《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 16: Maestro
Ugh, Shadyna here… I am working hard…
I got [Mass Refinery] as I reached level 5 on [Refinery]. But, because of skill level, I had to keep using [Refinery] to maximize the loots. Uuu…
I did ask for corpses to dismantle, but I didn't ask for that many! Elri, you are really violating the labor laws~
Still, I managed to process all the corpses except for one that day…
Turns out, dealing with the items from all that [Dismantling] is worse! If I throw them all out, it would be enough to fill a warehouse!
In the end I had to make a few wagons using [Construction] from [Creation] to store them.
Elri was against the idea of bringing the wagons to the market, since probably wouldn't like a former member to play around their place. Instead, she traded a good part of the loots for a house in 's territory.
I was given a key to the house too.
…Even though I already have a base back in the valley…
So, for the last few days, I have been screwing around with [Creation] using my share of the loots in our love nest.
Elri has been selling the remaining items of her share in the tavern. She intended to enhance the halberd again, but I asked her to put it on hold.
Because I want to try making actually usable items for once!
_ Shadyna: And so here I am~
_ Hessy: Don't "And so" without even giving the reason!!!
You mind too many little details, Hessy~
_ Shadyna: Hessy, how much does [Heroic Inspiration Course] cost?
_ Hessy: That was out of nowhere… It's sold for a full party, so it's not something you want to eat just because.
_ Hessy (PM): Takes around 30 high-level corpses to make one. Around 100-150 silver coins in material expense, if you dismantle yourself. The hard part is getting [Cooking] and attributes high enough to have the desired effect strength.
_ Hessy: But if you want to know, it's 10 gold coins for one set. Fighting a level 20 boss requires somewhere around 2-5 parties, so… 50 gold coins.
Expensive! In the economy of less than 1 silver coin per dismantled corpse, it's too expensive! Even if you count the money acquired from selling materials from dismantling, it's still too expensive!!!
No wonder why called it guild-economy-crippling! If you eat it and fail to achieve your goal, your treasury gets a dent for nothing!
I have the 500 gold coins, but it's still scary to even think about buying this meal!
And I cannot make it myself yet. As she said, I need high skill level. I don't think my attributes can compensate for the difference in our skills… For the time being.
_ Shadyna: Un, I'll have one course please. Here's the money.
_ Hessy: Why?!
If I wasn't interested in buying, why would I ask you to begin with…
_ Shadyna: I want to make some specialized equipment to stack crafting skills.
I have been studying properly in the last few days you know! Thanks to the helpful merchants in the market who kindly taught me various tips while quaking in fear, I got some neat ideas on how to abus… taking advantage of the crafting system.
_ Hessy: Skill stacking? It only works for the item you use for crafting. When I cook, only my kitchen furniture and knife add to the skill level, even if I wear full armor set enchanted with [Cooking]. It's not worth using food buffs to have 1 or 2 skill levels, and that depends on RNGod too.
As expected of the [Dark Bolt] min-maxer, she really tried things out.
What she's saying is that I can only have one weapon (tool) and one furniture (infrastructure) to stack my skills. A min-maxed enchanter with fully stacked equipment can bestow at most a level 3 skill if they only unlocked the skill, and a level 5 skill if they have that skill at above that level. With extreme food buffs, they have a low chance of getting a level 7 enchantment.
[Enchant] has potential to be overpowered, depending on the skill added, but that was probably the reason why Sateri made sure the skill level remains relatively low.
Imagine my [Accelerate Power] being enchanted to level 7 in a small dagger, even that will probably one-shot most bosses in the game.
Un, luckily I am a pacifist huh, Sateri?
I wonder if Hessy is having a level 7 [Dark Bolt] enchantment on her swords?
_ Shadyna: I know. I am trying to do something about it, hence I need your help!
_ Hessy: …[Enchant] depends FOC, WIT and MEN. I can make you something that solely increases those attributes at a cheaper price. Do you want it instead?
_ Shadyna: FOC, WIT and MEN huh…
I check my notes. What I need is…
_ Shadyna: On second thought, let's go full power grinding~ Could you pack up your material storage and come with me for today?
_ Hessy: …Excuse me?!
_ Tippe: Everyone! Bad news!
the perverted mage runs into the tavern in panic. If this was real life, he would probably be out of breath too.
_ Maximus: What? Did some gal reject your advances again?
_ Tippe: Well, there's also that, but that's not what I'm talking about!
and could only sigh. Listening patrons break out laughter before resuming their meal time.
_ Ignar: What is it then? Weren't you buying food from ?
_ Tippe: I was! But listen, the shop is closed for today!
_ Spearman: Where am I supposed to get abused?!
_ Ignar: You guys don't even consider that shop a place to eat?!
The true desires are leaking out as usual in the former BDSM club. "Former" because the verbal abuse dropped dramatically after had left, obviously.
_ Tippe: I asked the people in the market, and they said she had eloped with a little girl!!!
_ Ignar: I am damn sure they didn't say that! What the hell did they say, exactly?!
_ Knight: To think she would be such a criminal…
_ Ignar: Why are you believing him?!
_ Maximus: This game is plagued with idiots.
_ Tippe: Well, they said she went somewhere with a little girl. Appearance seems to match Illusive Sprout.
_ Merchant: Welp. The last time they were together a guild war happened.
_ Ignar: That's not necessarily bad news isn't it? Maybe they just went out to train?
_ Tippe: …"Power grinding" was mentioned, and brought a whole wagon with her.
_ Ignar: …Crap.
_ Maximus: That "thing" can get even stronger?!
It is bad news for anyone who still think they have a chance of fighting against the Particle Lolider.
_ Nerin: If benefits from this "Power grinding", I doubt even 's equipment could survive her [Dark Bolt]… This… may have consequences.
_ Maximus: Just curious, how strong is compared to the rest of you waitresses?
_ Nerin: I would say she's the strongest, but specialized in healing and support so we can win if we outnumber her… That was the last time we sparred together.
_ Maximus: Heh. Better get going then. That brat aside, the [Dark Bolt] maxer will be unstoppable if she gets a power-up.
_ Nerin: I'm surprised you are quite calm. Aren't you a PvP specialist? At this rate will top you.
let out a big sigh, which is untypical of him.
_ Maximus: I have seen her true form. The little brat and everything she touched grew out of control. She can't be stopped.
_ Nerin: …As much as I hate that idea, I have to agree.
, who has experienced the LDR bonus from when she was level 4, sadly understands what the assassin is talking about.
_ Tippe: This game needs booze, for we need some way to drown ourselves in times of despair like this.
_ Ignar: I know right?
_ Elri: Why is she here?!
As soon as Hessy and I enter the house, we are greeted by a surprised Elri~
_ Hessy: Oh, good day. Nice job on the last raid by the way, I was wrong for doubting you.
_ Elri: …What? Who are you?! Are you an imposter?! isn't supposed to be like this!!!
_ Hessy: Just what kind of image of me were you having?!
_ Shadyna: Hiyo Elri~ Did you just login?
I better stop this flirting before it turns into a disaster. Hessy and Elri are not a good mix together after all~
_ Elri: Yeah. I put what you were asking for in the basement. Going to head out now.
_ Shadyna: Thank you for your hard work~
_ Hessy: …There was a rumor that you bought this house to cohabit with a little girl, but I didn't think it would be here.
_ Elri: What the hell?!
Uwa, I guess dismantling hundreds of corpses in plain sight drew more attraction than expected. This is a big scandal~
_ Hessy: Don't ask me. I just thought of it as your hobby.
No use, Elri's reputation is already tainted forever. RIP~
_ Shadyna: Do you want to live here too, Hessy?
_ Hessy: I'll pass. I don't think Elri here would like a third wheel in her love nest.
_ Elri: You don't believe me at all do you?! This is why you are so…!!!
Does that mean you don't mind living with me? Can I interpret it that way?
_ Shadyna: Don't worry~ I will work hard to expand the house~
_ Elri: That isn't the problem here!!!
But I would like you two to get along… Oh well, let's not rush it.
_ Shadyna: Anyway, we will be doing this and that in the basement today. Would you like to join as well?
_ Hessy: As usual, nothing can stop her pace.
Lucky for all of us, even general chat can't be heard from outside if we are in a house.
And so, the basement~
_ Elri: So, what are you doing today?
_ Hessy: You have been with her for the last few days and don't know?
_ Elri: I was busy grinding to buy a new mount! Hopefully will get it by the end of this week.
_ Shadyna: I didn't spend the whole time in here you know~ There were occasions I had to run errands too.
At the secret base in the valley, to be exact. I was farming a ton of materials there, while mining various ore veins found during "excavation"! That's why I could do so much crafting in such a short time.
_ Hessy: Could you refrain from running at the speed of a rocket outside by the way? People were talking about it too.
I was just running as fast as possible though…
_ Shadyna: Since Elri is here, let's dismantle the raid boss corpse first. Hessy, could you use the fruits and meat from the shelves over there? I am going to get the equipment for you.
_ Hessy: Equipment…?
Hessy has her own food inventory with her, but this is for Elri, so I am going to use my own materials for [Cooking].
This house didn't have this basement originally, by the way. I dug it hastily by pulling out a part of the floor and throwing Gelly until satisfied.
Because of that, there were only some shafts to keep terrain from regenerating. It didn't have proper walls and floors. I plan to furnish this place later… probably.
I made multiple sub-floors here, like the platforms you see in mines where miners stand to dig on higher parts. They are not for mining, but to place the many storage shelves I made to put the items after getting them out of the wagons.
Each shelf is labeled properly, so there's no problem! And because there's no floor separating them, we can access the other platforms using ladders, or even jump if our DEX allows it.
While Hessy is getting the cooking materials, Elri is finding the raid boss corpse in the corpse tent at the bottom of the basement. And I am looking through the shelf labeled "Equipment - DEX"
Yes, I crafted so many things I had to make a separate shelf for each equipment type.
_ Hessy: DEX, FOC and LCK should be fine right?
The 3 attributes affecting [Dismantling]. Right, I don't need all attribute boosts if I use the food for dismantling job.
_ Shadyna: Yes, for now. If possible could you maximize the effect strength and minimum duration? I only intend to dismantle one corpse.
_ Hessy: Sure.
Grabbing things from the FOC, LCK and LDR equipment shelves, I bring them all to the kitchen right outside the corpse tent.
_ Shadyna: Elri has no LDR so… Hessy, please equip these and be party leader.
I give her a full equipment set including weapons.
[ LDR #18 Dagger (Normal)], [ LDR #12 Hairpin (Normal)], [ LDR #23 Gloves (Normal)]… Too many! 1 weapon, 1 shield, 8 pieces of armor, 8 pieces of runes, to the total of 18 equipment you can equip at maximum, all named [ LDR (Normal)] because I was crafting many of them just to get the maximum stats possible for my skill level!
While there are more possible slots, you cannot equip more than that amount.
Just a fun fact, the body alone can have outer armor, inner armor, base clothes and bra, just to name the possible upper body slots you can create equipment for!
That is kind of scary, to be honest.
wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to put bras on his head!!!
_ Hessy: What. The. Heck?! What are these 8 crystal plates with drawings on them?!
_ Shadyna: They are runes. They have different equip limit type from armors so you can have 8 of them.
_ Hessy: Runes? I have heard of it, but this is the first time I see o…
She facepalms, as if realizing something.
_ Elri: I don't really understand, but I can sympathize with you, .
_ Hessy: Do you remember the system messages during the last raid?
_ Elri: …Something about an old artist?
_ Hessy: Ancient art user, not old! was the person the messages referred to!!!
…Oops, I forgot to inform anyone about that, partly because I was stuck here crafting stuff!
Elri, why are you facepalming as well? You are supposed to be at odds with Hessy all the time~
_ Hessy: And why do they all have LDR bonus?! Equipment don't have attribute bonus!!!
_ Elri: …For the first time, I am really glad I do not have [Inspect].
Ignorance is bliss, you mean?
_ Shadyna: Runes are the equipment that have attribute bonus, while armors and weapons have status bonus. I made them all multi-category items, so they are actually armor-runes hybrids which have LDR bonus.
Hessy fell on her knees out of shock. I was just playing normally though…?
_ Hessy: That's not how it works!!! Multi-category items are supposed to be so weak no one wants to use them! 10 LDR per piece is not balanced! What would happen to a pure rune?! A +50 or something?!
_ Shadyna: …10, just like a hybrid? Multi-category items and "pure" items have same bonus for me, so…
How would I know that, Hessy…
_ Elri: …Let's just put that aside for now? I think you will die from exhaustion and mental damage at this rate.
For some reason, Elri is treating Hessy surprisingly nicely right now! Who are you and what have you done to the real abrasive elf girl?!
_ Hessy: R… right. I will just cook real quick…
_ Shadyna: Would you like a set for cooking too?
_ Hessy: No thanks. I feel like I will unleash a great evil to the world so…
How rude~
_ Hessy: This kitchen is usable right?
_ Shadyna: Un, but before you cook, please activate it. It's a hybrid item that is also a consumable. Mediocre food buffs are granted to improve your [Cooking]~
Hessy, why are you doing that orz pose…?
A blue light covers her as she activates the consumable (?) kitchen. I maximize its effects, so the usage count is bad. Better recharge it later.
_ Hessy: [Cooking]…
Her morale is completely gone~
_ Hessy: Here you go, a [Butcher House Special].
It's a small dish of meat and sauce, as expected of something you would see sold in a butcher shop.
With this, I have high expectations for my dismantling!
_ Shadyna: Okay, I'm giving you party lead~ Please put on the LDR equipment~
_ Hessy: …Right.
She looks like a newbie adventurer after changing. Well, I made it with the beginner clothing in mind, so that anyone can wear it without problem.
And Hessy… you are unexpectedly bold, being able to change in front of others like that~
_ Shadyna: By the way, Elri, do you want better loots or more loots?
_ Elri: Eh? Ehm… better loots, I think? I leveled up during the raid, so better gears would be appreciated…
_ Shadyna: Right on~ LCK gear, change~
Having a few bites, I check my status before starting.
_ Shadyna: All good, [Refinery]!
These skills exceeded [Silent Cast], so if I silently cast them, their effective skill level became the same as [Silent Cast]. Can't have that~
And… done~
Received a ton of items~
_ Shadyna: I am throwing the items out of my inventory now. Please help bringing them to the corresponding shelf~
Before they could answer, a mountain of items manifests itself at the bottom of the basement!
…That is a lot. The salamander was big, but I am pretty sure the item pile is bigger.
If this was real life, it would probably be me having more meat than the total weight of the prey after butchering.
_ Elri: , do you always have this many items from [Dismantling]?
_ Hessy: As if! It's not feasible to play solely using [Dismantling], and there's this thing called "quantity or quality" tradeoff!
Right, this amount is by focusing on "quality". I would have many more if I focused on "quantity", in theory.
Nope, I don't want to spend days cleaning up the inventory!
After cleaning up, we found the supposedly rare drops of the boss.
[ Draconic Heavy Armor (Unique)]
[ Draconic Greatsword (Unique)]
[ Draconic Greatbow (Unique)]
[ Draconic Striking Rune (Unique)]
[Summon Stone ]
Even a rune is included!
_ Hessy: So was correct…
_ Elri: About…?
_ Hessy: That Sateri-chan would only allow certain drops once players are able to craft it. She said in the first few days of closed beta, before [Enchant] was found, no enchanted item could drop from monsters.
_ Elri: …Now that unlocked rune crafting, they can be found as loots, you mean?
That's a good way to avoid spoilers. Nice job, Sateri~
_ Shadyna: Too bad there was no halberd or dual swords~
_ Elri: That's no problem. I can bring these to a merchant to reforge them into a halberd.
Ah right, did mention something like that. [Weapon Reforge], I think?
_ Elri: , do you want new dual swords?
_ Hessy: …Eh? You are giving me one?
_ Elri: Your buffs made this possible. It's normal to give you your share?
Seriously, where's the abrasive and rude Elri?!
_ Hessy: …No, you should reforge it into an armor piece. I will accept the meat of this corpse as payment.
_ Elri: If you say so.
Luxury meal incoming? A meal that transcends all limits is coming to town?!
And so, Elri leaves the house to reforge the ominous rare equipment… I had better be prepared to enchant [Accelerate Bonus] again.
But for now, it's time to get to the main business!
…What are we going to do about this [Summon Stone]? Oh well, I'll give it the Elri when she comes back.
_ Nerin: …Welcome back.
, guildmaster of , suddenly comes back to town for unknown reason. Even the waitresses weren't expecting him.
_ Warrior: Oh, ! Did you defeat the Magnus Bestia already?
_ Torenis: Not yet, but it's half-way done. Two more weeks at most.
_ Nerin: Good for you. Is there anything you need?
_ Torenis: Nothing. Just making sure everything is in order. Did the ancient art user reveal themselves?
_ Nerin: No news so far, unfortunately. "Runes" have been reportedly dropping as loots now, so it's probably a crafting skill. However, we still do not have anyone with that skill, so there's no way to unlock or enchant it.
_ Torenis: I see. Keep up the work then. It's your job isn't it?
Saying so, he leaves the tavern as quickly as he arrived.
_ Nerin: …
_ Mera: My my~ You are having a sour look, Nerin~
_ Nerin: He did not recruit me, Mera. Hessy did.
The cheerful waitress turns around and walks towards the room in the back.
_ Mera: I know. Who do you think recruited me?
It was a calm if not emotionless voice that have never been heard from the said-to-be always smiling waitress.
Nerin is scared to even think about the expression Mera is having.
--- Topic: Rune crafting ---
## Manly Warrior
Embarrassingly enough, we didn't find this crafting skill until this day.
## Fire mage of Justice
Tbh we had a pretty good idea that we probably missed a crafting skill for permanent attribute bonus. We just never found the unlock condition. orz
## Nearseeing Sage
We still have not found it, just saying.
Nothing for days. This makes the whole deal with Illusive Sprout and her SG skill looks so short in comparison!
## CuteIsJustice
Have you tried asking her?
The beast tamer was her too right?
She barely showed up the last few days, and the cute girl thread is rioting already! orz
## Nearseeing Sage
This isn't a manga. Coincidences like that do not happen in real life!
Origin titles are really powerful because they are not supposed to be hoarded by one player. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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