《I am the king of all villainous villian : Volume 1 : against hell devouring beast》tale 8 : kashi village



name : fang sheng

age : 20-21

race : low level demon race

not a magic artisan

family : rock sheng (father)

jessy sheng (mother)

kite sheng (sister)

love interest : wei ning

new member in family : sun rai ( free loader )

personality : kind / simple / hard working


tale 8 : kashi village

margin world.……..

In somewhere at soaring forest , there was a silence that kept the atmosphere become somehow tense. dead corpses were everywhere and bloods had painted the ground. There was a wooden carriage with two dead horses joined it. One man sitting on front seat while few people's sitting on back seats. but they had expression of surprise , fear and so on….

A man wearing black robe was standing on on the ground while pointing his right fingers on those corpses.everytime he pointed those corpses with his finger , they would dissappear in thin air. those dead corpses were send inside the demon space forest to be feed by demon pets that sun has tamed. because inside the demon space there would only be two or three tier higher demons , they were all tier 8-9 demon beasts.

They were tamed by sun's one of the taming art that he learned from those books inside the demon space.

turning to look at others that were still in shock. He walked to them slowly , his movement was neither slow or fast but perfectly cool. He was like a cool person that had a movement of Michael Jackson showing his dance step. but alas he wasn't lucky enough to do that. How can he compare to legendary Michael Jackson in dance so his step was looking cool and no more than that.

After reaching on carriage , he turned to look at those horses and smiled. He flicked his right fingers and said " Rise the childrens of death "

with that a waves of death energy started to cover the bodies of those death horses and give them lives. those both horses started to stand up on their feets and cried…



watching this scene unfold , everyone gluped their spit and felt more terror. because this person was clearly using an undead type magic but wasn't a dark artisan. but instead this person was using death magic to control undeads. A death artisan , he was actually a death artisan that can control death when he reach the true tier in his cultivation.

In the world the most dangerous arts are related to either time or space ,life or death , creation or destruction and similar to them but those all arts are very rarest even in a world like hell , heaven and skydom. so that means this man possess the power of death that is one of the power that stands on the apex of the world.

looking at those baffled looks on their face , he smiled. sun didn't bother explaining anything instead he sat on the front seat and closed his eyes. He started to sleep , the undead horses started to pull the carriage after sun sat on the front seat.

everyone were looking at sun as if they were watching a future god of death or descendent of death god. After closing his eyes , sun entered inside the demon space.

He can enter inside the demon space in two ways , one was by soul. but he couldn't walk out from the cave and he can only read that's all. While another one is physically where he can train himself like before inside the demon space forest. This space was created by heart demon using his star ranker powers for his successor and keep his inheritance alive through his successor.


After entering inside the demon space , sun picked a book called "sky demon flying art" and sat down on the chair. The chair had a round wheel craved on both sides so the chair moved back and forth while sun kept on reading.


There was a beautiful village filed with farms , houses , huts , small rivers , flower gardens , trees and plants. filled with demons and demoness , and their happiness. This village was not that big or that small , it was ranked as a medium rank village with the population of five to eight thousand. and once this village hits the population of ten to thirty thousand this village will be Registered as a high rank village while reaching a population of hundred thousand will let it reconsider as a small rank city. only when higher up gives the permission to build a city than can they build it. kashi village was part of the murong city and murong city was only a small rank city for past few years. And murong city was ruled by demon world empire called demonic Web empire.

from far away , a carriage which was pulled by undead horses was closing the distance between the village and them. on the way sun didn't even bother to open his eyes and have a friendly conversation. but because fang and other wanted to forget the incidence that happened before , they kept on having friendly conversation with each others.

After arriving at the village , the horses were guided the direction of house by fang sheng. There was a two story building made with woods and stones. It had a fence surrounded and a small gardens near those fence. A footpath that was joined with front door to front gate. There was a balcony in front of the second floor. There was a small house made for birds hanging on the balcony. This house was like how a person would dream of after their retirement from their jobs.

After walking in front of house , horses stood there. The carriage was parked in front of the house. only than sun woke up from the demon space to real world. He saw a very beautiful house that made him remember of his own house. For a moment he felt sentiment toward this house. But he clam himself, fang looked at him and said " brother sun , this is my house.

I hope you like it." nodding his head , sun got off from the carriage and hold his both hands behind his back. looking carefully , he smiled and complimented about the house " a very beautiful house and a decorations. my heart was touched for a moment " he wasn't saying this just because he wanted to compliment it but also because he truly thought the same way he compliment it.

getting off from the carriage , everyone started to take out the supplies that they bought from the city. There were things for daily needs , things for winter and other seasons. because kashi village was far from cities ,the villagers needs to prepare everything from the start or else they would be getting in trouble. like bandits for example.

wei wasn't from the sheng family so she just had a small conversation for a while before returning to her home. sun walked inside the house and was once again surprised. This house was already beautiful from outside but from inside this room was like a part of heaven. on the walls were birds flying pictures craved. not only that a huge phoenix was spreading it's wing on the ground , that's what it was craved on the floor. The phoenix was flying in the sky. It was red and had a blue features in some parts. sun felt like he was riding on phoenix. He smiled.


There were tables and wooden sofas , chairs and bookselfs inside the room. There was few chairs outside the backyard and they were facing toward a very heavenly flower gardens. There were rainbow flowers that had seven types of colours and each had different than the others. There were also a waterfall plants. This plants were called waterfall because after planting this plant for twenty to thirty years and fertilising it with only water for 24/7 hours , it will grow the ability to suck water from the earth and start falling waters like a waterfall from its flowers. its flowers were all similar to marigold. While there were a lines of tree that everyone were familiar with. This tree was the one of the symbol of beauty for nature and it was called sakura cherry blossom.

watching this , sun unintentionally walked outside and sat down on the chair. This chair had a small crescent shape wood craved on its both side. so it was also type of chair that could move back and forth. moving back and forth , sun fell in love with this beauty. He actually fell for this beauty that nature could offer. without knowing a smile appeared on his face , he thought " how many years has it been that I hadn't seen a beauty like this ? two years and six month or so.…….. don't miss me when I am not here , I am like a shadow. you were the love of my life even now I have loved you from bottom of my heart. its sad that I had to leave you and make you my closed dairy , wha! This is good sairy (sairy = poem). haha…." he shooked his head while laughing at his own.

watching him lost in those beauty , fang walked to him and asked " do you like it brother sun ?" sun nodded his head and replied " beautiful , such an art of nature. must be a women in your family ?" with a suprise looks on fang's face , he asked " how did you know ?" laughing little , sun replied " you and your father don't seems to be nature lover. but instead workaholic. haha…. that's why "

feeling little embarrassed , fang scratched his head with his left hand and forced a smile on his face. He said " haha… ah.. what to say ? If we don't work hard than we may not have anything to eat. haha…" without looking at him , sun nodded once again.

He was right ,without working there is nothing that you will earn. sun has also experienced it before and it is not about in demon space but in his previous world , earth. His parents divorced each others when he was only seven and had to live one month with his father while another one month with his mother. With this his hope and trust in relationship was broken from deep inside his heart. because of his parents his belive in relationships died and he began to stay far from his friends too , afraid of getting hurt by them just like his parents did to him because of their own benefits.

He started working in labour at the age of twelve while lived alone in the age of fourteen , joined water department office in the age of twenty and became man of self independent for his whole life. He didn't wanted to rely on anyone and because of that he had to face every challanges in his life all alone by himself.

He shook his head thinking about it. What was his wish before he was summoned in this world ? was his wish to become a billionaire? was his wish was to be someone that was world known figure ? was his wish to live a life of celebrity? no , his wish was simple. earn a money and save it for future. buy a small land in a village side , build a small house for his old days , a farm for earning and find a life pathner that would love him and nothing else. walk with him for his while life , live together until they both dies. A childrens and their laughter , their naughty behaviour, complains from neighbours when his childrens would do something wrong and just like that a happy family bonded by love…..

but now when he thought about it ,he felt how naive he was to dream of priceless dream that couldn't be bought with anything . He thought those dream that he once dreamed was a very simple and normal dream but who knew that dream was the priceless dream in the whole world.

"haha….." he started to laugh thinking about it. He said " how naive I was before to dream of creating a heaven on earth , haha…" watching him ,fang was confuse. He asked " brother sun this garden is created by my sister , she loves all types of trees , plants and flowers in the world." sun looked at him and said " do you have a tea in your house ?"

nodding his head , fang replied " of course , what type of tea do you like ?" in confusion , sun watched fang for awhile and asked " what types are there ?" fang puffed his chest and replied " fresh breath tea and sweet tea ,which do you like ?"

blinking his eyes , sun asked " and what types of tea are they ?" fang looked at sun in a surprise and asked " you really don't know ?" shaking his head , sun didn't feel shame at asking the thing he didn't know " yes , I really don't "

fang coughed for few times and explained " fresh breath tea is tea made from ment, tulsi and warm tea leaves. This tea helps the person to feel fresh and is used in the morning time. While sweet tea is made from honey from demon honey bees , sugerleaves and finally tea leaves called fruit tea plant leaves. and it is very sweet and good ,this is used after meals or dinner and even in lunch."

sun nodded his head in understanding , he said " bring me fresh breath tea or whatever it was called." smiling wryly, fang returned inside the room. While sun let his eyes enjoy the heaven.

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