《Reboot》Chapter 24


Ray's hand did not flinch even for a moment as he aimed at the small boar. Before releasing the arrow, the guy remembered the advice of one of the hunters.

“Watch the animal for a few moments, choose a point on its path where it will be easiest for you to shoot. There is no need to rush and lose prey because of this.

It was about 40 meters before the beast, from such a distance, Rei could easily count the number of twitches of the pupil of his prey, since his eyesight allowed surprisingly. Therefore, the shot should not have been difficult. But the guy decided not to hurry.

Having chosen an open place, between two trees, which the animal should have reached in a few steps, he waited a couple of seconds and smoothly, very carefully released the bowstring, which had already begun to crackle softly from the tension. The arrow fell off, but the screech was never heard. The reason for this was not a miss, but an instant kill, which did not even allow the beast to realize what he died from.

- Right in the eye. Not bad. Vearn's low voice came from behind Ray, who lifted his hood and smiled at the newcomer.

During two days of hunting, Ray learned that this hood was a symbol of the fact that its owner is recognized as one of the most experienced warriors. There were less than four dozen of them in the city, and Vearn, like Ciare, was one of them.

Looking at this hood, Rey remembered that he had the same one in his Inventory.

“So that woodsman was one of the elite. He turned out to be stronger than the rest, so this is most likely the case.

Nodding to Wearn, Rey went to the boar carcass. The rules of the hunt were quite simple. The right to kill the animal belongs to the one who noticed it, but the load was distributed equally among everyone except the leader, who was the leader in the squad, responsible for the safety of the others.


This boar carcass was just supposed to go to Ray, so he did not wait for a reminder and silently walked towards it. But, before reaching a few steps, he froze in place.

Ray forced himself into the habit of constantly checking the Status for any changes. And now, right now, he noticed the difference, [Archer] had risen to the second level. But that was not all, after a glimpse of the second change, he came to his senses and quickly walked towards the carcass, from which the soul had already escaped - as it turned out, in the guise of a forest, he could also absorb them, which was extremely convenient.

During these two days, they killed almost 50 animals, however, large ones could be counted on the fingers, but even despite this, Ray's inner space was packed with souls to capacity, and everything that he could not keep for later, the guy just broke and fed the soul of the forest, but after seven absorbed souls, she also stopped becoming stronger, although Rei did not notice any visible differences. Neither the perception nor the body has practically increased, so the guy again reached a dead end, not knowing where the energy goes. The human soul was still lighter than that of the forest, but Rei did not understand why it was better.

It was also interesting that, not being able to spend souls anywhere, the guy decided to strengthen the human soul to the limit, but now, having already absorbed three souls, she still has not been sated. Ray did not give up and the soul of the boar also broke down and went to feed the completely white soul of a person.

“Fourth. Lesnoy swallowed a dozen ... Let's see how many fit in this one. Thinking so, Rei finished securing the boar carcass on his back and walked forward.


The hunters moved in the same formation as the detachment that they had killed. But the distance between them now was much greater, because they were not going to return yet. Ahead, at a slight distance from the rest of the group, Wyrn walked, reconnoitering the situation. Rei, in the ranks, walked right behind the leader, but there were about 50 meters between them, and there were more than two hundred between the first and last hunter. Such a sweeping system was needed in order to cover as much territory as possible.

Once in position, Rei slammed his armor-clad fist on the tree twice, signaling to the others that it was safe to keep moving. In the meantime, he himself opened the Status.

Name: Ray???

Race: ???

Racial Traits:


[Many Faces Level 2] (Human, Celestial Tildas, Kuring, Snow Serpent, Gsarh, Pharos Forest Native, …)

[Soul Master Level 3]



[Hunter Lv1]

[Dagger Mastery Lv1]

[Archer Lv 2] ( [Increased shooting range (1.5x)] )

"It's strange, I trained with a bow a lot less than with daggers."

Ray continued to maintain the chosen pace of movement while he pondered what caused the faster growth.

“I can’t say exactly what exactly affects the speed of development of specializations. It could be the [Archer's] specialty or my predisposition towards him…”

“Or it’s just the hunt…”

In those two days, Ray killed six animals. The animals that were surrounded were specially left for him so that he could practice, so this hunt was quite easy for him. Therefore, in all the time, Rey fired only six shots, and this number could not be compared with what he did in several hours of training with Ciare.

“It may or may not be a coincidence. Either way, it's pretty easy to check." The boy's thoughts were interrupted by three successive thuds that reached his ears. It was the signal to stop moving.

“So quickly found another one? Although, the boar died quietly…” Thinking about this, Rei ducked and followed straight ahead, because that was where the sound was coming from. There he saw Virn, who was hiding behind a tree, but noticing the guy, he signaled to stop.

Ray had already gotten used to such a signal system of communication, so, following the example of the squad leader, he hid behind a large tree.

In the snow-covered forest, their green clothes stood out a little, but nothing more, because even on the snowy floor, these hunters could move almost silently.

Carefully watching what was happening, Ray noticed that after waiting a couple of minutes, Vearn came out of hiding and gave another signal, which meant a general gathering.

The guy was closest to him, so he came first. Without saying anything, he silently waited for the entire detachment to gather, but he still managed to notice the reason for the stop.

Between the trees were footprints that Ray was very familiar with. After him, they remained the same, and although he rarely wore the uniform of a gsarkh, he was able to recognize them without difficulty. But there was one problem, despite the fact that his soul gsarha was already enhanced, his footprints in the form of this beast were almost half the size of those he was looking at.

Trying not to show it, Rey waited until the last hunter came to the leader's call. Everyone, without exception, noticed footprints that were the size of a one-year-old child.

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