《Vengeance by Moonlight》Strange Bedfellows
Dawn couldn’t come fast enough for Gavina. The nightmares she had suffered all evening had left her mentally exhausted despite the good that the comfortable bed had done her body. She tiptoed naked to the washroom praying nobody saw her, sneaking in and throwing on her freshly washed and dried clothes, but leaving her weapons behind as she made her way downstairs. Her suspicions from the night before about servants slinking around the house were confirmed when she walked through the kitchen and bumped into a tall well groomed and very serious looking older black butler with a silver platter piled with grilled ham, boiled eggs and toast with a dish of beans in hand.
“Good morning madam, masta William has invited you to join im in de dining room for breakfast.” He said with a deep rich voice, a strong and prevalent Caribbean accent adding an exotic quality to him.
“William? Is that the bugger's name?” Gavina replied inquisitively. Just realizing that the night before they had completely failed to make proper introductions. “Thank ye...what’s yer name sir?”
“You are most welcome madam, my name is Agwe. Now please follow me.”
He took his tray and led her through a set of double doors into a small but elegant dining room, a long mahogany table with tall velvet cushioned chairs rested on polished hardwood floors. At the head of the table sat her host, dressed in a simple light brown jacket and white button up shirt, hair as effortlessly curly and gorgeous as the night before, with the largest stupidest smile Gavina had ever seen spread across his face.
“Good morning! I do hope you slept well, certainly you slept later than I expected. And *sniiifff* you smell wonderful, decided a nice bath would do you good eh? Splendid. Please please sit down, Agwe has prepared us a lovely breakfast. I wish you could taste his pepper pot stew, it is to die for, but I’m afraid that there is no time.” He fired away at a rapid pace, like a child trying to rush their parents through breakfast on Christmas morning so they could get to the presents.
Gavina didn’t know how to process the bombardment of cheer she received and was certainly not going to acknowledge his little victory of her using the bath. She pulled out a chair, leaving one seat distance from William and began to help herself to a hearty portion of eggs and ham while Agwe left and returned with a silver pot of the strongest most delicious coffee she had ever tasted. She was not used to it being free of grounds, much less so rich and smooth. Once she had filled up she looked over at the still grinning William who at this point was bouncing in his seat like a toddler.
“What the hell are ye so damned excited for ye fidgeting little twit?”
“Why your answer to my proposal of course! Do come on and just tell me. You’ve given in to my charms? My dashing good looks? My piles of money? Oh it doesn’t matter why just say yes!” His voice grew more and more excited as the prospect of a real and true adventure.
“Jesus man, have a bit of dignity.”
“Dignity is for the dying, just tell me tell me tell me before I explode!”
“FINE!” She brought her fist down on the table, sending the dishes to rattling and the silverware jumping.
“Ah thought about it last night and ah can’t take waitin any longer. If gettin to me da in time to stop somethin awful from happenin means puttin up with a spoiled dunce for a few days while ah look for him then so be it. But if you give me any trouble or put anyone at risk with your stupidity or carelessness, ah swear ah will blow the top off of that pretty little head uh yours. Got it?” She pointed her fork at him and inched it closer to his sternum with every word or warning until she was standing over him, burning eyes drilling holes through his skull.
William took no notice of the hostility, instead he was bursting with excitement. Not since he helped a gaggle of Italian sailors hijack several casks of port off a shipment from Portugal had he been faced with the prospect of such dangerous fun!
“Oh I promise you won’t regret this, I will do everything I can to make myself indispensable to you. I already took the liberty of having Agwe pack a few necessities” He said pointing at a leather case in the corner of the room.
“And I ran out first thing this morning and bought the tickets to York. We will be heading off that way in a few hours time with a short stopover in Lincolnshire to visit my family. That might delay us a full day but it is still better than the 5 or so days it would take you by horse and the 10 by foot. Is there anything you have to pack up or are you all set? Surely you have more weapons on you than just those hand cannons. Oh and by the way, if you don’t mind my asking, what exactly is your name?” He hardly breathed the entire time, the excitement of it all eating a hole in his chest and filling him with the kind of energy one usually needed a needle or a straw to enjoy.
Gavina for her part couldn’t believe he had totally glossed over the threats or that the little imp had been so sure of himself that he had already made the damn arrangements.
“The cocky little shit.”
“Aye...ah have a few things in a hiding spot, yes. Ah’ll go get’em and be back soon. Ah’m warnin ye right now though ta watch that presumptuous attitude of yours missy. It'll get ye nuthin but trouble with me.” She dropped her fork and knife and made her way to the front door, William in tow.
“Do be careful, wouldn’t want our grand scheme being cut short because you took a careless step off a peer or roof or wherever it is you skulk about when you aren’t killing.”
She ignored him and pushed through the door in a hurry, eager to get going so she wouldn’t risk missing the train. She paused momentarily and ran back up the steps, flinging open the door with one hand
“The names Gavina McKinnon. There, all good and acquainted” and slammed the door behind her.
As she wandered down the street, she started thinking about her decision, already regretting it. What would her father think about her bringing along some rich little idiot, risking his life and hers? He would box her ears and give her the dressing down of a lifetime more than likely. It went against everything he had ever taught her about caution, mistrust and risk management. Despite all of that, she still couldn’t make herself go back on the agreement. She had to find out what happened to him, she couldn’t sit by another week just hoping that he finally showed up again or sent word to her. What if he needed her help? No matter what kind of trouble her eager new companion gave her she would deal with it if it meant there was even the slightest chance she could help her father out of whatever kind of trouble he must have found himself in to hold him up this long.
She made her way across town, cutting through alleys and jumping over rooftops to the shock and awe of the passersby down below. Eventually she made it to Whitechapel, one of the least savory areas in London, particularly if you were a woman. During the day it was simply another poor working class neighborhood, the streets littered with sewage and filth, the odd drunk passed out from a hard night's drinking through the previous day's pay. At night, prostitutes crawled out of the darkness like cockroaches and began luring in randy customers and draining more than their wallets. As bad as she wanted to feel for the plight of these women who were in all honesty just trying to make a living in a world that held very few prospects for them, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disgust. Never could she bring herself to spend a life on her knees or back serving men like a dog just so she could crawl inside a gin bottle and maybe get a few crusts of bread into her stomach. No, she was more than happy to struggle and fight for a living, even seeing stealing as better than degrading herself in such a manner.
She wandered through the meandering, poorly planned streets until she came upon an old half collapsed inn, long abandoned by the owners. This had served as one of her shelters over the last month, though she tried to never spend more than a few nights in a row in any one place. A moving target was harder to predict, track and capture. As she approached the front door, still just barely attached to it’s twisted and mangled hinges, a particularly shifty looking character made his way over to her in a few short steps and stood blocking her way.
“Ello there love, what might a beauty like yo-self be doin ear in a place like this? Lookin fer trouble is ya? Well oi can give ya plenty ah that yes oi can ahaha” He said with a greasy accent and less than friendly look in his eyes.
He was tall and lanky, his eyes lined up with Gavina’s forehead, though they appeared to be directed significantly lower. His hair was tangled and filthy, with small vermin visibly crawling their way through it. He wore a patchy pair of work trousers with two bits of rope replacing traditional suspenders. Hanging from his hip with no attempt to conceal it was what appeared to be a half rusted bayonet.
“Ah don’t need any help findin trouble ya gutter rat. Why don’t ye crawl back into whatever hole you came from and let me be about mah business before things get nastier than those teeth of yours' ' Indicating the brown half rotted mass of chompers in his mouth.
For a moment it appeared she had stirred some kind of anger in the man but he soon started laughing.
“Quite the little attitude on ye for such a delicate thing. Per-aps we can work that out of ye, get a little stress relief goin and put a smile on that pretty face.” He reached out to grab her upper arm but she slapped away his hand and landed a punch straight to his diaphragm, knocking the wind out of his lungs leading him to collapse into the street wheezing for air.
“Yer the only delicate one ah see around here. All that big talk and ye still wind up limp just like with all the other women in yer life ah’m sure. Piss off before ah get back or we are gonna have a real problem ye scabby roaster” She stepped over his crumpled frame and entered the dilapidated building.
It was mostly empty, though a bit of free real estate always attracted its fair share of destitute and homeless, as well as the odd drunk and whatever woman he was able to rent for the evening passed out in pools of bodily fluids and alcohol. She carefully avoided stepping on any of these, and kept a keen eye out for weak spots in the ancient floorboards. She reached the stairs and gingerly climbed down into the basement, home to row after row of empty crates of old glass bottles, and the half caved in giant barrels and casks that once stored near endless supplies of beer and spirits. It was inside one of these barrels that Gavina had created a rather comfortable and dry nest for herself, far from the prying eyes of others, safe beneath the daunting pile of rubble and unstable architecture.
“Suppose not comin back to a place like this might be worth a bit of chatter now and then.” She mused to herself as she did a mental comparison to her lodgings from last night to those of the last few weeks in front of her.
She looked at her sad little bed that just yesterday seemed almost luxurious compared to some places her and her father had shared. There was still a worn old blanket and a burlap sack full of rags as a pillow tucked in the back of the brittle old keg, an oil lantern set beside it. The neighboring cask had not but the slightest of holes in it, just big enough for a bed roll or something of similar size. Into this Gavina reached and felt around until she came across her target.
She pulled out a large canvas roll and opened it up, lighting the lamp to provide more light. She inspected the contents to make sure nothing had been tampered with. She was satisfied to find everything in order. Two six shot colt peacemaker revolvers(.45 caliber) and their respective holsters. Four thin throwing knives that she typically kept in her boots. One blessed silver hunting knife and one salted iron one that came in handy on a wide variety of creatures. One oiled canvas pouch full of ammunition. One flask of holy water, one silver and ash crucifix, and two smaller pistols she kept in under arm holsters. She strapped on all of her holsters and fitted the weapons in them, taking the sack of ammunition with her and storing everything else back on the barrel. She navigated her way back through the labyrinth of splintered wood and collapsed beams and emerged back outside to be greeted by her own prince charming.
“You little bitch! I was gonna take it easy on ya, show ya a good time and what ave you, but now I fink what you need is a little lesson to put ya back in your place you arrogant little cunt!” He spat the last word like a wad of flem, as he raised his rusty rifle skewer, his voice full of malice and hate.
He obviously had been practicing that little speech since she went inside, because only after he finished did his eyes go to the small arsenal that Gavina now had dangling from her, causing his entire face to drop.
“Oh is that so? Cuz where ah’m standin yer the one who could stand ta learn a lesson.” She sneered as she stepped towards him and snatched the scrawny blade with one hand, slamming a fist into his nose with the other.
“Lesson one, dunae bother a woman when she clearly has shite ta do” *Smash* right in the gut, earning a spray of vomit and spit from the victim.
“Lesson two, when she tells ye teh feck off as clearly as ah did, take the hint” *Smash* a right hook to the ribs causing a moan of agony to escape his dripping lips.
“Last and most importantly, lesson 3. If yer gonna go makin threats and forcin yerself on someone, make sure ye can finish the job before someone finishes you instead” *Smash* *Smash* *Smash* a series of haymakers to the face knocked out 3 rotten teeth and sent the broken shell of a man tumbling into the shit filled gutters, blood, saliva and snot leaking from his mangled and swollen face.
A crowd had gathered by this point to watch the beating take place, and showed no restraint in laughing and mocking the unconscious pile of broken man in front of them. Gavina had no time for the leering audience and pushed through the jeering gaggle of street scum and began speeding her way back to Williams.
She was grateful for her fathers teachings in the art of observation that led her to pay attention the night before to the streets, because otherwise she might have forgotten where she was going with how she just ran off this morning to get away from William's childish excitement at winning her over. She approached the front door to the impressive looking urban estate and considered the commitment she had agreed to.
“First sign of idiocy, first time he throws off the mission, first hint of liability and ah cut the deadweight. Let’im find his own way home. Ah agreed to take’im, ah never agreed ta let’im get me killed” She decided.
She might be desperate, but no amount of speedy travel could make up for a tag along who got you killed. She walked up the smooth white limestone steps and strode through the front door unannounced.
William paced around the house in painful anticipation. He had done many reckless, stupid and outright dangerous things in his short life. Back alley horse racing, illegal bare knuckle boxing (not that he ever actually won) burglary (nothing more fun than snatching a few antiques from the class snobs townhome for inviting your lady friend to his christmas party so he can steal her from you). But nothing compared to the thrill of hunting down a sentient beast hungering for human flesh.
“What do you think about all this Agwe? Am I a fool for pushing so hard for this adventure?” William asked the aging butler, always loyal and honest with him about his idiocy no matter the fact his father paid his salary, a quality he appreciated a great deal.
There was little he hated more than those afraid to speak up to someone based on their class or wealth (a fact that caused no small amount of trouble for him at his father's social gatherings.)
“I tink dis may be de most foolish, idiotic, dangerous and immature ting you have eva done, and dare is a more den likely chance you are going to wind up getting yourself or dat angry young woman killed” Said the Jamaican servant, blunt as ever.
“I know! Isn’t it wonderful? This will most certainly top any of my other daring exploits. Perhaps I might even write about it one day. No need to say more, you have convinced me, this is what I am destined to do. To let such an opportunity slip by me would undoubtedly be the single greatest regret of my life.”
With that he rushed over to his luggage and double checked everything he packed to be sure he had not left anything out of the necessities. Unclasping the brass buckles of the leather case he began cataloging everything for the final time. Two sets of work clothes (he bought these off a dock worker several months ago to aid in his attempts to seduce a french cabin boy who had a regrettably negative view of the aristocracy. When all was said and done, William left him a devout monarchist.) Two sets of dress suits folded so sloppily as to make the tailor who fitted them weep. A dagger his father had given him on his 13th birthday for a hunting trip that never took place thanks to an unfortunate episode involving a bottle of brandy, a shooting contest, and a one eyed(formerly two) Welshman. A small caliber derringer for protection that had allowed him to slip out of more than a few tight spots gambling in Chinatown. A pair of leather oxfords, leather boots, a bundle of soda bread and salt beef, matches and money. Keeping it simple and light would be of the highest importance he assumed, so he hoped that should any of his provisions fail him then cash should serve as a good last resort.
“Now if only that bloody woman would hurry up before we miss the train, we could finally get our grand quest on it’s way. I do wonder what father is going to say about all this. Old man has always been bonkers for hunting, perhaps this shall finally be the moment I earn dear daddies approval as I charge into danger to rescue the innocent from the jaws of death!” He let his thoughts run wild out loud with a tinge of excited hope in his voice.
“Buuut more likely he will simply think me a fool, or worse, a liar, and assume I am just running off to blow his money and shame his name with a tasty scottish tart. As though I would ever do anything like that….twice”
“Dat does sound more in keeping with your character masta William. Altruism neva have been your strong suit” His servant coldly stated, reinforcing his mild doubts.
Time passed and Williams' anticipation grew. Thoughts of abandonment filled his head and set his nerves alight until Gavina finally came bursting through the door as though she owned the place.
“Alright shite fer brains let’s get goin, and ye better be packed proper cuz ah’ll not be delayin mah fathers rescue just because ye forgot yer favorite socks” She shot at him with a level of annoyance William felt certain he had not yet earned.
“You will be as late as I say you will considering I have the tickets. But no I didn’t forget anything, so let’s get this show on the road!”
He grabbed his bag and raced for the door. Turning behind him before stepping out and addressing his beloved domestic.
“Do take care of the place Agwe, I shall do my best to return home to you safely, and when I do you will have earned yourself a lovely holiday, provided you don’t cost any more Geisha girls their fingers of course.” He kindly offered, a playful warning in his tone.
“If you do recall, dat was you done wounded dat poor girl you filthy heathen” Agwe sternly replied
“Ah, so it was, well no matter, don’t let it happen again while I’m gone. I’m off now, toodle loo!” And with that William led Gavina down the front steps and into the unknown.
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