《The Boy of the Slums》Children, Work and Delivery – Part 1


(Klaude’s POV)

I was coming to check on the kids from the inner area. The inner are is a place for all the hoodlums of the town, and even if they are called hoodlums, they are decent enough not to warrant suppression by the lord's forces, but unfortunately, not decent enough to let kids live near them. “I wonder if they have finished eating their meal and went on to their work”. Usually this is Klan’s responsibility. He acts like a leader because he is older than other kids and calls me big brother because our names and hair colour are similar. However, he is a kid as well, so expecting much from him will be foolish. As this thought was going through my mind,

⌈Hm? What’s all this commotion about? They better not be dawdling there or I'll have to get tough.⌋

I heard some loud noises. It seems the kids are clamouring. Right. I was an idiot to expect them to properly go to work.

And when I reached the distribution area, I saw a spectacle different from one I was used to seeing. A kid had pushed Klan down on a the food crate and was holding a dagger in front of Klan.

I was dumbfounded seeing this scene. This was too far apart from common sense. I could have understood it if it was a thug threatening Klan, but this was totally unexpected. No matter how I look at it, another kid was threatening Klan using a dagger. Well, since there are races like elves, dwarves and the like which are usually long lived, it is not necessary that the one pushing Klan down is a kid, but if he was an elf, he would have long pointed ears, and if he was a dwarf, he would be a lot more burlier. Well even if he was one of them, the age at which the kid seems like, even they would have grown little different from a normal human kid. Unless he is an irregular.

⌈Give me food or I'll take it after your death!⌋ (Boy)

Hearing this, I can kind of make a guess as to what had happened here. This kid who is threatening Klan must have requested some food from him, and Klan being Klan, he would have rejected and ridiculed the boy. Well, I don't know how much he would have been pushed to snap so badly that he is threatening Klan using a weapon with such ferocity. Hm? Shouldn't I stop this? What a pain. I know the moment I speak, Klan will come running to me, and all that anger is going to flood in my direction. I am a manager of these kids, not some caretaker. And besides, that dagger looks really sharp and pointy, if that kid comes running at me and I make one mistake, I can get some serious injury. Huh? Now that I look a little closer, the clothes that kid is wearing, aren't they covered in blood? Man, this is seriously bad, perhaps, Klan had not taunt him at all and the kid is just that prone to anger. If that is the case, then Klan is in serious danger. Looks like I really have to get into the middle of this to save him. Event though I may not look like it, I am still a level 10 thief. A mere kid who might have gone against a monster or two, is not a threat to me. Thinking this, to break the situation, I shout,


⌈What's going on?!⌋ (Klaude)

Hearing my loud voice, the attention of all the kids present in the area gathers on me. Even the kid holding weapon is looking at me, and seeing his chance, Klan pushes him and runs towards me with all his power and hides behind my back.

⌈Big Brother! This kid just came out of nowhere and tried to forcibly take the food!⌋(Klan)

⌈Yeah, I saw how it all went down⌋ (Klaude)

With as much anger in my eyes as I can muster, I look towards the kid.

⌈Who are you? And why are you bothering these kids? Didn't your parents teach you it's bad manners to fight others?⌋ (Klaude)

Without changing my tone of voice to show him that I am angry, I ask the kid. He has a timid look on his face. Perhaps, he got afraid of me calling him all of a sudden with such loud voice and asking him with anger in my voice.

⌈M-My name is Ray. I was asking for food from him, but he said only members of their group could get it.......⌋ (Ray)

Huh? Where did all that ferocity from just a little before? Is he not the violent kind of kid who will unhesitatingly use a weapon to get what he wants? Seeing his change in attitude, I got surprised. He answered in a voice so little that you would think that it is me who is threatening him with a weapon. This one eighty of attitude is too amazing. Either he was in too much anger or he is a very clever kid. I don't know, perhaps he is a good kid and Klan had just infuriated him to the extent of snapping. Well, perhaps I should question him a bit more to know just what had happened.

⌈So you decided to threaten him to give you food huh. Are you new in the slums or are you stupid for trying to pick a fight with us? Don't you know it could have gotten you in big danger?⌋ (Klaude)

⌈I-I did not have a choice. I haven't eaten properly for days and he wouldn't give food to anyone who wasn't a member,....so, I did what I did.⌋ (Ray)

This boy, Ray, his answer is too innocent. But that is not something that I cannot accept seeing as how he is holding a weapon and wearing clothes covered in blood. His attitude is too different from what it was a moment ago when he was dealing with Klan. And what's more, his age seems clearly younger than Klan. If he can threaten an older boy who is clearly bigger than him, then I can say he must be very brave. But seeing his character talking to me now, I just can't shake off this feeling that this timidity is this kid's true nature. As I was immersing myself in these thoughts, the kid asked me a question.


⌈You're their big brother, right? So, could you please make me a member of their group?⌋ (Ray)

As he asked me this question, his face was still full of this timidity. Hmmmmm. It's not like I cannot talk to boss about this kid, but, seeing his behaviour just a little before, I can't decide on its too easily. If he acts violently on work or during the delivery, it will cause serious problems. This is too bothersome for me. Oh, right. I should first send all other kids to work.

⌈........Klan, all of the kids seem to have eaten their breads. Take them all and go to your work, I will see what to do with him.⌋ (Klaude)

Hearing me, clan begins to give orders to all other kids.

⌈Hey, you heard big brother! Leave the brat alone and move to work! Let's go!⌋ (Klan)

And they all go to their work. Now then, let's give some time to this kid and decide what to do with him.

⌈.........You really wanna become one of us? You know you're gonna have to work and do a lot of other stuff? And even if I decide to approve you, it's the boss who decides who becomes a member.⌋ (Klaude)

If this kid is smart, he will notice the nuance behind other stuff and ask me about it. Probably. And this type of kids are serious problems for us as they usually try to take advantage of our goods. And normal kid won't be a problem, as he wouldn't be that well versed in ways of the world, but if he is an orphan or someone who has stayed in contact with them, he would have enough knowledge to make use of our material.

⌈Then take me to your boss, please. I really want to become a member of your group.⌋ (Ray)

Hmmmm. He accepted it surprisingly easily. Didn't even take time to think about my offer. Well looks like this kid is one innocent victim begging to be made use of. Now then, let's take him to the boss to get him in our group before others make use of him.

⌈By the way, my name is Klaude. And I'm the one you have to meet if any kid is to become a member. I also recommend kids I find valuable to become members to boss.You said your name was Ray? I haven't seen you around in the slums much. Are you really new here?⌋ (Klaude)

⌈Y-Yes. I came here, a few days ago...⌋ (Ray)

Apparently he had come here not too long ago and seeing his way of speaking and his behaviour, he doesn't seem to be a clever one. This saves me some trouble of having to take care of a troublesome kid and helps us get a good new pawn.

Now then let's get him in our group.

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