《How to protect a hero》Chapter 8: Childhood love


Once we've arrive at the adventure's guild, i started to look for some adventurers who will help in our journey. May kept glaring at me while saying idiot. I just don't understand women...


There were some people that i find trustworthy but May kept rejecting them since they were weak. It would take a long time before i could find some people. May called out to me as she wondered about that incident.

"Crix! How did you unlock that girl's collar?"


I tilted my head as she said that. Ah....so that how it is.

Since she lived in a different world, she didn't know how magic works here. But she was more curious as to how did i unlock that collar.

"Um...its like countering the magic of the collar by infusing mine into the collar. If i put too much magic in it, i would have blown that girl's head off."

As i said that, she punch me in the stomach. She was mad at me that i almost killed the girl. But i didn't have a choice, that was the only method i knew. But i still continue to speak.

"By balancing the magical wavelength, i could destroy the magical seal and use force to quickly remove the collar so that it will not infuse the magic into the girl. If that happened, the girl will be poison with magical toxicity and die."

As i finished my words, May understand that it was hard to unlock the collar. Thats why i told her it was dangerous. I too don't have experience in using that. If i told her that, she would probably kill me. We headed to the inn as a young girl in robe approached us.

"Hey! Long time no see."




As the girl took off her hood, i immediatly recognise her. She was my childhood friend who hang out with me. We were the same age as we play with my brother. She was an energetic girl while i was the scaredy cat. But i broke off from her as i never want to see her again. She was the person i care for, my first love, Silica.


"I'm sorry..."


That day, i realise that she already like someone. My heart broke down as ran away from her. I always thought to myself that i was seen special to her eyes but her heart had belong to someone.

My brother...

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