《PvPer Casual》GLT Part 2


Chapter 3 Part 2

After leaving the restaurant and walking for ten minutes the duo found themselves in front of a building name Joey’s Shack. Blue was wearing the same disguise Cris wore when he went out for deliveries. When ask about it he told Cris they will talk when they get there.

Cris and Blue entered it was a western ranch style restaurant with a bar in the back and circular tables and booths. It was pack with people and there was little to no staff and all the customers were wearing their VRVs. Cris look at Blue to lead on. He had his VRV which were just sunglasses on and was doing something with the wall then he went to a high round table and took a seat. Cris follow and sat opposite of him.

“Nice place, huh. And this is the best part. Upgraded table.”

Blue tap something on the table and part of the middle table came up. It look like some sort cone like glass in a cup holder.

“What is that?”

“My entertainment for the afternoon.”

Blue tap a few things on the table and a dark gold liquid pour into his glass. He took the glass and took a huge gulp.

“This is the fun place you were talking about? It’s a bar, I am underage.”

“Not just a bar but they got good ribs. I hear they have the best in Axis.”

“Is that what you meant by the best?! I am leaving.”

“Hehe, ok. But where do you think the all them pros hangout. Where the best ribs are at.”

“Seriously? We just came here so you could eat ribs and get wasted. There’s not pros here.”

“Hehe, how would you know if you saw one?”

“I know, I can tell by appearance. We elites can like sense each other…”

“HAH! You’re still going on about that? Thought working to death killed that side of you. You want a starter? I think I am going to get some calamari.”

“Heh, what do you know? The only thing you have on your mind is food, and no I am good. By the way why are dress like that its hot in here.”

“To tell you the truth I was a porn star. I did that one famous scene. Don’t want anyone to notice me.”

Cris almost fell off his chair. He was irritated and bewildered from what he heard.

IS HE BEING FOR REAL?! I can see him doing it. But is he serious?

“Hahaha. Loco was right you are easy. Shouldn’t take everything so seriously.”

“Heh, I knew you were joking hehe…ahem so what’s the real reason. I heard that your bet is still on with Loco. Why?”

“It is a secret. Gotta find out for yourself.”

“Fine don’t tell me.”

Blue place the order on the table and refill his glass with beer. Cris was looking around if he could spot anyone that look like a pro. After a few minutes he failed to find one, however he did see Blue guzzle down his 3rd bear.

“Hey, take it easy on the booze. Do you even have any money?”

“And here I thought you were going to treat me, heard you got paid today. Thought we put it to good use.”


Cris almost fell out of his chair again what he heard.

“Hah, relax, I made some cash and its happy hour. If your still concern its draft.”

“Stop messing with me, I shouldn’t be wasting my time here. An elite like me needs to…”


“Will you give it a goddamn rest already? You’re on the best place on the planet and you still act like one of those.”

Blue put down his beer and tried to look Cris in the eye but was staring off to the side.

“What does that even mean?!”

Cris was a bit flustered being told countless times that he was one of those.

“It means you’re a loud mouth over hyped loser. Coming here because you thought you were the best back at home.”

Ignore the first part Cris couldn’t help but defend his honor as a gamer.

“I am the best, I have beaten progamers and currently rank at the top.”

“Ugggggh. Why are you sooo stupid? Guess it can’t be helped. I’ll be the one to say it, none of that matters in Axis.”


Blue took a swig of his bear and let out a huge sigh.

“If you care so much about your rank, then why are you here?”

“Because it shows I am better than everyone, it shows I have what it takes to get to the top.”

“That doesn’t mean you better than everyone just means you better than the current players who are ranked.”

“What do you mean?”

Blue was getting a bit annoyed while Cris was clueless of what Blue was trying to say.

“Lots of people quit games, lots of people don’t play rank and progamers retire. Are you better than all of them?”


Cris answered without hesitation he truly thought he was the best.

Blue face palm his head as he took another big gulp of his beer finishing it off. Then stare straight at Cris.

“Sigh, I will say it like this then. If you are here in Axis you are not playing those games anymore, right?”

“Yes, I want to focus only on what I am doing here.”

“Ok, so you are no longer RELEVANT in those games. Why do you keep bringing it up? No one cares here, have fun and enjoy yourself.”

Cris gave a smug look as he lean back to make his point.

“See that’s a loser way of thinking. I am different, I go in with the thought of winning. Going in with an attitude like that, gets results. That’s how I got to the top and how I even got rank one.”

“Nobody knows who you are here. Nobody cares. Nobody knows you. Saying you’re the best at some dead online game means nothing. Nobody knows you.”

Cris got up and slam his hands on the table. He had a determined expression as he got up.

“Then I will show them!”

Cris storm off from the table heading towards the bar disappearing in the crowd.

“Where you going? What about the calamari?”

Blue grin as he refill his beer while watching Cris go off on his own.

“This should be interesting.”

I will show Blue. I will show them all. I been taking too much shit lately.

Cris was elbowing his way through the crowd of people, his destination the bar. He was going to get up on the table and declare himself the best. Also issue a challenge to any pros to take him.

It’s perfect. I get my name out, beat some bad and show off my skills.

Before reaching the bar he bump into large fat man wearing a white t-shirt. He was carrying a tray of drinks and food. The impact cause him to spill a little bit in front of Cris. Making Cris stumble a few paces backwards.


“Opph. Sorry, about that. Hey aren’t you Cris?”

“HEY! Watch where…You heard of me?”

“Yep, guys at Digital were talking about you a while back.”

Cris eyes widen he was stun. He couldn’t believe it someone actually head of him. A few seconds go by and Cris didn’t say a word. Seeing his response the guy spoke up.

“If you aint busy now you wanna chill? A few of my friends are…”

“Hell yeah! Let’s go. Lead on.”

Cris finally replied. He was so excited that someone actually knows of him. The fat guy led the way and Cris follow. He had a big smile on his face when he heard that there were other people who heard of him. He was so taken in by that fact that he forgot his original goal for leaving the table.

Hah, someone finally knows me. All that talk about nobody knowing me. All bullshit, just need to talk to the right people. SUX IT BLUE.

Before Cris knew it the large man stop and place the tray down at a booth that curve inside making a semi-circle. Cris took a look the table was full of food and drinks. However there was no one there.

That’s a lot. Is it all for this guy? I mean he is big so… maybe?

“I brought back the goods. Where is everyone? Hey Monz you here?”

“Eh. Ya. Ya I’m here.”

Cris took a closer look and saw someone passed the beer bottles. It was a scrawny pasty boy with big glasses and short brown hair. He was sinking into the table making him almost impossible to see or notice that he was even there. He gave off the impression that he did not want to be here or even be noticed by anymore.

“Sit up straight boy. You’re the guest of honor. Hey look who I brought.”

The large took a seat and gesture towards Cris to do the same. Cris sat down opposite of the fat guy with Monz in the middle who now was sitting up. The fat man took a huge gulp of his beer and remember he had brought company.

“O sowry. Name is Burke, member of Digital and in charge of Burke Good Ole Fixin N Delivery. Hey Monz, speak up. Go introduce yourself.”

“Eh. Ummmm. My name is Monz. I errr a crafter. And uhhhhh part of Digital.”

Monz was slowly sinking back under the table after his introducing himself. Burke started to laugh at Monz introduction.

“Aye that he is, he may be a carebear crafter. But he’s our carebear crafter.”

“My name is Cris and I…”

“Hold it, right there.”

Burke lift his hand, stopping Cris from saying another word. He took something out from his pocket it was a phone. He slide it over it was a video on it. Cris hit play and his face went sour as he realize what the video was playing. It was him doing his introduction two weeks ago in the Digital recruitment office and his incident in front of the sporting goods store. The video was edited to show how big of a loser and failure he was. After watching it, he moved the phone to the middle of the table. Burke reach over and got it while laughing.

“Hehe, we all know about you at Digital. We get lots of those, but you left quite an impressions. Haha, we are taking bets if you will even make it.”

Cris frown as he was staring at the table and couldn’t help but feel a bit depressed as he replayed his last conversation with Blue. Burke look at Monz and grunted.

“Ey Monz you ready for your initiation. Du’daye you becom pat of de group.”

Monz cower and continue to slide down under the table. Burke took a large gulp of beer and continue to laugh.

“Ah, wait her I’ll check if de ready.”

Burke got up and waddled away leaving Monz and Cris at the table. Cris look over to Monz who was almost under the table.

“Am I, really that much of a loser?”

“Huh? You say something?”

Monz voice was low and a bit muffled.

“Never mind, your part of Digital right? What do you do again?”

“I eh. I am a crafter.”

“Crafter, what is that?”

Monz slowly raise his head and stop sinking under the table.

“You…You don’t know? I make stuff in the worlds. I don’t actually go out and fight.”

“So you don’t fight, didn’t think residents did that. What do you make?”

Cris reply in a stiff unemotional voice. He did not care the sting of being taken as a joke was weighing on him.

“All kinds of stuff. But ehhh I am not that good. I am still a novice.”

“Ah I see. Sounds boring.”

Cris didn’t pry further into the matter leaving only an awkward pause. Then Burke came staggering back and look right at Monz.

“It redy. Cmon. You too Cris.”

At first Monz was hesitate to get up then after a loud snort from Burke he quickly exited the table. Cris however, took his time to get up and slowly followed behind them. Burke being impatient, drag Monz outside leaving Cris alone. By the time Cris got to the door Burke and a group of people were coming back in. They were all laughing and talking about what just occurred.

Chris open the door to see what the fuss was about. He saw Monz wearing green goggle VRV on the ground muttering something. Cris slowly approached Monz who seem to have fainted from something. Cris really didn’t care what happen to Monz, only what could have done this to him. On closer inspection Cris saw a drive into his VRV label “Initiation B”. Cris unplugged and heard Monz saying.



Chris put on his VRV and plug it in. It was pitch black after a few moments nothing was happening.

“Did you break it, Monz? Wait is that buzzing?”

A large buzzing could be heard but Cris couldn’t see anything. Then what look like a bee with a helmet and a pickaxe came in sight. Then a swarm of them appeared and headed towards Chris and started hacking at him.


Chris frantically tried to fight them off forgetting that it was a simulation he was stumbling around not knowing where he was going. Eventually he tripped over Monz causing him to hit the ground hard knocking him out. Both Chris and Monz were knocked out cold.

Eventually someone came looking for them. It was Blue who saw smashed from drinking too much. Noticing Cris, he wobbled his way over to him.

“Alrite, kid I am short. Come now. Don’t be shy. Gotta show some gratitude.”

Blue check Chris pockets and found fifty dollars and took it.

“Let me settle this and we will go.”

Blue went back inside and a few moments later came back out.

“K, let’s go home.”

Blue took Chris by the arm and drag him with Monz in tow.

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