《PvPer Casual》An Unusual Bet Part 3


Chapter 2 Part 3

In the back of the restaurant outside of the changing room in the corridor, Loco was explaining the rules and necessary information about her restaurant.

“Any questions?”


Both Cris and Blue had blank and confused looks as Loco went over the dos and don’ts in the restaurant. Unsure, about a few things Cris slowly raised his hand but was immediately shot down by an anger glance from Loco.

What’s her problem?

“Good, with that done. I think it’s appropriate for us to introduce ourselves but since we are in Axis we go by our tags. My name is Hayley Loco Collins.”

Loco pointed at a short man in a white t-shirt with no sleeves and gray sweat pants. The short man who slam Cris’s head into the bar. He had an annoyed look on his face as he looked away avoiding any eye contact.

“Toni Bruno Amato.”

Loco pointed at Cris and glare at him.

“We all know you, but go ahead and keep it short.”

“Uhhh, ok my name is Cris Philips. And soon…”

“Ok, next. You’re up Blue.”



A moment of awkward silence occur after Blue introduction while everyone waited for him to finish. Loco a bit irritated from the lack of an introduction probe the matter a bit further

“Blue what”

“Just Blue. I do have a cool nick name, but that doesn’t matter.”

Loco stuck out her hand and demanded ID, she had enough of this farce.

“Hand it over, I know you have a tag. I know your former tech so you have a card.”

“And if I lost it?”

It almost look like Loco was growling at Blue, she did not back down.

“Then you wouldn’t be able to stay on the island. Axis tracks everything with cameras including hobos.”

“Heh, smart one, not just a pretty face. You have that sexy business woman look but you have a brain. I’m shocked. You sure, you should be in the restaurant business?”

“Hand it over or our bet is off.”

Unfazed by Blue’s words Loco continue to demand for his ID. Blue took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Loco and gave a faint smile.

“Here you go, boss lady.”

Loco snatch it and after a few seconds frown, she threw it back at Blue.

“The name is scratch out. No matter, I can look you up.”

Loco took out a pair of reading glasses with a thin silver wire connect at the end and put them on.

“If you are tagged, then you’re in the system. All current and former resident of Axis are in there including techs… Ah found you. Nice picture I see you were clean shaven back then. Let’s see, you were Sovereign Tech from the beginning and you quit about a year ago. As for who you are… Blue Flash… what the hell. There’s like no personal information here!”

“Haha, told you I had a cool nick name.”

As Blue gave a cocky smile while Loco removed her VRV and headed towards to the changing room.

“Meh, whatever you’re in the system. I’ll figure out what you’re hiding later. Bruno watch them. Going to put you two hard to work when I get back. Welcome to Locos.”

Loco gave a faint smile on the last part as she went into the changing rooms leaving the guys alone. A strange tense atmosphere was left among them after Loco’s departure. Bruno was emitting a lot of hostile vibes and stood his ground like a rock. Cris approach Bruno in hope of figuring out what was the issue. Actually the real issue was he did not want to get beat up again.


“Eh, hey Bruno. Is there a problem?”

“No…Nooo…Nope….Non… No problem with you. Only problem him!”

Bruno pointed at Blue. In return Blue pointed at himself.

“Me? I’m the problem?”

“Kid no problem. He one of those. You big problem, shady guy.”

“How so?”

“This guy… Who is this guy…? Who does he think he is…He doesn’t know the problem… He doesn’t know his problem…He doesn’t know he’s the problem.”

Bruno turn his head left and right as if he was talking to people behind him. He also made a bunch of hand gestures after each phrase. The way he was talking was real fast and full zeal as he directed it all at Blue.

Who’s he talking to? Invisible people? Also why is he speaking some parts really fast?

Blue tilted his head and ask again.

“How so? What did I do? And who are you talking to?”

“Again…Again…Again…He doesn’t know…He doesn’t know… I’ll tell you then.”

Bruno walk up to Blue and sized him up. It was like a kid looking up at an adult trying to pick a fight. Cris got out of the way and watch from the side lines.

“First, you disrespect the restaurant, coming in as a smelly bum. Second, you almost break my new table, order lots of food and don’t pay. Third, you have the balls to step in my kitchen, I should teach you how to respect other people’s things. Finally, you disrespect my woman, taking advantage of her caring and greedy nature. Also, you LOOK LIKE THAT! So we got problems.”

Someone yell from behind the door it was Loco.

“First, it’s my restaurant. Second and third, it’s my table and kitchen. And last IM NOT YOUR WOMAN.”

Bruno immediately turn around and deeply bowed his head while apologizing to the door.

“Forgive me, Ms. Loco. I will not forget the next time.”

Blue couldn’t contain his laughter anymore and burst out laughing. Bruno hearing this turn around and continue where he left off.

“Laugh it up, just to make sure I’ll check the list. Make sure you’re not one of those sketchy joy riding joystick gamers. If it’s true, I’m gonna toss you.”

Blue calming himself down a finally look down at Bruno who had a serious look. Blue was trying his best to contain his laughter, trying to move the conversation forward.

“Hehe, the list? Heh, is that so. Hehe, ok then.”

Cris curious about the conversation butted in and ask about the list.

“What is the list? Sounds important, is it for like A-list for gamers? How do I get on it?”

Blue lost it again and Bruno freak out by talking to his invisible friends.

”No…Nooo…Nope….Non… No list is bad. List is for bad, sicko, psychos and sycos. Mostly… all males.”

“Huh? It’s for bad guy gamers? Who are crazy?”

Blue settling down again, clear his throat and explain what Bruno was trying to say.

“Hehe, didn’t think I’ll die laughing today. Heh, your kind of right kid, the list is for anyone who has been caught doing any sexual assault, lewd, disturbing acts or crazy stuff to someone body alive or dead in the worlds.”

Cris vomited a little in his mouth as he gaged at the thought of someone doing that to him.

“What! That’s… ugh that’s eh that’s just wrong. Who does that?”

“Lots of people, there are no rules in the worlds. You can rape, ravage, murder, be naked, have your way with dead bodies even cut them up and eat them. Also, there is the dark side of the list but you don’t need to know that yet.”


Cris felt sick to his stomach as he tried not to throw up when you could eat dead bodies. Bruno nodded in agreement with what Blue said.

“However, the list itself violates a rule in Axis, saying anything that happens in Terminal stays in Terminal. All those actions in the worlds should not be judge in Axis, but they are. Central Gov. ruled that people can choose to abide by the list, but it’s no legal reason for deportation or a ban.”

Makes sense but it’s still sick.

Bruno object to the last part.

“No…Nooo…Nope….Non… No. Wrong! This place follows the list. We don’t allow any of them in here.”

Bruno took a deep breath and flex out his arms as he struck a gallant pose.

“The women here need to know that they are safe. Safe from those creeps and freaks. That Brrrunnnooo, is here. That Bruno, will protect them. That those joystick junkies have to deal with ME! BRRRRUUUUNNNOOOO! To get in.”

As Bruno was patting his arms and chest, Loco yell again from the other side of the door.

“We don’t follow the list. And we do allow them in here. Only paying customers. You two just got lucky that you slip by.”

“Forgive me, Ms. Loco. Trying to put the new guys through their paces.”

Blue gave a creepy mischievous smile as he listen.

“Sounds like you love the restaurant or the crazy ass owner.”

Cris jaw drop as he heard that, he did not think they were in that kind of relationship.

Bruno loves Loco? I mean she is beautify bombshell but she is a brute. Underneath that hot bod is a crazy greedy witch. Hot but crazy… crazy enough she will stab you in your sleep and steal all of your money. Not my dream girl. Pass.

Bruno unfazed, grinned at Blue’s comment.

“You look like that and know nothing about women, all women are a scam. They all want something, it’s our job as men to find out. Women act up only when they want something. Like how Ms. Loco did with the kid?”

Cris pointed at himself in shock.

“Me? What did Loco do to me?”

Bruno turn to face the kid their eyes could meet but Cris had about half a head on Bruno.

“Ms. Loco, made you think she full of honey. Caring. Loving. A devoted fan. All for what you had and she got it. For what a hot meal and praise.”

Cris couldn’t believe it, that Loco scam him and that it was all an act.

“So she was never my fan…”

That devil. Bitch. Witch…

Trying to get back on topic, Blue ask again about Bruno and Loco.

“So what are you two married, dating, master and slave?”

Bruno puff out his chest and boldly declared.

“I have been chasing that ass for many years. But she no give it up. So I accepted and make sure no hot guys take her… especially ones like you…”

The door behind Bruno opened up and Loco step out wearing her hostess uniform while holding a few other uniforms in her hands. She heard what Bruno said and gave off a menacing look and aura.

“So you only like me for my ass, huh?”

Bruno face fill with disdain as he realized that Loco was right behind him. He turn around and deeply bowed his head.

“Ms. Loco…baby…you know I love all of you but…certain parts of you stand out more in that uniform…than others. Have you been working out?”

Not raising his head Bruno fumbled to find the right words to get him off the hook. Only slightly raising his head from time to time to peak at Loco expression, as well as other parts of her. Loco gave a bright smile as she slowly raised Bruno head with her hands.

“I see. Thank you for noticing but…”

Loco expression change one of warmth and caring to one of cold and cruel like a task master.

“Get your ass in gear and to work. Go, get ready and open up. Before, I TOSS YOU!”

Bruno ran in the changing rooms and in no time at all, exited and ran off somewhere.

After sending Bruno off Loco handed Blue and Cris their uniforms and was getting ready to explain their jobs at Locos. They both unrolled them and were sizing them up if they were the correct fit.

“Blue you can kind of cook. So you will help out in the kitchen.”

“Kinda cook? I tasted your cooking, it sucks. Heated up pieces of cardboard. What I did, was real cooooooooo…”

Loco elbow Blue in the abdomen causing Blue to curl up in pain. She had a pissed and annoyed look on her face as if someone insulted her.

“Like I said, you can kind of cook so go help out in the kitchen. As for you Cris, you will wait tables.”

“Me! Wait tables? A future champion doesn’t serve their fans, the fans serve me. I can’t let them see me as a server. It will destroy my rep and any future chances. Nope.”

Cris was disgusted with idea, the first impression is always the most important one. If people saw him as a server, it would come back and haunt him later.

“So you don’t like your job. You don’t want to work, huh?”

Loco was staring at Cris, giving off an intimidating presence with a smile. Cris looked at Blue who was still groaning in pain. Maybe he went too far?

“Then you will be a delivery boy. But it might be difficult since you’re not tag. “

That’s even worse!

Before Cris could say something. Blue cough out a few words disturbing words.

“I… can make him… in system… as assistant tech… temp tag uggggghhhh”

Cris was staring angrily at Blue, not feeling any bit of remorse for him, Cris couldn’t help but replay his first time meeting him was like this. Loco clap her hands as the matter was solved and walking away but before she left. She left a few words as a warning.

Blue, sold me out. So much for employee comradery.

“Some words of advice. When you’re out there you are representing me. So if you do anything to damage my rep, I will damage you. Don’t think this bet makes you safe, the both of you. If I catch a hint that you guys are doing something to my restaurant. The cops are the least of your worries. Don’t forget to register for the GLT kid, or this whole thing will be a waste. Deadline is in two days.”

Loco left leaving a dumbfounded Cris and a groaning Blue alone. Cris was concerned and afraid but not just from Loco’s words, but of his image if people saw him during deliveries.

What the hell, did I get myself into? All I wanted was to get famous and paid for playing games. Now I have to deal with these crazy psycho asses and this bet. I don’t even know what’s going on anymore…

Cris shook off any feelings of doubt and fear as try to process what he needed to do. He let out a deep sigh trying to clear his head and any other pent-up emotions he was carrying the past few days.

At least, I know what I need to do. Pass the GLT. Show off my skills. Get noticed and on V-sport team. Then GTFO from hell’s kitchen and on my way to the top. But, first I need more info. When I get a chance, I am going back into Terminal. Something is not right about it. Yeah that’s the plan.

Cris went into the changing room and put on his uniform it was the same as Bruno’s but with the sleeves. After a few more minutes Blue recovered and did the same. Both of them were ready for their first day at work.

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