating her ally. “What the hell are you?!”
“Don’t be alarmed, Terrill,” Winifred spoke, dusting off her clothes with a smile. Her nonchalance alone disturbed him, but more than that, she did seem all too pleased. It made Terrill’s insides churn. “And don’t tell me you actually feel for him? Or are you one of those types that wants to save even your enemies? Well don’t worry, Blaise is-”
“Quiet.” The voice sent a jolt of adrenaline through Terrill, a third member having joined their party. This one was more deserving of the venomous glare that Terrill sent his way, as Atrum had appeared next to Winifred, placing a hand on her shoulder. “For your chastisement of Blaise, you speak too much as well, Winifred.”
“Just doing my job, Your Majesty.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, but Atrum had put all his attention on Terrill.
“Have you seen it yet, Terrill? Do you know why I brought you here?”
“Like I give a damn!” Terrill took what power he could, focusing it in the earth at his feet, and he used it to launch himself up into the air. He only had the one good arm, but with all his strength behind it, he brought it spinning down to collide with Atrum’s rapier. Gravity started to take hold of him as he slipped towards the lava. Atrum grabbed his hand. “You wanted…to test me. Try to figure out if I’m this ‘hero’ you need to face. Well, I’m not going along with your plan, Atrum! I’ll beat you black and blue and drag you home. Put a stop to this madness.”
“You’ll want to find Lumen first, and Charles, too.”
“I will!” Winifred laughed at his defiance, but Atrum continued holding him there. Below them, Terrill’s companions attempted to move, and the Lifeblood pulsed with its orange glow.
“I know. You’re always so good at playing the protector. That’s why I wanted you to see how impossible it is to stop this. The world will come to war, and all you’ll be able to do is watch. It’s just a single spark away. What can one man do to stop that?”
“I’ll-” Atrum’s knee collided with his stomach, and Terrill gagged, their heads now close to each other.
“You’ll keep fighting. Because you always do, Terrill. I believe in you.”
“What…?” Just as before, Atrum sounded strange. More like his friend and not the Shadow King. Terrill didn’t know how to question it, so he looked to Atrum’s eyes and saw them boring into him, that same pleading expression as before present. “Atrum…why are you doing this?”
Tarkinder rumbled, and the answer to Terrill’s question was never addressed. Instead, Atrum looked away, towards the Lifeblood that fizzled with shadows.
“Damn… He has the worst times to interfere.”
“Protecting precious commodities, I’d assume. He does consider himself a steward of the world’s flow.” Atrum scoffed, his eyes grown cold again.
“We don’t have time for this. Our work in Ardoris is done. Have our Defiler of Waters finish what’s started on Gladius. And find Lumen. We’ll need him.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” She was mocking him, but obeyed him nonetheless. With another knowing smirk in Terrill’s direction, Winifred vanished into the wind. Atrum lifted Terrill up.
“I’m sure we’ll see each other again. If you make it that far. Perhaps then you’ll understand, and then we can work together for a world that is free.”
Terrill grunted, lifting his blade in an attempt to wound his old friend, to have the pain bring him back to his senses. But the weight on his injured arm tore at his muscles and made it unbearable to do anything but watch. All he could do was stare into those darkened eyes until Atrum mercilessly let go.
“TERRILL!” came the shouts as his body fell towards the lava.
The Lifeblood glowed with immense power, gathering fire in a last breath. It tore through the platform that Krysta and the others stood upon, breaking it and sending them tumbling off the edge, while Atrum disappeared into the darkness.
Terrill spun his limbs, holding fast to his sword, as he prepared to meet his end. He tried to call the sides of the volcano to him, but his magic misjudged his aim and the pillar he created collided with him, cracking a rib or two by the feel of it. He was sent flying towards his friends, all four of them plummeting to the deadly lava below. Terrill reached for them, hoping to have someone to hold on to when he met the end. His fingers nearly reached Krysta’s as she extended her arm, and they touched together.
“We’ll be okay,” she whispered, closing her eyes as her head snapped to the Lifeblood. It brimmed with light for just a moment to break through the shadows surrounding it, and beneath them, Terrill saw multiple holes open up.
The four hit the holes, and disappeared.
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