《Marauding Gods (First Draft)》Chapter 144
I’m not paid enough for this. "
"A small service," he said, "not ever again," he promised.
Yet here I was.
A sigh escaped me.
"Does something matter?" asked Amber.
Seated in front of me was Amber, and despite wearing clothes that were obviously different from what a proper noble like me would wear, he was still, in fact, my butler.
And I, despite wearing a rather shabby looking cloak and riding in a carriage that was not mine, was still Anson Faucher, the first current great-grandson of the Faucher family of the five great families of Beaufort.
"No, nothing. I was just... I was just complainning about my own stupidity. "
"I see." Looking through the carriage window, he added, "We’re close to the inn, My Lord."
From my seat, I could see the building of the commoner district defiling in front of me through the carriage's windows.
Yes, that’s it. We were currently riding through the streets of the common district with this carriage that was obviously not ours but rather Elliel’s and his grandfather Emilien's for their whatever activities they had in the rural and unhabited parts of Beaufort. There was also a secondary well-known use for this carriage. Thanks to its simplicity, it was mostly used by Elliel for slipping into the common city without attracting too much attention.
It was because of that same person that I and my butler were desguised as commoner and on our way to that famous inn.
It was two weeks ago that he came to me with the news, "I smuggled two people I just met, and who happens to be nobles, and who didn’t want to indentify themselves into the lower district," he said.
At least he realized how stupid it was and was embarrassed of himself, but come on, it wasn't that difficult to see that there was something wrong with them if they didn't want to state clearly identity.
Was it just kindness or stupidity?
If it wasn’t for that I knew Elleil from a very young age, I would’ve certainly leaned towards the second one.
Well, normally, to fix up this problem he has caused, at that point in the story, all he had to do to fix up his blunder was to report the news to his family, but no, he didn’t want that.
With his great-grandfather summoned back to the church, a potential problem of this kind is really the kind that is to be afraid of.
Two nobles isn’t that much of a deal. In fact, years ago, maybe I wouldn’t have minded at all, but in those days and ages, with the Aristocracy and their warring movement against the church, one is never too sure what they’re going to do next.
Today, they’re just two, but what about tomorrow? Maybe what they’re planning to do, whatever it is, doesn’t need many people. Who knows?
"We’ve arrived, My Lord—or I should say, Anson." Amber said, with thumb’s up.
"Eh, very funny." I said, handing him my bag and stepping out of the carriage, and finding myself in front of an inn whose entrance was written in big letters, "Auberge of Belltower".
No one at the entrance. That would be -1 for me already. And just as I thought that, a woman came out of the door to greet me, "Hello, Sir, wha- We didn’t expect you to come today, Lord Ans-" I raised my hand and asked her to stop. She seemed to recognize me. I knew her too.
Well, to be fair, I knew her in name only, for the most part. I think I saw her from a distance at only one instance I think, well back then she was just one of the inn waitresses, but what helped me to recognize her the most was that belly she was carrying.
"Good morning, Zaraha. Was it? We were just passing through and decided to pay the "Auberge of Belltower" a quick visit since it had been so long. It doesn’t pose a problem if we do it. "
"No, of course not."
We were expected to be led in when the woman just came and stopped in front of us.
"Is there a problem?"
"No, it’s just that... I wanted to personally thank you for Shawn. I know what you and Ei did for him.
I’m indefinitely grateful for what you two did. I don’t know how to repay this." She said it rather awkwardly, but her goodness was palpable.
"I did nothing, Ma’am. If there was someone to be thanked, it would be Ei. So if we could..." I asked.
"Of course, excuse me for getting in the way." she apologized, leading us in.
Upon entering the inn, we were greeted by a second voice at the counter.
When Elliel and I talked about what the people he smuggled into the common district looked like, I think that I wrongly mocked him for his exaggeration and that what he said about the female one fitted perfectly what I saw in front of me: a very beautiful girl with golden and sky-blue hair and watery-blue eyes.
"What can we do for you, Sir?" She said to me, from behind the counter, as if she was working for the Auberge.
It was only a few words, but that strange and uniquely cute accent in her way of speaking was quite potent.
The moment my eyes went to Zaraha for an answer, she immediately blurted out, rather clumsily,
"Lord Anson, this is Rena. She's... she’s been helping us lately."
"Rena, this is Lord Anson. He’s the owner of this establishment."
"Co-owner would be appropriate, would be appropriate," I rectified. "My name is Anson." I said, reaching out my hand. She was hesitant to accept until I uttered the words, "I’m a friend of Ei."
In realization, she finally accepted it, and replied, "It’s a pleasure." My name is Rena. "
Just like Ei said, no name.
Well, to be fair, I didn't give mine either, so...
"I know, I’ve heard a lot about you."
Just as I was done saying these, we were approached by a middle-aged woman that I immediately recognized.
"Lord Anson." I didn’t expect your visit. She clearly wasn’t; unease was painted on her face.
"Madam Philberta, I’m sorry to impose myself in such a way. I was just passing by, Amber and I. So we thought, Why not see how the "Auberge of Belltower" is going lately."
"Has there been a problem with the rapport I have been reporting or the money I’ve made payment to the bank? If it is this month's report, I was about to make it delivered to you tomorrow. "
"Oh my, of course, no, there is no problem with your payment. You’ve been doing fine, Madam Philberta. As I said, Amber and I were just for a visit and maybe to check up on your report locally.
It’s a good change of pace from our daily routine. " I said, before commenting.
Finally loosing up, she proposed, "I see, please come in. Would you like a table, or would you like a room to be arranged for you?"
"A table will do."
Following Madam, we were led to the upper-floor, but before we could reach the stairs, I requested,
"Actually, this floor will do fine."
"You’re sure, Sir?"
"Yes." I said, heading straight to the table next to where several familiar faces were.
She most likely led me to the upper floor to avoid them, but since among them was the one I believe was the reason for my presence here. They were, at least before, noticing my presence and investing themselves in a seemingly very jovial conversation.
"Lord Anso-" Three of them stood and greeted; the last one followed rather belatedly but did too.
"Gentlemen, no need for... this," I said, interrupted by what I saw before taking the chair next to them.
I knew the three of them, one in particular, Shawn. I once, it was 6 months ago, I believed we had a very interesting discussion with them, and as for the fourth one, he, on the other hand, was someone I had never seen before. If I had, I would’ve remembered him. And just like the girl, Rena, he surprisingly fitted Elliel’s every description.
exchange glances with Amber, he must have had the same thought as I.
Those eyes were the same as the ones passed generation after generation in the Ducal and Royal Family of the Altaira Kingdom. That being said, it didn’t mean that only them did across the continent, but still they are the nobles mainly known for having these eyes.
Is he someone from one of these noble families? Or just someone who happens to have those eyes?
Oh, Eilliel! what kind of mess did you get yourself into?
Madam came to me and asked, "Is there anything I could serve, Lord Anson?"
"Anson is fine, leave the Lord behind please, and no, we’ll be fine, unless my friend here wants something."
"No, Madam, I’ll be fine." Amber replied.
She then left, only to return later with a book of counts, counting every in and out of this establishment this month.
"Thanks, Madam, we’ll call you if we happen to need something." I said, handing the book to Amber.
What I said earlier was true. I co-own this place. A percentage of what is gained out of this establishment goes straight to my account. Generally, this is delivered directly to me on a monthly basis. It is to me a mere formality to verify whether what is written on paper fits up with what is paid to my account in the bank.
Truth to be told, I had no need to come down to just check this up. I was here for several reasons, among which included to have a proper view of those people that Elliel smuggled into the city, and to deliver a certain something to a certain someone.
The table I was sitting at gave a straight view of the one I was looking for, and while sharing the table with him, I saw one of them looking at me with clearly anxious and anticipating eyes.
"Amber, the certificate, please."
"Here, Sir." He said, handing me an envelope from the bag Amber carried.
I looked at the one looking at me anxiously and motioned him to come over to us.
The first time I heard of him from Elliel was two years ago. Just after he had discovered his healing magic and a few other times after that, all of which were related to him being in trouble.
"Lord Anson."
"Shawn, nice to see you finally outside," I said, offering him to take a seat. "So Shawn, how has life been since the end of your sentence? What have you been up to since? "
"I’ve been errand-running here and there."
"Running an errand, huh? So it’s what you call it. Anyway, I’ve got here what you asked, "I said, sliding toward him the aforementioned envelope." To these words, his eyes lit, and before he could grab it, I took it back away from him.
"As you asked, this has been done, conforming to the law of this land. I personally did it, looked for these people, worked myself up to obtain it, but now I would like to know for what purpose exactly do you need this?."
"Lord Anson, I’m really thankful for this. I know I don’t deserve it."
"Yes, you sure don’t. Save yourself the trouble; regardless of how grateful you are, my sweat and time were still dedicated, lost, and most likely wasted on this. "
" I will repay for this."
"-I’ll stop you there. You owe me nothing, and if you did, I doubt you could repay it. I’m not your friend, to whom you can borrow and repay back favors like this, and I’m not Ei either, so you better get that well anchored up there so that you won't ever forget. "
Shawn nodded.
"What has it been? It's been 3 weeks since you’ve been freed from your cells, and yet I, from my castle, hear of what you’ve been up to in the depths of the outer districts. From what you asked me through Elliel, I could roughly guess what these "errands" were for, but still I couldn’t help but ask, especially after all the trouble Ei and I have been through because of you. I can’t help but ask myself if I’m not just insane for expecting that this time things wouldn’t take the same turns as the past two years.
"It won’t, I promise." I know I’ve already let you and Ei down, twice, but this time it’s different. "
Is that so? Because I, as someone who doesn’t have any deep link in particular with you, have heard this from you several times already. I even got requested quite a number of services for you. What I’m holding right now is what, the third one already? You know, the most abbering thing isn’t just that; this could’ve been fixed if you were a little bit reasonable. This was something you could have obtained if you at least tried to put aside your pride and asked your friend over there to speak out on your behalf to his father. Do you really think your pride is worth my effort?"
"No, I know that it is not."
"At least you know that I might have agreed to help you once or twice, but this was never for you." I clarified before adding, since I’ve got this far, "What happened between you, your father, and the mayors is part of the past now. If you hadn’t managed to learn anything from the 6 months you spent in jail, the life of the one you shortened, and Ei’s trust and efforts must’ve really gone to the wrong effort. You’ve got a wife and child to come now; get yourself together! "
"That’s what I’m already doing!" He shouted at me.
"Young man, I would recommend for you to watch your way of talking. I’ve seen many dying for way less. I deem it wise for your own sake to calm down. " Amber warned.
Even his friend and everyone who was around to witness it were taken back by his reaction. Me, not so much. With a wave of the hand, I reassured them that it was nothing to worry about.
"I’m sorry for this. Lord Anson is right. I’ve got a wife and a kid waiting for me now. I can’t afford to mess up this. That thing in your hand is the beginning, the foundations from which I would like to build something. So I’m begging you, this time, even if you and Ei have already heard that plenty of times, I will make good use of this chance you’re providing me. "
Hearing those words, I started to realize that maybe I overstepped a little, but whatever, he knew what he was going for, asking this request of his through Elliel, a ducal prince to me.
Give them something once, they will be grateful. Give them more than twice, they will think they naturally deserve it.
I held out the envelope for him to take.
Upon receiving the envelope, he immediately proceeded to open it up and scroll through its contents.
It was certainly rude behaviour, but whatever...
"The title of propriety, the approval from the municipal and your beloved mayor. It’s all in there. The rest is all up to you. "
Having seen the things with his own eyes, he looked at me, ready to blabber God only knew what, so before he could do so, I said, "I hope what you just said wasn’t just empty words, for this time, it would be I who would be personally disappointed."
"They weren’t and I promise you won’t," he said, before asking to leave the table.
He went back to his friend and, without saying much, he left the inn without even giving an explanation to his wife or Madam Philberta. "
"Did I overdo it?" I asked Amber
"Sounds to me like you did."
"What do you think?" I asked in a loud voice to the three young men seated nearby, who most likely heard all of our earlier discussion.
"Who, us?"
"Yes, you were too harsh on your friend?.. Just say it clearly, no need to be shy around me. "
"What Lord Anson said earlier was indeed harsh, mostly because it was true and understandable but...
I don’t know... I'm not sure if it's obvious to most, but he's a very different person than he was a year ago; to me, it's clear he was changed, perhaps not for the better, but for the better, in the time he spent there. "
Unfairly harsh, then, but who cared? I’m not his best friend to know that. I need results from what I’ve seen. He's most likely to cause problems again for Elliel.
"And you, Henri?"
I think the same as him. He’s really a lot different from what he used to be when we first met him."
Same, huh?
"And you?" I asked the last one.
"Yes, you."
"I..." I don’t know if I am well placed to comment on this. I only met him less than two weeks ago. I can say that I, compared to these two, barely know anything about him.
"Yet, I heard that you two were quite friendly with each other while running those "errands" in the outer district. "
He was taken aback by the mention of that, but instead of commenting on it, he straight added,"—but if I were to give my opinion on the matter, I think that despite it being harsh, it was fair. In the few weeks since our first meeting, I've seen some of his most unreasonable characteristics, as well as some of what motivates him. I think he deserved every bit of what has been told to him, but I also think that he most likely already knew very well himself what you said to him. "
From the first part, I was expecting something unique, but surprisingly, it sounded like what Elliel told me when he came to me at Shawn's request.
"I see. Let’s hope it’s the case then, Mister An."
He nodded.
With that, I went back along with Amber to pretend to inspect the report that was handed to me while also peeking at the one I’m here for.
Just as I had said earlier, I was here to see with my own eyes those two strangers. Elliel talked, checking the inn report and the delivery of Shawn’s document were just an excuse for me to be around while observing the subjects. While on my way here, just a peek at them would be fine, I thought to myself. Truth to be told, I was very curious too about those two mysterious strangers.
A while after Shawn's departure, I got to notice from the same seat nearby a glance thrown at me by the one named Henri.
"What is it?" I asked.
Slightly embarrassed, he, Henri, asked, "Say, Lord Anson, I don’t know if you do remember, but 6 or 7 months ago, it was just after Shawn’s imprisonment, I received some guidance from you when it came to which rooster to bet my money on. I made quite a good bet back then. I wonder if you remember that."
"Oh, that, I remember."
For me, it was just after Shawn was incarcerated. For me, it was the third time I stepped foot in this establishment since its renovation after the Calamities’ earthquake.
What led us to talk about rooster fighting? I wasn’t sure anymore, since most of the focus back then was to avoid Shawn swinging by the neck.
"Glad to hear that my advice did help."
Well, of course it did.
Not to boast about it, but I was somewhat of a betting expert myself. "
"So I wondered, if Lord Anson didn’t have any other advice like the one from the last one, I might not have much, but I’m planning to bet quite a hefty on this one... Oh, I’m sorry. I sure was inconsiderate given the work you-"
"No, it’s fine actually. We were pretty much done, anyway, right Amber?"
"Yes, pretty much."
After all, we were just pretending. I had no interest in these reports.
Pointing at their table, I asked, "Can I?"
"Of course,"
I requested a particular handbook from Amber:
That hand book contained the record of Amber’s visit to the betting house where the rooster presentation went by. It contained information about the roosters but also about the potential other bettors present.
I stood up from my seat, and took the one where Shawn was seated before I had called him over.
"So you were interested in roosterfighting too? The old one, ratfighting, was a little too degenerate and unsanitary for my taste, but when the new concept of ratfighting was born, I think we finally touched something that is worth investing time into. The whole thing is more organized and tidied. I heard that some are saying that rooster figthing doesn’t have the same wild sensation and excitement that procured ratfighting, but I think this is entirely false, and depends solely on one’s subjection impression of what one’s procured oneself excitement. "
"I won’t deny that ratfighting came with a new trend, a new wave, and a new sort of entertainment that people failed to see through all the potential, which is a big waste that I fully intend to take advantage of in the future. Because it’s not just roosters killing each other under the eyes of bloodthirsty onlookers, it’s not just money being bet on a creature whose brain is smaller than a nail, it’s much more than that. This is a new vogue of entertainment that still can take a great spot in that particular niche that it is in."
"So how much exactly are the three of you planning to bet? Depending on the sum in your possession, I might be able to point out some few strategies that could work out."
A few hours later, Amber and I went back to where we did the carriage exchanges. We were still in the common district, but we were inside a property of the Edouard family.
Years ago, it was once a pretty decently sized building, but with the event of two years ago, the clinic was restructured to fit the exponentially growing need for medication in the duchy, making this place now one of the most prominent buildings in the common district.
We were now in Elliel’s office in that clinic. This was given to him by his grandfather Emilien when he chose, along with his ducal prince’s duty, to also juggle pursuing the path of healing magic.
"So what did you think of them?"
As I said, I was just able to observe them closely. The only thing now is that I know what they look like. As to how they truly are and what threat they can pose is completely unknown to me yet. —And as for the fact that he and her friend are getting along so well with all those commoners, I don’t know if it’s a good or bad omen. " "What do you mean?"
"Commoner and noble, getting along. Doesn’t that remind you of something?"
"Yeah, But that is, of course, just mere supposition. After all, I know someone worse than them when it comes to pretending to be the Mister everyone's friend. " I said, point at him. "You."
"No, I don’t."
"Yes, you are, and you know that."
"You keep accessing their request as if you were some kind of genius who grants wishes. In Madam's case, it was fine, since in a sense it was similar to a passive investissment, but that Shawn, that’d better be the last one, or else I will personally come to deal with one, one’s for all."
"You're being too harsh on him."
"You’re the one being too soft. With a little bit of common sense, anyone would’ve realized that.
Shawn himself is most likely aware of that, which is why he asked you to at least get my opinion on the matter of your two mysterious strangers, that at least I give him credit for. I don’t want to annoy you much with this. I will do my investigation concerning these two,..., without getting my family involved, but it most likely will take some time, unless they are some sort of internationally-known terrorist. You know what, let’s just hope that it’s not that. "
"Oh, now that I think of it, this morning when I came to your castle to look for you, I stumbled upon your cute and beloved Stephania. How is it going for you?"
"I have a patient waiting for me."
"You’re avoiding the subject again, aren’t you?"
"I’m not. I’m just in a real hurry. "See you next time." He said, while storming out of the room, leaving me on my own.
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