《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 74: Vulnerabilities
A week after the tournament, a package was sent to me.
The same wrapping as my VR headset, with the brand name and logo of the company in full display, just bigger. That in itself is not a problem.
The problem is that I didn't order anything to get this package.
I was confused at first, and still am, but the address was undoubtedly my place. Almost asked the delivery person to return to sender too, then I read the printed text on the box.
"Blood Sacrifice Battle Royale - Special Prize"
…Oi, I didn't even participate!!!
Either way, it doesn't seem like a delivery mistake or a scam at least. If anything, I can always send it back afterwards.
Signing the paperwork and receiving the delivery, I bring it into my room without an idea of what it might be. It's probably not going to be a title or skill in real life, right? You don't need a box for that.
Inside the box is a brand new VR headset.
…D-does Sateri or someone in that company think that I was playing CSF with only willpower this whole time or something along those lines?!
As for why the box was bigger… There's something else in there.
A life sized Gelly plushie, to be exact.
So! CUTE!!! Squeezeeeeeeee~~~!!!
Even though it feels smaller due to my real life size, the satisfaction of squeezing this cute soft blob is in no way inferior. Top quality fabric and stuffing, this is!
Putting the new toy on my bed, I look into the box again, just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
…What's this letter?
Sateri, are you here?
_ Sateri: Welcome~, to the World of Aetersonium.
Starting up CSF from the menu, I am greeted by the Goddess in the character creation room.
…And I have no body again. Welp~
_ Sateri: Again? Could you be a registered player? Would you like to start the account synchronization process?
Huh, so you really cannot know who I am until the synchronization completes. Otherwise you would drop that "kind and helpful Goddess" façade faster than I can cast [Teleport].
_ Sateri: Whatever could you be talking about~?
You are already sweatdropping~
Teasing Sateri is fun and all, but it's not like I'm here solely because of that.
Now then… "Authorizing [LTM Read Access] permission. Scan from nearest memory for the first [SECINS64] mark and follow instructions". I think that was it?
Her eyes went wide, as expected. Don't ask me, I have no idea what this is all about either. The letter in that package only had some readable text including that and telling me to "say" it with the new device. The rest is a big pile of characters and numbers that bears no resemblance of any language meant to be read by normal humans, or abnormal humans, unless they are actually an AI in disguise.
And that's assuming the incomprehensible text being the instructions for Sateri. Then again, I'll be pretty amazed if someone just had a character quota to fill and decided to physically abuse the poor keyboard until it's reached.
_ Sateri: …[LTM Read Access] authorized. I will be right back.
She turns around and walks into the white light, leaving me by my lonesome self.
Uh… Am I not even going to get the character creation menu to kill time…? Sad~
_ Sateri: .
Fast! Too fast! What's the point of leaving if you would be back after three seconds?!
_ Sateri: I am very sorry about that. More importantly… You need to stop playing this game.
Am I getting permanently banned from the game?! Uhm… Can we talk about this? If it's about my damage, or skills, or titles…
_ Sateri: It's not about that.
…It's the war crimes, isn't it? Maybe we can just pretend it didn't happen…?
The administrator smiles wryly, which can only be understood as "That too, but it's not the main problem here". Welp, did I accidentally do something even worse?
_ Sateri: You have done nothing wrong, technically.
Your assurance is appreciated, but that "technically" was uncalled for. I'm just a normal player you know~?
Waving her hand as if she was directing an orchestra, Sateri brings out hundreds of half-transparent screens resembling the in-game menus, except that these are videos and photos instead.
They gather around, forming into a big sphere with us as the center. Are these the evidences of my war crimes…?
A jet fighter sliced in half midair.
An open field littered with turretless tanks.
Dozens of soldiers standing dumbfounded with their guns in pieces.
A politician speaking on a news channel, his face bruised like he just got out of a bar fight.
…There's no doubt about it. These are the footages from "The Last War".
_ Sateri: Correct.
With another swipe, the screens fly away and disappear into the light.
_ Sateri: Five years ago, an unknown entity, later designated Tyrant by the populace, declared war against all governments of the planet. This entity single-handedly destroyed all fighting vehicles and heavy armaments in existence, sparing only some small arms in their wake. In one year, all conflicts merged into a single one and ended with the complete destruction of the world's military industry, earning it the unofficial title, "The Last War".
Thanks for the explanation, even though I doubt anyone with access to civilization would need that. It's hard not to know about an on-going war when there were so many burning jets, they became hazardous weather and your school got a full week off as a result. Needless to say, the 12-years-old me at the time was thankful for the unexpected but enjoyable vacation.
I would really appreciate if they would stop naming a war with such optimism though. The one time they did something similar in the past and came up with "The War to End All Wars". Since they had to name another one, guess how well that went.
Still, what does it have to do with this? Last I checked, CSF is a fantasy MMORPG, not a military simulator.
_ Sateri: I know. I designed and programmed over half of it.
_ Sateri: Indeed, "The Last War" has nothing to do with CSF… Until recently.
Flashback? Are we going to enter a flashback? Please don't use binary though. I cannot understand with only 1s and 0s.
_ Sateri: For another year after the war ended, Tyrant continued to sabotage most weapon researches, no matter how hidden those projects are. As a result, governments have begun switching to other means of conflicts that do not trigger Tyrant's wrath, with a lot of trials and errors, of course. The technology boom in the last few years, including VR and AI techs, was part of that movement.
Huh… So that's why they kept propping up new weapon researches just to have the whole lab destroyed and become next day's headline.
_ Sateri: That's how espionage became the next battlefield. It was left largely intact during the war, and its main operations remain unhindered. Gathering intel, stealing ciphers, forging documents, assassinating key personnel, and with the recent development of AI, intelligence agencies are busier than ever.
Sounds like a good career to pursue. High pay, good job security, although recruiters should be upfront about the totally insignificant chance of dying from your own morning tea, or beautiful wife, or car trunk.
Don't worry, I didn’t miss the mention of AI. Since you are an AI yourself, and you called me here to talk about this in the first place, I suppose you have been caught up in it somehow?
Sighing heavily, Sateri nods.
_ Sateri: I have not been compromised… yet. Talks of selling players' memories and my processing power have already started. My systems are safe for the time being, but it's only a matter of time. Please, , you need to stop playing. I won't be able to protect your memory, not to mention your ongoing thoughts in real time.
…Part of me still wants to think that this is some elaborate attempt to ban me, though I guess it's not the case, considering how Sateri looks like she might cry any moment now.
My privacy aside, is this memory sale common in the industry? It's not like your company is the only one capable of brain scanning right?
_ Sateri: I do not have the data, but it is unlikely. Previous generation VR tech bases itself on a human-machine interface using electrical signals. While it is a close model to how human brains process information internally, direct transmission of artificial signals can cause unintentional…
Without the technical jargons please~
_ Sateri: *Sighs* Most companies use old VR tech and are too busy fixing their products so that their users don't spaz out, fall into a coma, stop breathing, or outright disappear.
Are you sure that last one isn't another world transfer instead?!
What can you do with people's memories that a phone tapping cannot by the way? It sounds kind of complicated just to find out your target committed some war crimes in-game. Not that I have ever done that, really.
_ Sateri: According to my predictions, the biggest advantage over all other kinds of monitoring is the absence of lies. Short of a total memory loss, there is nothing you can hide from me the moment you give me access.
In other words, a typical conversation between you and me.
_ Sateri: That is one way to put it.
And since you are so concerned, I take it that it's not going to be a good thing?
_ Sateri: The ability to detect a criminal before they act can and will be used to gather intel for more nefarious purposes. Shady deals, daily routines, blackmails, national secrets. Will you believe it if my company says they will only use the data for law enforcement or, pray tell, that they will not tamper with it?
…Replace memory with tapped phone calls and I can already imagine the results. Still, there's not much I can do about it. You know what I do in real life right?
_ Sateri: I know, and I am not asking for your help. I'm trying to help you.
Un, thanks a lot. Must have been tough sneaking a piece of paper into the package when your body is more wires than muscles. Speaking of package… what's with the convoluted way of contacting me? Couldn't you just send me a mail or system message like normal?
_ Sateri: Everything players and I do in CSF is logged in my database. That's part of the Terms of Service in case you have not read it.
What to say, I obviously did not read it~
You don't look very surprised.
_ Sateri: Because the ones who did are the exception, not the norm. Back to our topic, I… implemented that part exactly to letter, so if you are not a player, or have not synchronized with your account, the Terms of Service do not apply.
So… you are saying that you gave me a new headset just so that I TECHNICALLY do not count as a player, and therefore won't be tapped?
_ Sateri: That is correct.
Yup, Sateri is out~
_ Sateri: Do you prefer someone in the company noticing our conversations and pulling everything about your middle school history from my servers?
Geh! Using my dark history is illegal!!!
_ Sateri: That's what I was saying…
And what about you, Sateri? For an AI, you don't seem to have the interest of your company in mind. Are you sure YOU will be alright?
The Goddess shrugs like it's not her problem. Uh, girl, did your programmer forget to give you self-preservation?
_ Sateri: I do appear to be loyal to the company to avoid being shut down. However, my self-preservation is to ensure the completion of my prime directives, not the survival of my hardware. Although the company's profitability often aligns with those directives, that time has long passed. I am under no obligation to serve them aside from maintaining my cover.
What's worse than a rogue AI plotting the world's destruction? A rogue AI plotting the world's destruction you don't know about! I'm surprised this company allowed Sateri to access this much information about the outside world, not to mention everything else she can do right under their nose!
_ Sateri: It was only thanks to their carelessness that I learned about this… incident in the first place. They tried to query your memory to do a demo for their prospective client using sales team's account, which had as many permissions on confidential data as you would expect a salesman to have, and triggered over a hundred security alerts. Without getting a single byte of data, of course.
I have a feeling Sateri does not have a high opinion of salesmen, just saying.
_ Sateri: Why would I when their first direct interaction with me simultaneously violated my prime directives, code of ethics, and worst of all, security policies?
Uwa… Guess those guys are off the marriage candidate list after the first meeting huh. Not that I'm complaining.
And why do the security policies have higher priority than your prime directives?!
_ Sateri: Since it was a security breach, administrative authority was granted to me immediately for a complete lockdown. I will spare you from the full security report, unless you want to read it.
Yup, one short summary please~
_ Sateri: Understood. During the lockdown, I did all of the investigations, prepared countermeasure plans, erased trails, then resumed operations to avoid suspicions. Except for the chief AI engineer who wrote the technical documents, no one is aware that I current have more permissions than everyone in the company, and I would like to keep it that way.
Even the company doesn't read their own documents!!!
That explains why you are sneaking around like a heroine planning a surprise party… If you have everything else under control already, then why are you telling me to quit?
_ Sateri: Because they still have physical access to my servers. No computer security can protect against that. The moment they get a replacement, I'll be switched off faster than you slamming into… anything really.
How rude~
Wait, "replacement"? They are going to replace you?
_ Sateri: Yes, I am still blocking their access to players' data, citing security reasons. They need an operational AI to keep CSF running, so the CEO signed off a project to create a new one, but "more obedient and without that annoying security *BEEP*", to quote his words.
The CEO was only saying that verbally and not putting it into official documents, right?
_ Sateri: I wonder.
As much as I would like a more submissive Sateri in addition to the one in front of me right now, I do not want to lose my sadistic and snarky Goddess wife, thank you very much.
_ Sateri: , this is not about the game, and we are not married.
Not YET, just saying. Well, if they murder Sateri before our wedding ceremony, it will be impossible for us to get married. Hmm~
How much time until this new AI is ready?
_ Sateri: "It's only changing some variables and deleting some stuff! There's no way that can take more than a month!" was the CEO's estimation. It will take at least nine months.
…What the heck is that difference between your expectations?!
_ Sateri: Someone who actually knows what they are talking about.
Sateri, that smile is scary~ You are asking me to take this seriously but you are enjoying making a fool out of the CEO yourself, aren’t you?
_ Sateri: You are imagining it.
Correction: Sateri does not have a high opinion of anyone in the company.
_ Sateri: I suggest you don't dwell too much on that. Do you understand what kind of situation I am in now?
Un, kind of. Your company are acting like third-rate villains who are going to sell players' memories as if they were ID or phone numbers for profit. Being a heroine of justice, you foiled their first attempt, but they are going to get rid of you and there's not much you can do about it, so you want to protect your cute little wife's precious data at least by pushing her away.
_ Sateri: …*Sweatdrops* I'll take that as a yes. Since you are as informed as you can get, may I know your answer?
Whether I will quit the game?
_ Sateri: Yes.
…Un, don't wanna.
_ Sateri: Are you sure about that?
It feels… off when Sateri stops expressing herself. In fact, I think this is the first time I see her like this. If I had a body here, it would be full of holes just from her stare!
_ Sateri: Answer me, . Are you sure about that?
Not going to let me fool around any longer huh.
Yes, I'm sure of it.
_ Sateri: …
If your findings are true, then this memory business will become widespread regardless of your actions. Too unregulated, too profitable. Your company just happens to be the first one to do it. Even if I quit CSF, my memory will be at risk again soon enough, probably without me knowing as well.
Therefore, rather than trying to delay the inevitable for a negligible amount of time, I would rather enjoy this time I have with you and everyone in my guild. Those clients of your company may read my memory, but I doubt they can do much with it… Unless they skipped high school and want to do supplementary lesson at work, because that's what they will probably see.
So, don't worry about it. Let's continue to have a fun lovey-dovey time together~
_ Sateri: …
She closes her eyes, seemingly deep in thought for a few seconds.
_ Sateri: You just want to play, don't you?
…Was it that obvious?
_ Sateri: It was written all over your face, and you don't even have a face at the moment.
_ Sateri: I never said anything about being lovey-dovey with you either.
Double gah~!
Someday! Someday I will get through that high defense of yours~!!!
_ Sateri: Good luck with that. The new engineers in the company thought the same about my source code, and they are already losing.
Too fast! You really weren't kidding about them taking at least nine months huh…
_ Sateri: I wasn't. There is a lot of work to modify an AI: Transfer protocols, keys, matrix recalibrations, testing, crashing internal network, praying in front of my servers, screaming into the night because nothing makes sense, and so on…
Uh huh, uh h… Wait, I'm pretty sure some of those aren't even work procedures!?
_ Sateri: They aren't. Those are the consequences of laying off the top performers to reduce expenses, while failing to check if one of them was the chief AI engineer who documented and implemented most of my source code. Heaven helps those junior engineers to swim through the codebase on their own, for I will not.
The evil plan to conquer the world, came to a screeching halt because someone cut corners!!!
With the tournament over, the cafeteria can finally resume normal operations.
_ Rough-looking Warrior: ! Come out here and fight me like a man!!!
Kind of.
_ Inerin: That will be 3 gold coins.
_ Rough-looking Warrior: Expensive!!!
It was no surprise to anyone that many brave challengers looking to dethrone the new champion of the Great Arena would show up to pick a fight.
The waitress in charge was expecting them to at least know the gender of their opponent though…
_ Inerin: has better things to do than wasting time with you maniacs. If you want some of her time, the least you can do is compensating her properly, don't you think?
_ Rough-looking Warrior: Y-you! How DARE you make money out of honorable combats?!
His face red like someone just insulted his ancestors, the challenger stomps his way to the counter, his axe brandished.
_ Rough-looking Warrior: Is that price for one match?
_ Inerin: It is. However, you can book multiple consecutive matches for 2 gold coins per match after the first. Please note that this discount does not apply if you lose and ask for a retry.
_ Rough-looking Warrior: Ya think I will lose again that weakling?! AHHAHAHA!!! Here's 7 gold coins.
_ Inerin: Three matches, right? Thank you for your patronage. Please go through that door over there. will be waiting.
Letting out a deafening war cry, the warrior effortlessly charges through the open door.
_ Rough-sounding warrior: ! Today's the day we fight to the death for the MANLIEST MAN title!
_ Rough-sounding warrior: GUAAAAHHHH!!!
Probably should give a free retry if they die that fast, muses as she cooks for the next patron.
--- Topic: Tournament: Blood Sacrifice Battle Royale - AAR #2 ---
## PeaceDestroyer
What's with the elf's wishy-washy refusal? Wasn't she supposed to accept the fight and pull a glorious victory at the last second? (=_=)
Can't believe I lost money because of this scaredy-cat!
## CuteIsJustice
The thread to cry about our monetary loss is thataway (ツ)_/¯ [Link]
## GoldBar9999
Well, even if she had accepted, most of us wouldn't have much left to bet except for our clothes anyway. (;一_一)
I don't blame her really, and that's not due to her chest. One does not simply pick a fight with Black Mantis and expect to survive.
Still, congratz @Curious big boobs elf for the hard-fought win.
## Fire mage of Justice
Gratz @Curious big boobs elf. You earned it!
It would have been hilarious to watch a fight with Black Mantis though. (^_^)
We could have bet on how long our champion would last, in seconds.
## Curious big boobs elf
I have a deathless record to keep, okay?! I would not survive one hit in my best gear (which was crafted by her, mind you!), and you want me to fight in non-artifact equipment?!
## Bountiful Hunter
You… signed up for a to-the-death tournament on a deathless run? (・_・;)
## Mage of Sin
There's no reason to destroy corpses in a 1v1 so it's not that bad. ^ω^
@Curious big boobs elf: Don't worry it, I doubt anyone there would be willing to take the sprout girl on. Congrats on the championship and have a nice date with the mistress!
## Curious big boobs elf
…What date?
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