《Reboot》Chapter 76-78


Ray knelt in front of Tessa, who had fallen asleep, for another minute, before shaking his head drove away the obsession. Slowly lowering his gaze, he noticed that the girl's breathing had already become calm and measured.

It only made him smirk strangely.

“Amazing… Just yelled at the whole house, and now she’s already sleeping without her hind legs.”

With that thought, a gray mist escaped from the boy's body and slowly entered the girl's body. She only twitched a little, but did not even think to wake up.

Ray, looking around the room, found his clothes, which he hurried to put on. After that, he went to the closet and, taking a blanket from there, covered the girl with it.

Without stopping any longer, he headed for the door, mentally noting that the time could already be called evening, which means that his equipment should be ready soon.


An impenetrable dark ball flew with great speed through the black space, devoid of any reminders of light. The ball itself was quite a living being, for which the local darkness was the most comfortable of all possible environments.

Woven from the darkness itself, he felt very good in the midst of pitch darkness. The energy of this place filled him with strength, so necessary for the speedy execution of the order of the lord.

When the face of its master appeared in the creature's memories, he increased his already mind-blowing speed even more with reverent awe, mixed with a bit of fear.

“Have they really come yet?” - a thought flashed through the mind of the servant, when he saw in front of him the place of his destination, where the master himself was waiting for him.

“Of course… Why else would the lord decide to call me out of the blue… They’re definitely here…”

In front of the black ball, which stood out even against the background of the surrounding darkness, there was a huge cycle of darkness energy. A weaker creature would have already exploded from the surrounding pressure, but the ball, as if not feeling the danger of this place, flew with the same speed into the abyss even darker than the one in which it had previously been.


“Zayol…” the voice of his master sounded in the mind of the servant. He was so overwhelmingly powerful and low, filled with such obvious carnivorousness that even a creature created by darkness itself experienced primal fear.

- My lord, the sixth servant came to your call. Zael replied, stopping at a respectful distance from the creature's tyrannical size. His mental voice was more like a hiss mixed with a chirp. He could not compete with the lord of darkness, but he could force the lower dark ones to obey only by the power of his voice.

The ball of darkness took its rightful place next to its five brothers. If Zael's body was woven from darkness resembling gas, then the giant in front of him was indestructible in his strength and in the amount of energy of darkness flowing in his body. The surpluses of this power now and then flowed in liquid drops down the completely black maw of a huge dragon-like giant. It was impossible to distinguish individual parts of his body, but not because of the surrounding darkness, everyone present felt the flow of world energy too well to rely on such a useless thing here as sight. It was just that their master's body was so impenetrably dark and overflowing with the power of darkness emanating from it that the perception of other creatures was distorted before they could get close enough to distinguish anything other than a vague silhouette.

“Enemies have appeared in our world…” the heavy voice of the lord sounded again. Even though it only resounded in the minds of the servants associated with it, the space rippled as the strongest used their power. “The Lunar Ones brought a few small insects with them… And they are right… If another Reverberant is born here, we will undoubtedly become the strongest…”

How much time do we have, sir? one of the servants asked.

- Not enough ... They broke through quite successfully ... - the lord's voice filled with hatred growled. "We need to pick him up...


There was dead silence for a while, broken only by the distant sound of the energy cycle. A minute passed and Vladyka finally turned to his servants again.

- Zael, you will hide my son… - these words made the sixth servant get worried in earnest. And not only because the tone of the overlord's voice became serious, but also because this mission was too difficult. I will open the way...

After finishing his thought, the lord opened his huge mouth, causing all six servants to recoil due to the huge flow of energy caused by this action. In front of the throat, filled with rows of huge fangs, as black as the rest of the body, a small cycle of darkness energy began to form. When the servants realized what was happening, they immediately moved away from the master, because the spell he was casting was too powerful even for creatures of their power level.

Slowly, a huge black stigma appeared above the formed wormhole, which began to gradually descend until it completely merged with the energy cycle.

Silence fell again after that, but this time it was more oppressive.

“Two hundred cycles should be enough, then come back…” the lord again conveyed his thoughts to the servants. “If they retreat early, I myself will summon you…”

- My Lord. Zael began. "I'm not questioning your order in any way, but... I'm not sure I'm qualified to protect..."

The dark ball continuously changed its shape, now shrinking, then releasing spikes all over the surface. Sometimes small waves even appeared on it. This clearly showed how worried the sixth servant was, because the mission he had been assigned was too important.

“I can’t let the others go… Their absence will affect our combat power too much… Your abilities will not be so useful, because the enemies came to us by themselves…”

After considering the words of the master, Zael was forced to agree with such reasoning.

“But… If you need to fight…” the sixth servant said timidly.

“You don’t need to fight… I chose a suitable place… There is little energy there, just hide it and wait…”

- Yes, my lord. Zayel answered a little disappointed. He was in no way upset that the overlord called him unnecessary for the coming war or that he was sent to another dimension. The sixth servant was worried only about the fact that he might not save the son of the lord, because then his existence would be really useless.

“You never let me down, Zael… Don’t let me down even now…” growled the lord of darkness, suppressing the power emanating from the cycle. At the same time, a small black object appeared from under his body, in which the energy of new life was blazing. Very weak, still absorbing the power of the darkness surrounding him, but in the future promising to have the power to tear worlds apart.

A small black egg, on the surface of which streaks of light, so rare for the space of darkness, appeared. They did not cut the surrounding darkness, but seemed to merge with it together, creating a completely new, hitherto unseen mixture of energies.

- Go, Zael ...

When the lord said this, the egg slowly floated towards the black ball, which simply swallowed it, hiding it inside itself.

Peering into the darkness of the whirlpool, the sixth servant condensed his shell to reduce the effect of the transition on the unborn Ripper, after which he flew straight into the wormhole.

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