《Hollywood! It is...》Rebirth


Rebirth! Yeah it happened to me. I do not know why or how but it happened. I was happy at first.But being a baby,damn it's hard.You have no control of what you want to do.You have no control over pee or shit. Even if you can control, no one notices it in a orphanage. Until they smell it.

Now, I am 3 yr old child.My name is Michael Collins.As soon as i could to crawl,i started gathering information.Well looks like i am in hollywood and i am blond.Not to be bragging when i first saw myself in mirror i thought the name Michael suits me.I also found that my body was different than other kids.I was stronger,could see and smell better.The first two were cool but the third one is a pain in a ass sometimes.When surrounded by kids who can poop whenever they want it is awful.At first i could not control it but now i am better at it.The caretaker of the orphanage liked me because of my looks well and that i gave them less trouble.The head of the orphanage was called Mrs.Higgins.She was a lovely lady.She saw how how i was always quiet and surrounded by books.She noted how intelligent i was.I don't know if it was good or bad but no one adopted me i guess it was due to my behaviour which was quiet like.She helped my first work being published which of course was pliagrised.They were mostly short stories and fiction.She had a friend in magazine who published it. I got a sizable amount of money for it which was kept in my bank account. Mrs Higgins helped me with all of it as she became my guardian for the accounts.Life was good but something happened which changed me and my world.

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