《Reboot》Chapter 15


The room was in thick twilight, so the guy could only rely on his internal clock to understand that it was already evening. Thinking about it again, he slowly opened his eyes. As it turned out, the house was pretty neat. The interior decoration was entirely wooden, the room Rei was in stretched for ten meters in length, and turning his head, he noticed several more beds similar to the ones on which he lay.

Looking down at his stomach, the guy saw only a ton of white bandages that covered the entire torso. His body in this world looked moderately athletic, but now he could be mistaken for a fat man.

Without thinking about it for a long time, Rei continued to look around and realized that he was the only one in this semblance of a hospital. It was even good, because it simplified the idea a little.

Since there was no one next to him now, the guy decided that he should not miss the moment and immediately, breaking several souls, directed their energy to the lower abdomen, where some internal damage remained. When the unpleasant itching passed, he felt that the pain subsided a little, but he could not move.

The whole process did not take even five minutes, in fact, he could do it faster, but he did not want to waste even a grain of soul energy, which in the current state was not possible to restore.

Just as he finished, the door that was directly opposite his bed opened. The girl who entered was dressed in, as it seemed to the guy, ordinary home clothes, almost completely green. The only thing Rey paid attention to was her lack of weapons, but the fact that she was also very beautiful, he, imperceptibly, missed.

Seeing that the guy woke up, the girl immediately ran up to him and began to say something. Ray, unfortunately, did not understand anything, but now he needed to use his already weak acting skills to the fullest.


At that moment, when the girl came close to him, he, feigning sincere fear, tried to move away from her. Rei paid no attention to the sharp pain in the abdomen and, falling off the bed, rested his back against the wall next to her.

Covering his face with his hands, he cast only a fleeting glance at the troubled face of the girl, continuing his little performance. To his surprise, she, not knowing what to do, knelt beside him, hands raised above her.

"How sincere." – Mentally grunted the guy, noting that the pain is getting stronger.

After waiting another moment, Rei lowered his hands slowly and with mock caution. The confused girl, not knowing how to approach him, continued to say something. For a moment, her gentle voice even distracted the guy, but after a second, when she reached out to him, wanting to help him get up, he again covered himself with his hands.

Unexpectedly, but the girl did not recoil from him, but leaning forward with her whole body, she gently hugged him.

"Some kind of she is too kind to a stranger ... Strange people."

After calming down, Rei lowered his arms and lay down on the bed. He felt that blood was flowing from the wound, but did not know how to say it, so he simply wrinkled his face and grabbed his stomach with his hand. Noticing that the edges of the hitherto white bandage turned red, the girl was frightened again and ran away somewhere, only to return in a moment with another woman.

When they entered together, the confused girl did not know what to do, but the second was clearly more experienced, and noticeably older. Taking a skein of the same bandages standing on a shelf, she approached Ray and with one movement of her hand with seemingly not too sharp claws, tore the fabric covering his stomach, which had turned almost completely red. The guy sat and trying to portray the most sincere fright mixed with pain, watched what was happening.


Only now he could see that his wound was covered with some kind of dark gray substance, which had hardened slightly. Carefully lifting the edge of this cover, the woman in a stern tone turned to the girl who was standing helplessly at the door, and she ran up to her. Together they carefully removed it, and through the remnants of this goo, Ray noticed that his wound was sewn up with thick threads.

"Oh, so interesting". – the guy did not know about this method of wound care, because in medicine, with which he was only vaguely familiar, nano-machines were used mainly.

The fact that now his stomach looked far from personal, if not disgusting, did not worry the guy much, but such sincere horror was written on his face that the girl standing next to him could not stop reassuring him.

The woman, having taken out a skein of thread from somewhere, without uttering a word, began to sew up the opened edge of the wound. The pain was nothing, but Rey gritted his teeth and tried not to scream.

His doctor turned out to be quite experienced and in a few seconds the wound was closed. After saying a few words to the girl, who immediately ran away, she began to talk to the guy. Rei couldn't answer, so he just looked at her with a real incomprehension in his eyes.

Noticing that the patient was not going to answer, she stopped asking questions, moreover, a girl had just entered the room, who brought a large bowl with the same gray mass. With deft movements, the female doctor covered his stomach with a new layer of a strange substance, immediately applying bandages over it.

After carefully checking everything, she again said a few words to the girl and left.

A terrible itch, which began for the second time in a day, greatly distracted Ray from talking with the girl. True, it was difficult to call it a conversation, because only she spoke. The guy, only with incomprehension in his eyes, looked at her, without uttering a word.

“It’s worth saying something, otherwise she will think that I am dumb.”

The thought was quite sound, as he began to notice that the girl was becoming more and more confused. Raising his hand, he pointed to his chest and tried to say as clearly as possible:

- Ray.

The girl's eyes shone, following his example, she pointed to herself.

- Thea.

The guy repeated her name, which made the girl very happy. She began to speak again, even more animatedly than at the beginning.

"Heck. Too fast, it’s even hard for me to understand what separate words are from this. ” Turning his head to one side, Ray shook her from side to side, hoping that the gesture would be clear.

He was right, Thea frowned and began to speak slowly. Too slow...

“Now she breaks the words into pieces… It’s even worse…”

Refraining from showing his displeasure in any way, Rei continued to study intently.

So several hours passed. The guy repeated the words that the girl uttered, conveying to her in such a way that he listens to her attentively.

Over time, she began to speak less and less, constantly glancing towards the door. Realizing that she wanted to leave, Rei grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. He could not ask her to stay yet, so he tried to convey this request with his eyes.

Suddenly, the girl understood everything and, releasing her palm, patiently continued to talk to him. Ray was internally jubilant, he expected that his amnesia would cause great suspicion, but on the very first day he was able to find an inexperienced, but very stubborn teacher.

"This night will be long, but very rewarding." - the guy thought, pronouncing another, slightly tricky word, which was supposed to be called that slurry on his stomach.

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