《Basra》The Rundown Princess - Chapter 1


‘…did you hear about the…’

‘Rogues they say! Oh it’s terrible…’

The square was bustling with voices, but they hadn’t reached me yet.

‘…the rains are due again…’

By the time I realized what I was doing, it was too late.

‘Thank you for your patronage!’

The lady at the stand had smiled and waved me through, pointing around the corner. I looked behind at the sea of dreary men waiting their turn, and suddenly it felt as though all eyes were on me.

Around the corner a perceivable miasma rose, and tendrils of uncertainty coiled around me and squeezed. With every step, I ventured closer to what I had paid for; a meagre sum meant for whatever rations I could scrounge, that’s all master would front.

Another step and I was shoved along by bulky men in thick leather garments that could stop a blade.

‘Move it along kid, you only paid for 10 minutes.’

Before me was the door to a new journey, yet the pressure in my stomach and whatever was lodged in my throat had woken up something inside; sanity. I had come face to face with what I tried to suppress deep inside.

This is a whore house.

A sharp breath escaped me, and I instinctually covered my face. My cheeks were hot and red, my embarrassment palpable.

Turning tail, I ran back into the square, and tried to ignore the laughs of villainous men as I made my escape.

‘Master, I’m back from lunch…’


My stomach’s visceral growl echoing in the cabin would be enough to give me away, but fortunately I made it back on his 7th round. Laying in a chair adorned with his favorite travel cushion, master was already blackout drunk, and lightly pissing himself; the yellow stream dripping down his pant leg.

‘It’s a wonder how you can enjoy drinking when you can’t hold your liquor.’

My face was still tender from the heat, and the strain in my voice was enough for even me to hear. I had been naïve; in my efforts for relief, I felt more stressed than ever before.

The cabin was a rental, we’d only been in town for a few days and setting up shop was no easy task especially if you’re doing it alone. But I’m no stranger to going it alone; in fact, I’ve been taking care of the two of us for years now.



Using a novice incantation, I sparked a fire under the chimney mantle and began my work.

I threw a pot of water on the flame adding what little we could afford after spending the drink fund: carrots, a gnarly turnip, and black beans.

With the stew on I took out a needle and some thread, and began patching the tears in my tight clothing. The monotony of the task saved me from the thought of my earlier blunder.

Finally, I took inventory of the mound in the back of our cabin. Pots and kettles were stacked haphazardly atop linen wraps and mangy animal pelts. Moldy wooden carvings, and glossed commodities line the mess to give it a completed rundown appearance.


The snap of a trap I rigged went off, and inside was an enormous rat the size of my foot. Smelling the half-finished stew, I took the rat out and quickly skinned it with my pocket knife; throwing the carcass in the stew with the rest of the indescribables.

‘Is ThAt YoU BoY!’

The bastard is always awake for the food.

‘Yes yes, sit back down and I’ll pour you serving.’

Night fell almost as soon as it had arisen. Days had been going faster lately, and the quicker they went the sooner my apprenticeship would be finished. I’d be given enough to start on my own, and would be able to use my skills for my own betterment; it felt suffocating to know how close freedom was.

My life wasn’t terrible, I have more than most my age; with a proper trade, and adequate living skills, I’m set for life. A life of moving, and peddling pots and pans.

‘What a life…’

Is it enough to just work and live?

*Rustle* *Rustle*

The wind was picking up, and outside I could hear the empire of trees roaring at our cabin. Cheers arose from the branches rustling one another, and beckoned me to go on another adventure while there was still time.

Packing up a few slices of meat, and a crumb of black bread, I stowed into the dark forest looking for some fun. I was no stranger to sneaking out, but tonight felt different, as if the wind was leading my steps.


Spirits bless every child with an affinity when they’re born. Some children receive an affinity for knowledge, or magic, and the rarest breed gets an affinity for conquest or peace; those types usually get scouted and taken by some lord to be groomed for a nation.

Though I’ve never been tested, I’ve always though of myself as having an affinity for nature.

Fallen limbs, and musky puddles are easy for me to define, even in the pitch-black darkness. I had always been exceedingly talented at navigating forests, and tonight was no exception. Soon however, the forest line had ended at a clearing.

The field before me had turned to marsh from the rains, and various black outlines were sprawled in the mud.


It was difficult to make out, a testament to the stark difference in my abilities in the woods and outside of them.

Stumbling forward, I approached the center of the field, and felt something grab my hand.



Looking down I saw an outreached arm grasping my ankle. An undefinable ooze slithering off it reminded me of blood and muck.


The voice attached to the arm belonged to a suit of armor, and a hoarse voice rang with warnings from within the empty looking helmet.


‘Wh-who are you?!’

The hand dropped off my ankle, and my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit world around me. The field was littered with broken pikes sticking from the ground. Horses were slumped and lifeless, and countless corpses lay on two sides of a dead battle; no survivors.


The land was dipped in blood and mud, and everywhere I walked I could feel the mix of the two soak my legs. Rats scurried along the rims of protruding clay, and swam in the pools of rich sustenance; drinking the blood like a fine human wine.

I soon realized my folly. I was unconsciously moving towards the center of this spectacle, aiming for a center carriage half submerged in the muck and missing a wheel.

I need to leave-

The thought had flipped a switch in my mind. My thoughts became clouded, a glowing bluish, white light pulsated within the carriage. The blinding light show had darkened my surroundings, and the world stood still as my desire to approach the light grew more and more.

‘It’s calling me, just as the man said…’

I could not ignore it; I’m sure better men have tried.

Begrudgingly, I waded through the liquids that had eventually reached my chest. No amount of bathing would ever wash away the memory of how unpleasant this is.

Near the carriage the flashing light became intense, yet somehow very still.

Floating bodies adorned in leather and steel drift around the carriage. I feel as though they were terrified, even when they’re all face down in the pond of juices. Ripping open the wedged door, I find a cage covered in a dull drape.

Taking off the drape reveals a cracked jewel. The gem is as large as me, and inscribed with thousands of beasts; some of which I’ve only heard of in legend. The light inside moves in a torrent, and as it does the carved beasts move with it like a moving picture.


That’s the only word to describe it; beautiful. The pristine gem is like nothing I’ve ever seen, but the crack on its surface has stricken its luster. The flaw must have happened during this great battle.


The jewel began to hum, focusing its light on the crack. As it does, I notice that my hands are small enough to fit through the bars. The jewel beckons me to reach inside, and lay my palm on the crack.

Slowly, I reach out to the mysterious hum that manipulates my weak will.

As my hand rests on it, a warm tingle resounds throughout my body, and everything goes black.

-It’s time to wake up Michael-

Chapter 1 End.

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