《PvPer Casual》Welcome to Gamer Central Part 5


Chapter 1 Part 5

What the hell. Nothing changed.

Cris collapse on a park bench and slump his head back. He was staring at the darken sky trying to figure out what went wrong.

I’m exhausted. I did everything right and I still don’t have a damn job. Why is it so hard to find one?

All the business owners said the exact same thing “No tag. No Job”. At least he learned what that meant.

A tagged person is a resident of Axis or in other words people who can stay here without visitor status.

Apparently, all the residents that live in Axis are all citizens who pass some test allowing them to stay in the city without the threat of deportation. There were other benefits for being tagged that each owner mention but that was the gist of it.

This sucks. Something is wrong with this city and the people. It shouldn’t be this hard. I got top 5% in some of the most popular online games… Speaking of online… I didn’t try that.

Mustering what little strength he had left he reached over for his back pack. Bringing it onto his lap he open it and started to digging for the item he wanted. Pulling out his phone, Cris turned it on to check for any new updates.

Full bars and service… NO NEW MESSAGES!?! They don’t care if I’m gone?

He threw his phone back in the bag and continue to look for what he really wanted. Frowning as he continue to search, none of his friends or family did not care he was gone.

Who needs them? Friends. Family. School. That’s my old life. It’s all about the now. And now, the people in Gamer Central and Terminal will finally notice my greatness.

Cris pulled out his VRV and a small box. He open the box and a small plastic strap connected to a wire was neatly wrap around it. He took the wire and plug it on the side of his VRV and put it on top of his head. Carefully placing the strap on the back of his neck he felt a small prick. With that pain he pulled down the VRV and press a button on the side.

Should be safe to dive here, right? I am just going in for a moment to check.

Cris was breathing a bit irregular as he could not help but get excited. This would be the first time ever he would use Terminal. In the past he played some VR games where he had to dive in, but from what he read from online, Terminal is a 100x better. His VRV finished booting up and new screen which he never seen before popped up.


His breathing increased as he was getting closer. Motioning his eyes he selected the network. Another screen popped up this one a bit strange.


Login? I don’t have a login?

Sitting there for minute Cris took a deep breath to calm down and selected Guest.

A bright flash of light blinded Cris forcing his eyes shut. His body felt a chill like a glove being removed from a hand, he could not help but shiver. After a few moments, he felt a bit nauseated and a bit woozy, opening his eyes he saw nothing but darkness.

Did it work? That didn’t feel like a normal dive. Why is it dark? Wait something is happening.

Small multiple light blimps which looked like pixels filled Cris’s vision, an image slowly was rendering as the surroundings were also coming into view.


I can see something… it is… the same?

As Cris frantically turn his head looking for any signs of where he was or what happened.

“This looks like the same park. Nothing changed everything is still hereeeee….. WHERE DID MY BAG GO? MY VRV IT’S GONE.”

Cris started to panic as he was desperately searching his body and the bench for any signs for his things.


Screaming that he been robbed, he saw a blue flash of light from the corner of his eye go up. Looking up, his eyes widen as he realized he was no longer in reality.

“No way! It work!”

Cris looked up and saw what look like ripple crystal clear water with the reflection of the city that covered the sky. Blue flashes of light were going up and down through the water. His jaw dropped as he gawked at a once in a lifetime sight.


“Something pinged?”

The sound broke his focus as a pop up appeared in his face obstructing his view of the sky. It read.

[Term of Use.]

Cris quickly using his hand in a chopping motion to scroll down to the bottom and tap agree. Another pop up came.

[Beginner and Tutorial Guide.]

Cris even faster than last time using a flicking motion to exit the pop up. Another one came up.

[Would you like to turn off new user mode? (Hints, Warnings, Tips and Permissions will be disabled. You can turn this back on in the settings.)]

Cris a bit annoyed by this question press yes.

“I ain’t a noob. Also, this is not my first game. I am elite. I don’t need help to figure out the obvious.”

With that business done a final pop up appeared.

[Enjoy Axis Terminal Station.]

Cris crack a smile as the tedious business of new user intake was finished. He then swung his arms side to side and jump up a few times.

Feels so realistic. It’s almost that this my body. Wait is it…

Cris tugged out the top of his pants and took a peek inside.

How did they know? Not even games go that much in detail. Eh. Whatever. 10/10 for being realistic.

“Now then, let’s check Terminal out.”

Cris ran out of the park into the main road.

“Wow! This is now what I call Gamer Central.”

On the main road, Cris gaze up at the skyscrapers but unlike the ones he saw in Axis these ones were vastly different. Massive holograms the size of the buildings were line up next to them. The holograms were either of a person talking, a small clip that repeated after a few seconds or what look like a live feed of what was happening in Axis. Around each building were flying screens that rotated around the building.

Cris raise his hand towards one and a screen pop up in front of him. It had the list of the shops, their locations and a clickable button next to each one. Upon further inspection he noticed that each shop had an assortment of pictures after clicking view. The pictures were of the shop and how it looked like in Axis and reality. From this Cris came to the conclusion that Terminal was just a mirror of the city of Axis.

Then Cris saw it.

How could I miss that?

A massive white tower soaring into the sky towering all the other skyscrapers and what look like it was touching the watery sky. Such a skyscraper did not exist in Axis, after running around the whole day Cris would have surely notice such a building. It gave off the impression that whoever lived there must be someone of great value or worth, which pique Cris’s curiosity.


I want to go there. Whoever is there is surely is important. Finally, a place worthy of me. They must have a job or two. I mean it has so many floors. I will definitely get to the top.

Cris ignoring everything else ran towards the tall white building, the streets were completely empty making it easy to navigate. The streets were an exact copy of Axis confirming his thought that Terminal and Axis were identical but something was not right. The closer he got to it the building it switch direction forcing him to stop.

“What the? It’s behind me now?”

Cris turn around and run towards it again but the same thing happen. The building got behind him again, he slowly retrace his steps this one street was odd. He place one foot forward and the building was gone. He brought the other foot over and the tower was behind him. It was like the path towards it was being skipped. That there was no direct means to it.

Repeating this action a few times he reached an impasse, Cris had no idea what to do next but was not ready to give up. Perplex by this Cris saw what look like a shop with a flashing screen saying “OPEN”.

Maybe they know?

Cris enter the shop to find it completely empty. It was a bright white room with nothing but a desk in the back. As he made his way to the desk he saw what look like a serving bell on the desk. When he got closer a screen pop up above it reading “Ring for Assistance”. Cris rang it.

Ring Ring.

The pop up change to “Please Wait”.

After a few seconds a bright flash of blue came down and a young woman appeared behind the desk. She wore a bright yellow summer dress with pictures of sunflowers on it. This cause Cris to stumble back a few steps and fall over.

“Hi, welcome to Mary Ann’s Clothing. How can I help you?”

“It spoke? Hello?”

Not entirely convinced of what just happened he kept his guard up. Getting back up Cris approached the desk.

“Hello. How can I help you?”

She greeted him with a bright smile waiting to be asked a question.

“Yeahhhh… Hi”

Is she real?

“Hello. How can I help you?”

Same response and no change in facial expression. She has to be a bot.

‘Yeah. Hi, my name is Cris…”

Wait, if she is a bot she might not understand everything. I have dealt with interactive NPCs in games before. They had limited responses and only pick up on key words. However, I needed to speak loudly, clearly and slowly for them to understand. It’s worth a shot.

“Hi. My. Name. Cris. I. New. To. Axis. I. Elite. I. Important. I. Need. Help. Need. Direction. To. Big. White. Building.”

There was a small pause. Her expression did not change as she continue to smile.

I guess she is processing.

“You’re one of those.”

Even her?! Something is seriously wrong in this city. But it got through. I think.

Cris couldn’t help but face palm at the current situation. He saw that the woman eyes follow his reaction. He sway his head to right then left. The woman eyes followed accordingly.

Motion reactive. Maybe a visual will help her to understand.

Cris repeated everything he just said but this time he added in hand gestures to emphasize each word.

I think that did it.

“Would you like to buy something?”

“No. No. No. No, Buy. Need. Direction.”

This is hopeless. I am getting nowhere. Wait, I can do that.”

“Customer. Support. Speak. To. Boss. Manager. Supervisor. Human”

Nothing happen. As Cris was about to give up and go, the bot spoke up.

“Just a moment. I’ll put you in touch with human.”

“Thank. You.”

Again nothing happen.

“Hello Sir. I am sorry about my bot.”

“Yeah. She is quite slow and doesn’t understand well.

Again another pause. She took a deep breath and gave a small bow to apologize.

“Yeah… Again I do apologize for my bot. How can I help?”

“Yeah, can you tell me how to get that tall white building?”

“Central building? Did you not read the new user guide? Or have new user mode on?”

“Why would I. I am an elite.”

“You cannnnnnnn… Of course I can tell you.”

She crack a mischievous smile.

“When you exit make a right. Continue, until you see a subway entrance. It has to have the letter “W” on it. When you see it get a running start and jump in. It is perfectly safe but you have to hurry large lines form and its first come first serve.”

“Really? Thanks! And I don’t worry, I won’t write anything bad about your shop or its malfunctioning bot.”

Cris turn around and ran out of the store. The woman wave at Cris as he ran off, bidding farewell to Cris while maintaining her act.

“Hehe. Come again. Hehehahahaha.”

Leaving the shop and turning right, Cris followed the woman direction. It didn’t take long to find the subway stop. A bit closer he could see the letter “W” at the top.

That must be it. Faster! I will be first.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Cris pick up the pace and went into a full sprint. When he got close enough he jump into what look like a blue portal. Just before he made contact a pop up appeared but it was too fast. When he made contact pop up disappeared without showing its contents along with all the light.

“Ughhhh, what was that? Huh? Grass? Dirt?”

After hitting the blue portal Cris got the same feeling like when he came into Terminal. Instead of the cement and concrete of the city Cris was lying on a patch of dirt. He could taste the wind as it blew the smell of something putrid. Cris puke a bit at the rancid smell as he try to force himself up.

It was dark, the air was hot, heavy and humid it was almost sickening of how bad it felt. He could barely see the ground which was damp and mushy, but his vision had something added to it. In the top left corner of his sight show what look like a status bar.

Cris Philips. A bright green bar and yellow triangle with an exclamation point blinking?

An HP bar? Where am I?

Cris moved his head side to side. His name, HP bar and triangle did not move as if they were glue to the top most left corner of his eye. Wanting to know about it, the flashing triangle stop and answered his request, a screen popped up.


Realizing that he was no longer in Terminal but one of the worlds, he let out a smirk. This was nothing like any VR game he played, it felt real. Even though he felt terrible but this feeling and sensation is something he would never have experience with his real body. The games he played felt like he was walking around in a space suit and could never truly feel anything. Taking a few moments to muster enough strength he managed to push himself up. Once up he heard some rustling and light footsteps off in the distance.


“Is someone growling?”

Cris look around for the cause of the noise then he saw it. Glowing yellow eyes in the not so far off distance. It belong to a formless figure hidden by the darkness, Cris froze as soon as he noticed them. They were following his every move as he tried to slowly back away.

Stay calm. This is not real. I can’t really die here. It’s far away maybe it hasn’t… O SHIIITTT

At lighting fast speed the eyes close the gap between them in no time. Cris tried to run but by the time he turn his back and took a few steps it was too late. A tremendous amount of force hit his back causing him to tumble forward.

By the time he stop rolling the eyes were again closing in but they did not attack. They kept a bit of distance as it slowly circle around him.

Cris’s body was burning as the green bar in the corner grew a bit smaller. With his face in the dirt Cris slowly shift his gaze up. The formless figure finally reveal itself. A large, mangy, green wolf was about a meter away from his face. Cris started to laugh as he push his self-up.

“Hahaha. I see I must have enter that Wasteland world. That woman can’t human… no human would do this. It had to be the malfunctioning bot. No human would get the directions this wrong. What a lazy shop owner letting her broke bot run retail. When I get out of here, I have to write a bad review… But first.”

Cris brought his fists up to his face and took a fighting stance. Staring directly at the wolf with a serious expression knowingly he would have to beat down this wolf with his bare hands.

“You will be my first kill, wolf. You should be grateful that you are the first stepping stone for something great.”

Focusing all of his attention to the wolf a status bar appeared on top of the wolf along with a name.


Letting out a satisfied grin knowing that this is exactly how the other VR games he played worked.

If this is like any of the VR RPGs I played, there should be a command system. Which means no matter my action the game will translate it a move. So as long as I perform the motions, I will win. But to make sure I should call it out to make it register.


Cris charge head first into the wolf, in turn the wolf did the same. As both of them were barreling towards each other, Cri pour all of his energy into his punch to make the system accept it, thrusting his right arm out it was almost a guarantee hit. However, his punch never register or even landed… before impact the wolf side step it completely dodging the punch.


A second later the wolf clamp down its jaws on the expose arm, throwing Cris off balance and forcing him onto the ground. Placing its paw on Cris’s shoulder and using super natural strength, it yank the arm off in one swift stroke, tearing it off causing blood to gush out. The blood rushed out spraying the wolf in the face and pouring onto the ground. The wolf retreated with his prize, leaving Cris down and out trying to get to his knees screaming in agony. He brought his remaining hand over in attempt to cover up the wound, but the blood was still trickling through his fingers.


Besides a slight burning sensation at his arm socket and the awkwardness of not having his arm, it didn’t really hurt. A pop up appear in front of Cris as try to get back on his feet. He felt a bit woozy and sick now, maybe the injury affected him in other ways.


Seeing that pop up, Cris brushed it aside refusing to accept defeat. The wolf was a few feet ahead of him, slowly enjoying his prize. The wolf was gnawing and biting at his arm while ripping off his fingers one by one. Witnessing this, Cris stuck out his remaining arm and pointed directly at the wolf.

“Alright, bitch. ROUND 2.”

The wolf not amused by Cris’s remark as if it understood what he said, dropping his arm it wanted to take the other one. Once again they slowly circle each other, the wolf sizing up Cris’s currently strength and gauging whether or not if he was still a threat, while Cris threw light air punches. After each punch the wolf snarl and took a bite at him in hopes he would recklessly rush in again.

“Dumb AI. I thought so, it only reacts to my moves so if I don’t call it out then I should beeeee….”

Having enough of this dance, the wolf ran at him leaping into the air. Cris seeing this was prepared, he tried to dodge but his body would not respond more like his wobbly legs could not move as intended. A huge force struck Cris as the wolf’s attack made contact tackling him on the ground. The wolf had him pin and Cris was face to face with the wolf.

He could not move, it wasn’t the weight being pressed against him or the lack of strength to fight back, it was the paralyzing yellow eyes. He felt helpless, all he could do was watch. They were looking straight into his waiting and observing. No VR RPG game he played had this sort of fighting mechanics or intelligent AIs.

NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING. I am going to die here. To a starter monster. If this gets out, my career would be over.

However, despite what he thought his body could not hide his true feelings, the fear of death gripped him. His body was trembling under the might of the wolf and no matter what he told it, it would not move. As a last ditch effort he shifted eyes and was looking for anything that could turn the tide. The sudden break of eye contact caused the wolf to move in its face closer to investigate. Being this close, Cris could feel the warm breath of the wolf breath and could not help but take notice to its distinguishing features. Its face covered in Cris’s blood, had decomposed flesh rotting with maggots coming out of it and bone being revealed around its jaw with an empty slot where its nose should have been. It was now bearing its teeth taking a moment to savor before the kill.

Salvia dripped from its teeth hitting Cris in the face forcing him to look at the jaws of death. Not wanting to die, Cris forced himself to move out of terror. The wolf seeing this as a threat moved in for the kill. The wolf quickly move its fangs towards Cris’s neck and in one swift nip tore out his throat.

Cris HP bar disappeared and everything went black. Cris had died.

End of Chapter 1.

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