《The Living Weapons》Way Down We Go


A disc of green light spun into existence. Two people stepped out of the light. They looked around as the gate faded away. The woman put a twisted wand of stone in her hand in the carry bag hanging across her body.

Dan Shanahan looked around, hand on the grip of the rifle he had bought for this trip. He was capable of killing most things with his hands now, but preferred shooting since it did the job faster.

He wasn't taller than average, thin, and had an unruly mass of gray hair and beard. Dark eyes glared at anything that caught his attention.

His companion was slightly taller, had hair that looked like the dye job had set in different shades of red, and had brown eyes that didn't seem to have irises.

They had dressed in black fatigues, boots and chest protectors. Equipment and weapons were secured in holsters. The woman had the bag to hold other things they could use.

A small group waited on them to step away from the gate so they could talk. The large man in a prominent place in front was the only one Shanahan recognized. He was also the one the marine wanted to test to see how bulletproof he was.

“Everett is the man to the right of Emil,” whispered the woman. Her hand remained in the bag in case she needed what her hand held.

“The others?,” asked Shanahan.

“Don't know them,” said the woman. “Probably the Wu Chi we were told to expect.”

Shanahan nodded.

“Seera,” said Emil Grandview. His grand mustache shifted as he smiled. He waved at three men in white robes standing with him and the thin man identified as Everett. “This is Master Yuen and his escort. They are your wards until you get them out of the cavern.”

“You said one man, Emil,” said Seera. “Do they know we're showing them the way. We're not protecting them from anything inside the cavern.”

“We were promised an escort that would ensure our safety,” said Yuen.

“That won't be us,” said Seera. “Everett?”

“I'll do what I can,” said Everett. “I can't promise to keep one of you safe, much less three.”

“That is unacceptable,” said Yuen.

“Then we'll be going,” said Seera. “It looks like we bought all this equipment for nothing. Goodbye, Emil. I don't want to see you again, or any of the others.”


“You can't just abandon this,” said Yuen. He didn't notice Shanahan pointing his rifle at him as he gesticulated his outrage. “People are dying because of your negligence.”

Emil stepped in front of the Wu Chi. He didn't know what the weapon did, but he didn't want the young master finding out the hard way.

Shanahan didn't lower the weapon.

“I think you have been misinformed, Master Yuen,” said Seera. “My partner and I work for ourselves. We have been hired to take you to the bottom of the cavern system to see if it has a bottom. If your escorts get killed along the way, they're not covered in the hiring agreement so it doesn't matter to me. If you want to go, pick up whatever supplies you need so we can go. If you don't, that's fine with me too.”

“I think it would be an excellent idea for you to consider,” said Emil. “You don't want to miss your big chance.”

“I don't like this,” said Yuen.

“I don't like going into a dark pit with you,” said Everett. “Gird your loins.”

Shanahan let the rifle barrel drop so it pointed at the ground. He didn't say anything about the desire to pull the trigger and lighting everyone up. It would have been great to see how bulletproof Emil Grandview was in his opinion.

Emil approached Shanahan and Seera. He kept his eye on the three Wu Chi as they picked up bags to take with them.

“I would appreciate it if you didn't kill Master Yuen,” he said in a low voice. “I don't care about the other two.”

“We're not killing anyone unless they try to stop us from leaving when the job is over,” said Seera. “Don't worry. We'll do everything we can to bring him back alive.”

“Watch out,” said Emil. “I have a feeling this will be more complicated than what the Wu Chi told me.”

“There is always the possibility they want to close the cavern so the reopening will be closer to the center,” said Seera. She smiled.

“I know,” said Emil. “If that happens, we might be engaged in open warfare with the Wu Chi masters. It would not go good for our side with three of our members no longer active.”

“Master Yuen will no longer be among their number either,” said Seera. “One of us will make sure of that if he does something beyond just mapping things.”


“Any thoughts, Shanahan?,” asked Emil. The two men didn't know each other, but the mutual dislike hovered between them in a tangible fog.

“Hope for the best, be ready for the worst,” said Shanahan.

“Yes,” said Emil. “Excellent words to live by.”

“You might be worrying for nothing,” said Seera. “This might be an honest effort to protect their hex from monster attacks.”

“It might be,” said Emil. “There are things that could go wrong and endanger the tower and the city. I would prefer not to have that happen.”

“Then you should have placed a guard on the cave mouth and forbidden the Wu Chi from even trying,” said Seera. “It would make you seem like an uncaring monster, but no one would blame you for not letting another faction enter your domain on a mission that seemed improbable at best, sabotage at worst.”

“I'm interested in the attempt,” said Emil. He closed his eyes for a moment. “There might be something there that I can use to expand my influence.”

“I can't promise you anything like that,” said Seera. She looked over her little party for a moment. “The best I can do is try to get Yuen to where he wants to be, and I can't guarantee that he will get there even with Mister Shanahan acting as our security. There is only so much our talents can do for you, Emil.”

“Do your best,” said Emil. “Try not to get Everett killed.”

“We'll do our best,” said Seera. She didn't state the obvious. Dumping their bodies would be easier than taking them to the bottom of a cave system, and better for her and Shanahan over all except for the threat of others arriving on Earth and looking for her.

In the long run, taking the harder road would be better than waiting for something to happen to wreck her new life.

“Is everybody ready to go?,” Seera called. “Make sure you have your supplies. We're not coming back to get anything until we're done.”

The three men in white picked up the supply bags they considered essential. They slung the straps over their shoulders so they could have their hands free while they journeyed into the darkness.

Everett did the same thing for his more compact bag. He put his arms through the straps so it was on his back. He checked his movement so he knew how fast he could shift in case they ran into something unfriendly.

“Mister Shanahan and I will go first,” said Seera. “Master Yuen, you and your escort will follow us. Don't touch anything. Don't try to rush forward. If there is trouble, we don't want to hurt you by accident. Everett, I would like you to watch the back of the line. If we need to retreat, you're going to be at the forefront of that.”

“I will be glad to leave the rest of you in the dust,” said Everett.

“That's why you will be responsible for making sure Master Yuen gets out of the cave alive,” said Seera. She shook her head. “Protecting him is our goal. Everyone ready?”

Different types of affirmatives answered her. She nodded. It had probably been a mistake accepting this deal with Emil. They should have stayed on Earth.

Shanahan turned on the light hanging from his equipment vest at the edge of the cave. He took a moment to let any disturbed bats fly out of the cave before he entered.

“If you make it back, and I don't,” said Seera. She pointed to a path on the wall to the top of the mesa. “That takes you to the top of the hex. It will be up to you about what you want to do after that.”

Shanahan nodded. He stepped across the cave threshold, letting his light lead the way.

Seera cut her own flashlight on and followed him. She had learned how to use the rifle, and her abilty should help her in case there was problems. She hoped they could keep trouble to a minimum.

“Clear light?,” asked Master Yuen. He frowned at the moving beams. “Did you get those from the Shapers?”

“We got them from Home Depot,” said Seera. She used her talent. “Follow me.”

She walked into the darkness, Shanahan a small distance to the left. She tried to imitate his grim stoicisim. She had no doubt that if anything appeared out of the darkness ahead, he would calmly riddle it with bullets before it charged the group. Then he would kick the body aside and keep walking.

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