《Souls》A New World
As the light filled my vision, everything I could see turned dark.
My eyes were wide open and yet no light could enter them. It was like I was floating in outer space, but with no planets orbiting near me or any stars to light my way. I was just laying there, in the dark abyss.
All of a sudden with almost no warning, a strong force started pushing down on my body. It was painful, as if gravity was pushing me through the earth’s thick atmosphere.
Some kind of wind was gliding against my ear, bursting my fragile eardrums. It felt like my body was growing heavier and was picking up more speed, but in this endless darkness, nothing was rushing past me. It was all feeling, I had no idea if I was falling or rising, or whether I was speeding up. It might have all been in my head.
It was a strange feeling, thinking you were falling but don’t actually know if you are.
Before I could continue my analysis of this strange feeling, my back collided with some unknown material that felt like concrete.
Within a mere fraction of a second, the image of complete darkness once again changed to a one filled with colors and a large dome hovering over me.
My body was heavy, parts of me that I didn’t even know I had were all groaning in pain. I also wanted to join the rest of my body but something told me that if I opened my mouth, I wouldn’t have the strength to close it.
All I could do was stare up into the large dome roof.
The dome was like something you would find in a church. It had some flowers and its vines creating a spiral near the edges. The middle part had some lines separating it into eight different sections.
It looked like it was trying to tell a story.
The one I’m guessing to be the first in the story, was a poorly drawn painting of some people coming down in a bright light. Then if you move to the right, it shows those same people being trained. The next one being them traveling, then those people in a dark cave with creatures I suspect to be monsters.
The next section shows one of them, I’m guessing that person is the hero, getting a cool glowing sword, next it shows them going into a dark castle. I think you can guess what’s happening.
The last two sections are about the Hero, killing the big bad guy and the final one is them being adored by the people and seen as heroes. Pretty normal right.
The only part I don’t understand is that in the second to last section it shows some people in the background behind the guy I’m guessing to be the demon king, and they’re crying. Were they captured and are crying tears of joy, or, is it something else.
Before I could complete my thought, an old but strangely young voice echoed throughout the hall, “Welcome Heros! Welcome to the world of Skiyland! Thank you for answering our call.” Answer your call. I believe we were forced to come, but hey, I’m not complaining. If it’s an option to leave a certain someone that doesn’t involve killing myself then I’ll take it.
Good job me. Calling a certain someone, not by her name.
Knowing that if I think of Sofia, then I’ll either become super depressed or just scared. So I’ll just not think about her.
Also, the name of this world is Skiyland? That’s pretty dumb if you ask me.
“I understand this might be difficult to understand but,” No, it’s actually very easy to understand. It’s just hard to believe, “We have summoned you all here today because we are currently facing a grave threat that threatens all of humanity. And we need your help, brave heroes, to give us your support and strength to fight off this threat. You are our only hope.”
Hmm, a nice speech you made there. Add that last, our only hope bullshit to try and guilt us into helping you huh. I see what you’re doing.
Even trying to kiss our dicks by calling us brave heroes even though we’re all kids and almost none of us have any experience in fighting a war, or just fighting in general. But hey, keep calling us brave, I’m sure it’ll work eventually.
“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!” They’re saying that they need us to fight something because their lazy asses are too weak. Also, please don’t shout. Your voice echoes.
Of course, I couldn’t say any of these things as my body was too heavy and weak to speak. Now that I think about it, how can this person speak when I can’t.
Also, the person sounds very much like Satou, “What do you mean we’re your only hope. Why had you kidnapped us? And how are you going to return us?” I think this is Satou. My hearing is all over the place and nothing sounds like they should.
Satou’s voice acts like it’s in puberty again, going off pitch seemingly at random.
Silence took over after Satou’s little interrogation. If birds were outside chirping, not even they would want to make any noise.
It was very awkward, but I didn’t understand why.
Satou did ask many reasonable questions. If you're not one of those nerds who have been training for the day they go off to another world or me who has no life, you would ask these questions. So why isn’t this person talking?
Plus, how is Saotu talking? I can’t even open my mouth to breathe and yet this guy has the strength to scream at someone.
Don’t tell me I’m the only person who can’t speak or even stand up.
I hope it’s just him otherwise this would damage my pride if I had any.
“...Y-Your standing? You’re even speaking.” Standing too! Why does this guy get everything?
But he said it like it was unnatural, so I think it’s safe to assume that only Satou is doing these things. I’m not the odd one out.
“Yeah, I am. Actually, now that you mention it, why is everybody laying down with their eyes closed?” He stopped speaking for some time after this. If I had to guess, he was trying to see if everyone here was doing the same thing.
Soon he was over me, staring into my eyes, “Leon, you're awake! Do you know what’s happening here?” Fuck off! Don’t bring me into this, you know how shit I am at speaking. Deal with this yourself.
“Leon! Why aren’t you saying anything?” Bitch, you act like I actually spoke before coming here.
During all the confusion, the old but also young voice once again spoke out, “One that could stand and speak within mere moments. The other could even open their eyes. Impressive.”
Talent? Opening my eyes was considered impressive. Could this mean something?
Clearly, Satou is special as he was able to stand under all this weight. But seeing as how I’m the only other person who can open their eyes, that could mean I’m special as well.
Not as much as Satou, but I could be strong. Maybe I too have some ability in this world that could make me overpowered.
“What do you mean? How is standing and speaking or even opening one’s eyes impressive?”
“Hoho, well you see child. In my world, we have this substance known as mana.” I like where this is going, “it’s something that exists everywhere in this world. And after many years, the people of this world have figured out how to absorb mana into our bodies. Allowing us to do many incredible things.”
Alright, I think I understand a little. He may have not have said much, but I was able to take out certain words and have them tell a story.
For one, he’s talking about using this mana to perform magic, or something similar to that. Also, he said mana, not spirit or something like that. Meaning magic being performed by guiding spirits using certain incantations or having to be loved by spirits to use magic isn’t a thing in this world. That’s good seeing as how nobody likes me.
Finally, the most important part, he said they figured out how to absorb mana into their body.
This means two things. One, to acquire mana or to gain more, you need to absorb it from the environment and can’t generate it on your own. And finally, you can’t just use magic simply by relying on the environment, instead, you need to absorb a certain amount of mana beforehand.
That’s all the information I could pick out. It may seem like a lot, but considering this is a new world with rules outside of my understanding, I probably got a lot wrong. But I still want to see how much I got right. Come on, tell me I’m a genius.
Though, I just realized that he never said anything about why we can’t stand up. Maybe you should say that part first.
“What does this have to do with anything?” His voice is getting clearer and returning to his original voice. This could only mean one thing. I’m growing stronger! I must have some hidden ability!
“Well, you see brave hero. In this world, that substance known as mana can be used to perform a skill that people from your world like to call, Magic.” Fuck yeah, magic is a thing here. Also, he said people from our world. Are we not the first to come here?
“Magic? You mean something like shooting fire from our hands or calling a thunderstorm with a snap of our fingers?”
“Yes. You are a clever one hero.” Really? I figured all this out even before you mentioned magic and Satou’s the clever one?
“Don’t try to think of me as if I’m an idiot!” You are an idiot, “Magic isn’t real. None of it is! Now stop joking around and tell us where we are and why we’re here.”
“You will soon find out the truth. Before that though, we will answer your first question... You see, mana has existed in our world for centuries now. And with every breath, we absorb a fraction of this energy. So, every single living creature in this world has mana flowing through their veins the second they are born, but heroes like you. You come from a world with very little mana, only a fraction of the amount we have. Meaning that when you answered our call, your body couldn’t handle such a shock and will shut down to try and adapt to this new environment. After some time, everyone here will be walking around, better than ever. So for now, while your bodies won’t work, your minds are still as powerful as ever and can hear everything around you.” Huh? That’s convenient.
If both our bodies and mind were down, you could have done anything to us without us knowing. Maybe even install something inside us to do your bidding without question.
But I can’t say this, not only because I can’t speak, but also his explanation about why we can’t move, does make sense. If you lived in a desert all your life and instantly teleported to a snowy biome, you wouldn’t know what to do. Your body might just shut down because, like now, you weren’t ready for it and had no preparation.
It still doesn’t explain why Satou can move.
Answering my question, it felt like this man I haven’t even seen the face of, could read my mind. It was a scary thought, “But you seem to be different Satou. You're not tired, able to see, move, hear, and even speak. No other hero besides you have done this.” Alright, so it’s confirmed there have been other people before us.
I would like to say something, but I refuse to complain about going to a world with real magic.
“This could only mean one thing. You, Hero, have a unique ability that only you could use, and it allows your body to perfectly adjust to this world’s environment.” You know you make it sound op and stuff. But looking at the contents, it better be able to do other things, otherwise, it’s not as good as you make it out to be.
“...Alright? But what about Leon? Does he also have some unique ability like me?” YES! I was hoping you would ask that.
Come on, say what I want to hear, “I believe you are talking about the other hero who has opened his eyes. I just realized that I never knew your name. Please Hero, may I know what they call you?” His name is Satou. Now continue talking about me.
“It’s Satou. Satou Pendragon.”
“A very powerful name.” Tell me about it.
“Thank you for saying that. So about Leon, what’s happening to him?” Don’t act as if you care about me.
“Well Hero Satou, unlike you, your friend Leon does not have a unique ability. I’m guessing that he’s able to open his eyes before everyone else is because either his body has some unique trait about it that allows his body to adapt to a new environment quickly. Or his mental strength is strong enough for him to bypass the restrictions of his body and force it to do what he says.”
...Really? So I don’t have some cool ability that only I can use. It’s just that I’m headstrong and have been through so much shit that my body is better at adapting to a new environment than others… Well, there goes my overpowered boner.
I wouldn’t say I’m sad. More disappointed. In myself.
Satou of course has to respond, though in a way I didn’t like, “Are you sure? Because that doesn’t sound like Leon.”
This little shit! Doesn’t sound like me? Because you just know so much about me huh. Yeah, you know about my days with the one I shall not say the name of or my days being homeless. I bet you know the exact number of people I’ve seen kill in front of me, some dying because of something I did. Yeah, you must know all about those things huh.
You don’t know me. You know nothing about me.
The only thing you’ve ever seen from me is the stuff done to me at school. Honestly, it’s a miracle I haven’t killed myself after some of the things you’ve done to me.
But I haven’t killed myself, so fuck off. My mental strength is stronger than everybody in school combined.
You little assfucks.
“Now then Hero Satou. Let us end our little discussion, as I believe it’s time that I tell everyone what is happening.” I love how he always says hero before saying Satou’s name. But when he was talking about me, he just said Leon. Guess he knows the social standing of my school.
After that, Satou walked over and passed me, then went off somewhere else. I don’t know where it was, but it was far.
After some time, I could barely hear his voice mumbling something. I don’t know what he said, and I don’t want to know.
Afterwhich, this man finally began to tell us what was happening and why we were here.
He spoke a lot during this, so to put it simply, the man talking right now is essentially the pope of this world, and is named Alex. Just Alex apparently.
After that, he told us about the five major races that lived within this world. These were the five major races, which included Humans, Demi-humans, Elves, Demons, and Orcs. Humans ruled over the Southern area. The Demons ruled over the Western area. The Demi-humans lived in the wilderness of the north. The Elves lived proudly in the Eastern area. And the Orcs lived within the endless desert.
Alex didn’t talk much about the endless desert, saying only that it was this large area that covered around thirty percent of Skiyland. It stretched from the western area of the demons, all the way to the elves of the eastern area. So it was pretty much a border that separated the north from the south.
Anyways, although they were separated, every one of them was united for one thing, War. Known as the Holy War, it was a battle between the reincarnations of the Hero and the Demon King. A battle that has lasted for centuries, but recently, the tides of war have been shifting in the Hero’s favor.
You see, a few thousand years ago, the Demon King with his superior numbers has been able to suppress the Hero’s side with no signs of defeat. The Demon King's victory has been numerous, to the point where the Holy War was about to end in his favor.
But when all seemed lost, the few survivors within the Hero’s faction received a message from the Gods leading them to an ancient mountain. There, the survivors happened to stubbled upon a powerful spell that could summon powerful warriors to their world. This was the beginning of the rise of the Hero. Not only do they have the original Hero but now many other warriors that could rival the Hero.
So now, with the reincarnated Hero, plus many others who have the same power as one, the Demon King has been pushed back. Losing all but a few battles that have occurred in the last few centuries.
That wasn’t to say the war was easy now. When you compare the size of each army, the Demon King’s was clearly larger. This was because they had more support than the Hero. With the Hero having the support of the Humans and the elves, and the Demon King having the Demons, Demi-humans, and the Orcs.
That wasn’t to say there weren’t any other races helping the two. Such as dwarves and giants, all considered powerful races, but in the end, are too small when compared to a major race. Many of the minor races were split between the two sides. Such beings like the mermaids being divided, with half supporting the Hero and the other half for the Demon King.
So, what I’m getting from all of this is that the people of this world are a bunch of lazy ass weaklings that even after a few centuries of fighting and summoning people from another world, still can’t figure out how to make their own fighters stronger. That’s what I’m getting.
I know I’m wrong and that it’s more complicated than that, but I don’t care.
Hah, it’s not good to complain. I’ve been given a chance to start over, without anyone in particular to ruin my life. I shouldn’t bitch about every little thing.
By the way, the entire time this guy was talking, more and more people were able to start moving.
I myself was the fifth person to regain my motor control. You would think I get up right after Satou, but no, I’m fifth.
Right after Satou, Anna got up, which I’m happy about. Though, when she got up, her face was very red, wonder what that’s about.
After Anna, my first-period teacher got up after her. I don’t know her name, but she was one of the few people who hasn’t given up on me and is still trying to get me to do my best. What an idiot.
Still, Satou was the first person to get up, then Anna and now our female teacher. I see a harem beginning to form.
And yes, I’m okay with someone taking Anna away from me. Even if she never returns my feelings, as long as she’s happy, I’m happy.
After my teacher, Satou’s best, probably gay friend John got up. Right after him, I did as well.
People continued to get up after me, but other than the people already up plus Kyle, I don’t really care for anyone else in this school.
Actually, looking into my surroundings, I realize how large this building is.
The inside is similar to that of a cathedral, with large pillars holding the roof up, and arches connecting the pillars to each other. Plus the huge dome that I’ve been staring at for the past hour.
And looking at the number of people, both standing and the ones still laying down, I think everybody in the school is in here.
I see some of the faces of my school’s staff, and some students that I sorta remember the face of.
...Great, if they ruin my school life back in my world, they’ll ruin it here. Why not.
I really hope I’m talented in magic otherwise, my life here will be no different than my school life back home. After all, everybody who tormented me is here, even Kyle who I didn’t see at all during school today. Great to see him.
Looking back over to Alex who was still talking about how the hero has a responsibility to protect the people of this world but ended up sounding more like he was begging, I was able to get a really good look at him.
The man wasn’t intimidating, in fact, he was the opposite. He was old, but still had a few years left in his body. Having gray hair and a beard, slouching due to his old body, and other smaller details not worth mention. His appearance was that of an old kind man who has experienced the world and has much to tell.
His clothes were what you would expect from essentially the pope of this world. He wore a nice clean white skirt that covered his feet. And for his chest, he had a nice white garb with a red cape with gold patterns etched onto its side. Also, hanging off his sides, were some white cloth banners that held the exact same gold pattern as his cape.
He had one of those white crowns that were like a foot in height that some popes wear on top of his head.
Wielding a golden staff and sporting a golden aura with a shine similar to that of a sun.
No wonder we were laying down on the floor even though this cathedral had some chairs. If we woke up staring at this dude, we would be blinded instantly. Though it begs the question of how Satou was able to have a full interrogation with this guy.
After around a few hours of waiting, everyone was up and were all sitting down in a chair listening to what Alex had to say, and doing a roll call because the teacher I still don’t remember the name of but still cares about me, was able to get her head straight and went to see who was here and who was not.
She didn’t call my name, maybe because Alex was talking about me in the beginning, or she just knew I wouldn’t answer her.
Once everyone was accounted for, the teacher went up to Alex and began to demand him to return us, “What a horrible joke! You think you could just kidnap us and pretend that we’re in some new world that has magic. You’re Crazy! RETURN US TO THE SCHOOL AT ONCE!!!”
Alex began stroking his long beard, deep in thought. That or he was just trying to make the moment more dramatic.
“I see... You do not believe me?”
“No I don’t. I’m sorry if you’re being serious but magic, demons, elves, and things like that aren’t real. Please, just return us back to school.” Her voice was getting sadder with every word she spoke. I think while she has a level head, she might be the most scared out of everyone.
“I understand. It’s hard to believe that you were summoned to another world. But this has happened in the past before. So let me show you, what magic truly is.”
Wait, is he going to show us magic? As in real magic?
He stuck his arms out in the opposite direction, currently making a T-pose.
Without giving any warning, a loud crackling sound emerges from his direction.
Soon, electricity began flowing across his arms, within a second reaching the palms of his hands. Building up, and soon bursting out with two beams of lightning shooting off into the walls of the cathedral.
But it didn’t stop there. The lightning traveled in full view towards the pillars that held this building up. Running up the pillars and reaching the dome where both streams of lightning connected at the very center of the dome. Building up once again and shooting back down like a real bolt of lightning. The bolt leaving a dark spot on the ground.
With lightning traveling at untold speeds, you think this entire showcase would have lasted only a second, but instead, it went on for almost ten seconds.
The guy was able to slow down the lightning to a point where we could actually watch where it goes. Somehow that was more unbelievable than a guy shooting lightning out of his hands.
The teacher’s leg was shaking, not able to comprehend what had just happened in front of her, “I-I-I-I don’t believe it. It’s fake for sure. You planned this from the start.” Her voice was doing a Leon, and shaking to the point that nobody could understand her.
“I see. Then please, tell me what you want me to do and I will try my best to let you understand that in this world. Magic does exist.”
And so she did. Asking him to do a bunch of different elements and tricks that couldn’t have been done with science. Shooting fire out of his hands, forming ice from nothing, lifting some chairs with wind, and even had him float in midair.
With every new trick that she forced him to do, my desire to learn magic continued to grow. Images of me flying through the sky were filling my stomach more than any chicken could.
At this point, the teacher’s legs had given up on her. She was just sitting there on the ground, her face filled with disbelief.
“Do you believe me now?”
She looked up at his face, she looked like she was about to cry, “Y-Yes I d-d-d-do. I believe y-you. B-But still... I c-can’t let y-you do this.”
“Hmm, do you need another demonstration?”
“No! I just mean that you can’t use these children to fight in this so-called, Holy War. I won’t allow it. Things may be different here, but back in our world, we live in a peaceful world. Free of violence. But you want to bring these children into a war where not only could they die, but they will have to take the life of someone else. I won’t let them have to go through that. So please, fight your own war, and leave us out of it.” Her voice was shaky and if you looked close enough, some tears were falling. But she had this determined look, like that of a warrior.
It almost makes me want to learn her name.
The man was speechless and seemed like he didn’t know what to say.
After some time, the man opened his mouth and said, “I understand. I guess I have no choice but to do this.”
He said that last part menacingly, like a villain. It sent shivers down everyone’s spine.
Even I was scared. It was like looking down the throat of a tiger.
Alex stepped forward, and in this silent building, that step was all we could hear.
Once he was a few feet from my teacher, he went down onto his knees, and with one swift motion, brought his forehead down towards the ground. Banging it so loud, that the volume of the noise was the same as someone screaming.
In a sad old man’s voice, he begged my teacher, “Please Miss Hero, I beg of you! Help us in this time of need! I know it’s hard to have the people you care about to fight our battles but believe me in that I would never want this. But we don’t know what to do. The battle we’re currently in is different from the rest. We’re at a complete disadvantage, almost all of the minor races have betrayed us and joined their side, the demons now have three SSS-Rank fighting for them, and worst of all, one of them even knows draconic magic. Do you know what that is? It’s the magic of the dragons, but it has another name. The most powerful form of magic in this world. It takes only one spell to wipe out an entire kingdom.”
He looks up at us, tears flowing down his eyes like a waterfall, “Worst of all, we don’t even know where the reincarnated Demon King is! The Demon King was around a few years ago, training to become stronger, and then just left. We don’t know what happened to him, signs showed that he has reincarnated again. But we don’t know why or how! Nothing is going as planned. We’re losing support for the Hero, losing talented individuals on our side while the Demons gain more power. And now the Demon King seemed to have died and has reincarnated again which should be impossible, since the Hero is the only one who could kill him! Nothing is normal, everything is wrong.”
During his rant, nobody in this building dared to speak. I don’t think it’s in our right to speak after everything this man was saying.
He was talking about things none of us have any idea about, such as SSS-Rank or draconic magic. None of it made sense to us, and then he began ranting about losing supporters and not knowing what the current Demon King is doing.
It felt like the man had gone through things we could never imagine, and have seen things nobody should ever see. What could we say, the only thing I think would help would be telling him that we would stay and fight for humanity.
I think everybody knew that the only way to cheer him up is to tell him we’ll help, but until he’s done, nobody, not even a mouse will speak.
“And even this Hero Summoning didn’t go as planned. Normally in the past, we would only ever summon around three to five people to help us. Not over a hundred people, we’re not ready or have the resources to nurture this many. I don’t know what to do! With things going so bad for humanity, everybody thought it would be best to summon more people than usual. But…”
A hand grasp Alex’s shoulder. The man looked up only to see Satou’s face looking down on him like a hero would.
He had a smile plastered onto his face. I couldn’t see it but the way the old man's face glowed, I’m guessing it looked like God had just descended.
“Thank you Alex. Thank you for showing us how dire things are currently. And I have decided that even though I’ll be sad and hurt by not seeing my family for years, I will fight for humanity, and for you. Not only because I think learning magic would be fun and cool, but also because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I knew I had the chance to save even one person, and I threw that chance away because of my selfishness... I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
The old man’s face glowed like the stars above, “T-Thank you Hero.”
Satou declared that he would help Alex and this world in their fight against the Demon’s caused a ripple effect. The once scared and depressed audience that was once watching this old man cry, are now standing up and declaring that they would help as well.
The first one to say he would join being John himself, “Of course you would say something like that. You can’t ever just look the other way. But hey, that’s what I like about you, plus, if you were to do this alone, I would worry about you. I’ll fight too.”
“I-If J-J-John is going... Then I will too.” Who’s this girl? Does she have a crush on John? Let me tell you, you have some competition that you probably won’t win against.
“Karla” Wait? He actually knows her name!
“Well... I guess we really don’t have a choice. So, I guess I’ll fight as well.”
“Anna” Don’t you say her name so romantically! I’m okay if you two start dating, but until then, fuck off.
After those four, though it seemed more like the three, everyone else started showing their approval, even some of the other teachers joined in. The small female teacher, I say small but she’s only like a head smaller than me, had no chance of convincing them otherwise. Her already fallen legs had once again fallen even deeper into the ground.
It was decided that my school and everyone in it would be the Heroes of this world and try our best to save humanity.
And the one question most prominent on my mind was, how many of these people actually care about saving people, and how many just wanted to learn magic.
Satou once again spoke, trying to tell the teacher his plans, “I’m sorry Eva. I know you’re just trying to protect us, but I just can’t leave knowing people are depending on us to live. I couldn’t live with myself. And I’m glad to know that everybody else feels the same way, I’m truly lucky to be part of a school with such kind and generous people.” Her name’s Eva? I will try and remember that.
Also, kind and generous? The fuck kind of world you live in?
Satou looks over towards Alex once more, and in a determined voice, asks him, “Now Alex, what’s next?”
The old man gave a smile that could rival the grinch, “Well, first I want to show you around. You need to know where you'll be training before we start.”
“Alright then, begin the tour.”
Alex got up from his embarrassing position and began leading everybody to the exit.
Eva, the teacher I just learned the name of, scrambled to her feet and ran over to the group. Most likely so she didn’t want to be alone and was planning on using the excuse of wanting to protect us.
We reached a large wooden door, this one being taller than two Leon’s stacked on top of each other.
“I do believe this will be the first time you see the outside world. So here it is, your first look at a new, magical world.”
He creaked open the door with his bony hands, revealing the light that we all sought for.
I wanted nothing more than to see the outside world and what this place had to offer, but a small voice at the back of my head kept bugging me.
Every step I took, the concerned voice continued to get louder. It was getting harder to ignore.
Finally, I let him voice his concern.
And his concern was about how Alex never did tell us how or if it was even possible... to return back to our old world.
Well, nothing I can do about it. Alex is clearly stronger than me and can kill me with a literal thought, plus I can’t speak to anyone without stuttering to the point that nobody can understand me.
Memories of my old life began flooding my head, showing all the terrible things that that world has done to me. Whether it be on the street, at school, or even in Sofia.
A small smile started forming at the corners of my lips.
Well, I guess I’ll keep that piece of information to myself. And besides, there’s nothing waiting for me back home.
I guess I’ll just try and enjoy my new life here.
In this new World
- In Serial20 Chapters
AI immortal god soul
Our MC the creater of the most advanced AI dies in the process of merging his body with the AI system but to his surprise wakes up to find himself reincarnated into a new world,a world of cultivation. Watch our MC grow with the help with the AI system and his innate ability the immortal god soul.
8 202 - In Serial12 Chapters
Heavenly Flame
Every prince born in the Tian Dynasty goes through a ritual to recover memories from their previous lives. With these memories, they receive amazing cultivation techniques and martial skills that make them stand above all other men and able to rule the world from the Heavenly Court. When Tian Yan wakes up from the ritual, he realizes something is wrong and he does not seem to possess any of the advantages he was expecting. Will he be able to compete in the backstabbing, scheming, and politicking that is required to succeed his father and inherit the Imperial throne? Or even survive? After all, they stand above all other men and that means the biggest threat to a prince is the other princes. Heavenly Flame is a Xianxia story with a heavy focus on drama, relationships, and romance. It will have a lot of recognizable things from the genre but I will also try to subvert elements that I do not like about it. Scheduled chapters will be released Tuesdays at 11:00 CET and Thursdays at 19:00 CET. I might still release additional chapters depending on my other workload but these will be marked as such.
8 84 - In Serial7 Chapters
generic apocalypse harem story with LITRPG elements NOW WITH 100% MORE DOGS AND HEAVY METAL NOTE: will continue to update cover art Upload schedual will be every 3 days until chapter 20. At which point I'll reevaluate my schedual.
8 104 - In Serial9 Chapters
Aristocratic Avenue
Andrew had a pretty simple life plan: write LitRPG fiction, make a boatload of cash, and... well, he'd figure out what he actually wanted to do with the cash once he'd gotten it. But things haven't worked out quite as he'd hoped. After dozens of failed LitRPG serial attempts and countless thousands of words written, he's found himself pushing forty and broke, living alone in a crappy apartment.But when the platform upon which he publishes his work, Aristocratic Avenue, gains sentience, he and his fellow writers suddenly finds themselves transported to a playground of its own making, a place where there are no rules except the ones the authors have imposed upon themselves through their own writing. Spawned in pods of three, they will need to work together to figure out just what the darned heck they're supposed to be doing and how to get the goodness gracious out of there.In Andrew's pod are the bossy and enigmatic Margeaux Sinclair, crossover erotica/LitRPG author who immediately demands increasingly kinky sex from the hapless Andrew in order to level up. There's also teenager Zachary, who is rather regretting his choice to write about a world populated only by the undead. Turns out, it's kinda hard to talk when your lips are rotting off.Armed only with his skills of Deduction and Investigation and an inspirational mug he managed to bring along with him from home, Andrew is determined to answer one question:What the ever-loving blessed little heart?!---This is a blow-off-steam hobby project, and I can't tell you how often it'll update as it's dependent on my regular work. But I hope you enjoy it regardless!
8 115 - In Serial41 Chapters
Her Three Kings {Volturi Kings}
"If I hug you are you going to eat me?" "My brothers would be very unhappy with me were I to do so.""That was really a yes or no question."***Liliana is a very special girl, with a very special gift. She has been immersed in the world of vampires since she was nine years old. They've raised her, loved her, and protected her. She was content with her life until the day she discovered she was mated to the three Volturi kings. It's an adjustment for all of them, but it isn't long before Liliana is blissfully living her happily ever after with her mates.But things slowly begin to fall apart and, before she knows it, her entire world has crumbled around her. Unable to discover what went so horribly wrong, she can't begin to repair it. Suddenly, every comfort she has is torn away from her. Can the kings repair the damage or will they lose their mate forever?This story is complete at 76,000 words
8 135 - In Serial16 Chapters
art book
8 139