《Logius Code》3. A Traitor's Trial


A sunless sky cast its hazy light upon the Sky Castle's central amphitheater. An impromptu trial, immediately announced after the seizure of the incapacitated Dorusc, was prepared. It would be here, that the Circle of one-hundred and nine would bear witness to the unprecedented conviction of a deity. The one-hundred and nine that emerged after the eldest of their kind, Majestic.

Uneasy threads of murmuring wound their way through the crowd that assembled in response to the Lord's summons. They sat along the amphitheater's cavea, every one of their attentions drawn to the center of the round structure. A motionless figure, impaled by a lance of flames, bore their inquisitive stares with limitless forbearance.

Of the audience, a portion wondered at the spectacle, marveling at the heavily armored golems stationed around him. Others, who were more reserved concerning the appalling scene, recoiled at the sight of the gore spattered across Dorusc's robes and countenance, instead opting to contribute to the gossip circulating through the assembly of deities. Presumably, to distract themselves from the sight.

Unconcious, Dorusc's head lolled forward, his ivory locks frayed and unkempt. His jaw was slacked, gold dripping from his parted lips.

Anchored to two stone pillars on either side of him were chains. There was one for each extremity, each supporting the prisoner's weight over a bottomless void below.

The Exodus thrummed with visceral intensity. A mauve aura about its circumference pulsed in synchrony with the low tones emanating from its darkened depths; glowing with crescendos and dimming with its subsequent diminuendos. To say this singularity was akin to a living creature wouldn't be that far-fetched. The very space around the shadowy rift of the Realm was quickened to life by its rhythm.

Silence washed over the crowd of attending deities when the deafening blare of horns, held by the nine security golems stationed radially around the prisoner, signaled the arrival of the Lord of Deities. All paid due reverence to the eldest among them. Not a knee remained unbent, nor a single head raised to the one that saw the creation of all things.

Majestic strode with single-minded purpose along an ethereal ramp summoned at his convenience, which gave way to his tower of residence. His pace soon brought him to the center of the amphitheater, where he then lifted the captive's bloodied face to study his unresponsive expression.


Turning his attention away, apparently satisfied with the measures taken for Dorusc's restraint, Majestic cast a cursory glance at the tense crowd. He beckoned one of the nine golems stationed around the prisoner to his side.

"Hasten his recovery. Make sure he's lively before his conviction."

With a curt nod, the helmeted golem delivered a sharp smack to the side of Dorusc's head, a spray of gold ensuing from a fit of coughing as the deity stirred.

"Pay heed, O one-hundred and nine of the Circle, to my judgment of this traitor!"

Majetic's voice echoed from the amphitheater's semi-conical rim, "I bring before you a devil well known to you, and to all of the Realm for his doings.

As you all well know, millennia ago, I led the effort to exterminate our mortal enemies, the Fairies, the primordial spirits of the Realm. Few among your number, as the eldest of the gods, remember the days of our war, but let me assure you, not one remained in the realm rightfully meant for the gods!

But alas, our peace was not meant to be. As though in defiance of our crusade, the Aloof One brought with him from the Exodus another of their kind. It is unbelievable and almost inconceivable to even accept it as truth!

And even this was not the end of it. In direct opposition to my decree, this traitorous fiend fled, and dared to hide himself away with the Fairy. That was, until now.

O one-hundred and nine of the Circle, I bring this traitor before you, before this trial, for high treason."

Majestic's righteous glare Dorusc, "Logius was transgressed, by this treasonous wretch!"

An agitated roar rose from the crowd.

"I charge the Aloof One with direct interference of a vessel of mortal existence under the authority of another deity, a complete contravention of the tenants of Logius, thereby threatening the wellbeing of the Realm. For this reason, I implore the Circle join me as I cast this traitor into the Exodus!"

From his semi-conscious perspective, Dorusc barely heard Majestic. What he did manage to hear, he couldn't believe.

Majestic continued, "The offended goddess is with me as I speak. She will testify of her suffering at the hands of this unlawful creature!"


On cue, from behind Majestic materialized the goddess in question. If it weren't for his present circumstances, Dorusc would have considered her an almond-skinned beauty. Dressed in flowing purple veils, her appearance as a goddess struck envy in the hearts of her peers. These niceties were lost on the Aloof One as he dangled over the creator of his being, and now, the bringer of his impending doom.

The goddess spoke with a soft lisp, "It is as his majesty says. I witnessed the Aloof One's disregard for Logius. As a result, the veil between the mortal realm and the Underworld has fractured. The realm is now doomed to fall to the demons in three years' time."

One of those seated among the Circle rose to speak, "Have countermeasures been made to offset the damage done?"

"Of course, that has already been arranged. Three heroes were called upon as soon as I became aware of the Aloof One's misconduct. Even now, they are en route to the realm, with my blessings awaiting them." Lira answered.

"I see. You have done well, Lira. It is good to see that the rumors concerning you were untrue..." The one named Demiark clapped nervously, before reseating himself.

Dorusc raised his head to glare at Lira, "Heroes? This matter goes beyond what heroes could handle. I could see the veil shattering; the realm would be overrun by the demons before they could slay the first of them."

But his words couldn't reach them. They were as deaf as they were blinded by their prejudice.

"So, now that you have heard her testimony, what say you, O one-hundred and nine of the Circle?" Majestic asked.

One by one, those seated began to rise.

"Cast him into the Exodus!"

"Cast him out!"

"Begone with the cretin that would oppose Logius!"

Majestic nodded approvingly, "Very well. Lower him in...!

From high above, came a streak of light, followed by a cry familiar to Dorusc.

"My lord!"

Confusion spread among the crowd as they looked to the sky to witness the Fairy's reckless dive toward the Exodus.

"A Fairy, what is it doing here?"

"Were they not extinct?"

"Is this the Aloof One's pet?"

"Seize it!"

The Circle devolved into chaos at the Fairy's sudden appearance. Projectiles of light, fire, and other elements erupted from the cavea at the lone Faerie. Her plunge was perilous, the path to her master nearly obscured by the wave of attacks as she weaved between them.

Her arrival came much too late. The nine golems released the chains from their pillars, dropping Dorusc into the Exodus' depths.

"I ordered you to stay behind, Faerie! It is too dangerous now...!" Dorusc roared as he fell.

His servant's frantic reply was garbled by the deafening rhythm of the void below him. Before his face dipped underneath its surface, he saw Faerie's light plunge into the Exodus alongside him.

"You did not have to do that."

The chaos faded, and then, there was nothing.

Dorusc could not see his limbs or his torso, or whether or not he had those to see them. There was no pain, neither was there any sense of feeling. If one were to define the opposite of existence, it might be what Dorusc experienced now. The endless nothingness that permeated his being and tugged at his spirit certainly fit its definition.

"So. This is the beginning... and the end of the gods."

It felt as though his consciousness was slipping, slowly melding with the darkness around him.

"The void can even consume one's mind. Perhaps, these will be my very last thoughts while in existence. I wonder... how many others did he cast aside..."

He gritted his teeth. The lance buried in his midriff vanished, and his body and spirit began to crumble.

"Majestic... you... I will see retribution poured upon your head. I will see your last. I swear upon my fading spirit, my very birthright as a deity, I will see you suffer for what you have done this day...!"

The last of his waning spirit evaporated into the Exodus' shadows.

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