《Helix Academy of Superhuman Development — A Superhero Fiction》Chapter 27
Alec started at the beginning; his very first night at Helix, mere hours after Hartley had led him to his new Dorm, when he had found himself in the middle of a snarling match with Damon Messus, courtesy of Ethan (though he didn't mention this part).
"I've heard of that Messus kid," Hartley said. "Everybody who's anybody knows him, of course, seeing who his parents are. Heard he's the best in your year. Can't believe you nearly fought him. Didn't take you for the violent type." He chuckled.
"I'm not," Alec said, annoyed. "I just—really like Black Forest, okay?"
Hartley laughed. "Okay, continue."
Alec went on, telling him how things had not panned out as he had expected after all, how Damon had struck up a sudden truce, tied in with his interest in the Tournament, how Wildfire had initially been reluctant to enter them ("No worries about that now, you saw to that," Hartley said, with a twisted smirk). He then went on to tell him about their little misadventures across classes, the unexpected nighttime challenge underground, and everything else that transpired afterwards, concluding with how he had recently made friends with the twins and Charlie and Reya, though not giving any further details on how.
Thankfully, Hartley did not request further elaboration. "Well, I'm glad you're forming your own little crew," he said, smiling faintly. "I know it was hard for you to leave your family, your friends—basically your entire life in Bluebell behind on such short notice, but you seem to be doing well."
"I am," Alec said, honestly. It was only now, as he relayed everything to Hartley, that he came to fully appreciate how he had finally begun to settle into Helix at last.
"Yeah, but at the same time, I'm sure you'll be glad to get away from this place over the break. See your folks, that kid—Dusty, was it?"
"Definitely. But speaking of the break," Alec said, but Hartley held up a large hand to forestall him.
"I don't wanna hear it. Not now, while I'm still on Academy grounds and am obliged to report anything that may hinder my current duty to protect you as my charge, given I'm absolutely sure this is something that will do just that. Tell me on the way back tomorrow."
Tomorrow. Friday was upon them, along with the promise of a well-deserved long weekend, which they would use to uncover the mystery of the stolen artifact—if everything went according to Alec's plan.
"All right," Hartley said, checking his watch and standing up. "Almost curfew time, gotta get back in. See you tomorrow—remember, three sharp."
They were to be among the first on the Hydraloop tomorrow, one of the few benefits of being chaperoned off the island.
"Aye, aye, Captain." Alec gave a mock salute and stood up too, then realized something. "Wait, you're staying on the island?"
"Kinda have to. Some idiot kid got me stuck doing a babysitting job and now the Headmistress wants me here so I can leave with him without a hitch," Hartley said, but he was grinning. "Pack, say your goodbyes. I'm not waiting on anything."
Alec nodded his understanding and they parted ways. Alec walked briskly around the side of the school along with the rest of the students, trying to get back to their Dorm before curfew came into effect. As he came up to the Zeus Dorm, he met the twins, who had evidently been waiting for him.
"So, what did he say?" Tony asked eagerly.
"Haven't told him yet. He won't hear a word of it until we're off the island."
"And what are you going to do if you tell him and he says no?" Katrina asked, for the third time so far.
"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'll text you both the details after I get home."
"Righty-o," Anthony said cheerfully, holding up a hand. "I guess this is goodbye for now."
Alec grinned in spite of himself and shook his hand. "It's just for a day or two."
"And yet I already miss you," Anthony said, pretending to wipe a tear from his lilac eyes.
"Dork," Alec muttered, though he was still grinning. He nodded at Katrina and they too veered away, and Alec continued back down the path. Charlie too was outside when he came up to the Poseidon Dorm, but, surrounded by his blue-and-silver-clad peers, all of whom were being called in by Professor Duncan, he did not get the chance to talk, but merely nodded. Alec nodded back, then headed off towards the Hades Dorm, where he found Maddison, Ethan, and Javon around their usual table.
"Well?" Maddison asked at once. "How'd he take it?"
"He didn't." Alec's tone was heavy as he sank into a chair beside them. "I haven't told him yet."
"What?" she said sharply. "What are you waiting for? You do realize that whether or not you're coming, we will be going through with this, right?"
"I'm aware," Alec snapped. "I'm working on it, okay."
"Well work faster!" she hissed. "We've all already worked out our stories. My Dad thinks I'll be staying with Aaron in the city, he'll cover for me—yes, I already cleared it with him," she added in anticipation of Alec's next question. "I'll stay with him until we're ready, then tell him I met up with another friend in the city."
"My mom's cool too," Javon said. "I told her I'd be staying with a friend. Meaning you, if she asks." He pointed at Alec, who nodded. "She wasn't even suspicious. In fact, she was happy. She never said it, but I'm fairly certain she was worried I wouldn't have made any friends by now."
They didn't bother waiting for Ethan to talk, who didn't look as if he wanted to in any case.
"Then we're all set." Seeing Maddison open her mouth, Alec corrected himself irritably. "Almost all set. Then we can get everything else done later on."
Though he had initially been reluctant to assume his place at Helix, though he had not readily settled in even after accepting that it was unavoidable, and though he missed his old life back in the city tremendously, Alec couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness that he was leaving the Academy, even if it was temporary. It had become a second home to him, the friends he made along the way an extended family, albeit rather dysfunctional. As he finished the last of his packing, dressed in plain clothes with his Hades uniforms folded neatly into his suitcase, he glanced around at the dark-walled room in which he had spent every night of this term. The other inhabitants were downstairs, waiting to greet their parents.
He took in the room's appearance for a few more seconds, oddly large without their belongings taking up space, then zipped his suitcase shut and pulled it outside. Through the school he went, passing many frantic and excited students along the way, calling goodbyes to familiar faces from the other Dorms.
Javon's mother was among the first of the parents, who were lined up at the gates awaiting verification, to have made it through. Her hair was a light, chestnut-brown and her eyes were oil-black, though gleaming with the same warmth that inhabited the blue of her son's. After having a brief though friendly conversation with her, Alec and Javon hugged (the first time they had actually done so, he realized), and Alec went off to find Hartley. He would be spending the night with his parents at a nearby hotel, then meet Alec the following day.
Before he found Hartley, however, he ran into Serena, the silver-haired Poseidon girl he had met during their last underground challenge, who had visited him after his Brittleby poisoning in the Medical Wing. A swell of affection bubbled up inside him as he drew nearer, and he smiled as he came to a halt.
"Hi," she said, beaming. "I can't believe we really get to go home so early in the year!"
"Me neither. I like this place, really, especially the food, but I miss my family. And to be honest, the smell of the sea breeze makes me nauseous. Is that your father?" he added, for he had suddenly glimpsed a head of silver hair gleaming near the gates.
"Oh, yes," she said happily, turning to look. "He's early, I wasn't expecting him until at least three-quarters of the school was already on the Hydraloop! Well, have a nice holiday, Alec. And watch out for those pesky plants."
"Yeah, you too, Serena."
She bobbed away, her bright hair dancing. Hartley appeared in her wake, looking curious, and as he stopped he pointed discreetly at Serena's retreating back. "Gilrfriend?"
"What—no!" Alec said, the warm glow he had experienced when he saw her suddenly dissipating. "She's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend—who happens to be a girl. Completely different."
Hartley burst out laughing. "Calm down, kid, I was only teasing. You sure you're an Earth Elemental, you look like your cheeks are about to catch fire." He chortled. "Here, let me take this."
Face boiling, Alec thrust the suitcase at him. "Let's go," he said, but immediately froze. "I just remembered something!"
"Ah no, no way, I said we're not waiting for—"
"It'll just take a second! You go on ahead, I'll meet you down at the beach." And he hurried off before Hartley could protest. Into the quickly emptying common room and up the stairs to the dorm rooms he ran, throwing open the door of number 24 as he went. There it was. The small, silver-leafed flower Serena had given him weeks before, which shimmered in the moonlight. Moonlace. It would likely be tossed away if he left it there. He quickly snatched it up and ran back outside.
Once again, he met Charlie and Reya at the Poseidon Dorm. "At least try to enjoy your holiday," Reya said, pulling him into a hug. "Regardless of if you get to come with us or not."
"I'll try, but no promises," he said, though he was smiling. Then he turned to Charlie. "That goes for you too, Baby Kong."
"Haha," Charlie said dryly, patting Alec on the back. Then they pulled apart, Alec waved, and he ran off again. On the way past the Zeus Dorm, he met Damon.
"Thought you'd be gone by now. Or doesn't the 'best in the year' get a good seat on the Hydraloop?"
"Sounding a little jealous there, Hades," said Damon, an eyebrow raised. "Don't tell me you want the title of 'best' too?"
"Please." Alec rolled his eyes. "The less attention I get at this school, the better. You, on the other hand, can't seem to function without it. So keep your title. You need it more than I do."
"Oh, I plan to. But how about you, go back home to the suburbs, where you're a nobody, can't even tell anyone what you've been doing for the past three months?"
"That's how I like it."
"Well, good luck with that. And Alec," Damon said, looking uncharacteristically serious, "be careful. Shadow Shifter's a nasty one."
Alec was about to respond, but then he registered what Damon had said. "That was the first time you used my actual name."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Hades," Damon said, with an abrupt return to his infuriatingly nonchalant manner.
Alec rolled his eyes again. "I'll be seeing you, Damon."
Damon wriggled his fingers, smirking. Alec turned off down the side gate, looking over at the swathes of impatient parents waiting to collect their children, and hurried down to the beach. Hartley was at the front of the line for the Hydraloop, Alec's suitcase in hand, looking agitated as he stood beside Professor Vera.
She gave him an odd look as he approached, almost out of breath, as though of pity, but then quickly ushered them inside. "Where were you? She almost sent the next group ahead of us!" Hartley hissed.
"Forgot something." The flower swayed in Alec's hand as he held it up.
"A flower?" Hartley said in disbelief.
Alec grinned. "A gift from a friend. Now, can we sit down? And how about some snacks, I'm starving."
The Hydraloop ride was completed in minutes. Great stretches of glittering sea flew by the windows, the reflected sheen growing redder as the evening sun dipped lower and lower across the sky, but Alec was not paying it much attention. Their carriage was occupied by a number of other students, mainly upper-schoolers, many of whom were accompanied by parents, but some of whom were traveling alone.
Alec supposed that, being students at the Academy for several years, they would be used to navigating this kind of thing on their own by now. Though the buzz of chatter from the people around and behind them filled the carriages, neither Alec nor Hartley spoke.
At last, the Hydraloop slowed to a halt, and the edge of the town came into view. They had stopped by what looked like an unused harbour, which was blocked from view from the main road by an immense stretch of trees. The front wall of the carriage slid downwards, revealing a large hole leading onto the shore. They gathered up their things and climbed out, and the people all along the carriage began to make their way forward, weaving through the chairs and tables and eventually spilling out behind them.
Alec had barely begun to appreciate the feeling of being off the island at last when Hartley said, "Let's go," and turned off down the path, pushing Alec's suitcase.
Alec hurried off after him, looking around. This wasn't where the Hydraloop had taken him before, but of course, as that trip had not been authorized, Hartley wasn't to know of it. Instead he asked, "Where are we?"
"Bluebell Harbour, on the other side of town. Had to use a closed-off location since we're transporting so many people. There's a parking lot a few minutes' walk from here where everyone waits for their rides, and since no one really uses the roads here anymore, it's the perfect cover."
Within a few minutes they had arrived at the park, which was filled with waiting families reuniting with their children after three months apart, and Alec could see a bus station on the road beyond. Though the roads were still deserted.
"They alter the Hydraloop's routes based on where the passengers are headed," Hartley explained. "It's like one big interconnected grid of pipes below the water. Can travel almost anywhere across the country, and since this is the closest spot to where the first batch of riders were going, we stopped here. Ah, here we are."
They had stopped in front of a sleek black Sedan, clearly new but rather plain, and a driver was already inside. He was pale and stocky, with short bristly hair and dark glasses like Hartley's.
Alec climbed into the back seat as Hartley gestured him inside, while Hartley himself settled into the passenger's seat. The driver nodded and started the engine, then rolled out of the parking lot, which took several minutes due to the heavy traffic, but after they had finally escaped from the mess of honking, screeching cars, they emerged onto the highway, driving freely. Silence fell once again as they rode, broken every now and then only with questions of the time and distance remaining, mainly by Alec, before at last, a solid three hours later, the car slowed to a stop in Alec's neighbourhood, Caledonia Crescent. The large box houses looked far different than they had when last he had seen them: in some, the lawns had grown out, great bundles of weeds clogging the squares of land; others had been neatly mowed, with fresh ornaments laid across the grass, and fresh paint jobs. Alec's, thankfully, had not changed at all.
Still large and square, painted emerald-green, and adorned with a smooth stretch of gleaming green lawns. As the car pulled up at the gates, the door opened, and Alec's parents came out, smiling.
Alec watched them through the dark-tinted wimdows, faces alight with happiness.
"Go," Hartley said, jerking his head in their direction. "I'll give you a minute."
Alec climbed out with a grateful nod, then made his way around the car and up the driveway. The moment he reached, he flung himself into their arms. Nobody spoke, but Alec understood all that they had to say, merely through the endearment of the hug.
"Oh, you've gotten so big!" Mrs. Michaels cried when they had at last pulled apart, looking him up and down. "And—is that a beard?"
"Mom, stop," Alec said, a little abashed yet somewhat pleased, gesturing with his eyes at Hartley, who was making his way out of the car.
"Oh, Hartley," she said, beaming. "Come in, come in, it's been so long."
"Good afternoon," Hartley said pleasantly. "I'm truly sorry for the imposition—"
"No imposition at all," Mr. Michaels said, waving the statement away. "When we got the call that Shadow Shifter had escaped and Alec might be in danger, I was truthfully terrified. But if it means my son will be safe and I don't have to worry about attracting the wrong kind of attention with caped crusaders floating above my roof, you sleeping here is the very least we could do. Please, come in."
He stepped aside and they all filed past him into the living room. Just as it was outside, the interior remained more or less the same. Alec turned around. "I should go unpack," he said, holding out a hand for his suitcase.
"Don't be silly," Mrs. Michaels said at once. "That can wait." She seized the suitcase and propped it up in a corner. "We're going to have a proper dinner first, and you're going to tell us everything. Come on."
Alec had no choice but to let himself be steered into the kitchen, and though Hartley protested, saying that he was not hungry, Alec let out a little snort: Marsha Michaels simply did not accept the word "no" under any circumstance. Predictably, Hartley sank into the seat beside him mere seconds later, his shades discarded. Alec's father cast him an apologetic look and shrugged, loading plates of roast onto the table.
The meal looked and smelled delicious, but Alec couldn't help but feel a twinge of wistfulness as he thought of the great silver tables in the canteen at Helix, laden with an array of sumptuous plates. He quickly pushed the feeling away and, at his mother's insistence, began to tell them of his adventures of the past three months, though he omitted everything to do with sneaking out of school—they didn't need to hear about the existence of ghosts on the first night he was back.
After dinner, the group retired to the living room, where they watched a silly comedy move for the next two hours. By this time, a thick curtain of darkness had descended beyond the windows, and Alec could practically hear his bed calling out to him from upstairs, yet as sleepy as he was, he couldn't deny that this was the happiest he had felt in weeks.
At last his father carried his suitcase up to his room and Alec followed him, promising Hartley on the way that he would finally inform him of his plans the next day while his mother led him to the guest room.
A warm feeling of familiarity enveloped him as he entered the room, which was exactly the way it had been when Alec had last been inside, though with fresh sheets and curtains. The bed looked as fluffy and inviting as ever. He threw himself into it, not bothering to shower or even change out of his day clothes, lying on his back with his hands clasped on his chest, a contented smile playing on his lips.
For the first time in days, he had forgotten all about Shadow Shifter, about the mysterious stolen artifact, and the wave of ghosts that had obstructed their last visit to the city. He felt entirely at peace.
Which, in hindsight, he should have known was too good to last. Mere hours after he had drifted off, he rolled over in bed, fully awake and alert. A sharp tapping noise had woken him, and now he looked around, eyes wide.
Someone was at the window, looking in.
- In Serial103 Chapters
End's End
Crow Tempora is an optimistic country bumpkin who knows very little of life in the heart of the world's cities, however behind his easy smile is a stony determination to achieve his goal of accomplishing the impossible- one that he can only reach by winning the Sieve, the largest competition of young Mystics the world has ever seen. Famous across the entire world and loved almost as widely, Gemini Menza has never known a single day of anonymity in her short life. Like most magical prodigies she has spent her years on guard against powerful Immortals attempting to use her as a tool, unlike most she is uniquely gifted and burdened with the position of being the single most magically prodigious individual of her generation- perhaps throughout all of history. Entering the Sieve not to work for victory, but to collect it as a boring chore, she soon finds herself shocked by the difficulty of her tasks, both inside the contest and out. After all, she was also given the privilege of joining at a younger age than anyone else. Machiavellian manipulator Unity Eden is growing tired of the tasks forced onto him by those who control him, unfortunately he also happens to be controlled by the leaders of the largest empire the world has ever seen. While he has little hope of wriggling his way out of it, he intends to make his entry into the Sieve as damaging to them as he can. While most are fixated on the events of the Sieve's stages, intently watching the young and talented as they go head to head to find out who holds the title of strongest, Karma Alabaster has her eyes on the powers behind the curtains- the endless machinations of the Immortals and their servants. Caught between enough crisscrossing schemes to form a spiderweb, she must use every ounce of her not inconsiderable mind to keep herself from playing into another's hands... all while solving a mysterious and seemingly impossible murder. The winds of change are blowing in Bermuda, and only one person will shape them. Cover art by: Nova @no_no_nova on tiktok @no_no_no_nova on ig THREE NEW CHAPTERS POSTED EVERY SINGLE WEEK.
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