《Black Sheep's Freedom》Announcement


Happy Lunar New Year! May this coming year bring you all good physical health, mental health, and new, exciting opportunities.

I'm sending this notice out early to inform everyone who had read my story that I'm rewriting it. Surprise! Although, it's not actually a surprise since the writing kinda sucked.

I was lucky enough to receive feedback from a few people. The problems were there before and I noticed them. But, with others putting their thoughts down into words, things were clearer. The story suffers from me trying to put too many details in and my lack of experience also makes it difficult to follow the narrative. Thusly, I'm going to streamline the style, which will hopefully make the story a more enjoyable experience, both for me and for everyone who reads it.

I know, I know, new writers and their rewrites. Just give people the story already! But at least it hasn't been far into the plot. I haven't even gotten to the end of the first arc yet!

Can you imagine writing 50 chapters and then redoing them? I don't have the will to do that so, I'm going to do it right now while nothing too interesting is happening.

So, yeah. Words are hard and I'm an awkward person as well. Eloquence isn't my forte. Nor is writing. But I'm working on both. Thanks for reading so far and I promise it wouldn't take long for me to start uploading again!

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