《Mystic Reality》Chapter 1 Confusion


“My name is Pedro Silang. Well, this might sound crazy but I’m not such a handsome nor wealthy guy. You can even consider me an average guy or even lower but I had the most wonderful life. Enough of that, let’s start the story so you can say it’s true.”

In a small town in Cebu, a man was working diligently on his job as a construction worker. He has deep brown eyes, an average size button nose, black short hair like Jason Bourne and a well-built body. He was currently bringing in the hollow blocks from the truck to the site.

“Working overtime eh?” the old driver asked him.

“Uhm.. yes sir. I have to buy something important.” he answered.

“Well, Pedro my boy, you really are a good example here”

“Thank you sir, got to go now. Bye”

“Take care of yourself, young one”

Pedro was working so that he can earn money, not for his family, not for his loved one, not for his pet, nor any of that kind. He was alone in a small wooden house. His parents died in a car crash when he was still 5. If a hospital was present in their town, they could’ve been saved. Unfortunately, there was none.

He was their only child and the couple was very poor. After the burial, he was left all alone in his small wooden house but he never felt lonely. This is because the folks in his town are helping him so that he can survive daily. He felt as though he became a leech on everyone so he asks them for work so that he won’t be feeling guilty.

At the age of 8, he was helping the fields, washing dishes, cleaning backyards, pulling weeds, caretaking animals and many other works that he could find in his town. He never misses a day on visiting the grave on his parents, until one day, he had sworn an important task on his parents’ grave.

He decided to go to school because he wants to be a doctor who can help everyone in the town and build his own hospital. He diligently studied and now he was graduating in high school as a top student. He wanted to take the scholarship of a prestigious medical school so that he could achieve his dream.

He was working in the construction site so that he can buy the requirements for graduation and scholarship exam.


“Congratulations Pedro, you are now on the final level of high school.” said his coworker.

“Thanks Bert, this is finally it.” he responded.

“So what are your plans after graduating? Still gonna follow your dream?” he asked.

“Yup, there’s no stopping this now that I’m here.” he proudly said.

“That’s very kind of you Pedro” he admired.

Pedro just chuckled and continued his job. He then went home and took a little rest before going out again. This time he plans on doing the only thing that he was very fond of, Computer games. He already planned his money on everything that he will spend and there were some extra so he decided to play games.

He went to a gaming cafe and played Massive Multimedia Online Role Playing Game called The Conqueror. He played it for hours because he wasn’t aware of the time. When suddenly, an earthquake occurs and destroyed the whole town. Before the cafe he was in collapsed, a huge crack on the ground swallowed him and then everything went black.

He slowly opened his eyes and the sunlight stung it so he closed it again. He steadily stood up and tried to remember what happened. He recalled that he was playing happily when the ground shook and ate him whole. He then opened his eyes again wondering if he was still alive.

He then saw a fountain in front of him as big as a whole SUV in diameter and 2 feet deep. There was a monument of a Goddess named Silv, it was a woman with a long beautiful dress with flowers and butterflies and a halo made of leaves and stems. On her right hand, she was carrying a basket full of fruits, vegetables, grains and spices in it. On the other hand, she was holding an elegant staff with a beautiful flower on its tip. She looked majestic like her description below the monument

Goddess Silv

The goddess of abundance and beauty.

This monument is a tribute to the goddess for protecting

the village and giving abundance of food and shelter

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

From the citizens of Raflis

He was dazed when he saw the statue because it depicts beauty on another level. When he stood up and looked around, he realized that he was in a square at the center of this mysterious town. He saw shanty houses around the square and there are other people buzzing about.


The people was dressed with clothing similar to the medieval era peasants and citizens. The moment he saw every single thing he saw, he sat again. He was absorbing everything that transpired before him but his brain is rejecting it. He was at the point of being insane when a soothing voice caught his ears.

“Ahoy there young boy, are you somewhat lost?” a decently dressed old guy asked him. The old guy was taller than him by a feet. He was a white-haired guy with an appearance natural to European countries and body which can be called elderly at around the age of 60.

“W-w-where is this place? W-where am I?” he asked in a hysterical manner.

“Hey, calm down, boy. May I know your name?” the man asked gently

“P-P-Ped. You can call me Ped.” he answered in a stuttering way.

“Well, you seem to be new around here, are you okay? Are you hungry?”

As soon as he heard the word hungry, his stomach grumbled so loud that the old man heard it. The old man chuckled and said. “Come to my house, by the way, I am the Mayor of this town and Jerry is the name. Welcome to Raflis.”

The mayor guided him to his house and fed him fresh steaming potato and grilled meat. He was very thankful to the mayor but he can’t get the feeling of distress of everything he just saw. The mayor told him that this was the town of Rafline, in the region of Raflis.

There are 5 continents and only one is inhabited by humans and this was where he was, in the continent of Madrigal. There are all sorts of monsters and magic that he was told but he didn’t believe it because he thought that the old man was playing a prank on him. He was also told to be careful on going out the town because it was unsafe. But then again, he didn’t believe it.

“So how are you feeling now?” asked the mayor.

“It’s still takes a lot to take in.” he said.

“In time, boy, in time. If you want to defend yourself against the monsters, you can go south of the square. There you will see a man named Tom. He specializes in teaching the young ones the basic fighting and defending skills you need to venture outside”. he calmly said.

“Thank you, Mr. Mayor.” he then left to go outside of town for he didn’t believe any word the mayor said.

As soon as he reached the gate, two guards with tunics and spears approached him and block his path.

“Stop, it is very dangerous outside specially for a young untrained man like yourself.” the first guard warned him.

“Yeah, like hell that’s true.” he retorted

“If you don’t believe us then come with me.” the guard snapped at him

He was a bit afraid for he didn’t know what to do. He followed the guard and just as he stepped outside, he saw a huge sea of giant trees. He was shocked by what he saw because that was the first time in his life that he saw such huge trees, and what’s more, they were in a vast number. As he was still appreciating the surrounding, he didn’t notice the eyes that were watching him.

The guard yelled as bat-like monster with a single huge red eye and a wingspan of about the 3 feet appeared. It was a battle cry of which the guard readied himself. They battled it out but the guard was caught by another bat’s huge wing and he was toppled down as his spear was sent flying.

“AHHHHHH” the guard was shocked of what happened but he then calmly assessed the situation.

He quickly rolled to grab his spear and struck the eye of the first bat which led to its death as he dodges the assault of the second. He then murmured something and his spear glowed and struck the second bat 5 times so fast that Ped’s eyes couldn’t follow. With a swing towards the bat’s body, the guard was the victor on a disadvantageous battle.

Ped’s eyes were wide and his mouth was opened for the whole time the battle was conveyed. In that moment, he realized that everything the mayor said was true. That everything that transpired here is reality. He pinched his hand so hard that he shrieks on the pain. This was reality. Right there and then he realized that he was in a different world. A world where everything is a mystery to him.

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