《Looking for My Future》Contract


Getting up from my game console then I jump to my bed, then I take my smartphone to call a fast delivery food and go online in the internet. Looking at the official website, I remember a week ago there is a people saying how fun playing on the cave and saying he/she think will just go exploring on the cave and making money from the cave.

And now there are many just discussing how to beat every floor they reach and who get to the highest floor. And I think they didn’t cultivate their land or rising their life status and they just challenging the cave so they will be left behind from the progress of the game.

The truth is if they post something absurd like this the admin is always giving them the trailer of this game as for replacing not giving them information. But maybe they didn’t understand what the meaning is and I don’t want to giving them any information they just ignore it. Well there is many other people too boasting their farm, status windows, and talking what seed they planting or whatever.

The trailer is beating a monster on some map, build the village become a city like fortress, interaction with a beautiful girl, going on hunting, fishing on the boat, making shining item, the faster time, and other with on the last video a demon laughing, that on one minute video.

This game of mine been made all of it with just some of people I think have the skill to create this game or you can say a small team. And to release it we give it to some large company to make it open for public without knowing our true identity. It is true the company ask we about the detail of this game but because this is a new era game and we just give them the prototype game that why they afraid we will not give the full game to them. And if they want to get our full game they must agree with our condition.

One of the condition is the releasing the game is at 4am as to the date they can chose it themselves. 2, They will not look at the map of this game, they just can use the official video trailer we give them because the game will crush if they look at the random map and can be reboot again at 4am. 3, If in 2 month release there is still too few clearing the event “getting out from the village”, they can leak all the information about the status windows. And make some warning line saying there is many event can be occurred if they meet the condition. And there more condition we agree like money as the payback, and most likely not to ruin the fun of this game.


After looking at the official website I make a satisfied smile because there is many mob player and there is still look like will clear the event condition. Now I will open my account sosmed just checking my mail and looking at some of my friend profile.

At 11.20pm there is a bell rang, and I think that my food so I get up from my bed and before opening the door I check who on the outside. Confirming it’s the fast food then I open the door and giving it money then close the door again. Well it just some caution for protection I made. After eating then I play some song on my smartphone then go to sleep.

when I wake up its already 5am in the morning maybe I will a bit late for playing my game but I will tidying myself a bit, I will take a bath, calling some laundry and go on jogging well making myself a bit healthy, going to beach/picnic. Well I want to take some time off from my neet activity.

Its already 9.30 am when I’m finished my cleaning myself and the house, using this opportunity I then go out with my personal black sport motorcycle to the beach. In the beach I didn’t go to water but I go to a hotel that close sea, ordering some food and looking at the beautiful scenery of the sea. I will immerse this beautiful scenery on my mind thinking someday I will make my motorcycle can fly and I will explore this sea. I know I’m still want to look at this scenery but I must go back.

On the way going back to my house I then thinking to restock my refrigerator with something I can cook and some snack. When I got to my house I then place my food to the refrigerator and look at the clock that already 00.12 pm.

Knowing time sure fly so fast I then take my console and go online to the game. “hah” with some sigh I start the game again, coming out from my house in the game I see its already night in the game.

I will go to cave again pushing myself to reach floor 5 but there is still lingering feeling from my sightseeing so I will start buying tool for fishing and going fishing. When the time come I will not to care so much about how must every single my activity to purposely rising my status.


Entering the cave again I meet sensei-tempest again but because I already know what path to take I then can go to the floor 3 with easy. I already know how to fight this common skeleton so I explore this floor 3 with entering each tunnel on the room to search the floor 4.

With some time I clear the floor 3 and reach the stair leading to the floor 4, in here I will face a skeleton again but the skeleton here will have a different weapon and in one room you will see 2 often 3 skeleton. I readying myself then with a cautious I then going down to the floor 4 using a path that will leading me to the first room on this floor.

I’m thinking to sneak attack 1 of them in here, after some time walking I see the room and I stealth myself to peek the room. In there I see 2 skeleton one using a spear and one using a sword I then approach it until I 8m away from them. I take out 2 dagger to eliminate one of the skeleton, calculating its move I throw the 2 dagger at the spear skeleton, it hit the target on the chest and one of my dagger got miss. Then proceed to take the next skeleton that already approaching me with its sword on top it shoulder to slash at me. I planning to parried it with my sword I know they are slow so I force the sword from the skeleton to my right side and using that momentum to make my slash on its abdomen.

Now the sword skeleton down, maybe the impact didn’t do much if it just hit its chest it just collapse on the spot and already got up to attack me but because I already took down the skeleton sword I rush to the skeleton that already aiming its spear to stab me. When I already a bit close to the tip of the spear I slash my sword to get rid the spear from this skeleton. After the spear fly off from the hand of the skeleton I then rushing again to slash this skeleton, without its weapon I can easily beat it.

After beating the skeleton in this room I look there is 2 entrance tunnel in this room I go again with the right tunnel. I know this is annoying exploring without knowing where to go and in every floor its tunnel will become more many and the room will become more wide, but I will bear at it. I will reach 10 floor before I take the event “come out to the city” and make my guild association.

With moving a bit slow as to not make my enemy in the next room noticing me, I come to see 3 skeleton in the room. I know it will be a bit hard to take on this 3 monster but thinking the next floor will be a party of skeleton, I then take the most difficult enemy from this 3 skeleton for my sneak attack, yes a skeleton archer or skeleton spear. And if there is 3 skeleton with 3 different weapon(spear, archer, and sword) I will take the archer as my first assassination.

Without further ado I aim at the skeleton spear again to throw the 2 dagger at my hand, and I will engage 2 vs one again this 2 skeleton sword. This time my dagger hit the skull of the spear skeleton and it become a back mist. Seeing me the 2 skeleton remain then chasing me, I then running in circle in the room thinking to throw my remain dagger and collect the dagger that close to me that I already throwing. If I beat 1 of the skeleton remain, I will then engage the last skeleton with one on one duel.

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