《I am the king of all villainous villian : Volume 1 : against hell devouring beast》tale 27 : demon lake



name : kelly rin

age : 24-25

race : low level demon

bloodline : low level demon

power level : tier 3 bottleneck stage

prowess : tier 3 bottleneck stage

love interest : yeti lan

personality : ordinary / kind

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tale 27 : demon lake

after serval days of travelling ,sun and his groups made out from yin forest and stepped on the land of demon lake. demon lake was a location where you would find countless lakes filled with demons that will want to hunt you.

In those serval days , sun focused on stabilising his cultivation and increasing his battle prowess more. He trained himself in the demon space at night, his would also train life and death arts together and tries to see if those two elements could be one or not ?, while mentored alina in the morning times. He sparred with two headed yin dragon beast whose name was now tian rai. It was named by alina.

His battle prowess didn't increased that much but his cultivation was stabilised too well.

demon lake was filled with dying trees and dried grasses. In the demon lake area there were lots of dirty lakes , and this place didn't contain even a bit of heaven and earth energy.

The danger roamed all around in this area. This place didn't had heaven and earth energy doesn't mean there wouldn't be high level demon beasts and monsters.

sun and other walked through this area. sun asked in curiosity and confusion " tell me one thing. How did you guys managed to cross through this all things ? Your cultivation isn't that high "

kelly replied to his question " we used an artifact called threat stone to cross this place " sun nodded his head in understanding. threat stone was a type of stone which let's you use a stored energy of an artisan to threaten unintelligent beasts. like using tier 1 threat stone will let you threaten tier 0 beasts. tier 2 will help to threaten tier 1 beasts. threaten stones are type of stones where an artisan would store his or her energy to use it to threaten a wild monsters.

They walked for whole days and it was finally night. They found a place to camp. The place was filled with rocks everywhere. Some rocks were ten feet tall while some were twenty feet tall. The place was surrounded by rocks and even ground was made of rocks. They camped a tent there.

burning a campfire , they all were having night conversations. at the night when everyone were asleep , sun was still awake. He was standing all alone on the outside of the tent. He was feeling weird. This place was just too peaceful. no monsters were seen , nothing were felt. He could feel anyone's life if they are few meter away distance. but he didn't felt anything even when he tried his best to search.

There were two reason when there is no life force in in a place. One was it should be place with no livings or second should be …. They are living in illusion. sun frowned his brows.

" what type of monster could make us fall in illusion just after we entered on demon lake ?" thought sun. He didn't waste his time and waked everyone.

Kelly was still not fully awaken so she asked " what happened brother asura ? why did you wake us in the middle of night ?" yeti also asked the same question. sun didn't answer them but instead asked them " what do you think about beast that lives in this place ?"

Kelly was slightly surprised but she replied " about the monsters in this place , we don't know. We were given a true tier threat stone from our commander when we were still in magic empire so we didn't face any monsters so we don't know anything about them." nodded yeti.


alina looked at sun and asked " what happened husband ? did something happened ?" sun looked all around and walked to two headed yin dragon beast that has taken from of a small snake. He was ten centimeter or so long and was covered on black snakes scales. It was sleeping so leisurely on the pillow.

sun grabbed it so suddenly that it didn't had time to react. glaring at its eyes , sun said " aren't you a yin beast ? and isn't illusion also a yin element ? than why are you sleeping here so leisurely ? you know in country like Indonesia and China or so , in my previous world , snake were eaten like fast food. If you don't do anything right now I will eat you " he said it so slowly that other than the tian , no one were able to hear his words.

even when he didn't understood his words , tian nodded it's snake head. It felt an aura of gluttony from sun and felt like he was the menu for sun's dinner.

tian started to transform it's body and roared like how a dragon would roar to show it's might.



suddenly when he started to roar , he was starting to use his yin element to create a wave attack which will lead the illusionist a small mind shock. If there really is an illusionist there than they would either die or get injured by tian's wave attacks.

just like sun thought ,they were fallen into world of illusion. when tian roared and tried to break illusion through sound waves , it effected the illusionist in its mind and made him loose it's concentration from his illusion ability. but the thing that unfolded in front of them was worse than they thought. demon lake was more dangerous than they had thought.

The demon lake was actually filled with illusion demons. There was a small bear that had 2.3-4 feet height and had the power level of tier 3. A tier 3 illusion demon was able to make them fall in illusion , what if their were more stronger demon than this demon ?

Kelly said in amazement " wow !! brother asura was right. so we really were fallen in illusion. but when did we fell ?" sun got a little clue about how the monsters in this area raise their cultivation ? They actually make their victims fall in illusion and when the victims fully relax themselves ,this illusion demon beasts would kill them. and after that they would use their demon nature to suck their lifeforce or energy so they could cultivate themselves.

sun walked to that small illusion demon bear and grabbed the bear on his throat. The bear wasn't killed just like that. first sun carefully appraisal him and killed him. After that he took the heart of illusion demon bear and ate it.

sun smiled as he he felt new ability. He turned to look yeti. the new ability that he gain was called illusion thread. This thread would advance in every tier. In tier 1 it would only be weak as a spider Web. In tier 2 it would be strong as a silk. In tier 3 it would be strong as a rope. In tier 4 it would be turn into a steel like thread , in tier 5 it would become strong as an iron. While in tier 6 it would turn into as strong as a gold. and in tier 7 it would turn into a diamond like. The more it goes under a transformation the more it would become stronger in its illusion power.


sun was already tier 7 but had strength of tier 10 so his illusion ability was no less than tier 10 illusion thread.

suddenly everybody saw sun rushing toward yeti .



grabbing on yeti's face with his right arm. sun kept on running. After reaching the end of the line and getting near the huge rock ,sun banged yeti's face on that huge and strong rock. yeti died just like that. His headless body was spurting bloods and creating a lake on the ground.

everyone were silent. he killed his own companion. no one could belive this ,why did he killed yeti ? but when alina and Kelly were about to ask him why did he killed yeti they soon saw yeti standing there on the same spot where he was before.

nothing had happened to him , it was as if that was mere illusion and nothing else. Kelly was in the verge of crying. she didn't know whether she should cry or get happy ? sun nodded his head in satisfaction. alina was confused so she asked " husband , what was that just now ? We clearly saw him get killed by you… so ?"

sun replied "it's called illusion. hehe.. "

illusion ? so he used illusion ha ? wait a minute ? an illusion !!

alina looked at sun and asked " how much do you know about illusion art ?" shaking his head , sun replied " nothing.." alina asked " than how were you able to use illusion art ? If you don't know anything about it " sun explained ' why shouldn't I ? illusion is just a turning fake thing to feel a realistic that's all."

alina blinked her pretty eyes , sun sighed. He said " it's simple , I wanted you all to see and fell that I killed yeti and you all did. But you all thought it was real but it wasn't. It means , illusion is an art or should we say , a misterpiece talent where you will just lie to other people's mind. illusion is about lieing the mind."

alina still didn't got what he said , sun was surprised. was she that stupid or was he the one who didn't know how to explain ?

he again explained " illusion is about making fake feel real, that's all. like if there is no person who is called ruby. but if someone told someone that there is someone called ruby. than first one person would belive than another just like that even a person with no existence would receive an existence. and illusion is no different from them. Just let other feel your imagination and make then forget about real world. let them enter in your own imagination world"

alina nodded her head and said " so illusion is something where you make other belive that fake isn't a fake but real ?" nodding his head , sun said "right , at least that is better than not knowing anything."

alina had always wanted to learn an art called illusion flower art. but she didn't properly knew what is meant by illusion flower ? but now she guessed a little , it means just like those countless flowers in the world. There are countless illusions in this world. so that means she just have to learn more and more.

Kelly and yeti were watching sun with their not believing eyes. They couldn't believe that sun was able to use illusion.

death demon said " master this art is only a third grade art ,if you manage to go through illusion trail than it is way powerful than this art. " sun was surprised knowing that this art called illusion thread was only a third grade art for death demon. He nodded his head.

After travelling the demon lake for many days , they arrived on the paradise empire. One of the most powerful empire in demon world. on the way sun and other had to face many types of illusion and were many time hurt. One time sun couldn't difference between illusion and real so he was penetrated on his chest by a huge metal sting of an illusion demon metal bee. This past one month of journey from yin forest to paradise empire was very beneficial to them. epically to sun and alina. on their way , alina was able to advance from tier 3 to 6 and gain real battle experience, was able to make a powerful demon pet. was able to compromise the secret behind the illusion flower art. while sun was able to battle with tier 10 powerful foe and breakthrough from tier 6 to 7. was able to stabilise his cultivation on the way. was able to gain illusion art and was able to evolve it to second grade ability from third grade. was able to learn the way to fight back with illusions and he kept on learning life art from halo ring.

This was just too fruitious for them. After reaching paradise empire , they saw a huge wall enough to reach the sky. the walls were made of very strong stone called black stone which was a very high grade meterial. even gate was fourth to fifty feet tall and high made of gold ,pure gold. the guards were wearing tier 8 armours and holding tier 8 weapons. They were all tier 8 demons. This empire had more than a thousand kilometer area covering. It meant huge enough to have more than a million of people's inside it.

sun and other walked there and reached outside the gate. There guards were collecting taxes. The taxes were very costly ,just to enter you need to pay hundred gold coins. just too much. But sun didn't mind about money and payed it.

After this empire , the distance were only of two month ,just heading to the west direction for two month will lead to a valley called fire spirit valley , and there is a huge waterfall of lava. inside the lava was the mine. A yang attribute mine.

Kelly and yeti found it because they were trying to find a medicine called fire root ,this type of medicine let's a fire attribute person to strengthen their meridians and dantians. but who knew they would be so lucky to find that mine ? sun decided to let them stay in paradise empire until they finish their work. and after doing what was to be done will he meet them in paradise empire and give them their share. so they departed before departure they decided place to meet each others.

But sun and alina didn't just left the empire. They first decided to have a tour to the empire so they decided to stay for few days. They were still wearing mask and a long robe that was similar to grim reaper.

but just in their first day they saw something very interesting, there was a martial art tournament going on. on a middle of a street , a very big martial art tournament was held by some noble families. and this tournament was called life and death stage.

it was between two big families in paradise empire called lin and soo family. They were the one responsible for this tournament.

so sun and alina also got interested and walked to watch the tournament.

    people are reading<I am the king of all villainous villian : Volume 1 : against hell devouring beast>
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