《The Boy of the Slums》The war of End - Part 3


The world was shrouded in darkness and silence of night. The only light coming to this place was from the full moon above in the sky and the stars surrounding it.


The world felt so quiet that the sound of occasional wind blowing against the grass felt like it was made to prevent people from falling asleep because of the boredom. However, before long, other sounds started mingling in between, and the intermittent sound of rustling grass and trees created by wind became continuous. The sound of footsteps trying to conceal themselves, excited whispers which made one wonder how the voices were being kept down, the sound of weapons cutting the obstructions in one's path and the like became dominant.

Ray was watching this from behind a bush just large enough to hide him. He was watching them with wariness. However, that wariness soon changed to anger once he heard the contents carried by their whispers.

"Maaan, why do we have to do this? This town doesn't even have that much money."

"What're ya whinin'bout? Ey said ya can tek jus whateva ya want. Jus don leave anyun alive."

"Yea. This is bound to turn into a battle for goods. I mean not like the people are even a threat to us. There can't be a skill holder in a place like this. And even if there is, he can't take us all on."

"Y'know, yer too idiotic. Thinking only about small stuff owned by these peasants. I heard there is booze in the town. And a whole ton of it to boot."

"You serious, Boss?!"

"Yeah. Apparently, the harvest was much more plentiful than expected. Shows just how much more fertile this land is compared to other regions."

"En we've gotta tek it!"

"Heh. If only it could be that easy. The others should also've heard of this. They're going to aim for it too."

"Then, what should we do, Boss?! We can't not have liquor, y'know!"

"That's easy. Aim for the centre of the town. The warehouse's there. If we reach there first, we can have all the booze. Fortunately, the main force is still at the back. And as there's the rule to not kill allies, we can barter it for other small stuff. Just take our kids and kill all the peasants. Clear a way to the warehouse. If we're lucky, we'll have all the good stuff this town has to offer."



Such conversations were being carried out throughout the group of around hundred people. The content was brutal, however, the people speaking it did not seem to realise the weight of the words they were speaking. Hearing the words, Ray was worried about Klan who was inside the town. For the people of the town, they were filthy untouchables, but that only made the bonds between untouchables all the more stronger. Currently, Ray was thinking about what would have happened to him if he had not met Klaude, Klan and others at the time he did.

He might have had to live by himself, which he wasn't sure he could do. What could a boy who hasn't even come of age, lack the know how of outside world, lacking any talent to do any work do?

His life would perhaps have ended some time after his mother left him. He had heard from Klaude that the dead become stars and if you die, you will also become one. He wanted to see his mother who had become a star. He wanted to be beside her as a fellow star. However, the primal instinct of survival was too strong.

However, now that he had experienced the pain of living alone and powerless, he wanted to avoid having to go through that ever again. That's why he decided to move. To protect what is his.

(Ray's POV)

I am moving from bush to bush, trying not to make any sounds. And by the time I got in a position so that I could finally start attacking them, the group had already made it close to the walls of the town. What they said is true. There is no skill holder in town. At least other than me. Skills are called the blessings by god. Usually, one does not have them. The Acquired skills and Inherited skills columns of most people are empty from what I heard from Klaude. The people usually only have their basic stats and level. When they level up, they get a boost in their stats. However, skill holders, apparently, can get other bonuses on level ups, making their stats higher than others.


That is the reason that I, who holds multiple skills, looked like a monster to others. Apparently, my stats are high enough to be compared to a level one 17 years old soldier. I check my status and details on skills to see how well I can fare against these people.

Name: Ray

Level: 3

HP: 16; VIT: 9

Race: Human

Age: 6

Class: Undecided

Subclass: Undecided

STR: 12 DEF: 7 AGI: 22 DEX: 12 MP: 5 INT: 5 MIND: 5 END: 29


Acquired Skills:

Increased Physical Strength Lv 2 Increased Agility Lv 4 Increased Endurance Lv 5 Storage Expansion Lv 1 Dagger Arts Lv 2 Parrying Lv 1 Flash Lv 1

Inherent Skills:

Kienetic Vision Lv 3 Magic Perception Lv 1

Unique skills:


Gifts: None

After checking my status, I check the details of each skill in the hope of getting their effects completely engraved on my mind.


On every level up of user

STR + 2


On every level up of user

AGI + 4


On every level up of user

END + 5


The storage equipment possessed by the owner have their storing capacity increase by 1% In case the equipment is transferred while containing material to someone lacking the skill or having lower level, the material stored in the expanded space will be lost.


DEX + 2 when equipped with a dagger. When equipped with a dagger, inferior version of > will be generated. If level increases while equipped with a dagger

DEX + 2; AGI + 2


Provides minimal help while parrying an attack.


The user can cover a distance of few steps instantaneously. The user's posture will remain unchanged for the most part. The skill consumes mana while also putting a strain on the body.


User's Peripheral vision is enhanced allowing better grasp on surroundings.


On every level up, a correction of +1 will be added to all stats. The experience and skill proficiency gained will increase in proportion to the user's level.


There are mostly skills which have passive attached to them. I don't understand why they are called passive, but considering the effects I have read, they will be beneficial in the long run. But since I need them now, they might as well be useless. Flash is a good skill, but it puts too much strain on my body and also drains something called mana. I don't know what it is, but if it is a fuel for a skill like this, it is bound to be an imortant resource. I will have to use it sparingly, or else I might end up like I did last time I used it consecutively, unable to even move properly.

Next is Magic Perception. I haven't been able to call any information on it, no matter how many times I tried. I don't know why that is, and I can't ask any other skill holder as I'm the only one here. Although, I suppose it is a magician exclusive skill considering it's name contains magic. If mother was alive, perhaps, she would have known, but no use crying over spilled milk, what's gone is gone.

I am still nervous about killing another human. The last time I killed two soldiers, I was in a panic from the rapidly changing situation, but now that I have some time to think it over, I want to avoid killing at all costs. My palms are sweaty and my hands are shivering. Though I suppose that's because I might not come back from this. After all, there's about a hundred of them and only one of me.

Now then, since I have read all the available description, it's time to go. I don't want to do this, I'm afraid, I might really die, however, I have to do this, because if I don't I know I'm going to regret it later on.

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