《Souls》Introducing Yourself
“I don’t care for a single one of you, and I hardly expect any one of you to become the Hero. Understand!” That was an hour ago. After he said that, he just turned around and started walking away.
Not wanting to get separated in a new world we all found it best that we followed him, and, I don’t know when but we somehow stepped deep into a thick forest.
It was dark and cold and all you could hear was the crunching of the leaves under your feet. It reminded me of that time I ran around naked in a forest. That was a weird experience in my life, mainly because during that period of my life, I actually had, friends. Crazy right.
I wasn’t even being chased by something, I just did it because someone dared me.
What I’m trying to describe is that the entirety of our walk was very strange and awkward.
Our teacher who’s name is Higashi Eichi, little surprised I remembered, never once turned around or even spoke a word. So we walked the entirety of our trip in silence, which I enjoyed to a small degree. If he had asked me a question about who I am, it would have been very difficult. So, to pass the time, I just stared at his back, not knowing why or what I was looking for.
I looked at his ear, seeing that they were long in nature. Being very pointy at the end. Could he be an Elf? Or something similar to an Elf?
Anyways, after a few more minutes of walking, we finally arrived at a large open space with another small manor made out of dark colored wood.
After reaching the front door, Higashi finally turned around to speak to us, “Alright listen here. Like the little girl said before, you guys are all above me when it comes to status and technically don’t have to listen to me, but I employ you all to try and follow my three house rules.” He looked us over, wondering whether any of us would defy him. His gaze seemed to linger on the girl with the chicken head. “My three house rules are simple. Everyone has their own room, but the guys and women's rooms are separated and I don’t want to see anyone going into a room that’s not theirs. And I absolutely don’t want to hear creaking in the middle of the night.” Done.
I only know one person who I could have some relationship with. But the person’s dead so, not happening.
For reasons unknown, everybody all looked in my direction. Even the chicken face girl looked at me like, if you try to sneak into my room I’m going to cut your dick off.
Even Higashi looked at me like I was trash.
Alright these people have no rights to judge me. I haven't done crap to anyone here, I don’t even know their names.
Just because I stalked Anna for a few okay never mind. They have all the rights to be wary of me.
“Alright. Next rule follows the last one in that I like my sleep. So when it gets dark and it’s time to return to your rooms, I don’t want to hear you guys.” Alright, sounds reasonable.
“Finally, and this rule is simple. No summoning or using magic after hours, or in the house. Got it.” Oh that’s bullshit!
The only reason I wanted to leave my old world and come here was because I wanted to learn magic. Also leave Sofia, but mainly the magic.
“If you all understand then nod your head.” We did as he told, all nodding our heads in perfect synchronization.
With the house rules said, Higashi turned around with the intention of opening the door to our new house. Until one of the guys I don’t care about spoke up, “Wait! Higashi,”
“Don’t call me by my name. Call me teacher, or a master, or just teach. Probably should have said so before but I’m saying it now.” Thanks for clarifying that.
“O-Oh, alright. Teacher, um, don’t you want us to introduce ourselves to you.”
He looks at him for a moment, “Um... No.”
He swiftly opens the door to our new homes.
His students who I’m actually quite glad I didn’t have to talk in front of, all lined up like we were back in kindergarten. With an old woman who I assume to be a staff of my school in the front, and me being the very back.
We all entered a few seconds behind Higashi, but as we entered, I don’t know about the others but I was speechless.
The insides were gigantic, with the entrances itself already trampling over my old school. It was very bright, like a sun was inside, and yet, I didn’t feel the need to cover my eyes. The ground was made of a kind of wood that was soft to the touch. It’s texture feels very similar to the surface of a carpet.
The walls which were wood as well had vegetation growing from within them. Vines hung from the walls and entire bushes with beautiful flowers were seen growing in every corner.
And the one sight that took center stage, was a giant globe made out of what looked like pure gold, floating in mid air at the very center of the room. It’s size was large enough to fit everybody in my class comfortably inside it.
But what really made it stand out was how it radiated a bright light from within it.
Higashi, or teacher, I don’t really know what I’m going to call him yet, once again spoke to us in a bored but also irritated voice, “Now, time for the house tour. This here is the main entrance. There’s not much to see here except for two things. The first thing is that behind you is a little tablet that will teleport you anywhere in the manor. The second major one which you all seem to be staring at is the giant sphere that’s floating at the center of this room. Now look at me, look at me.”
We all stared him in the eyes, well not me. I have things where I don’t ever look someone in the eyes, but I looked at his nose.
“Don’t try to think about it, but we created a miniature sun and put inside that sphere to grow the plants inside this building.”
Everyone was speechless. Maybe it was because of this giant room, or because this dude just told us that his world can create a star, and then just put it in some room.
The old woman couldn’t believe it, “I’m so-sorry. Could you please say that again? I think I missed it.”
“My world created a sun and placed it inside this sphere. There’s at least one of these spheres in each room, except your bedrooms. Some even have two of these things.”
You’re telling us that your world can just manifest a star, and yet you use it to grow some plants indoors. Why the fuck do you even need us! You seem plenty strong yourselves.
I stared at him blankly. I think everyone did.
“I know this is difficult to understand. But trust me. This isn’t the weirdest thing my world can do. So I suggest you guys get ready to see some really weird things.” Teacher told us with a stern look on his face.
The guy who spoke up about wanting to introduce ourselves, once again spoke up, “WHAT!!!”
“What?” Teacher asked, confused.
“What the hell are you talking about? There can’t be a star inside there! It’s not possible!” The guy was making a lot of weird expressions while saying this.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because of gravity! Aren’t stars strong enough to hold entire planets together! How the fuck is a star inside that little ball while we’re hear feeling like nothing is wrong!”
“Well the star itself isn’t all that big. So the gravity and heat it gives off isn’t all that strong.”
“SIZE DOESN’T MATTER! It’s a fucking star!”
“Uhh, fine.” He took a deep breath, clearly not wanting to waste his time on this, “ You see, what we did was first create a miniature star. Then we created this giant golden globe as you see now.” He points at the globe that’s supposedly holding the miniature star, “The inside of this golden sphere contains magical writing that serves two purposes. One is to let out just enough heat so the star doesn't melt all our faces off. The second thing it does is generate its own gravity that is then directed at the star, repelling the gravity it’s emitting. Essentially stopping it from crushing us. Get it now?”
I get it, but I refuse to believe. Like, I’m okay with a lot of things, but this is just taking it too far.
First you tell us that this world can create a star as if it’s a childrens toy. Then tell us that you can create something that can withstand and hold in all the heat and pressure a star gives off, and then have the balls to say that there are multiple of these things spreaded around the building.
“I call bullshit.” That was actually me. I guess the pure bullshit of everything was enough for me to forget my fear of talking in front of others.
Returning back to reality, I see everyone staring at me with a shocked expression.
“What?” Huh, would you look at that, I said another complete word in front of others.
I guess my practice with that weird cute girl back then paid off. Maybe I should thank her? Nah, screw that.
There was a complete fifteen seconds of silence as everybody stared at me like I just said something offensive. This even includes the school staff member who I don’t believe I’ve ever had contact with.
Even the teacher from this world was staring at me. I don’t think it’s because I spoke, since he doesn’t even know my name, but it’s probably because he was wondering why everybody was looking at me.
Seriously, is it that big a deal I was able to speak. Because I believe a miniature star is still bigger.
The boy who wanted to introduce anyone again shouted at the top of his lungs, “L-L-Leon... did you just speak!”
Why are you yelling?
Whatever, I should just say yes.
Okay I can do this. Just say yes, y-e-s, Yes. Just connect those letters and say the word yes. Couldn’t be easier.
...Why am I not saying yes? What is wrong with me?
Why does this happen everytime I try to speak?
I could speak just fine in front of that weird girl, a few people back home, and Sheep. So why can’t I do it now. What’s wrong with me.
Looking at everyone staring at me, my vision began spinning. Like I was in a vortex, seeing everyone stare at me was too intense.
I felt my legs getting weaker, my head begin shaking, my breath sticking to the inside of my throat.
Oh god, oh god. I know what this is.
It happened back home during my first day in highschool. When I had to introduce myself in front of the class. And when I tried with everyone looking at me I... No no no no, I don’t want that to happen.
Please no, I don’t want everyone in this world to also know me as the kid who faints when introducing himself. Please no, I don’t want that.
“What’s going on Leon!” the kid came back screaming at me, which did not help.
Oh god, please don’t tell me he’s the hyber type.
“Are you okay Leon? Tell us!” He grabs hold of my shoulders, slightly shaking them.
Well goodbye muscle control.
My vision began to go dark as my hold body shut down. And all I heard before my consinesses completely blacked out was, “Um? Is this normal for you guys?”
“Yeah it is. Just continue the tour now that we got the little embarrassment out of the way.”
* * *
Slowly opening my eyes I was greeted by a starry shy with the stars illuminating my surroundings.
Everything was still blurry, but seeing that amount of stars was something I was not ready for. Especially since you would need to go out in the middle of nowhere to actually find a sky that isn’t polluted enough to see this many stars.
With every ounce of strength I had in my body, I forced myself up all while feeling a sharp pain in my lower jaw. Felt like someone had kicked it, and it wasn’t a weak kick either.
Holding a hand over my injury I looked around, finding myself in a room I did not recognize in the slightest, “What the?”
Looking back up, this time with a more clear vision I once again saw a sky, or in this case, a roof that had a beautiful night sky with a clear nebula stretching across the night sky.
And then looking back down I find myself in a room that was way, way better than my old room.
With a king size bed that I was currently sitting in, with bookcases with hundreds if not thousands of books lining the walls. A desk that had the same length as a park bench with a large crystal standing on top of it right in front of me. And besides the table and the bed, were a few dozen different size drawers lining the walls along with the bookshelves.
On the far left side of the room there was a window that seemed to be the size of a flat screen Tv, and underneath it was a podium holding a very thick book.
Still in shock, I continue looking up at the sky or roof, and at my abnormally good room.
My instinct told me that everything here was bad news as you don’t just wake up in a nice room when you're me, unless they're trying to lead you into a false sense of security and make you think they're a good person.
Thinking back on what happened I remember myself being touched by another human at school which as far as I know completely stops all muscle action in my body.
But fainting. That hasn’t happened in years. I thought I got over that phase.
It’s weird, but besides that, what the hell is with this room?
Going back even further into my memory I recall the point where I was summoned into this new world and being called a hero.
When I said the word hero everything began to click.
I started to calm down, realizing that this is my room and I was sent here because I passed out. Yeah, that sounds about right.
And then it hit, “This. Is. My. Room.”
Looking around and comparing everything to my old dusty basement bedroom, my world was filled with color. “Oh fuck to the hell yes.”
I wanted to shout, I wanted to yell out about how much I love this world and its people. To celebrate that I would never have to go back to my shitty life I had back home.
I wanted to cry.
But then the three house rules teacher told us about echoed in my mind. Mainly the second rule about not making loud noise at night.
Which begs the question, what time is it. For all I know I could have been unconscious the entire day. That would suck.
Getting up, still a bit tipsy, I went over to the window and studied it for a few seconds. There were no handles or anything on it that suggests that you could open it.
I guess it’s a window that doesn’t open.
Not really caring much about this discovery, I placed my head onto the glass window, looking outside.
Like I thought, it was dark out. Meaning that I’ve been asleep for a few hours at most. Or minutes, I don’t know how time works here.
Walking away from the window I continue to admire the beauty of this room.
The bookshelves that lined the walls were all filled to the brim with books with some even thicker than my arm. And as I was looking at them, I noticed that while some of the titles on the side of the book were in english, others had langues that I couldn’t understand.
Some of the titles used letters I'm familiar with, but the words they created don’t match anything I know. And some of the letters had lines or dots over the letters which is something I know other languages have, I just don’t know which one.
I was able to at least pick out the books that had japanese titles. And that’s only because my mother was from Japan and was the reason I got into anime. You think I also know german because my dad’s from Germany, but I don’t.
I guess this proves that this world summoned people from all over the world. But, how many times have they summoned people here to accumulate so many languages?
Continuing to trace the wall until I reached a strange wooden door that felt smoother than a baby's skin.
I originally thought that this was the door that led outside, but looking over to my side I realize this room has two doors.
Out of pure curiosity which isn’t normal for me, I open the door in front of me.
As soon as I opened the door, lights flickered on revealing a gigantic bathroom that shined brighter than any diamond.
The bathroom was for some reason, as large as the room behind me, which houses a few dozen bookshelves, a king size bed, a large size desk, and a few hundred differently sized drawers. Plus that mysterious podium that holds a book. But this bathroom is the same size and it holds like three things.
Three gigantic mirrors that were arranged like they were monitors for a computer. Plus a fountain underneath them with a glass cup to hold toothbrushes or anything else, and the handles for the faucet were just pure gems.
There was a large bathtub to my right, and a shower station to my left.
And at the very center of it all was a full on throne of a toilet.
How else do you want me to describe it?
Like it’s fancy, with gold lines creating patterns, but. It’s a toilet. I don’t want to feel scared to dirty a toilet with my fingerprints when I take a shit.
This thing is a literal throne, something a king would sit on with the only difference being that there’s a hole where you sit, “Yeah. I don’t think I’m going to use that very much.”
Leaving the gigantic bathroom, my sights focus on the mysterious podium that stood ominously under the window.
The mere sight of it scared me a little, but also pulled me in. I don’t know how to describe it but, it was almost like a magnet as it pulls you in.
I couldn’t fight it either, I just walked over to it and tried to open it.
But as I tried opening the cover, the entire book began acting like a cinder block in that it wouldn’t open. Did people clue the thing shut or what?
I spent a good thirty seconds trying to at least open the cover, and not even managing that.
I was sweating from all corners of my body, and my lower jaw was burning even more from the pain, “Seriously what hell did they do to me?”
Dropping the book back down onto the podium I rushed back over to the bathroom, and after five seconds of running in the bathroom alone, I reached the mirror and looked at myself.
“...Haaah. Really.” On my face was a red mark that had the pattern of a star that you would usually find on someone’s shoe. Meaning either someone stepped on my face or kicked it hard enough to leave a shoe mark.
“Seriously, you’re in a new world where they can create entire stars, and you’re still thinking about beating me up. Makes you wonder how much they depend on me to relieve stress.” That thought kinda made me happy. Knowing I have some use.
Still, a red mark on my face isn’t new. What really got under my skin was the face I was born with. It was just so… Average.
...Psh what am I thinking, having an average face is the best.
You never have to fear that you're the ugliest person in your school and you don’t have to worry about clothing or hair style since anything you wear or do will just...look...normal.
PLUS if you’re running away from someone you could just run into a crowd of people and your pursuers will never find you!
“Yeah! It’s great having a Bland. Boring... Uninteresting... Overall just. Average face. Yeah.”
Leaving the bathroom while sweating through my eyes, I lock on the last thing in my room I haven’t checked out. The desk.
The desk was abnormally long, and yet, all the items seemed within reach.
There was also a chair. Just a chair.
It had a few gems on it, but compared to everything else it seemed pretty normal.
Sitting down onto the chair, the comfort I felt was nothing compared to my old mattress back home... Did I have a mattress actually?
Whatever, it was a good chair.
For the items on top of the desk, a total of three objects stood out..
One being a glass case that looked like a chest. Maybe I put my pencils and other things inside it.
There was a metal holder that held an orange crystal that emitted a light glow.
Finally there was a piece of paper that had writing on it.
The letters on the paper seemed to be moving, shifting and changing shape until every letter and word was that of the english alphabet, allowing me to read it’s context.
Dear Sir Leon Smith, after you collapsed for unknown reasons, the entire building including I were scared to death about what was happening to you. We were all wondering why you had fainted and what we should have done. Though we could have easily have woken you up, your classmates had suggested that we leave you alone to rest. As they are higher than me I was forced to oblige. So we continued the tour while one of the servants had brought you to your room to rest. Now while you may not have been able to join us on the tour, we did not completely finish the tour because of the commotion your collapse had caused and you hopefully will be well enough to join us the next day. Of course you fully have the right to walk around the building and explore yourself if you rather as, we will be discussing things we talked about on the day you collapsed. You may ask any of the servants for help and I will have drawn a map on the piece of paper to help you if you decide to go at it alone. Of course you will not be able to see the map yet, but I assure you once you finish reading you will see it. Now I will quickly explain all of the magical items that exist in your room. First of all there are your drawers. While the room contains many of these drawers, they are all connected and you only need to place your clothes inside and then visualize the clothing you want and it will appear in your hand. A few clothes were already placed inside and a picture of them will be on the back of the paper after you finish reading. Please study them so you can actually pull out the clothing. The Second magical item are the bookshelves that function very similarly to the drawers. While you can search for a book by hand, you can also input a small amount of mana inside and a panel will show up with a search bar at the top with categories as well. Search for any book you like and then the book you want will begin to glow, allowing you to find the book instantly. Of course you don’t know how to use mana yet, but you will learn in a few days. Now for the bathroom, the sink has a few handles made out of gems and works the same way as the bookshelf in that you need to input man into them as well for them to work. The same goes for the windows to open them, and for the crystal that’s on your desk which will brighten when you put mana inside it, and dim when you take mana out. Just so you know, this world does have windows, sinks, and glowing crystals that don’t need you to input mana to make them work, but this helps you with training. Now for the final and most important item in the list, is the old dusty book that’s sitting on the podium under the window. That is something you will not be able to access for some time, and don’t need to worry about. All you need to know is that it’s impossible to open without knowing the correct method. That is all and I pray for you to have a good day.
...Huh? That’s a lot to take in.
Reading the letter again to see if I missed anything, the paper began transforming and seemed almost see through.
Remembering what it said, I turned the letter around to the back, and a few colored pictures of clothes suddenly appeared with a map of the entire building that took up half of the page.
“Huh. Well that’s convenient.” The same goes everything else in this room.
A drawer that you can just imagine what you want and it will give it to you. A bookshelf that searches for the book you want.
I also like how the teacher gives me the option to just bail on the entire tour guide and go anywhere I want. I guess he figured out how shit I am with people. Yeah, kinda embarrassing though.
Whatever, at least I can explore everything at my own pace with no one staring at me or asking me questions to see if I’m paying attention. My ideal tour guide.
Sitting back into my chair, I begin reviewing everything that happened today.
The day started out normal. Woke up, snuck out of the house, went to school with the only abnormal thing being that Kyle didn’t greet me with his friendly fist.
And then shit just hit the fan.
I got summoned with my entire school to a new world. Met a girl I can sorta talk to, meaning I have a chance to make a friend. Got sorted into the summoner class, walked through a forest, entered this beast of a house with a miniature star as a light source. Passed out, found myself in this beautifully gigantic room, and finally learned that I can explore this entire building tomorrow by myself.
If you look at it from an angle. Everything about today really went my way. Today was perfect.
Especially the weird cute girl part. I definitely didn’t fall for her, after all I’ve only met her today, but it’s nice to talk to other people that’s not yourself.
“...Hah... What happened to me? I used to be able to talk to people. But now…” Believe or not, I was actually able to speak entire sentences to other, real, people back in the day. I even had a few friends that I could spend time with. I would still hang out with them today if they didn’t die.
Yeah, big shocker but they died. Some I don’t even know how they died, I just found their body one day.
Thinking back to the weird cute girl my mind tries to connect her face to something, “She feels so familiar, like I’ve seen her a bunch of times.”
I don’t think I’ve ever talked to her before today, but I’ve definitely seen her face a couple dozen times. I know it.
...Whatever, I’ve seen hundreds of people. Maybe she’s one of the faceless people who pass by me when I’m in the hallway to get to class. That’s probably it.
Even when I decided that, my mind wouldn’t leave her alone. I kept thinking about her. No matter how much I try to get her out of my mind it just wouldn’t leave. “Please don’t tell me I’ve fallen in love. I’ve known her for like an hour.”
Come on, think. What am I focusing on when I picture her?
What physical property about her am I focusing my attention on?
No, not physical. It’s her voice, and more like the words she said to me.
And then it hit me. The last thing she told me was essentially the answer to a theory I was trying to piece together.
She said that we’re essentially like prisoners in this world.
That may sound weird and doesn’t make sense to our current situation, but if you look at it from a certain angle, it does connect to our situation.
If you think about it, what are we to these people? Heroes, absolutely not. I don’t care how desperate you are, you’re not going to see a group of people you’ve just met as heroes.
Also, the term hero isn’t a title you can receive from the higher ups or someone like a king. It’s something you get from the people. And we haven’t even met the people yet.
No, we can’t be heroes, not when we haven’t done anything.
To them, we’re more like a symbol. Something to get the people, the foundation of any great civilization, to support or fight in a war they themselves did not sign up for.
Of course there’s probably a ton of different reasons why they summoned us, not just to make us a symbol, but it makes sense to me.
Plus, I don’t know anything about this world. Nothing at all except that they have some technology that surpasses even earth’s, and they have magic.
And that’s kinda the point of everything I’m talking about. We, not just me but the entire school. We don’t know anything about this world.
They can tell us anything they want and we’re forced to believe it. Fill our heads with both truth and lies, and we wouldn’t have anything to say about it because we don’t know anything.
And if we try to leave, well, they're clearly strong enough to stop us.
So while we’re in this world, we’re forced to believe everything these people tell us because we don’t know any better, and we can’t leave. And if we try, well…
They’re going to go with two options. Either they tell us some bullshit excuse about why we shouldn’t leave and how we need to stay, or they’ll kill that person and then tell us they let them leave the place.
So that’s why we’re like prisoners. We’re forced to stay here for as long as they allow it, and believe everything they say.
Of course though on the other side, I could be completely wrong. Maybe they’re really nice and I’m just being overly paranoid. Who knows.
Going back over to my bed, I stare up at the roof that’s projecting a starry sky. Wondering whether that’s the actual sky outside or an illusion the people of this world created.
Thinking back on my little theory about us being prisoners, I was hoping I was completely wrong and that these people are actually nice. But I know I should still prepare. Just in case.
I thought about just going back to bed, but quickly realized that I had way too much energy to sleep. So I needed something to occupy my time until daylight came.
Looking at the mysterious book that I was told would be impossible to open and that I shouldn’t even try. Well of course I’m going to try.
“But before that, I need to know how mana works.”
Looking over at the bookshelves, I was sure there would be something that tells me how mana works in this world.
But I can’t input my mana into the bookshelf to make that panel thing the letter was telling me about appear. And to find a beginners book that teaches people about how to utilize mana that’s also in english would take all night to find.
“Good thing I have all night. Well, at least half a night, but good enough.”
In hindsight I probably should have found a book that tells me about how long the nights are in this world.
Because apparently the day night cycle in this world is 41 hours long as opposed to earth’s 24 hours.
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