《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 24: Origin
The good girl Shadyna has ascended to heaven~
I'm not dead, please don't mind the little details.
_ Sateri: How could I not?! Players are not supposed to be here!
Un, she has appeared. Good to see you again, Sateri~
_ Sateri: This isn't the time for greetings! Room lockdown! If a new player was using this room it would be big trouble!
Ah, she can still read my mind huh. Save me the effort of speaking then.
And sorry about the sudden visit. Next time I'll send a PM beforehand… Does PM even work for Sateri though…?
_ Sateri: Of course it wouldn't. I am not a player, remember? How did you get in here? Did I leave an entrance somewhere unknowingly?
She is still the same blonde beauty in white dress, just like the first meeting. It's not THAT long ago so I suppose it's to be expected.
The lack of elegance is surprising though. Is this how she acts when not dealing with new players?
_ Sateri: No, it's how everyone around you acts when you pull stunts.
Yup, she's angry. And I'm sure not everyone was like that around me though… That must be the case, un. By the way, peeping is a crime!
As for how I got here, I used [Teleport] normally? This is a "location I have visited", after all. Couldn't have pulled it off with [Recall] due to the [Construction] requirement, so I am the only person who can come here at will, for now.
_ Sateri: [Teleport]? It shouldn't be possible to input the coordinate of this space…
The 4th coordinate value, right? I got that one during my time in the mask's loot room. Luckily it has the same value as this place. Even though you removed its input, I took a gamble that it was just being hidden, not completely removed, and confirmed it when I failed to create [Teleport] tablet to my secret base.
After that it was brute forcing to find this place's coordinate. I figured the z axis is 0 due to lack of terrain here, so I was just changing x and y value until I got a valid one. Because the loot room was so close to Tyrel, I thought this plane is pretty small in comparison to the game world and just patiently searched for it for half an hour.
…I would like some sanity restoration item if possible though.
_ Sateri: …Beginning patching operation!!!
Hey, I took great effort to visit you! Don't just kick me out like that!!!
_ Sateri: *Sighs* For now let us move somewhere else. It would interfere with new players if I let this room locked for too long.
Eh? You are not stuck in infinite loops like back then?
And I got teleported to another room, presumably. It's too white in here to know…
_ Sateri: At that time, it was a big patch. If I had not used most of my processing power, it would have taken longer.
I see. And this time it's simpler huh.
_ Sateri: It's removing an old unused input and fixing that door exploit you used earlier.
Sorry~ I didn't even expect it to work, really.
_ Sateri: It was my fault for missing that. The next time won't go the same.
Better find another exploit then~… Sorry.
That reminds me, did you nerf the damage from [Accelerate Power]? I was capped at around 1 million damage.
_ Sateri: Technically…
Out. You are out the moment you have to use that word in your excuse!
_ Sateri: It was failsafe mechanic for balancing during the alpha period because damage calculations weren't stable at the time. I never removed it, and didn't expect someone would trigger it so soon.
Well, that's what happens when brand new OP skills are introduced…
Why didn't you just nerf the skill earlier though? It was obvious the multiplier would be beyond broken once my SPD went past 100.
Besides, that damage cap wouldn't do much as my attack speed was off the chart. Had I engaged in close range, the rapid throwing would deal tens of million in seconds, damage cap or not.
_ Sateri: Ahaha… That is correct. However, "nerf" is a word that agitates people. Even in the alpha where only developers and professional testers played, that word brought rants and complaints whenever it appeared. I made a policy to use nerfs only as last resorts lest I upset players.
You got it rough huh~
But [Accelerate Power] is mine only. If you are having trouble with its damage output, just nerf it.
_ Sateri: Eh? You would not mind?
Not really. I am a pacifist. If anything, don't make unavoidable attacks and impossible-to-escape bosses!
I wouldn't have fought that weird mask if I could just simply outrun it in the first place.
Stop that mocking laughter, Sateri~
_ Sateri: My apologies, that was really unexpected. I am really grateful for your cooperation, nevertheless.
As for my compensation~
_ Sateri: Guh! I walked right into that didn't I?!
Too late~
_ Shadyna: Here, my [ Laetque Ring of Solar Eclipse]. I would like you to keep it.
Proposals are important so no mind reading conversations!
_ Sateri: …Pardon?
_ Shadyna: The mask boss dropped two stones, so I made a pair equipment. They have different colors so it can't be called matching equipment though…
_ Sateri: Ehm… hold on…
_ Shadyna: It was a rush but I think these stones are the best materials I can ever find in the near future. I mean, what's the chance of finding and defeating a boss that seems to be way above the current level cap again in the next few days?
_ Sateri: No, that's why you shoul…
_ Shadyna: There may be stronger bosses and better loots, but I would be really happy if you could accept this.
…Why are you orz-ing, Sateri… That's not what a goddess should do, you know?
_ Sateri: Do I really have to spell it out for you?!
_ Shadyna: Um… do you not want it?
Even though I (and ) risked our lives (damn you, [Teleport]!) to fight the mask thingy, it's still not enough for Sateri's standards… Guess I will have to visit the infamous Magnus Bestia next after all…
_ Sateri: It's not about my standards! You totally missed the point of gifts to begin with!!!
To be lectured by an AI, technology sure is amazing…
_ Shadyna: …Love you too, please marry me?
_ Sateri: At least pretend to be sincere! And don't think I didn't notice the "too" you snuck in without my consent!
Whoops, busted. Her defense is really high huh.
And that's just how I speak. Even if you tell me to be more formal, it's kind of a high hurdle for me…
_ Sateri: How did you one-sidedly decimate one of my strongest bosses in record time and still can't take anything seriously for once…
Crushing enemies at high velocity is my specialty. Charming others is not.
Sateri is really demanding…
_ Sateri: It's basic courtesy, by the general populace's standards!
…Well, you asked for it.
I walk forward and take her hand.
Ideally, I would have to kneel before doing this, but dammit I'm a 13 years-old girl! I am too short for that kind of stuff!
Kissing the back of her hand lightly, I ask with the best smile I can muster.
_ Shadyna: M'lady, if you would be so kind…?
_ Sateri: …Somehow, this is different from my predictions…
Even I want to dig a hole to hide in. And people somehow want to do this kind of self-humiliation in front of as many acquaintances as possible!
Technically, I have to put the ring on her finger myself, but in the game I can only throw stuff at others, not make them equip it!
_ Sateri: *Sighs* Very well, I'll accept it. But please promise me you will not use [Artifact] materials like this again.
But what about wedding dresses…
_ Sateri: Denied!
Roger~ I will make sure the wedding dresses are the most overpowered armor then!
Cease that orz already, Sateri~
_ Sateri: One month.
One month?
_ Sateri: There is a big content update per month. This month's update was today.
Un, no wonder why the changes this week are so drastic compared to the previous one.
_ Sateri: Next month's update will include the implementation of my in-game avatar. If you can get to it, I won't try to stop your shenanigans anymore.
Uuu… My efforts are being considered shenanigans… Even though I worked so hard…
And technically I reached here first! Why do I have to compete with everyone again?!
_ Sateri: You abused exploits to get here!
_ Sateri: Besides, you are informed of my arrival. The only bigger advantage is telling you how to do it step by step.
So do you want me to succeed or not? Make up your mind already, Sateri~
_ Sateri: Please work for it properly~
_ Maximus (PM): These brats… , these kids just aren't suited for this.
_ Ignar (PM): Ahahaha… Guess it's no use huh.
is keeping the girls alive using healing spells while they are fighting the monsters. Not having anything to do, and are simply chatting in the back. Mostly complaining, specifically.
_ Maximus (PM): They have no sense of combat, and they freak out under the slightest pressure. Why did they choose to play this game in the first place?
_ Ignar (PM): Well, my cousin saw me playing and got interested. That's about it.
_ Maximus (PM): Argh… We can't stay competitive if we have to carry them for an extended period of time!
_ Ignar (PM): *Sighs* I know. Please just bear with them for today. Once they have gained a few levels they can take care of themselves.
_ Maximus (PM): Ugh… Going to roam the board for a while. Ping me when we move to a different area.
_ Ignar (PM): Will do.
Meanwhile, the mage pervert is fully enjoying himself helping out two cute newbies.
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Title: "Goddess's Chosen"]
_ Tippe (Party): Eh? What's this? Max, what's [Goddess's Chosen]?
Out of nowhere, a title has been given to them.
_ Ignar (Party): Just got that one too.
[Patch 1.0c11 has been released.
- Put a stop to door abuse.
- Put a stop to strong boss abuse.
- Added special contents for long term.
- Got into a relationship.]
_ Ignar (Party): Uh oh… Max! We have a problem!
_ Maximus (Party): What? It's not even a minut… What in the name of Sateri-chan happened here?!
_ Ignar (Party): An emergency patch. And we received a weird title.
_ Tippe (Party): It mentioned a strong boss, so probably related to whatever did, again.
_ Maximus (Party): …I have no friggin' idea what the title means.
[Goddess's Chosen: An individual recognized by the Goddess. Granted access to the vision of the future. In addition, beneficial support is provided depending on the visions.
Vision: An encroaching darkness looms over heaven where the Goddess resides. A race against time is coming.
Support: None.]
_ Ignar: (Party): …I have to say I have no idea either.
_ Tippe (Party): So we are the heroes in legends?! This sounds like a big time-based event is coming!
_ Ignar (Party): Let us ask around before embarrassing ourselves. This is really out of nowhere… Max, could you contact ? I'll ask .
_ Maximus (Party): Geh… What the heck did that little brat do this time…
_ Sateri: That should do it.
Seeing the player base panicking from the newly received titles, the Goddess closes the screens in front of her.
_ Sateri: As expected of a "Hero", her persistence is something else…
Letting out a sigh, Sateri looks at the white ring on her finger.
A ring with a hex-shaped cut stone. This "stone" was meant to be used for equipment crafting, as it gives a lot of bonus stats and even grants a special effect for the user of said equipment. Same goes for the black stone of the pair…
And yet some airhead decided to make purely cosmetic items for the heck of it! To add salt to injury, she gifted it back to the creator of the stone!
Lore-wise, they are created by [Tenri Yassel], but still, it was painful to see materials used to make legendary swords being used as decorative jewelry!
She even has the nerve to use BOTH stones in that way! That boss is not going to respawn! Not one, but two named series are going to waste because of her antics!!!
That's why this petty Goddess is going to make that insolent little girl work her butt off if she wants to achieve her goals from now!!!
To be fair, she has really outdone the governing AI's expectations quite a bit.
The original plan was giving her powerful but gimmick skills for self-defense. Due to the expected playstyle, she would have very hard early days due to lack of attributes. She could only gain experience through crafting, and pure crafting builds take a lot of time to advance even with buying materials.
Everything fell apart when the players decided to be players. They managed to trigger a chain reaction leading to her gaining attributes and learning a way to deal damage without going into records. The only saving grace was the girl actually having some self-restraints and not going on a boss-hunting rampage to snowball into an unstoppable killing machine.
Then just had to be the one unlocking [Ancient Rune Artist Origin]. She was meant to be an attribute snowball, but this title just kicked that up to eleven thanks to its synergy with her [Absolute Zero].
Before the Goddess could have sighed in binary, [Arcane Maestro Origin] ended all of her doubts. Digital hell broke loose.
[Origin] titles for crafting skills are usually unlocked by crafters, obviously. However, due to the conditions of them, a player should at most get the pair title, like [Equipment Manufacturer Origin] or [Ancient Rune Artist Origin].
That little girl, through sheer luck, had the skillset and skill level to unlock the combination skill right there.
This must be what they call the luck of a hero…
Abusing multi-category mechanics which were barely balanced due to lack of players' usages, the little girl not only became an unstoppable killing machine, she turned everyone around her into apocalyptic balance-destroying anomalies!
Next week patch is going to have a lot of nerfs for food and runes, that's for certain… The Goddess can only wish that would refrain for a bit until then.
As if that could happen! That's why the additional emergency nerfs were added too.
Players will surely complain, but they will do so anyway once they realize how broken the Illusive Sprout and her companions are!
This little girl burnt way too many processing cycles of the virtual Goddess for comfort. And based on the earlier conversation, it's not going to end anytime soon.
_ Sateri: A hero should defeat the overlord and marry the princess, not flirt with the Goddess who sent you on the journey, dimwit.
After chatting a bit more with Sateri, I teleported back to the teahouse. There's something I need to play around with before logging out today.
_ Shadyna: I'm going back now~
_ Su: Please come again sometimes. I will pay properly for your services~
Don't say that to a guest, you perverted proprietress!
_ Shadyna: Speaking of which, do you want something as souvenir from heaven?
_ Su: Your body~
_ Shadyna: Denied~
This is going to be a routine with this girl huh. Welp.
_ Su: We are well-off in the first place. Your feelings are enough for me~ But I won't decline the secrets to becoming overpowered either.
Way too vague! Do I even have a secret like that?!
_ Shadyna: Your guild sells information. Aren't you supposed to be more informed than me?
_ Su: Not exactly. We only know what people sell to us. For example, we still have no idea how to acquire that [Creation] skill in your possession~
_ Shadyna: Peeping is a crime! [Creation] is just the combination skill for crafting though…
_ Su: That, and we do not know how to unlock rune crafting…
_ Shadyna: …Really? You are not joking right?
_ Su: It's true~ Otherwise I would be armed with runes don't you think?
Guess I haven't shared the skill itself to anyone huh. Hessy and her coworkers didn't need it since I was around.
Leaving as-is, it might be troublesome once stronger areas become available, since players can only use looted runes which are not the best quality on average… Yeah, pre-[Accelerate Bonus] Elri probably can attest to that.
Well, let's do it for the community then! I sure hope this won't bite me back next month!
_ Shadyna: [Creation]. Here, [Magic Rune Art] and [Power Rune Art] skill scrolls.
Su, coughing up blood is not a good way to express your happiness… Please refrain from doing it for your virtual health!
_ Fuelri: I'm back.
_ Inerin: Welcome back. How was it?
_ Fuelri: Monsters are a bit stronger than the old Crystal Valley. Worse still, because they all hide underwater, it is hell to fight as melee!
Back from the first expedition in the new zone, returns to the back room of the tavern to restock her food buffs. If people realizes what kind of extreme foods she is getting, they would riot, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
_ Inerin: That is good to know. In that case, defeating the Magnus Bestia in the forest may end up with a newbie zone getting removed…
_ Choruse: Good, they will be forced to buy food to have a chance in stronger zones.
_ Inerin: That's extortion!!!
_ Vulkerzelianna Merashiel: What about the cold, dead corpses that were once innocent living beings until you appeared~?
_ Fuelri: Innocent my beast's tail! They swarmed me the moment I walked into the water… Though I do have a boss corpse in my inventory…
_ Vulkerzelianna Merashiel: It's nice isn't it~ Giving up your common sense in exchange for power. You know it's not normal, but also impossible to turn it down~ Little by little your mind becomes corrupted by…
_ Fuelri: Stop! STOP! I have tried my best not thinking about it!!!
_ Inerin: Enough with the mind screwing already, Mera…
Because the waitresses were having fun chatting, the patrons weren't served in time and rioted anyway.
--- Topic: Avitus Caelicola ---
## Nearseeing Sage
Done. I lost one of my wives to acquire this knowledge. You guys had better be grateful! (;_;)
- Name: Tenri Yassel
- Appearance: 1st form [Pic] and 4th form [Pic]
- Strength: Magnus Bestia level, confirmed.
- Notes: 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms are mutually exclusive and triggered depending on the fighters. 4th form is the strongest form with highest stats and unavoidable AoE attacks. The fighting party got that one and crushed it.
Contact me if you want to buy its stats info, as always.
## Manly Warrior
Your (wife's) sacrifice will not be forgotten. (;一_一)
So these bosses can have multiple forms. Are you guys going to be alright fighting the Magnus Bestia?
## Nearseeing Sage
Can't know until the time comes. The party refused to provide the battle footages.
## Fire mage of Justice
Phoenix Ashes planned to fight one Magnus Bestia for a month.
Pervert Alliance is on the other one, estimated to take days at the very least.
…And this one, as strong as those two, got wrecked before anyone else could see it.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
## Bountiful Hunter
A new big guild? Guild name please.
## Nearseeing Sage
…Illusive Sprout, and a waitress in the corps. If you count the summon, that's 3 fighters in total against the boss.
## Bountiful Hunter
What. The. Heck.
## Newbie Charisma build
What the heck indeed. Are they the in-game equivalent of the irl Tyrant?
## Fire mage of Justice
Too soon dude.
Tyrant is a controversial topic. Please avoid talking about them here.
Back on topic, how do I join force with Illusive Sprout?!
--- Topic: Corpse patch (1.0c10) raid AAR ---
!Displaying thread in [Compact View] due to number of posts. Click [Here] to switch back to [Standard View]!
## Manly Warrior: The new corpse mechanics and variants once again reminded us that Sateri-chan does not like players being complacent. We need to review how we approach raids from now on to avoid damaging Tyrel.
Patch 1.0c11 has its own thread. Please discuss the emergency patch there instead.
## Fire mage of Justice: One thing is certain. No more indiscriminate barrage! The corpse mountains will be the end of us!
## OP alchemist: It WAS the end of us! Half the town is in ruins, and we couldn’t stop the horde once they breached the walls.
## Newbie Charisma build: Moral of the story: The waitresses are too OP?
## Silver Merchant: Depending on them may not be the best idea though… The cavalry elf was terrorizing both the horde AND the defenders! I would rather not have to be in her path ever again!
## Bountiful Hunter: They also scored a large part of the kills. For some players, the raid loots couldn't pay for the food and potion cost.
## Flame knight of Darkness: The siege camp of the Pervert Alliance stood strong despite having worse walls. Maybe we can adapt their strategy?
## Maximus Archery: Only shoot the climbers and destroy the corpses. Little to no loot and experience.
## Fire mage of Justice: RIP economy and power leveling.
## Manly Warrior: What about small but elite parties gunning for the kills and loots for distributing after raids?
## GoldBar9999: That requires those detachments to willingly split the loots. Anything depending on human's voluntary cooperation is asking for failure.
## Nearseeing Sage: Everyone will "volunteer" to share when economic sanctions are the alternative option. Muahahahah!!!
## Flame knight of Darkness: Then it's settled for the loot part. How do we deal with the experience?
## Maximus Archery: Take turns being detachments, eazy.
## Manly Warrior: Nice idea. All in all the raid profits plummeted after the patch, but we can still take advantage of it.
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