《New Roads》Chapter: 9 Aftermath
Hyun Lee opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the shadowy interior of his capsule. The next thing he noticed was someone quietly crying nearby. He frowned in confusion, not entirely sure why he was back in reality.
Then in a sudden realization his body went rigid!
Seoyoon was pregnant! She was going to be a mother! Which meant… he was going to be a father.
The crying interrupted his thoughts and he looked to his right, in the direction of the sound. There should only be one person in this room, other than himself…
He got out of his capsule and walked hesitantly towards another capsule that was beside his own. The source of the weeping noise
was coming inside. He popped open the hatch to see a weeping angel. That would be the only way to describe the image of
Seoyoon curled up and weeping within the capsule. He stood in silence for a bit, unsure of what to do.
Eventually Seoyoon noticed him, but instead of going to him, she curled up into an even tighter ball and the crying became
noticeably more pronounced. The increase in volume snapped Hyun out of his trance and he reached out to gently shake her,
muttering things like what was wrong. Each time he reached out he was rebuked by her jerking her body away or crying louder.
Despite her reactions, the increase in volume of her cries was a relief to him. If she was silent, like how she had been when they
first met, he wouldn’t know what to do.
But in this case he knew what to do, almost instinctively. He ignored her rebukes and firmly grabbed hold of her, before picking
her up princess style and carrying her to their bedroom. Once inside, he just held her tight as they sat on their bed. Gradually her cries died down to sniffles and her body began to loosen in his arms. After a few more minutes she looked up at him.
In her eyes were emotions of sadness, overlaid by intense fear. It was that fear he saw that gave him pause. He had no idea in the first place why she was crying, but the fact that she was crying out of fear seemed to shake him. Eventually he managed to utter out.
“What’s wrong, what is it that you are afraid of? I’ll defeat whatever it is. So, please….don’t cry.”
This somehow caused her to burst into more tears as she clung tightly to him. He continued to hold her and wait. A few more minutes passed until she calmed down again. Then her voice, now hoarse from sobbing, emanated from his chest.
“I’m scared for the baby. I’m terrified that….that….th-that I’ll be like my mother!”
This caused her to fall into another crying fit. This time Hyun just stroked her back and made soothing noises, similar to how he
used to calm his sister down when she was little. When Seoyoon’s weeping quieted he pushed her away from himself so he could
look into her eyes. They were puffy and red by now and some might say they marred her beauty. But to him she was always
beautiful and therefore was transfixed for a while before smiling.
“It’s ok, you won’t be like her. Your stronger than that.”
His words seemed to calm her slightly, but there was still uncertainty in her eyes. He realized he needed to say and do something
more. He wasn’t sure what it was, but then he could feel it. It was in the back of his brain, the small nugget of fear that he was
keeping bottled up. He realized he had to share it with her.
“I’m scared too,” he said this softly as one by one, tears began to leak out of his eyes as he smiled at her, “I’m terrified about
whether or not I’ll be a good father. My parents left me and my sister saddled with debt, I feel almost paralyzed by the fear that
I’ll do the same to ours. But you know what? I…..I think that together we can do this. You will be an excellent mother, I can’t think
of anyone else I’d rather raise my, no, our child with.”
Like the sun, Seoyoons smile warmed up the room as she tackled Hyun into their bed and kissed him.
“Thankyou….I think I needed to hear that from you.”
“No problem.”
The rest of the day was spent holding each other and reaffirming their love for one another. It was something they hadn’t done in a while and both realized they should’ve done this sooner. Eventually as the day began to darken to night, they fell asleep in each other’s arms; exhausted from the two long days spent in the game world and exhausted emotionally from the aftermath.
Pete got up and stretched just long enough to begin feeling like he was alive again, before all his blood rushed to his head and he fell to the floor.
“AARGGHH, ouch”
He had just logged out after friending everyone he had partied with and a few of the other survivors. But now that the stress of the event was over with, all the fatigue he had accumulated caught up with him. He slowly clambered up into his bed and was about to get some actual sleep, when his phone buzzed. He opened his messages and saw that Ju had sent him something.
Ugghhh, I can’t even! That event was too hard
He narrowed his eyes in annoyance, he knew his sister knew that he hated when she ever used any white girl tropes. He quickly texted back.
the hell does can’t even mean? Plus, couldn’t you have just come over here and told me that?
You could just as easily walked over here and told me that as well!
you’re so lazy! We haven’t moved all that much for the past two days and you’re telling me that you can’t get up and
walk over here!?
Says the guy who fell! I bet you’re stiff as a board and tired too!
-_- whatever
my point exactly
Juliet looked up at her ceiling after her phone argument with her brother. Her forehead felt a bit hot from where the Acessor Gear
had been attached for the greater part of the past two days. Lazily, she flicked her right hand from her side and rested it on her forehead. Her hand had grown cold from lack of activity and was a cooling presence on her skin.
She closed her eyes and just allowed herself to sink into her bed. She felt the exhaustion of someone who had been away from
home for a long time and had finally returned. It was like this that she gradually drifted off to sleep.
“Juliet come down for dinner right now! I will throw out that game system if you don’t come down this instance!”
“I’m coming! I fell asleep!”
Ju groaned as she got out of bed. In the background she could hear her mom shouting the same thing into her twin’s room. After
taking a few unsteady steps, she shook off her tiredness and walked out of her room.
Her door closed with a light bang as she stepped out into the hallway. Looking to her left she saw her twin walk out of his room.
He didn’t bother closing the door and merely yawned as a greeting to her.
“Oonnneee! Twwooo!-“
When their mom began to count, they knew they had taken too much time! The twins rushed down stairs, desperate to keep their
game systems.
Kaoru Kleine stepped out of her capsule stiffly.
“AAaahh, gosh that was such a long event!”
“But it was fun, finally getting to play this game!”
Her two older sister had already gotten out of their capsules. They stood their stretching and trying to shake off the stiffness
from not having moved around much.
“Mmmmhh, it was long.”
Kaoru murmured her agreement. Her verbal confirmation reminded her sisters that she was there, and they immediately had
leering grins on their faces.
“Aaahh, but don’t you think Kaoru that it would’ve been nice for it to go on longer?”
“Ne, ne Kaoru… it seemed like you were REALLY enjoying that event.”
Kaoru blushed and ducked her head, her white hair covering her reddening face. However the blush wasn’t limited to her face as
it traced a fiery path down her porcelain, white neck. She wouldn’t take that though from her sisters.
“But what about you Kuromi-nee? Did you find that ‘white’ guy you were so desperate to find?”
It was now time for the middle sister to blush. Though hers was a blush of anger more so than one of embarrassment. She
slammed her fist into her other hand.
“No… That bastard wasn’t there. He might’ve started in one of the other towns, but when I find him I’m gonna crush him!”
Now the eldest sister stepped in.
“Iyaaa – Kuromi why are you always so violent?”
“geh! I’m not always violent! It’s just that jerk!”
With the conversation successfully diverted away from her, Kaoru skipped out of the room towards the kitchen. At the kitchen
table, her dad was drinking coffee as he was flicking through his emails.
“Aaahh, I see you’re up and out of the game! How was it?”
“It was lots of fun!”
Her father smiled at this. He was always worried about his youngest. With a stature that belied her age, coupled with the issues
she had as an albino. He was constantly fretting over her wellbeing. It hadn’t been too long ago that she had been a complete shut
in, due to callous remarks from classmates at school that had resulted in her ceasing to attend.
“What about you Papa? How’s work?”
“Hmm? Oh, it’s going just fine. All of Unicorn’s Japanese branch servers are running smoothly so I gave myself the morning off to
see how you girls were doing.”
Kaoru smiled and hugged her dad before rushing into the kitchen to make something for herself for breakfast.
Jack sat at the table in a somewhat listless manner. He slowly ate the steak and potato dinner his mom had made, but without his usual enthusiasm. He was vaguely aware of his younger siblings’ excited conversation with their parents. He was currently too
busy with his own issues to think about anything else. However-
“WHAT was that girl’s name again?”
He thought he had heard a familiar name, one that would always manage to stoke his competitive flame.
“Aaahh, how nice of you to come back to earth Jack.”
His father made the comment with a bemused expression on his face as his little sister looked at him with annoyance, since he
had interrupted her story.
“What? Which girl’s name?”
Jack pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to recall the bit of the conversation he was interested in.
“Uh, um, the one that stayed with you guys? Uhh, oh yeah. The one that would attack first!”
“oh, her character name was Kurokami.”
“….I see. So she made it into this game as well huh?”
Jack mumbled off the last bit as he began to finish off the rest of his meal with an intense enthusiasm. The rest of his family
looked at him curiously, throughout the entire meal he had seemed to be on autopilot so when he suddenly sprung back to life they
were naturally curious as to what caused it.
He gulped down the last of his food and then stared intently at his parents. There was a fire in his eyes. Their intensity was
something that his family was used to seeing only when he was playing soccer.
“Mom… Dad..”
“I’m quitting my summer job. But don’t worry I can make money a different way.”
“WHAT!? What do you mean you’re quitting your job? How are you going to make money in a different way?”
His parents looked at him with very displeased expressions. Their expressions darkened further when an answer wasn’t forthcoming. Instead they saw Jack raise his hand, as if to say ‘wait’, and began fiddling with his smartphone with his other hand.
“I thought we told you no phones at the table.”
Jacks dad muttered, as he watched his eldest doing something with his smartphone.
“Here it is!”
With a triumphant look, Jack shoved his phone’s display is his parent’s direction. After reflexively flinching backwards, his mom took the phone out of his hand and looked at the information displayed on it. After that she passed it on to his dad so he could read what was on the screen. His dad then handed it back to him. His mom and dad exchanged glances before looking back at their son.
“Do you really think anyone is going to start with a bid that high at this point?”
His dad spoke for both himself and his wife. Jack looked down at his phone again before replying with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Somebody already has.”
His parents shared another glance before his dad replied.
“Alright, I think I understand what your plan is. IF you can keep this rate up, this could very well be quite lucrative for you. Which
means you’ll owe us less in the long run for housing for the next four years. So I think we agree that you can quit your job.”
“Yes, BUT there will still be play restrictions. I don’t want you becoming unhealthy because of that game. Also, if you can’t continue to earn more you will have to find a new summer job and you will be restricted from playing for the rest of the summer.”
His parents both had serious expressions on their faces. They wanted him to have fun in everything he was doing, including his job. However, they also wanted him to earn money since the deal between them was that, they would pay for tuition if he would pay for housing. He understood this and gladly accepted the new conditions.
“Alright, well then….may I excuse myself so I can get back to ‘work’?”
“No, the rest of us are still eating dinner and you need to talk to your family.”
Jack’s shoulders sagged slightly at his mom’s quick judgment on his request. But he knew he would have time later….
New Road’s official site! It was the website created by Unicorn to provide all information pertaining to their flagship game. It also hosted the hall of fame and the gamer rankings for the game. It was in this section of the site that quite a stir was being caused.
Naturally, as the reclamation battles were being finished up across the Versailles continent, users turned their eyes to these
places to see the end result of the battles. This was seen in the form of the rankings and the players who were invited to the hall
of fame. As these hall of famers accepted their invitations, they also began to upload videos of their exploits during the battles.
While many videos caused exclamations of surprise and excitement, it wasn’t until videos from Morata were uploaded that there was an explosion of interest on the site. Everyone new that it had been the first place to be successfully reclaimed and wanted to see how the final battle panned out. When it was revealed that Weed had taken part in the battle, no one was surprised anymore that it had been the first place to be reclaimed. That was until they saw the mysterious newcomer that shocked everyone during
the final battle by delivering the final blow directly inside the gaping maw of the Bone Dragon or the epic attack that lead to the
beast’s downfall from the little girl. Both events caused the comment section for the video to become flooded.
- Kyaaaa! That guy is so cool!
- Che only reason he could even fight beside the Geomchi’s is cuz he was a vampire.
- Dats one badass loli!
- Super loli! (^<>^)
- But seriously how did she pull of that attack!? What’s with all that japtem disappearing?
The comments continued along these lines as more and more people watched the videos. That was until……..
- Everyone on right now HAS to go to the Auction site
- YEAH! Something IMPOSSIBLE happened!
Comments such as this began to pop up and increased at an alarming rate.
When users went to check the section of the site that contained an official auction site where users could directly auction off in-
game items from their accounts they saw a post that already had over ten million hits.
The post was for the auctioning of a sword. Which in itself wasn’t all that surprising, given that everyone had several swords they
had looted from the corpses of the enemies within the cities and they wanted to be rid of them while making money. What was surprising and what caused the uproar was that this particular sword shouldn’t have appeared for at least a few more months if not years.
Ancient sword of the Rosenheim Guard
This is a ceremonial sword that was given to distinguished guardsmen. It was imbued with magic to help retain its quality. Though it could do with a sharpening and a polish
Durability: 800/1000
Damage: 8~10
Level Restriction: 200 Special Options:
+ 10% Leadership
+ 5% Charm
+20% resistance to abnormal status effects
While it lacked destructive power, it made up for it with special options that would help anyone trying to rise through the ranks of a kingdom quickly. Not to mention its level restriction could only be met by a small portion of the player base that had taken a very active role during the reclamation battles. The users were all confused by how such an item could show up now.
- Well, at least we know it can’t be a fake, this is Unicorn’s official site after all
- You don’t think it’s a glitch in the system?
- Nooo, I think Unicorn is watching this site like a hawk for these first few days.
- Still, who the hell is this Weiss guy and how did he get this sword…
Kuromi crunched down hard on the chip she was having as an afternoon snack. Her eyes were riveted to her computer, which had the official auction site for New Road up. Her expression was one of anger but oddly also showed hints of excitement and happiness.
“So you really are playing…..Weiss!”
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Geehee! Sorry for the wait as always. I hope you enjoyed the chapter as it brought the story back around to my original main character, the elder brother Jack! Also for those of you complaining about no WeedxSeoyoon mush, I hope this alleviates the issue. As always leave comments down below and rate + review me!
- This chapter is dedicated to Robin Williams. He will be sorely missed.
The Sorceress of San Antonio
Your world isn't supposed to go completely sideways on your seventeenth birthday. Most girls are hoping for a car, Victoria is hoping her dad comes home from the hospital and maybe a date for the spring formal. What she gets is an offer she can't refuse a beautiful blue box swimming in front of her eyes. Happy 17th birthday! You have 24 hours to complete set up and registration, or the system will initialize with default settings. Again Happy birthday! Somedays you change the world and others it changes you.
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The Will of the Dead
Have you ever felt true despair? The need to just not exist anymore? Then you too know the Cruelty of the World and the Edge of Madness. Thorin — a pickpocket in Athros city — was taken to that edge, teetering on the borders of sanity. He took the odds and embraced the disdain for the society that pushed him over, letting the deep-seated hatred burn up inside him. He chose to take revenge but, to do so, he needed power. His quest for strength found him gripping the same thing he shied away from — death itself. Using the unholy powers of Necromancy, he became an enemy to all that lives, a force against the nature itself. And nothing shall stand in his way. Welcome to the story a young man who died while alive. Welcome to a story about becoming the master of all. Welcome to The Will of the Dead. Hi this is a semi rewrite of my previous novel The Will of the Strong. Beginning is a little slow but it will pick up pace by chap 4-5 Also skip chapter 6 if you do not enjoy graphic material. Thanks for reading, Danjor
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Earth's Army In Another World
As the god's battleground starts to turn into anarchy with justice and prosperity disappearing and instead being replaced by pain and suffering, the goddess of Justice and Prosperity has to do something that no other god or goddess has done. Call upon the forces of a godless planet. She wanted the strongest, and got the strongest. She got armies from three separate countries, and has forced upon them a mission of no return. Literally. Like they can't return to earth unless they complete it. Without any governments, the armies are left to fend for themselves with a large amount of bullets, tanks, planes, and ships. This story will have a large amount of characterization and slice of life moments. I did an insane amount of research for this and poured so much time in, not just militarily, but other basic necessity things as well. Fights will be bloody, magic will be rampant, and the slice of life moments will just warm you to the core. (actual kingdom building)
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The White Rabbit
In the Urillian Empire, the Empress Xandra rules three-quarters of the planet Xren from her home in the capital of the Earth Continent. Both the fire and water peoples have fallen under her might after a series of wars stretching back three centuries. Earth elves, under Xandra's rule, have spread throughout the planet and established colonies, and are, by all accounts, enjoying what seems to be a prosperous and happy existence. But not everyone in Uril is happy. The holy books speak of elves as the Chosen People of Thesis, tasked with guiding and protecting the lower races. For some people, this scripture has been interpreted to designate their life as one on the lowest rungs of society. Humans have been reduced to a slave class, and serve their elven masters under Xandra's rule, kept at bay by the constant fear of the dreaded Emerald Knight, and their own perceived weakness. Humans do not lead long lives, nor do they possess the wisdom, power, or magical acumen of their elven masters. But there is hope. A group of people have banded together to fight against Xandra, her Knight, and her empire. They call themselves the "Knights of Order" united under the principle idea that Xandra's reign has brought chaos unto Xren, and they wish to restore order. These Knights are led by a man named Xaxac Brigaddon, spoken of as a legend. They say that when the moons are full, some humans transform into powerful beasts. They say that Xaxac is the most powerful warrior on Xren, that in his youth he was enslaved and forced to fight other humans to the death in a bloodsport called "cage fighting", that he could not be touched and held the world championship title for three years running until he faked his own death and escaped his master to join the resistance. They say that he has friends in high places- noblemen, pirates, and the devil himself. They say that if you can find him, he can ferry you to freedom in places where the Earth Elves fear to tread. They say that he is immune to magical attack, and his eyes shine like the silver moon. They say that he is descended from Quizlivian Brigaddon, one of the humans who helped the demon Magnus escape a god. They say that if you want to walk the Path of Order, you should follow the White Rabbit.Come and watch the transformation from human boy to Knight of Order: The life and times of Xaxac OfAgalon OfLangil Brigaddon. Content Warning: This work is based on the real experiences of human trafficing survivors. Xaxac's origins are based on true events, and they are presented realisitcally; this includes but is not limited to: isolation, gaslighting, emotional and sexual abuse, and grooming tactics. This work is meant to hold a mirror up to society; it is based on the real of experiences of people who have experienced slavery and/or abuse. It is an adult work and probably should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. If you are a survivor of human trafficing and/or abuse, your feedback is welcome, but please do not read this if you think it may trigger your trauma. I did not write this with the intention of harming anyone, but rather to provide accurate representation for a group that does not normally get it in the hopes of changing the zeitgeist. I would like to see a world where more people understand what these experiences are like, so that real survivors do not have to deal with microagressions from an ignorant public. Reader discretion is highly advised.
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The Pokemon System
Adrian is fed up with facing ugly brutes all his life!His quest for pu*sy is endless.His virgin self gladly awaits his 18th birthday, when he can finally go out and start his adventure!! [Young Master, Outside is SCAARRYY~] [...] ------------------------------------------------------------ Caution: Patience is required for this series as the MC is no goddy-two-shoes. Expect progressive character development and slow pace.If you cannot bear a rude MC, then this novel is not for you.
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Zyon: The Alpha Of The North
Just as I think i'm going to make it out, i feel an arm wrap around my waist, lifting me into the air. My struggling does essentially nothing. I am incessantly weak, thanks to my non-compliant wolf. I feel myself being thrown onto the bed.I flip myself around to see him, standing at the foot of the bed, with his eyes darker than usual and a scowl set in. "I told you not to run, not once, not twice but thrice," he says. "You aren't going to like what I do now." As he leans down, I scramble towards the headboard, still on my back, my eyes never leaving his. "I told you I wasn't going to stay, why are you not able to understand..'' I'm cut short as I feel a hand wrapping around my ankles pulling me downwards harshly. I let out a scream as I kick my legs, trying to get out of his grasp. He wraps my legs around his stomach, grabs my wrists and pins them down, so he's essentially towering over me. I know what he plans to do. "Please Zyon, Please I don't want this." He looks at me and smirks, clearly enjoying watching me beg, "I don't care what you want. What matters is, what I want."------------------------------------------------Katherine is living a life of solace and acceptance with Daniel. With her wolf having become dormant, she has accepted the fact that she will live her life as a human. After all it was her own choices that got her here. Daniel, with whom she has fallen deeply in love is not her mate. She knows who her mate is, but has pushed him and all thoughts of him to the back of her head. She fell in love with Daniel before her mate realised who he was to her and she is adamant to keep it that way. Her mate, however, may not feel the same way.
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