《Reboot》Chapter 45


Before sunset, it was not long, and after a couple of hours, the plain plunged into twilight. The detachment stopped, the horses were fed and hobbled, left to spend the night. Carts with food were placed around the parking lot, although in these places there could be nothing more dangerous than field snakes.

Each member of the squad knew about the bet that had been made and that today their leader would acquire a strong beast that would not weakly strengthen the squad. Even if they saw that the newcomer was a master of the bow, but everyone laughed inwardly, because the mercenaries knew how the battle would be fought.

Small torches were placed throughout the camp, which were supposed to provide at least some illumination at night. Today it was cloudy, so due to the absence of the moon, the camp was in semi-darkness.

Everyone, without exception, was now in the center of the camp. Standing in a large circle, they thus created a kind of arena. Rey stood inside, now understanding why everyone was so sure he would lose.

“It seems that in terms of honor, the people of this world differ little from the real one.”

One of the soldiers stepped forward. And standing next to him, Tessa spoke:

“According to our rules, before you fight the leader, you must defeat the second strongest warrior. I explained to them that you didn't call me to take my place, so if you don't want to fight him, I will make him back down. This is only his initiative, not mine.

After listening to her words, Rei calmly replied:

- I do not care. If he so wants to be crippled, so be it. But ... - looking around, he asked a question. “Don’t you think this place is not very suitable for someone who uses a bow. Or am I allowed to go outside the environment?

- No you can not. If you leave the circle, you lose. Also, if you feel like you can't continue, just tell me and I'll stop the fight. - It was clear that the girl was not too proud of this way to win, but one look at Tsess dispelled her doubts.

- Last question. Don't you think it's pretty dangerous for all of you to stand like this, one badly fired arrow and someone dies. – words guy not were threat, he spoke quite quietly.

Looking around the circle, the diameter of which did not reach twenty meters, Tessa realized that he was right. She did not want to lose people for such a stupid reason, so she already wanted to give the order to disperse, but the next words of the guy stunned her:


- I just asked. Today I will not use the bow.

“Moreover, what you gave me can hardly be called an onion.”

- It's your business. - the girl did not care how Ray behaved. She just wanted to teach him a little lesson and get a cat, which she really liked.

- Then, let's get started.

Noticing Tessa's nod, the mercenary she said was the second strongest. Attacked the guy without warning. The huge two-handed sword glowed green, signaling Rey that the skill had been activated. But at that moment, only one thing struck him:

“Is he really that slow!?”

"Maybe we shouldn't draw a weapon?"

Thinking like that, he still came to the conclusion that the strengthened body of the forest was really enough for him to win. Leaving the trajectory of the blow without much difficulty, Rey simply moved away from the mercenary dressed in bulky metal armor. There was one more thing that was strange about his opponent. His breastplate left his stomach completely open, which even for Rey, who knew nothing about armor, seemed like complete heresy.

“If he had already limited his mobility with heavy armor, then why did he leave such a huge patch of skin exposed?”

Without thinking about it for a long time, the guy used the Dash and, in an instant, overcame the five meters separating them. At the same moment, his outstretched leg, covered with an armored greave, crashed into the man's bulging stomach with muscles. Thanks to the momentum from using the skill and the increased strength of the jungle, Rei was able to send the mercenary flying several meters without difficulty. Having fallen to the ground, he rolled over several more times, but did not move, it seemed that he had lost consciousness. Several men rushed to help him, because blood flowed profusely from the mouth of the poor fellow, announcing damage to internal organs.

Tessa didn't say a word as she watched. The guy had just shown only that the mercenaries were not as strong as she thought. With a displeased look at him, she began to prepare for battle. Her fighting style was built around speed dominance, plus she had a rather specific weapon.

Rey couldn't see Tessa because of the wall of mercenaries surrounding her, but in a minute, the girl was ready. The guy even slightly opened his eyes in surprise when he saw her in combat gear.


On the hands of the girl were wearing metal bracers, to which her weapon was already attached - large shiny claws, about twenty centimeters long. There were similar ones on her legs. Three wide claws in the front and one, in the form of a heel, were attached to the heel. This strange weapon only added charm to the half-dressed Tessa, making her figure only more seductive.

Shaking his head, Rei pushed the unnecessary thoughts out of his head and took out his daggers. This opponent was unusual and much more dangerous, at least because he had no idea how to fight against such a weapon.

The girl, noticing that the guy was ready, made an inviting pass with her hand.

Noticing that she didn't rush headlong into battle, using skills for nothing like her predecessor, Rei also concentrated.

Tessa's weapons meant only close combat, so the first thing the guy decided to test her speed. Throwing the dagger in his hand, he sent it into the girl's stomach with a lightning movement, catching himself thinking that he did not want to leave a cut on her skin.

As it turned out, the guy was worried in vain, with one quick step she dodged, passing the weapon a centimeter away from her. Rey didn't wait for the dagger to fly even one extra meter and immediately used Retrieve, forcing the weapon back into his hand at the same speed it was thrown.

The girl narrowed her eyes, noticing what the boy had done.

Without waiting for him to use the same trick again, she rushed over to him. Her body flashed green light, covering several meters in an instant. Once next to the boy, she waved both hands, hoping to end the fight quickly.

The claws whistled through the air, which still had the green glow from the skill Rey had used, without touching even a scrap of his armor. The guy himself was now standing a meter further. Tessa was not taken aback and the upper leg swing that followed immediately after flew straight to his head, but Rey did not retreat, he simply put a block with his hand. From the blow, her entire ankle ached, because the guy put his hand not under the blow of metal claws, but under the delicate skin of the girl.

Immediately retreating, she broke the distance, preventing the enemy from counterattacking. At that moment, Tessa involuntarily caught herself thinking that she had started this argument in vain, but remembering the price of losing, she immediately threw everything superfluous out of her head.

Starting to bypass Ray from the side, she waited until she could make a dash again, but the guy did not let her do it. With the same flash of green light as when he fought a few minutes ago, he was at the girl's side, raising a glowing green dagger to strike.

Tessa looked into the completely green eyes of the son of the forest, in which there was not even a shred of pity and, unable to retreat due to the fact that the enemy was actually close to her, she could only raise her claws in front of her, hoping to stop the attack.

There was a ringing sound of impact, after which several pointed metal claws fell to the ground. Tessa stood, not daring to move, because she felt the cold blade resting on her throat.

- You lost. – a calm voice came from under the pubescent gray hood, breaking the silence established in the arena.

Ray carefully removed the weapon, giving the girl the opportunity to breathe in calmly, which she immediately took advantage of, starting to gasp for air heart-rendingly.

She looked at her weapon, only one claw remained on her right hand, and two on her left. Gilfar's blade, enhanced by Cleave, easily cut through the shiny metal a few centimeters from Tessa's tender fingers.

I hope you remember your promise. The boy's calm voice sounded.

Raising her head, she saw the same impassive face of Ray, who still stood a step away from her.

“Y-You… You wouldn’t dare, would you?” – the girl's voice was filled with trembling and hope unusual for her, but deep down she understood that she had lost and must fulfill her part of the deal.

Looking around, Rey said in a whisper:

"Let's put it off until tomorrow, while you rest and get ready." In addition, we agreed on one night, and part of today's already passed. I don't want to waste a single minute that can be spent on business

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