《The Archdevil's Descent》Chapter 1.


The dark room was illuminated by nothing but the light of a few flickering torches. They flared dangerously every now and then as if the very room were breathing.

Several grotesque statues — symbolizing demons occupied the room.

This was the demon army’s secret shrine where only the most dangerous weapons were kept, the cursed gears — inhabited by demons — these weapons gave humans an edge over vampires in the ongoing fight for supremacy. Though, for the humans it was more like a desperate attempt at survival, while the vampires played with their prey.

There were but a few who could fight against the vampires. The number of these select few exceptional individuals were also dwindling by the minute. It has been years since the apocalypse where the virus was released. A virus which killed every single human over the age of 13, thus setting the stage for vampires to enslave humanity.

The children had no way of defending themselves from the hunters of the night, nor made the wandering horsemen of the apocalypse their survival any easier. No one knew yet, but soon a new contender would make his appearance. One who would level the playing field.

Guren, a Lieutenant Colonel of the Imperial Demon Army observed Yu in disbelief as he made his way over to the statue. This room housed the strongest demons, sealed away in the cursed gears.

Guren could only hope that the children would be able to resist the demons’ temptations, if not… if not then he would have no choice but to slay them before the demon’s full power could materialize. He couldn’t allow the demons to be unleashed upon the world. There was no telling what carnage they might wrought.

He glanced at his assistant briefly, before turning back to observe the chosen children. Provided that they don’t lose themselves to the demons, they would become the bulwark of humanity.


Guren watched as Yu reached out for the sword of Asuramaru. A brave choice, — he thought. That was the most powerful weapon among the lot. Guren’s smile faltered as he saw Yu’s hand halt in mid air as if he were staring off into the distance, a moment later he fell — unmoving he laid there.

What just happened? — He thought. Of course, it was expected that while the struggle over control of one’s body outplayed itself the individual in question would be unconscious, but Yu hadn’t made contact yet! He glanced at his assistant, while his own had found his weapon. If the worst came to pass, he would have no choice, but to act.

Wherever Yu looked there was nothing but an endless expanse of crimson. Ash fell from the sky, as the waves of magma slammed hard against the platform where he was standing.

No matter — he thought. It doesn’t matter what the demon throws at him, he would have his revenge. He needed the demon’s power to kill those wretched bloodsucking monsters.

He would take it. As he made his resolve he shouted. “Demon! Just give me your power already! There is no way that I would lose to you! You hear me? Give me the power! I need that power to take my vengeance, so… give it to me!” Yu shouted passionately.

His eyes scanned the distance in anticipation.

No movement, nothing…

Weird. — He thought. One would think that a demon would already be trying to distract him, to weaken his heart and make it easier to possess, but he couldn’t see the demon anywhere.

Long minutes passed before it happened.

A pillar of flame rose high into the heavens, spreading out in all direction before dispersing, leaving a demon dressed elegantly in a crimson suit. It hovered in the air held up by the force generated by his wings.


The demon held up two fingers to adjust his glasses before the crystals in place of his eyes focused on him. They bore nothing but malice, pure hatred, as if his mere presence were an offense to him. Not something he would expect from a sealed demon. Shouldn’t it be trying its hardest to possess me? He thought.

He gathered air in his lungs to shout.

“Give me p-“

“Silence.” A quiet command reverberated in the air and Yu felt his body freeze up.

He couldn’t utter a sound. What th-? Guren didn’t say anything about a demon like this.

He couldn’t speak up, then how else was he supposed to conquer the demon if not by his will? He didn’t have the power to fight it, he was here because he needed the power! Just as despair was about to overwhelm him, he heard the demon speak yet again. Every word of his was laced with poison. His body shook involuntarily under the weight of each word.

“How? Just how did a worm like you enter this sacred place?!”


“Ah… you may speak.”

Feeling the restriction lifted, Yu felt emboldened, and he shouted with all his might back at the fiend.

“I don’t know what you are playing at demon, but… but I won’t let you takeover my body! You know I am here for power, so… so give it to me already!”

The demon remained silent for a moment as he took on a thoughtful look.

“Say human… you can release me from this prison?”

“I won’t let you control me, but I will need your power so yes. I will take you away from here, wherever here is… if that’s what you mean.”

A creepy smile blossomed on the demon’s visage as its mind seemed to be absent for a moment. Its cruel visage unnerved him to no end, but he didn’t have a choice. He desperately needed power, power to avenge him family, to avenge all humans who died at the mercy of vampires.

“So be it.” The demon said as he descended from the heavens and landed soundlessly on the platform. It took on an unexpected businessman like manner before speaking up.

“I Demiurge Guardian of the 7th floor, hereby present you a deal, a contract if you will.”

“Hah?” Yu stared at the demon in confusion, was this supposed to happen? He recalled that Guren said nothing about a contract of this manner, only about a struggle whose winner would retain control over the body. Something was fishy, but Yu would be stupid to refuse if he could win without a fight.

A dark flame burst into existence in the palms of the greater demon, a moment later it subsided and in its place a parchment and a pen appeared.

“Do you swear to give me power? Do you swear that you won’t try to take control of my body?” Yu was surprised at his own inquiries, nevertheless he pressed on. It was too easy, - he thought. There had to be a catch.

The demon’s expression hardened.

“Human do not waste my time. If you are truly able to get me to the outside world, then I swear I will give you all the power you need and then some. You don’t have to worry, this contract binds us with a powerful magic, one that cannot be broken.”

Yu although hesitantly but took the tools and signed. As soon as he finished, the environment vanished, the last thing he heard was a mad laughter before he ultimately succumbed to darkness.

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