《World End My Life Start WEMLS》Chapter 6 - Again.. what just happened ?


We all looked at the hallway were a kid stood with scissors covered in blood popped out.

???: ….. je..JEJej...eheheh …..

The room turned cold, freezing cold… dead cold. Our hearts pained when such words echoed.

Miranda: D-Dylan? ....

Miranda had a horror expression on her face. I looked at Reymond and he looked back at me. Our expression showed fear, we feared this kid covered in blood.

Dylan noticed me first and he stared at me with cold eye. He screamed and ran towards me. Miranda rushed to hug him.

Miranda: Calm down Lan mommy's here, mom-...

Dylan had stabbed his own mom.

Reymond and I are shocked to see blood coming out off Miranda stomach. We were frozen in place not knowing what to do.

Dylan: MOMmy… *sob* ..MoMMy? MAMa!!

Dylan started crying letting go of the scissors that stabbed his own mother to hug her.

Miranda looked pale, yet she accepted the hug and start patting Dylan's head.

Miranda: It's.. okay.. Lan.. there… there…

Dylan: Sorry... *sob* MoMmY... *sob*

Reymond went to Dylan and put his hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

Dylan: … *sob*

Reymond: It's okay Din my .. friend Chie will help your mom.

He pointed at me while, Dylan looked at me waiting for me to help her.

Chie: What? I can't..

Reymond: You can just like you did to me!

Chie: Wah? That only worked on you because, you are my.. slave. She.. She's not my slave!

Reymond and I looked at Miranda, her eyes glowing with hope and nob.

I stretch my arm, but I noticed my MP is low

Chie: I can't my MP is low.

Reymond: Your what?

Chie: Mana Points, the bars at your top right of your view.

Reymond: I.. I don't.. see…. oh.

I looked to the kitchen and I got an idea. I when to the fridge to get an apple and ate it.


Reymond: Chi that's wrong! What you doing!

Chie: Testing a theory.

I got a buff saying that my HP recover got up by 1 for 1 min. It didn't recover MP.

I closed the fridge, then I notice that there was something next the dead and soulless goblins. There were some coins, two different colored bottles and a book.

Chie: If this is correct then...

I gave the red bottle to Miranda; she drank it and like that the wound healed itself and recovered her HP.

Dylan: mOmMY ? *sob* MOmmY!!

Miranda: I’m healed.. i’m healed! Lan see mommy is healed! Thank you Mr.Chie thank you. thank you. thank you.

Chie: it..it was nothing….

Wait… I look to the fridge the food.. that Apple recovered my HP then…

I mentally palm face myself

Miranda: thank you Mr.Chie I will follow you wherever you go! We will follow right lan?

Dylan: …..

Chie: I.. um.. ooh…

What just happened?

[ you got two new swear slave ]

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